"That's right, that's because the patriarch brought all of us to this Feng Shui treasure land, and our Lijia Village is now like this, hehe."

Li Xiaoju smiled even more happily, and the facial features on her face were wrinkled until they were almost human-shaped. It was hard to imagine how a person could smile like this.

Zhenfei and Ichiri followed slowly, and further back, Hayasaka and others were also following carefully in secret.

Soon, the group passed through the area with lush vegetation and came to the side of the deep lake.


There was a turbulent sound from the river flowing down in the distance, which clearly reached the ears of Gao Hai and his party. But the lake is very quiet, so quiet that you can't see the slightest fluctuation in the water surface, as if the lake is not a real lake, but a mirror.

felt it.

Although it was not very clear, at this moment, Gao Hai finally felt the existence of the strange thing slightly.

From this lake, which is like a pool of stagnant water, I can feel the eerie atmosphere that can only be possessed by the weird.

"Hey, this lake is called [Water Ghost Lake]. Hey, you don't have to be afraid. There are not really water ghosts. It's just that many people have drowned in this lake. Those who died were entangled in the water plants at the bottom of the lake. If you don’t come, sometimes it floats up for no reason. It’s very scary, so it’s named [Water Ghost Lake]. Dear guests, don’t look at this lake that seems very quiet and clear, but it’s very deep inside. Don’t go swimming.”

Li Eryang grinned and introduced the lake to the players behind him while smiling.

The smiles on the faces of these two villagers now make people feel somewhat sincere in them.

Gao Hai didn't know where this feeling came from, but neither the blessing of sensing good and evil, nor the blessing of sensing abnormal human beings, had any effect on these two villagers, nor did Ichiri Goto's blessing. produce corresponding effects. In other words, these two people really do not have any malicious intentions, and their own cognition does not deviate too much from normal humans.

But is this possible?

Two ordinary human villagers appeared in a Red Moon level dungeon, and they actually came to contact the players with good intentions. This kind of thing...

Gao Hai thought for a long time and finally decided not to act rashly.

It was also at this time that Gao Hai heard the warning message from Mianzi through his spiritual link.

{Yotani Miko: Something went wrong, senior, we saw that paper man}

{Yitani Miko: It is not completely buried in the ground as described by seniors, with only half of its head exposed}

{Yotani Miko: It is standing in front of the road, directly blocking our way, and... it is heading in the direction where I am, changing its direction as I move}

{Yitani Miko: That thing has discovered us}

The girl's voice sounded very calm in the spiritual link.

But for the three people who were on the forest path at this time, the situation was not good.

The temperature is dropping.

The paper figurine, whose body was blurry and mixed with various colors, barely maintaining a human form, was standing in the middle of the dirt road, turning slightly towards the three girls hiding in the grass.

It was clear that the sky was clear just now, but now the three of them saw that the sky was getting darker, and there seemed to be some vague signs of fog.

"Are you going to try to attack the other party?"

Kaguya has already taken out the [Soul Seizing Bow] Gao Hai gave her and is ready to attack the paper man.

"No, we don't know what this thing is yet. Don't act rashly. Let's try to get around it first. After all, according to the rules we have obtained so far, as long as we [ignore] this thing, nothing will happen. Big question."

Jianzi shook his head slightly, but after some thought, he rejected the plan.

She could feel that the paper man was watching her.

When she came here just now, she re-read the notice that Gao Hai had seen before, and confirmed that the content of the notice in her sight this time would not change like it had before at Yeluoshan Middle School, so she decided to press the button on it. content to do.

When the senior walked this way just now, he stepped directly on the face of the paper man, but nothing happened. Then, [ignoring] this thing should be able to reduce the connection between oneself and this thing to a certain extent, which can solve the current problem.

With this thought in mind, Miko and Kaguya Hayasaka expressed their opinions. After a brief thought, Hayasaka decided to follow Miko's idea, while Kaguya did not insist on the strategy of taking the initiative to attack. The three of them discussed it again with Gao Hai, so Goto Kazuri quietly strummed the guitar, causing the clone that followed the three of them to rush towards the paper man, and then the three of Mitsuko's side passed through the bushes next to the road. Started to move quietly.


With a muffled sound, the clone made by Guitar knocked over the paper man.

The thing clearly exuded a strong aura of strange things, but it seemed to be just a dead thing. It didn't react at all even after being knocked to the ground.

Just seeing the child, he could still vaguely feel a cold gaze looking at him, from his back, from his... from the front?

The gloomy path was no different from before.

The paper man standing in the middle of the path was no different from before.

The sky became gloomier.

The clone that knocked down the paper man just now has disappeared.

It was as if the actions of the three of them just now had not happened, as if they had never left this road, never left this place.

Ichiri, who was walking behind Gao Hai, widened her eyes in astonishment. She suddenly lost the perception of her own clone, but could not find out why.

At the same time, the paper man standing still trembled slightly.

Then, Jianzi, Kaguya and Hayasaka all clearly heard a voice ringing in their ears.

[Excuse me, how to get to Yingti Village? ]

Chapter 4: Increasingly strange phenomena and suspected split objects


The cold breeze blew the tall trees and low shrubs around, making a strange rustling sound like something was crawling in them.

Jianzi, Kaguya and Hayasaka, the three operators who stayed behind, were caught in a dilemma at this moment.

The paper man who had clearly bypassed it was still in front of the road at this time.

Not only that, the surrounding terrain had clearly not changed at all. Although Jianzi herself did not have such a good spatial memory and could not distinguish it, both Kaguya and Hayasaka were 100% sure that they had returned directly to the place where they started. It was like encountering a strange wall, and they returned to the original position after walking for a while.

[Excuse me, how to get to Yingti Village? ]

The indifferent voice, which could not hear any emotion and was difficult to distinguish between male and female, sounded in the ears of the three people at the same time.

Obviously, the paper man was standing in front of the three people, and there was still a certain distance between them, but the sound was as if the other party was right next to them, and even almost close to their bodies.

Something was wrong.

At this point, no additional explanation was needed, and everyone could realize how wrong the situation was at this time.

It was clear that this game of the dungeon had just started for less than an hour, and the danger had already come quietly. At this time, I am afraid that if I neglected it, I would face the possibility of death.

{Do you want to try to fight with the domain blessing? }

Kaguya looked at Hayasaka.

{…I can’t make up my mind. If we confront it directly, it means that we have officially [taken care of] that thing. I can’t be sure what kind of reaction this will bring. It depends on what Yotsuya-san plans to do. Act according to her intuition.}

Hayasaka hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Miko herself, who was still silent at this time.

And Yotsuya Miko’s eyes did not turn to Kaguya or Hayasaka, but were still firmly locked on the paper man standing still.

Yingti Village.

That thing wants to go to Yingti Village.

Although there are many things that are not clear, through the voice just now, Miko can at least confirm one thing, that is, the place where this [paper man]’s obsession points to must be the village called [Yingti Village].

But the key problem is not just this.

After all, there is another very similar place name, a place called [Yingti Village].

Jianzi knew that the name of the dungeon they were entering was the name of the Red Moon-level ticket held by the Red Society, which was now invalid and could not enter the dungeon. It was "Infant Crying Village".

Moreover, the name of the village that the unlucky guys had investigated in the dungeon was exactly "Orying Village". It was just missing that one word, and it just matched the current situation.

If you just read it out loud, just comparing the pronunciation, there is definitely no way to tell the difference between "Infant Crying Village" and "Orying Village". However, since entering the world of "Sacrifice Game", all players have been given the ability to know languages ​​omnisciently. This ability allows players to directly understand languages ​​they don't know, even languages ​​they have never heard before. And this ability, coupled with Jianzi's own magical and strange perception, is enough to bring out some wonderful characteristics.

Therefore, Jianzi can hear that the name of the village that the paper man asked about must be "Orying Village".

Could that [Yingti Village] and the [Lijia Village] that the seniors are heading to be the same place?

And why did this thing not react when the seniors passed by, but now it wants to stop us?

Is it because there is no guide? Or is there some other reason?

The girl was thinking seriously.

Although Yotsuya Miko is actually only participating in the dungeon for the third time, compared with the fear of the first participation and the clumsiness of the second participation, Miko has become much calmer and more mature now, and she is not panicked at all because of being blocked by the weird thing.

{Cannot launch an attack, cannot interact, at least cannot interact with this paper man blocking the way}

Miko quickly looked at Kaguya and Hayasaka beside her.

{I can feel the side of this thing as a weird thing, but I don’t feel any strong emotions and presence from it. This thing...it should be a derivative weirdness, an illusory individual derived from the power of a weird thing that we have not yet encountered and is unknown. If we contact this thing rashly, not only will our attack fail to achieve any real effect and really destroy anything, but it may also make us establish a connection with the unknown source. Let's try to bypass it. I need to make sure whether ignoring this thing continuously will bring about any new changes.}

Through Kaguya's use of spiritual power to bless Chiyoko, the three of them established a short-range spiritual communication network and began to discuss action strategies.

The paper man still stood there, without any change in action.

Except for the first time he made a sound to ask how to get to Yingti Village after hitting the wall, the thing never made any abnormal actions again, as if it was really just a paper man.

And Jianzi, who decided to bypass this thing, had taken out a small ornament and hung it around his neck.

The ornament was a bird's leg, a completely dried and curled bird's leg. Although it might not be easy to confirm just by looking at the appearance, Jianzi could know through his perception that this thing was a chopped-off pigeon leg, so this small pendant obsession was called [Dried Pigeon Leg] by Jianzi, a positioning-type Dark Night-level obsession.

After wearing this obsession, whether the user is active or passive, the power of the obsession will be triggered after walking, and he can't help but run towards the person he likes and cares about the most. In other words, as long as she wears this obsession, Jianzi will instinctively move closer to Gao Hai's direction and set foot on the road to Gao Hai's location.

As a dark night-level obsession, this thing is very rare and can break through the space barrier. For example, if Jianzi or Gao Hai had this obsession before at Yeluoshan Middle School, they could use it to directly break the space blockade at different depths and force a reunion. Well... it's hard to say if Gao Hai got it, after all, Jianzi doesn't have the confidence to believe that she is the person Gao Hai likes and cares about the most.

In any case, I hope this thing can have some effect.

Thinking of this, Jianzi once again went around the bushes beside the paper man, and Kaguya and Hayasaka followed carefully. The three of them walked slowly and walked a distance in the bushes beside the forest path.

This time, the paper man did not appear in front of the road again.

Did he get rid of it?

Jianzi raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky, and then he couldn't help but be stunned.

It was dark.

I couldn't find anything wrong at all. When I looked up, I realized that it was getting dark.

{Senior, where are you now?}

The girl who noticed something was wrong immediately asked Gao Hai through the mental link.

{We have slowed down our pace and are still at the edge of the field. Don't panic. Use the blessing that you just got, which can sense our position. That blessing should be used to confirm our distance from each other. If you use that blessing... huh?}

Gao Hai's response immediately sounded from the mental link. Jianzi knew that he was talking about [Andres's blessing], but Gao Hai paused before he finished speaking, and Jianzi himself quickly realized the reason for his pause.

[Andres's blessing], this blessing should enable the blessing holders to sense each other and transfer to each other's side, but at this time it gave Jianzi and Gao Hai a very vague response. It was as if they were no longer in the same time and space, and no longer in the same copy. No... this level is not enough to achieve the real separation into different copies. Even if there is space-time division in a normal copy, it is impossible to have such an effect.

Unless the copy of [Infant Crying Village] has begun to evolve from a single copy to different copies in different time and space?

Is there such a possibility?

Does the copy of [Sacrifice Game] still have such a function? From one to multiple, from a single copy to different copies, is it possible to do this?

At this moment, Jianzi realized that the secrets hidden in this strange copy that they had just stepped into might be extraordinary, far exceeding any copy they had experienced before.

{Although the connection has become blurred, the power of blessing can still be mobilized, and it should be fine if you force it back. Don't panic, stay calm, and check if your companions are okay first. You may not really get rid of the influence of the paper man, and the things here may be very complicated}

Gao Hai was still reminding Jianzi in the mental connection.

At this time, he thought of the two companions beside him, the girl who had become a little quiet, and he planned to turn his head to look to the side.

"Have we gotten rid of it?"

Hayasaka's voice sounded from the side.

In the dark red light, Miko was about to respond subconsciously, but then her eyes widened suddenly, and her whole body became stiff.

"We didn't see that thing in front anymore. We should have gotten rid of that paper man, right?"

Kaguya's voice sounded from the other side.

One on the left and one on the right, Miko was sandwiched in the dark red light.

One on the left and one on the right, two paper men who were almost identical to Kaguya and Hayasaka, holding dark red lanterns, walked like this, making sounds, and looking at Miko in the middle.

Chapter 5: Another village and the lost person under the dark red light

Hayasaka had already noticed the abnormality of the surrounding situation a long time ago.

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