Sometimes these people talked about this family's affairs, and sometimes they talked about another family's affairs. Everyone was happy and looked like a happy family.

Soon, the dumplings were wrapped.

So everyone put the dumplings into the big pot and cooked them. After a batch was cooked, they took them out and placed them on a porcelain plate.

Gao Hai and Yili made a lot of dumplings together, and made hundreds of big dumplings, which were emitting hot steam.

Then, these dumplings were brought back into the ancestral hall and placed on the altar, in front of the mountain god statue.

Long tables have been set up in the open space outside the ancestral hall, and open-air banquets have been set up.

"Although there have been many accidents, this festival to welcome the gods has finally been successfully held. Folks, come, let us celebrate together for the happy Lijia Village under the protection of the mountain god, and for the good life of all of us. I'll drink first!"

Li Ziyong raised a glass of white wine and drank it all in one gulp with a laugh.

The villagers laughed heartily and raised their glasses. Everyone looked happy and joyful.


Gao Hai was still watching.

The limit of Eriko's blessing was coming, but he still couldn't find a chance to teleport and revive.

He could feel a gaze, which was not completely directed at him, but was looking at the villagers outside. But he was still within the range of this gaze, so he couldn't activate the power of blessing and escape from here again.

He could also feel Goto Ichiri's weak consciousness. The girl was not completely dead yet, and was still maintaining a state of survival under the strange power, even though she was already cooked. Maybe it would be better to die, but I don't know if this state of you in me and me in you can be recognized by the black watch.

The three players of the Moyu Gang and other players rescued by the [Teacher] were now placed on the banquet of the villagers.

The villagers who were resurrected again were obviously much thinner than before, and many of them were even incomplete. But as they celebrated and ate and drank, all the villagers were quickly recovering to their original state.

"I almost thought that the meat in the warehouse would be moved this time. These outsiders can really cause trouble."

A villager said unhappily while drinking.

"Hey, no matter how much trouble they can cause, they can't escape the eyes of the mountain god. These outsiders are just monkeys who want to escape from the Five Fingers Mountain. It's useless, hahaha."

Some villagers laughed loudly, and their words were full of contempt for the players.

"They always cause trouble. Can't they just die honestly? Really, they don't know how to empathize with others. Those outsiders are really disgusting. The sweater I just knitted yesterday was ruined."

Other villagers were indignant and looked very wronged.

"Hey, luckily no fool went looking for the fox statue this time, otherwise things would be even more troublesome. Hehe, thanks to the good handling of the clan leader, a 'fake village' can fool those foolish outsiders, and they don't know where they are until they die."

There are also villagers who are eating and drinking, while showing proud and proud expressions.

Takahashi just continued to watch in silence.

Until he began to feel his spirit scattered, until the power of blessing could no longer maintain himself, he finally stopped observing and listening.

Consciousness... has it reached its limit?

The countdown to self-destruction has started again.

At the last moment when his consciousness was about to dissipate, Takahashi tried his best to condense himself, and then he began to try to swallow Goto Ichiri's consciousness, trying to cover the girl's consciousness that was almost fused with his own at this moment, and integrate her existence into himself.

"Hahaha, although it's a bit troublesome, the quality of meat this year is really good. These outsiders who can do sorcery and evil magic are extraordinary. The next time we welcome the gods, we must hold it more grandly, so that the mountain god will be happy!"

Li Ziyong outside the ancestral hall hugged Li Duosun and said with a drunken smile.

And Gao Hai had heard the final deadline of the countdown at the last moment of his consciousness collapse.

The time was reset to zero, and the requirements were not changed.


The pervasive blood overturned the ancestral hall in an instant and blew it to pieces.

Tables were overturned one by one, and the villagers fell to the ground one by one. For a while, the blood mist was filled and the scene was in chaos.

The tall mountain god statue shook several times, and finally fell heavily, hitting the ground with a bang.

And among the rubble, in the dumpling filling scattered on the ground, on a tattered black watch, the only pointer was already trembling.


The next moment, the pointer moved from the scale of 0 to the position of 1.

Chapter 27: Prisoners in the Bloody City and the Newly Joined Girls

Opened his eyes.

What he saw was the familiar Bloody City that he had seen countless times.

The first round of the [Infant Crying Village] dungeon was just an exploration, and it was completely over at this moment. Although the ending process was not very decent, it was a bit sad. But by now, Gao Hai was used to the tragic death in the first round of the dungeon. If he had to comment, he even felt that the way of death this time was not particularly uncomfortable, and the process was not to the extent that people could not accept it.

He sat up from the ground, moved his shoulders and arms, and then stood up.

Under the silent bloody light, flames burned in the cracks in the square.

The sinners who cannot break free are constantly wailing in it, enduring the repeated burning over and over again in endless pain. Even if they have a mental breakdown, they will be quickly restored to a normal state of thinking, and then continue to endure the eternal burning of the fire. punishment, and in the process continue to extract strength.

After walking a few steps, Gao Hai stood on the edge of the crack, listening slightly to what these guys said in between howls.

[Spare me, spare me, spare me, spare me...]

[No...I want to become a god...I don't deserve to be treated like this...don't...]

[It hurts so much... Alice hurts so much... Who can save Alice...]


[Uh ah ah, how could a noble person like me... no... this shouldn't be my ending...]

There are quite a lot of words in each one. It seems that the fire is not strong enough and some spices should be added.

As the only one who can free these prisoners, the owner of the black watch, as long as Gao Hai is willing, as long as he gives clear instructions, he can free these guys tortured in the flames and return to the outside world, or be completely crushed, even It's impossible to leave even a little bit of dregs behind.

Of course, listening to the cries of these things at this time, he would never do such a thing. After all, there is nothing to sympathize with about a guy who gets sucked into a place like this.

Moreover, if it weren't for the "dedication" of these prisoners, Gao Hai would not have been able to recover all the return grids and fill the three grid slots provided by the writer in the month between tasks. Therefore, in his opinion, it is appropriate to find more neighbors for these heroes to go to heaven side by side, so that more people can be burned happily here.


In response to Gao Hai's thoughts, the flames burning in the cracks became more intense, and the screams of the prisoners also became louder and more miserable.

"Hmm, very energetic. Everyone is very energetic."

Speaking like this, Gao Hai walked slowly along the edge of the crack in the square while waving to the figures in the flames seriously.

None of the prisoners in the sea of ​​fire responded, not even Alice, the monster with the highest fuel level. All the prisoners seem to be unable to perceive anything other than the flames, and have no way to understand anything outside their own cage.

However, Gao Hai was not interested in talking to these guys, so he quickly shifted his attention and looked at where he was going next.

Of course, Gao Hai was referring to the location of [Writer].

Now that the copy of [Campus Mystery] has been officially destroyed, Gao Hai is still somewhat curious about the state of this [writer] who once caused a lot of trouble for Gao Hai. For this reason, he also accelerated his pace a little bit, wanting to confirm the other party's current situation as soon as possible.


There seems to be an unexpected change.

In front of the line of sight, the tall pillar maintained its penetrating state, trapping and burning the [Writer], just like before.

But this time, the imprisoned [Writer] itself was in a vague state. Its body structure was like a layer of mosaic, and its emotions were on the verge of complete collapse and dissipation. Even the basic The structure of the body cannot be maintained, to the point where it needs to rely on the strength provided by the stake that pierces it to maintain its stability.

Is it because the copy it was responsible for was destroyed and its original existence was stripped away, causing it to become like this?

Or is it that this thing has been hit too hard?

Standing in front of this thing, Gao Hai closed his eyes and carefully perceived it for a long time before he was able to confirm that [Writer]'s self-consciousness had not completely dissipated and still existed in this broken body. It’s just that it has been denied from the very foundation of its existence. Some unknown force has affected it, causing it to enter a state of rapid weakness and disintegration. However, the power of the black watch does not let this thing die, so [Writer 】 fell into a cycle of weakness that could not seek death, and endured a more miserable situation than those evil people in the sea of ​​​​fire.

"There is such a new way to play, I don't know if you like it or not."

After Gao Hai confirmed the status of [Writer], he couldn't help but complain. As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, the [Writer] who was stuck on the pillar and couldn't move suddenly turned his eyes and stared at him.

Strong hatred spread in this gaze.

Nearly endless resentment continues to brew, and continues to ferment in the body of the [writer].

Such crazy and clear hatred was a novel experience for Gao Hai. And from the emotions contained in this sight, he understood something more or less.

As a red moon level copy, [Campus Mystery] can be understood as the anchor point between [Writer] and [Real Universe] in a sense. As long as this copy still exists, [Writer] can obtain something special. strength. This kind of binding does not seem to be popular among KP, but the [writer] has too much possessiveness about the copy, so he secretly used this method. As a result, after Gao Hai cracked Yeluoshan Middle School and Bydos, this anchor The rupture of the point backfired on the [writer], causing it very serious trauma.

However, if it were just this, it would not cause any irreparable loss to the [writer]. But the problem is that the [writer] has lost the most critical origin of high-dimensional existence. That thing has now become Gao Hai's extra energy slot, which will only be consumed in order for Gao Hai to activate the various functions of the black watch, which makes the [writer] essentially illusory. It becomes unable to maintain its own status, and as a result, it suffers a heavy blow.

Without the black watch, this guy would probably have dissipated into slag now, right?

As for this hatred...

It is certain that the [writer] does not hate Gao Hai because he has become the tattered appearance he is now.

It just resents the destruction of [campus ghost talk].

If translated, well, it is probably something like [How can you crack my copy, how can a scum like you destroy my perfect copy, I curse you to die a bad death], and it must be read out in a particularly defensive tone.

"I was a little curious if I could learn something from you, but looking at you like this, you probably only know your rubbish campus ghost story. Goodbye, I'll come to see you next time when I'm free, just keep burning it here."

Waving his hand, Gao Hai mocked a few words, then turned around and left.

And the [writer] stared at Gao Hai's back like crazy. For a moment, it wanted to break free from the pillar like crazy, but with the transmission of the power of the black watch, it soon felt no other sensations except the burning pain, and could only endure the crazy torture of the continuous cycle like those prisoners in the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Gao Hai had returned to the place where he started.

With the end of this circle around the square, Gao Hai's mental damage caused by being alive to make dumplings was almost completely recovered, and his mental state was normal.

He sat down on the ground again, thinking about the actions and consequences of each action in the first round, and sorting out the clues he had obtained in his head. At the same time, his eyes were also scanning the figures of the girls lying on the ground in front of him.

Yotsuya Miko, Shijo Maki and Shinomiya Kaguya, these three girls lying in a row, are no different from the last time they came.

As for the newly joined Goto Ichiri, she is now lying beside the three "four" generation girls, slightly separated by a certain distance, motionless with her eyes closed and sleeping.

And finally, Kita Ikuyo, who is lying next to Ichiri and looking at Takami.

His eyes swept over the five girls one by one, Takami sighed in his heart, and then reached out and casually touched the little faces of Kaguya and Maki, Miko's thighs, Ichiri's head, and Kita who was staring at him...

Wait, is there something wrong?

Takami, whose eyes suddenly focused, looked at the little face of the red-haired girl, at her eyes that were wide open and looking at each other.


Kita Ikuyo:? ? ?

Chapter 28: The first communication in the bloody city and the start of a new round


At this moment, the bloody city seemed to be somewhat silent.

Gao Hai's eyes widened.

Kita didn't speak either.

The two of them, one squatting and the other lying, just stared at each other, without saying a word, without moving, the atmosphere was not harmonious.

No, why are you awake? !

At this moment, Gao Hai wanted to roar.

From the acquisition of the black watch plug-in to now, although many girls have entered the blood city, whether it is Jianzi or Zhenfei, they can only lie on the ground like a statue, and they have to go through at least two fusions before they can clearly retain their memories and barely remember some impressions related to the blood city.

But at this moment, Kita Yuyo is obviously not like this. Her wide eyes are full of vivid emotions, as if she is accusing Gao Hai, and she even blinks from time to time. She is completely awake!

Why is this happening?

The girl who had previously fused flesh and blood and spirit with me, but this phenomenon has never happened before? Why can Kita maintain a clear self from the moment she came in, and even open her eyes to look at me? This is totally wrong, right?

And if she was awake from the beginning, then she must have seen the process of me caressing Zhenfei and others. Ah, although it doesn’t matter whether she saw it or not, after all, she has seen more exciting things than this. But there is still a big difference between these two situations. She is so scared of me, could it be that she misunderstood me as a pervert who keeps young girls’ furniture?

Black watch, what are you doing? Why don’t you play by the rules? What on earth did you do? !

“…Well, you are awake, what a coincidence.”

After complaining in his heart for a long time, Gao Hai smiled indifferently and said to Kita Ikuyo lying on the ground.


No response was received.

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