Buzz buzz buzz——

Gao Hai took out the blood saw.

He grabbed the chainsaw with his hand, which had already begun to show holes of various sizes.

The next moment, Gao Hai thrust forward and pierced through the night watchman's chest with a fierce tearing sound, just like when Leon in "Resident Evil 4" was executed from behind by the chainsaw ancestor.

Still no reaction.

Even though Gao Hai had made such a straightforward attack, the night watchman did not respond to Gao Hai.

The main threat of this thing seems to be the pollution of the blood flower on the body. It itself does not have any offensive or fatal rules. Therefore, as long as the influence of the blood flower can be overcome, it can approach this thing and do anything to it at will.

Of course, considering the terrifying characteristics of the blood flower, Gao Hai felt that there should be no player other than himself who could do this. After all, this thing is almost unsolvable to the lethality of [Aboriginals].

Yes, although he is not completely sure why he can overcome the [Blood Flower] to a certain extent, Gao Hai can be sure that this is probably more or less related to his identity as a [Traveler]. He is not essentially a person from this world, so although this strange blood flower can eventually destroy Gao Hai, he will not be like other indigenous players, who will die instantly because of the presence of some [Mark of the Ancestors] in their bodies and amplify the erosion effect.

As for the night watchman, Gao Hai has more or less understood why this thing can become a weird thing.

Buzz buzz buzz——

Amid the roar of the chainsaw, a familiar breath flows out from the wound torn on the night watchman's chest.

That is the breath of [God's Blood].

It is the source of power for all the strange things in this world, or at least one of the sources of power. The source of this thing seems to be a very mysterious [Hotel]. Many years ago, Sato and others once mistakenly entered that hotel and took out the God's Blood from it. Those God's Blood eventually became the foundation of the Red Moon-level dungeon [Campus Tales]. And now, in the dungeon of [Infant Crying Village], Gao Hai once again confirmed the existence of the divine blood.

Blood flower, divine blood... these two things are not the same, but the levels and essences they possess seem to be similar?

The absorbed root form seemed to give Gao Hai the ability to understand these two existences to a certain extent. He vaguely understood that the existence of [Night Watchman] was essentially a combination of the two forces of divine blood and blood flower, or a compromise of the two forces. Under the influence of these two extraordinary forces, the [Night Watchman], who was originally a human, became the weird creature it is today. He became an immortal ghost story because of the divine blood, and he always carried the bright blood-colored flowers. He would not lose his life and become unable to move, but he would not become an uncontrollable source of infection. He would be restricted by himself as the ghost story rules took effect. As long as no one was suicidal and contacted it, nothing would happen.

The villagers of Lijia Village were not even afraid of players contacting [Night Watchman]. They knew that no matter how powerful the players were, they would die after encountering the Night Watchman. As for the players who were infected and turned into human potted plants, it was estimated that there was some way to deal with their bodies. In comparison, the fox statue still made the villagers more afraid, and it was unknown what kind of effect would occur if the player touched that thing.


Gao Hai had put away the chainsaw.

The wound on the night watchman's chest healed instantly, and the thing continued to move forward, without even stopping or slowing down for a moment.


In silence, Gao Hai looked into the distance, at the way he came, but he could no longer see Zhen Fei and others who were transformed by the blood flower.

He quickly turned around and searched house by house along the street, looking for houses marked as [Extremely Dangerous].

After spending some time, Gao Hai found a house with a blood-red [Danger] written on the door. So he jumped over the wall without hesitation and landed in the yard, and then walked into the house. At this time, he had already felt a gaze from inside the house, and felt the extremely strong cold atmosphere around him. When he pushed open the door and walked into the house, under the bright candlelight, Gao Hai looked up and saw a high throne, and a woman with long white hair hanging down to the ground and blood-like beast eyes on the throne, smiling at him.

[Human, what do you need from me? ]

In the sweet voice, the pair of animal ears on the woman's head trembled slightly, and the huge and fluffy white tail behind her also shook.

Gao Hai:? !

Is the style of this place a little incompatible with the previous one?

Chapter 34: The Fox Lady who appeared here, showing the wishes and the price

Long and smooth white hair that dragged all the way to the ground.

Dark red, cat-like, vertical pupils that could not be ignored, with a bit of demonic feeling.

There is also a pair of high white animal ears, and a fluffy tail that is almost twice the size of the other party's body.

These characteristics combined together form the woman that Gao Hai saw at this moment, sitting high on a rock throne.

By the way, apart from these unusual features that can be noticed at a glance, this woman is about 1.7 meters tall, which is quite tall among the women Gao Hai has seen since he crossed over. Her appearance is somewhat enchanting, but at the same time, she has a very strange sense of sacredness and inviolability. How should I describe the feeling she gives people... well, how should I describe it... Gao Hai really doesn't know how to describe this contradictory feeling of being both coquettish and serious.

In addition, she is very big, very big.

It is difficult to accurately judge the specific size by visual inspection, but it is certain that it is above F, which is a heavyweight size that is almost the same size as Gao Hai's head or even larger than his head. People like Fujiwara Chika will be easily killed in front of such a size. In this regard, he can only say that this is really too big. This is no longer the size that humans in the real world can grow. Shouldn't this be a super size that only the world view of Azur Lane has?

And... this state, as expected, is all O, right?

Although the hair almost completely covered the body, and no details that should not be exposed were exposed, but this posture, this appearance, and the white skin that could be seen through the gaps in the hair. No matter how you look at it, there is nothing inside, right? This is completely O! Isn't this kind of dress a bit too modern art? There shouldn't be a character of this style in a copy with an ancient background, right? Once this thing comes out, the style of the entire copy starts to be wrong, right! ?


In silence, Gao Hai slowly took a step back and slightly distanced himself from the thing.

Although the other party had a beautiful face and a devilish figure, which was the level that a normal man would be attracted to at first sight, Gao Hai was still very clear about what kind of situation he was in at the moment. He would not be so stupid as to let his lower body dominate his brain at this time, so he immediately entered a state of alert and carefully observed the woman in front of him.

From the initial observation and self-examination, this thing did not seem to have the magical charm that distorted cognition like Alice, but just looked very good.

Although this so-called "very good-looking" is actually almost impossible to find in the real world, even in the two-dimensional world, it is full of incredible fantasy, which makes people suspect that this is actually the appearance of artificially created things such as paintings and sculptures. Only Gao Hai, who has seriously discussed the philosophy of life with more than one two-dimensional beautiful girl many times and has raised his threshold, will just think that this woman is pretty.

So, is this woman the fox lady?

Unlike the mountain god statue carved from black rocks, the so-called fox lady actually looks like a living person?

Gao Hai has become nervous.

Although the blood flowers and vines that continue to grow all over his body are still sucking his blood, constantly causing him intense pain. But at this time, Gao Hai no longer has the energy to pay attention to these issues. The fox lady in front of him, who is suspected to have reason and looks like a human, has brought him considerable pressure. Even if this thing does not release any oppressive breath or some kind of polluting power, just the existence of this thing itself has made Gao Hai feel quite uneasy.

[Hehe, young man, are you afraid of me? ]

The woman laughed, turned her head slightly to look at Gao Hai, and said while sitting cross-legged on a stone carved seat.

Her voice was very gentle, just like the elder sister of the neighbor's house.

However, Gao Hai could not really face such an existence as easily as communicating with his neighbors. Even though his senses did not send any warning of danger at this time, he had already put in twelve points of energy and focused on guarding the woman in front of him.

The police officer and the teacher were still in [Lijia Village] at this time. Even though Gao Hai's team was wiped out and only he was left, Gao Hai had no intention of giving up the operation in [Lijia Village]. Therefore, the two rescue team members were still continuing the operation. But in contrast, the only teammates Gao Hai could take out now were Howard and Lao Guo. The former could summon a fire truck to help Gao Hai escape or divert hatred. As a happy special with a cooling time of one hour, the latter did not think that he could have any great effect when facing [Fox Lady], who was suspected to be equal to the mountain god.

Do you want to respond to the other party?

Looking at the smiling fox girl in front of him, Gao Hai silently thought about the appropriate response strategy.

He didn't have much time left to live. After the ten minutes of invincibility of the Undead Blessing ended, based on the erosion speed of these blood flowers, Gao Hai estimated that it would be a miracle if he could hold on for an hour.

Theoretically, Gao Hai didn't need to have any scruples in this situation, and he could just act boldly. But now facing this fox girl with a sexy figure and a beautiful face, without feeling any signs of danger, Gao Hai inexplicably had a premonition that he had better be cautious and not act recklessly.

It seemed that he could vaguely feel that if he really dared to act recklessly, the price he would pay would not be as simple as a rollback.

[Are you going to just stand in my temple without saying a word? Being so taciturn and showing a fear of concubine is very boring. Or are you waiting for me to give you something on my own initiative? If this is the case, then you can be regarded as the most daring person I have ever seen]

The woman laughed again.

She grinned slightly, revealing canine teeth that were obviously larger and sharper than normal humans, and what looked like residual meat foam was mixed between the teeth.

The feeling of familiarity became even stronger. From Gao Hai's perspective, the woman seemed to have become a friend he had known for several years. She showed intimacy in every move she made, so kind that he couldn't help but smile. Come to the extent.

We can't let her talk anymore!

Gao Hai had such an idea almost instantly.

We must not let this thing continue to talk on its own. Now, whether Gao Hai is willing or not, he must try to communicate with this thing and try to have a dialogue with it. Otherwise, if this thing is allowed to continue talking on its own, he will still fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

But, what should I say?

Gao Hai could feel that his emotions were getting tense. Although he didn't feel any oppression or fatal threat from this woman, he couldn't help but feel uneasy after the other person's words came out.

I can't feel what the problem is in my mind, but no matter what, I can't let her continue talking now. I must respond, and respond carefully and correctly.

After all, no matter how gentle and kind it looks on the surface, the essence of this thing's existence is probably something similar to the Little Black Mountain God. She cannot be treated as an ordinary monster.

Therefore, there must be a certain limit to how I respond to her words. Although Gao Hai himself couldn't tell what the specific limit was, at this moment, from the instinct in his heart, he did have such an idea, and intuitively realized that he had to semantically interpret what he said. restrictions on.

"...I need help. I want to go to the current Liujiacun. I want to...go to the Liujiacun area in this dungeon. What do I need to pay for this?"

After thinking for a short time, Gao Hai slowly spoke with some hesitation.

The words he originally planned to say should have more restrictions, but for some reason after he opened his mouth, what came out of his mouth was somewhat beyond the control of Gao Hai's own consciousness. He spent a lot of energy before he could barely control himself to say a complete sentence.

There seems to be something wrong with me.

Is there some kind of force that affects my thinking?

Or is my body, the cells in my body, going out of control?

The blood-red flowers grew denser.

At this time, the 10 minutes of invincibility provided by Hirano Sosuke's blessing is about to end. After this time expires, Gao Hai will be resurrected with full blood. But because he has already recognized the cause of the [bloody flowers], Gao Hai's body will immediately grow new blood flowers and vines after his body recovers, and the result will not change in the end.

He could feel those things taking root inside his body, going deep into it, almost becoming one with him.

I don’t know how this thing will change next, but I always feel that the longer I hold on, the more miserable my death will be. But what can I say? Anyway, I am still alive now and will not die suddenly immediately. This is enough.


The woman with long white hair reached out to cover her mouth and laughed again.

[They didn’t even ask who I was, they didn’t light incense, they didn’t worship me, they just made requests to me straightforwardly]

[People nowadays have indeed changed. They have become more rude and less polite.]

[However, this is not a mistake worthy of criticism. After all, each generation has its own characteristics. But, little one, you shouldn’t put forward conditions to me. The one who makes the wish, and the one who realizes the wish and receives the reward, can’t make a mistake. So at this point, I still have to make a statement]

The woman continued to laugh.

She stretched out a hand towards Gao Hai.


One of Gao Hai's hands was torn off, and blood spattered. The woman opened her mouth and bit down gently, biting off the flesh, blood and bones as if she was biting into pieces of tofu. In just a few seconds, she could easily Gao Hai's hand finished eating.

As the pain spread, Gao Hai just stood there silently, not even making a sound.

This is not because he doesn't care about the pain at all, but rather, his consciousness, his nerves and cells feel that such a thing is nothing, and that it is just a matter of course.

The woman stuck out her tongue and licked her lips gently, then looked at Gao Hai again and smiled at him again.

[Then, the punishment is over, and then comes the reward for realizing the wish]

This time, what Gao Hai felt was a fragrant breeze blowing from the front.

When he realized it, he found that he had been held in the arms of the fox girl, his head was almost completely sunk into the other person's body, and he could no longer breathe at all.

The fox girl's voice sounded from above, full of gentle tones, an intoxicating voice like one of his close family members.

He heard the voice say:

[I am the Fox Lady that the Liu family has worshipped for generations. I am worshipped by Liujia Village and protect the Liu family forever]

[Originally, the Liu family had long since stopped accepting outsiders. As the protector of the Liu family, I should not have let you, who looks restless, in]

[But...but...after all, you are just a dying person. You can see me, understand my words, and communicate with me, so I should listen to and fulfill your wishes...Hehe, how long has it been since I last did this...]

The Fox Lady, this weird thing that seems to be the protector of Liujia Village, suddenly changed its tone of speech at this moment.

Gao Hai almost immediately felt a strong chill that was no less than that of the mountain god. The breath of this thing that was embracing him at this moment almost froze Gao Hai's heart. Even though he was still in the invincible effect period of the Undead Blessing, he inexplicably had a feeling that this Fox Lady could kill him immediately.

The smell of blood was spreading.

The vicious breath continued to spread inside the body.

Although the fox girl was just sighing leisurely, her appearance in Gao Hai's perception was completely reversed. She suddenly turned from a kind and trustworthy family member into an unreasonable and terrifying monster.

However, this feeling disappeared immediately.

Because the fox girl had gently held Gao Hai's cheek, and the words that came out of her mouth also returned to their original form.

[Then, I will fulfill your wish and collect the reward]

Open your mouth.

Gently bite Gao Hai's cheek.


From the skin of the side face, to the eyelids, to the forehead, and finally take a little scalp.

The fox girl gently kissed Gao Hai's eyeball without eyelids, and then sucked a little harder.


One of Gao Hai's eyes was sucked away.

[Then, we'll go to Liujia Village next.]

The queen gently stroked Gao Hai's head, hugged him, and then reluctantly put him down, and dug out half of his ribs and lungs.

Gao Hai stumbled to the door of the house, pushed it open, fell to the ground, and then got up.

The door behind him had slowly closed.

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