It seems that such a scene can be seen.

On a cold night, the young man opened the door and saw the shivering girl in the corridor. He brought her home, put clothes on her, and let her eat snacks and drink hot tea.

Then the next day, the parents who found out about this came to the door furiously. They did not allow anyone to be good to this child. They had a fierce conflict with the young man. The young man who had just entered the society was just a big boy in his heart. After being provoked, he became the unreasonable party and finally left in despair.

Since then, no one has opened the door for the girl again.

Until one day, when performing flood rescue and evacuation work, the young man who had grown up a lot returned to that place and saw the apartment again.

[The flood peak has come early, and Baichuan Apartment has not completed evacuation. We are the nearest rescue team. Brothers who still have strength, follow me! ]

He returned to that place again.

He went to the third floor and organized the evacuation of people from room to room until he came to the door of 304.

He thought about what the girl would be like now. He knew that her life would be as hard as before after he left. However, even a tiger would not eat its own cubs. She should at least be able to continue living until she grows up and has the hope of getting rid of her parents and finding her own life.

Before he opened the door and found the child, he had thought so.

When faced with the evasive eyes and irrelevant words of the two people, he had not completely given up this idea.

Before he followed the disturbing smell, walked into the kitchen, and walked towards the bathroom, but was stopped and told that it was a [place not to go], he had not completely abandoned such delusion.

But in the end, he still saw the truth and what happened.

[This is candy for my brother]

[Not for you]

[If you dare to eat it, I will beat you to death! ]

[I told you to be greedy, I told you to be greedy! ! ! ]

[I want to see how you can steal food now]

My mother was really angry that day.

The debt collectors came again and smashed the house.

The lock of the front door was broken, and a hole was cut in the kitchen door.

My mother said that she had no money to repair it for the time being and could only make do with it. Then she was scolded and beaten by my father again.

She was unhappy all day and had a gloomy face.

But she was very hungry.

Yesterday she was punished and not allowed to eat again.

I had candy at my brother's house once. It was very sweet and delicious.

If I only ate one, it shouldn't be discovered.

When I reached out to take it, I found that my mother had not left and was waiting for me to take it.

First I was scolded, then I was beaten.

Just like before.

But my mother was still very angry.

She stabbed me with a needle like before.

It hurt.

But she was still very angry and still didn't calm down.

Then she said that I would never steal food again.


The sound of the kettle was heard.

The boiling water poured down.

The needle and thread passed through and dripped blood and tears.

It hurt.

It hurts a lot.

It really hurts.

My body hurts everywhere, my mouth hurts, my throat hurts, it hurts, it hurts...

Mom said I should be punished, and locked me in the toilet.

I have no strength in my body, it hurts.

It's getting dark outside, it hurts, it hurts.

It's getting light outside, then dark again, then light again.

I still have no strength in my body, my head is dizzy, and it still hurts.

I want to stand up, but I can't.

It's getting dark outside again.

Dad opened the door once and closed it again.

He forgot to lock the door, so I have to stay inside to be punished, but it hurts, I'm hungry, and I'm dizzy.

Is my brother home?

Is there anything to eat at my brother's house?

I haven't seen my brother for a long time? Has my brother left? Is my brother still there?

I want to knock on my brother's door.


Is my brother there...

I can't remember where my brother's door is...




...You two beasts!

Beasts...I'm going to beat you to death now!

Captain, stop now, don't do this!

The flood peak won't reach the third floor, take the people away first.

Don't destroy the scene, take them away and then call the police, don't do it here.

What's wrong with me killing my baby? !

I'll beat you to death, you beast!

You've killed someone, you've killed someone, ah ah ah——

Captain, calm down! Calm down! It's useless to do this, take the people away first, the flood peak is coming soon, it's too late if you don't leave now!

What are you doing? Want to catch me? Get out of here, don't touch me!

Let go, it's indecent, it's indecent!

Take these two away quickly... Forget it, Captain, let's go, come back after the flood peak passes.


That was a few years ago.

I never thought that someone would do such a thing to their own flesh and blood relatives, their own children.

I was born in an ordinary family, I always believe that most people are normal, I know that abnormal people are only a minority. But such a small number of people, just seeing them once, made me so angry that I couldn't control myself, but I was so... powerless. I didn't know what I could do. I could only believe it one-sidedly, deceive myself, and make myself believe that everything could get better.

But the final fact was more cruel than I imagined.

It's still not over.

I’m not sure whether the beasts received the punishment they deserved in this endless cycle of reincarnation. They should have retained consciousness like me. But now I can’t see this anymore. Maybe they went crazy because they couldn’t bear the torture, or maybe they died at the beginning. I hope it’s the former, and to be honest, even if it’s the former, I think they didn’t get enough punishment. They deserved it.

But the child is not.

But the innocent people who were dragged into this apartment are not.

The fact that this apartment has become what it is today has nothing to do with the child. This is not her doing.

Someone, something, planned all this behind the scenes. The fact that this apartment has become what it is today is the result of some kind of deliberate induction.

I barely saw some remnants from the child’s memory, but there is still too little information about it. I don’t even know what it is. I only know that it once existed in the apartment and watched everything happen until the last moment, when it showed its own traces and made everything go to today.

The child still can’t rest in peace.

My comrades, their obsessions were also induced, trapped in the seventh day of the dead cycle and unable to leave.

There are also ordinary people who have their own families and their own lives. They were thrown into this place, just like feeding meat to a beast, and could only die in the struggle.

It's like cultivating something.

Using the death and pain of these people, the memory and despair of the child who can't rest, it keeps going back and forth, devouring more lives, and cultivating something.

This shouldn't be the case.

No matter what the purpose of the person who planned all this is, I will never accept it, I will resist to the end.

It seems that my identity has some special meaning to that child. I haven't completely become the state of my comrades. I still remember what happened, and I can still think normally. I think I should be an exception, a variable, and an existence that the behind-the-scenes planner did not expect.

So I will do my best to change all this.

It's just...

I can't seem to touch the existence of that child.

This apartment seems to be transforming.

The existence of that child itself is imprisoned, and in this apartment today, she has no way to be free.

Am I missing something?

I can clearly see her memories and feel her pain.

But I can't see her obsession, and I can't see what she really desires.

I think, maybe I will fail in the end.

Sure enough, I will fail.

Just like I couldn't save her before, the result this time is still the same.

But you are different, Mr. Gao Hai.

The apartment you are in has completed its transformation, her existence has been liberated, and it is time to bring her rest.

The first floor, the second floor, the third floor... No, the three floors are actually one.

She didn't leave the third floor until she died. She crawled out of her home on the third day. She crawled through the corridor on the third floor and knocked on every door, trying to find me, hoping that I could open the door for her like last time, let her in, let her hide in that safe little bedroom, close the door, and then close the door outside, so that she wouldn't have to hear the noisy sound outside the door again.

In fact, her range of activities is only on the 3rd floor. The 1st and 2nd floors only exist in imagination and are not real. Therefore, 104 is 204 and 304. Each room is actually overlapping in space. It is just because the rules of the apartment itself rely on her memory, so it is forcibly divided into three parts.

You can't reach 309 now because she hasn't found the 309 in her mind. Even if you really reach a room with the house number 309, you can't go in. Because you are now operating within the scope of her obsession.

But it doesn't matter now, because you have received the information on this tape. Here is the last bit of obsession I left, and the obsession of all the people who once existed in the apartment struggling to survive. You who have listened to this information will definitely find that place.

Realize this wish and let her rest in peace.

In this way, you will definitely be able to escape from this place and completely destroy this bloody apartment.

But please, you must act quickly. This strange story generated by her obsession is a monster without any emotion or reason. It will not sympathize with you, and will not show mercy because you want to save this girl.

The pollution will only get worse at a faster and faster rate. Time is running out. You and your companions must find the place as quickly as possible, find the door and open it again before everything collapses.

I will also do my best to help you with my last strength.

I wish you all the best, Mr. Gao Hai.

I am Xu Sheng.

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