Let you leave me



Abandon again




Even if you reincarnate again


wI will



catch catch catch you



I love you



don't want.

bu want..no.ya want..



Don't leave mom.







b%#*? @^**

Chapter 40: The shattered and reunited self and an unprecedented enemy

Thinking has stopped.

Can't feel anything.

Not aware of anything.

Can't understand anything.

He couldn't even comprehend the fact that he had stopped thinking.

【Love her, accept her】

Just fall into endless nothingness.

Falling into complete darkness in that gentle voice.


There is only nothingness.

Nothingness in which nothing exists.

【Love her forever, love her forever】

The self is shattered.

The consciousness that I thought was indestructible has been completely severed.

Everything is in tatters.

It can never be restored to its full form.

I can no longer recall what it was like before.

【Love...love...a%#? \u0026*! …`..]

I don’t know anything anymore.

Floating in this endless darkness.

Being ripped apart bit by bit in this endless void.


In the end there is just pure nothingness.

Finally merged into the boundless darkness...


Then the voice was heard.

It sounded extremely clear in my ears, like the sound of the hands of a mechanical watch moving.

Scarlet color.

The color of the starry sky.

Broken cities are flooded with blood-red colors

Endless stars converge on each other in the darkness.

At the end of the field of vision, in the endless wilderness, the silver door stood silent.

And there was a key hanging on his wrist.


Gao Hai opened his eyes.

The first thing I felt was chaos.

The chaotic calls gradually became blurred and were forcibly pushed out by some force.

It's like consciousness has been torn apart and put back together again.

The cracks are spreading and expanding.

Nerves cannot control their body correctly.

Internal organs lose their normal functioning.

The blood and muscles became increasingly chaotic.



Severe dizziness.

Then came vomiting.


Tears, nose, snot, and saliva all flowed down together.

The disordered nerves caused severe pain like a lag, and then transformed into various disordered emotions under the completely disordered brain function. The visual ability was sometimes restored, sometimes reversed, and sometimes lost. The ability to distinguish colors also disappeared and reappeared, and the limbs and bones were lost. It even broke apart under severe shaking and twisting, and then healed again.

Unable to stand up.

Even the basic concept of "standing" cannot be extracted from brain function for a while.

The heart stopped beating.

The blood flow and internal organ functions throughout the body also become abnormal due to disordered thinking and brain function.


I can no longer feel the changes and reactions of my body.



Endless pain.

As long as the senses show any signs of recovery, they will be overwhelmed by unbelievably intense pain.

Dense cracks spread all over the body, like broken glass being forcibly pieced together. Every breath is a prelude to disintegration.

But can't die.

Under the silent bloody city, Gao Hai's body was still squirming.

It's hard to tell whether this stems from the instinct of his body, or from the actions of his consciousness after being torn apart and then glued back together again.

But in this place, he really couldn't die.

In this wordless blood-red world, he could continue to live no matter what.

The heart will soon resume beating after paralysis.

Bones that have been twisted will grow back.

Even if various parts of the body, such as organ functions and nerve tissue, continue to have problems like crazy, after damage and necrosis does occur, these parts will be quickly repaired and returned to a completely normal state.

Repeatedly, this horrific torture has lasted for more than ten hours.

"Uh oh..."

Gao Hai was filled with stomach acid from his own vomiting into his lungs.

The burning pain made his eyes widen.

Slowly, reach out your hand.

He crawled forward with difficulty, then another step, and then fell into a convulsive state that was almost crazy.

The dilated pupils slowly regrouped.

"Oh...oh oh..."

Can't make a normal sound.

Just reach out again.

One more step to crawl.

There is no change in the silent bloody city.

Under the dim bloody light, there was only a struggling and squirming figure, performing an extremely painful torture mime here.


It took ten days for Gao Hai to learn to crawl again and control some basic reactions of his body, such as holding in his urine.


After another month and a half, he regained some basic thinking abilities, and slowly suppressed the confusion between his mental power and brain, and his thinking gradually returned to the state of a ten-year-old child.

"I am... Gao Hai... I am Gao Hai... I am Gao Hai... I am Gao Hai..."

After more than 20 days, his soul and body finally completed a complete match. In other words, after his torn soul was reattached, it finally recovered to the point where it could normally correspond to the functions of various parts of the body, and his will finally recovered completely.

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