"We actually took the initiative to explore the dungeon [Infant Crying Village] long before it was fixed. Although there was not much valuable information leaked from this dungeon at that time, based on our investigation, we believe that we are likely to find clues to the mystery of the dungeons and weird things that we have been looking for so far. After all, this is most likely the dungeon with the longest time span and the longest history. One of our companions has a special dungeon age investigation method. He believes that the origin of this dungeon can be traced back to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago, which is a span that other dungeons cannot match."

After briefly introducing his own capabilities and discoveries, Chacai solemnly told Gao Hai and Mao Ge's team about their investigation.

"Some things are more difficult to explain in detail, but since you are all Red Moon players, you should know more or less that Red Moon dungeons often involve some existences above the level of strange things, and there will be some things that are not very strange and difficult to explain."

"Our people have been investigating this information. After confirming through the power of the divine ritual tattoo that strange things may be parasitic and hatched in humans through something, we conducted a more careful investigation and came up with a conjecture, an idea that has not yet been proven. We call that idea [Abyss Realm], and use this word to refer to a realm that no player has successfully reached so far."

"We believe that [Sacrifice Game] may have a non-standard fourth level, one that is actually higher than the Red Moon dungeon, but because it is not a standard grade, it is still displayed as a Red Moon dungeon, or even It is possible that this bastard [Sacrifice Game] has forcibly marked it as a new level copy of the Dark Night level copy for various reasons. In such a non-standard level copy, the root information has pointed to the major secrets involving the origin of the weird things before the birth of [Sacrifice Game]. Why our world has come to this point today, it is very likely that the correct answer, or the path to the correct answer, can be found in such a copy. "

"And for this assumed fourth-level copy that is not recognized by [Sacrifice Game], the current leader of our historians named it: Abyss Level. It means "reaching the abyss realm that humans have not really stepped into." And the copy that we speculate to exist is very likely the copy we are experiencing now. "

Chapter 69: Historian's Investigation Records and Reproduction of the Root Form Information

The players of the historian are looking for gods.

Of course, these players don't actually know what they are looking for, so they use the word [Abyss Realm] to refer to the thing behind the scenes that they imagine. But Gao Hai, who had actually seen something related to it, knew very well that the objects of investigation of these players and the goals they were pursuing would eventually point to existences like [Gods].

The traces of God in the Red Nut Gray Cave, the blood of God in the campus gossip, and the so-called mountain gods that connected Shirakawa Apartment and Infant Crying Village, no matter how these things behind the dungeon are defined and understood, at least in name they are all related to [Gods]. Therefore, any attempt to explore the roots of the [Sacrificial Game] will eventually lead to facing those existences that are beyond the scope of human understanding. Compared with mechanical, equivalent to a killing program, how to deal with and judge something like God, even Gao Hai now can't come up with a solution.

So it's incredible that these guys haven't played themselves to death yet. Oh no, the [Historian] organization has been wiped out more than once, but there have always been people who took over this banner and continued to fight. If we define this organization by "people", [Historians] would have collapsed more than a year ago. What exists now is essentially just a new player organization that agrees with the [Historians] philosophy.

Humph, so-called ideal pursuit?

Gao Hai felt a little emotional when he thought that these players were more or less noble. Gao Hai asked himself if it was impossible to take over the ideals of the predecessors and pass on the torch without fear of life and death. Although he would sincerely admire such people who put life and death aside, if Gao Hai himself took the initiative to take such an action, he asked himself if it was impossible to do it. The act of trying to save everyone in anger like when he was in Ye Luoshan Middle School was, in the final analysis, because he was sure that he could do it without sacrificing anything.

If the Black Watch needs a savior-type host, then a guy like me who just wants to live a good life with the girls I like is actually not qualified at all, right? People with faith like Lin Xusheng, Hirano Sosuke, and [Historians] may be more suitable for this kind of power. Tsk tsk, I actually feel a little ashamed. But even so, I can't give up the power of the black watch. After all, this is the only "plug-in" I can rely on.

Gao Hai, whose thoughts were a little bit off, thought of another question. He realized that compared with the few dungeons he had experienced, these players who investigated the inside story of the dungeons had experienced more dungeons, but it seemed that they had not found anything of great importance so far. Not to mention the Shirakawa Apartment, after all, Gao Hai had not found out the origin of this thing and the Infant Crying Village, but the heavyweight dungeons like the Red Nut Gray Cave with traces of gods and the Campus Tales with a blood pool and abyss fragments, the historian players seemed to have never encountered them. Therefore, although they investigated and confirmed a lot of information, they were still mainly based on speculation, without much direct evidence.

Well... maybe it's because if they had come into contact with the real stuff, these people would have died long ago...

"Anyway, we have actually been paying attention to the [Infant Cry Village] dungeon for a long time. In fact, not long after we speculated that the dungeon level was [Abyssal Domain Level], we suspected that the [Infant Cry Village] dungeon might belong to this level, and we have conducted multiple investigations on this dungeon."

Chachai coughed lightly. After deciding to cooperate with Gao Hai's team and Mo Yu Gang, he simply took out all the intelligence on his side and directly announced the entire investigation progress.

"We have made many inferences about the characteristics of the [Abyss Level] dungeon. As a higher-level theoretical dungeon level, it must have certain characteristics different from the Red Moon dungeon to be described in this way. Therefore, the difference between the Abyss and the Red Moon in the [Abyss Level] has been our research content for a long time. During the investigation, one of our team leaders believed that the object of the investigation should not be limited to the Red Moon dungeon, and the Dusk and Dark Night dungeons should also be investigated. He believed that there might be some kind of internal connection between different dungeons, and finding this connection might help find the hypothetical [Abyss Level] dungeon."

Chacai said, and also told some of the investigation process.

During that investigation, the [Historian] players entered and exited multiple Dusk and Dark Night dungeons. Among them, Tangyuan accidentally saved the lives of many new players when he led several other Chinese players to investigate the Dusk-level dungeons. For example, Tangyuan once met a man named Green in a dungeon. The other party was obviously a tattooed man of 1.9 meters, but he was as humble as a dog after being frightened by the monster. Therefore, although Tangyuan helped the other party in that operation with the idea of ​​saving as many new players as possible, he was still a little disgusted by the other party's desperate attentiveness and licking in various ways when he recalled it afterwards.

But this is not the point. The real point is that when Chacai experienced several Dusk-level and Dark Night-level rural dungeons, he found a strange place. That is, there is a kind of thing in these dungeons that looks like the statue of Guanyin, but after careful identification, it is found that it is some kind of weird statue imitating the statue of a god.

These statues do not have any important significance in the dungeons. Their sources are different. Some are artworks of unknown origin bought by a victim in the dungeon before his death, some are family heirlooms, and some cannot be found at all. Since the core obsessions of these copies often cannot be linked to the statue, the investigation has not been very smooth. But for the [Historian] who has been trying to find the internal connection of the copies, a thing that inexplicably exists in many copies is enough to attract attention.

So after that, the players began to investigate various rural copies on a larger scale, and later expanded the search scope to all copies with [Chinese background]. It was found that the strange statue can be found in at least 12% of the Chinese background copies, whether in ancient or modern backgrounds. According to the statistics of these copies, the players of [Historian] found that the copies with such statues often involve issues of ancient and modern concepts and past bad habits in the background, such as giving birth to boys and girls, family rules, ancestral laws, etc. All kinds of factors will converge in them.

In contrast, some copies have backgrounds that are more inclined to modern problems, such as pollution and opposition in factory copies, etc., and there is no trace of this strange statue in such copies. It seems that this statue only appears in copies involving [traditions], even if it seems to have nothing to do with the copy itself.

So, why does this strange statue exist in these copies? And if this statue exists in the Dusk and Dark Night copies with certain commonalities, will there be similar situations in the Red Moon copy?

With this idea, [Historians] began to look for Red Moon-level Chinese-themed rural copies. But this investigation was not smooth. They found that although there were an astonishing number of different copies in [Sacrifice Game], there was no Red Moon-level Chinese-themed rural copy at all, not even one.

Is it really non-existent, or has it not been fixed?

With this idea, [Historians] began to pay attention to the Dark Night-level rural copies that were in an unfixed state. This time, they found the copy of [Infant Cry Village]. At that time, after entering this unfixed copy, players would only arrive at an empty village with various defective obsessions in different rooms. Many players who tried to pick up leaks were pitted at this time and had to enter [Infant Cry Village] under the current situation, but [Historians] were different. They came here.

"We believe that the biggest difference between the Abyss level dungeon and the Red Moon level dungeon may be the radiation intensity."

Chachai's tone was very serious.

"The dusk level and dark night level dungeons are restricted outside the world, and no traces can be found unless players enter them. The existence of the red moon level dungeons has begun to escape the control of the sacrifice game to a certain extent and can be revealed in the real world. Traces and tracking of players who know the information. As for the Abyss level dungeon, we think it should go further. This level of dungeon may be able to directly exist as the source of other mid-level and low-level dungeons, as a conceptual [origin].”

"Yingtiao Village is such a source. These statues that have spread out of the dungeon for some unknown reason and appear in other dungeons are evidence that the power of the dungeon of Yingtiao Village flows outward. If this evidence can be found, it will be intuitive By understanding the origin, perhaps we can unravel the mystery of the creation of replicas and find ways to fundamentally destroy or understand them.”

"Of course, there are still many flaws in this idea. At present, it is more of our own conjecture without actual evidence. So, after several explorations of Yingting Village, which was not in a fixed stage at that time, we A bold attempt was made.”

Speaking of the bad guess here, a somewhat meaningful feeling appeared in his expression.

"I took away a statue in this instance and performed ritualistic worship activities on it, trying to establish a connection between gods and believers."

"This attempt did not go well at the beginning. Even if I carried this statue with me, it would have no effect. It wasn't until I was dealing with a player who caused trouble by making corpses of children and burying those children that I found that I had established a relationship with this statue. With some kind of paradoxical connection, I found that I could begin to use the power of this statue to soothe the victims’ undissipated consciousness, allowing them to die with only peaceful emotions forgotten.”

As he spoke, Chachai took out a small statue that resembled a pendant. It was a vague statue made of black stone. Gao Hai couldn't tell whether it was more like a mountain god or a fox empress. In short, it looked similar in appearance. Similar to a woman holding a small child.

"Based on the pursuit of this vague connection, before today, I entered the dungeon of Yingting Village for the last time, and in that dungeon exploration, I successfully encountered something that was similar to a monster, but it seemed to be related to the monster. I contacted different beings and got some clues. I recorded those clues and will show them to you now.”

Chachai said and took out a file that recorded some text information. It was just a file. Judging from the recorded text, it didn't have much coherent logic. It looked like just some fragmented sentences.

But for Gao Hai, this information was enough to shock him.

[God...the God shaped by faith...the God born by faith...the God destroyed by faith...the God who has nothing to do with faith...the God who accepted faith...]

[The mother was taken away from the child...the mother loved the child...God chose man...God was forgotten...God was buried...]

[The mother is still longing for the child... God cannot completely stop it... God also changes because of this... Man's choice... Man has made a choice...]

[God promises to man...man promises to God...man chooses...man shapes...man guides the shape of the source...everything is man's choice...]

[Not yet completed...not yet completed...everything is not yet completed...exile...or accept...]

Chacai, who successfully established a special connection, recorded all the fragmentary information he got.

Although he could not fully understand the information, and due to some unknown changes in the connection itself, Chachai had to cut off the connection through the power of blessings and obsessions, but the recorded information was still retained and At this moment, it was displayed in front of Gao Hai.

The shape of the root…

He didn't know what to say.

These players named [Historians] actually used their own strength to find out the information about the root form.

Although they didn't know that what they found was this kind of information... No, they had already speculated on the existence of the Source Form before finding this thing, and had already established relevant conjectures. Compared with those who were able to communicate with KP and directly obtained the form of the root in the campus gossip copy, these players who did not have the black watch plug-in just relied on continuous investigation and sacrifice to guess and find the root. Shape of information?

If there were more players like this, if they could use more time...

"It seems that Mr. Gao can figure out what from this information?"

Noticing the change in Gao Hai's expression, Chachai asked in a gentle voice.

"Well, indeed. If the investigation has reached this stage, there are some things that can be exchanged."

Gao Hai nodded slightly and took another long breath.

Now that they have successfully reached this point, it is not impossible to disclose the part of the action that I was still hesitating about whether to let them participate.

Chapter 70: Things hidden in animals and another team operation

Lijiacun, the second round of night has lasted for more than an hour.

Those ordinary players who have only cleared the Dark Night level dungeon and are not strong enough to survive in this dungeon are still more or less uneasy now. Although these players have now obtained the asylum of [Lijia Village] under Gao Hai's arrangement and no longer need to worry about their personal safety, if the dungeon cannot complete the task, there is no way to escape. The safe zone in the Red Moon-level dungeon will not be permanently effective. If you cannot find a way to clear the level, you will still be dead in the end.

Moreover, in such a high-difficulty dungeon, even if the method of clearing the level can be successfully found, the difficulty of implementation is difficult to say. What if the method of clearing the level is found but requires players to perform some kind of superhuman precision operation, or simply needs to sacrifice a certain number of people to escape, then what will happen to low-level players like them? It's hard to say.

There are not a few players who feel uneasy with this idea. After all, even a Red Moon-level player group with a good reputation like [Moyu Gang] cannot guarantee the survival rate of low-level players, let alone others. Based on experience, it is difficult to be optimistic about the final result. . But they won't do anything at the moment. These players have seen dungeons of different difficulties. Even if they have any ideas, they still understand what will happen if they dare to cause trouble to the Red Moon-level players, so for the time being, they will remain honest. Attitude.

"But that's only for now. We still need to take some precautions. If these people really get into trouble and cause us trouble, it will be a bit late to make remedial measures by then."

Players on the Historian side mentioned the issue of low-level players during the action discussion.

"Don't worry about this problem. We have already taken corresponding measures. If the dungeon can be successfully cracked, those low-level players can live well as long as they don't cause trouble. We have a special set of tools for those who dare to cause trouble. The screening mechanism can find people and kill them without giving the other party a chance to really cause trouble. "

The Moyu Gang immediately responded to this, showing their attitude and corresponding measures, indicating that they were well prepared.

"After all, this issue is not the focus. The key lies in cracking the dungeon. As long as we can successfully find the clues and information we need and find out the correct way to crack the dungeon, those people will naturally know what choice to make. We are now What needs to be done is to deter the people who may be out there who like to use their brains, and then get the business done. ”

Gao Hai didn't care much about this matter. He still felt that everyone's goals had to be set on business, so he yawned and expressed his opinion.

Although the three players of the historian did bring a lot of information, what they gave was more theoretical. Although I have a feeling of [Cthulhu Knowledge +1] after listening to it, it is not very useful in solving practical problems at the moment. So in the end, we still have to fight, and we still have to continue to work hard to collect intelligence.

Of course, this cannot be completely said. These three players still brought some dungeon information that Gao Hai and others had not explored before, especially the information about [animals].

Due to the side effects of [Psychic Tattoo], the strange things that are questioned and the various strange things related to them will become more active. In order to avoid being besieged and killed, the historians a few hours ago had to escape from the village. Spent some time outside. It was during this period that the three players came into contact with the animals in the woodland area, analyzed these things to a certain extent, and discovered some of their inherent characteristics.

"Rather than being animals, it is better to say that they are some kind of [cage] constructed of fresh flesh and blood. Those animals look normal on the surface and can feel the existence of vitality, but in fact that is just because they serve as 'shells' Flesh is active and disruptive, thus deceiving the players’ perception.”

"We didn't investigate what was inside their bodies. There were auxiliary obsessions that went out of control before we tried to dissect the animals, so we didn't try it at the time. It's a pity when we think about it now."

"But it's also very curious. The number of animals in this dungeon far exceeds the normal range, but the villagers don't dare to deal with the animals. This shows that these animals may be very scary things in nature, but unfortunately... …If those paper figures hadn’t suddenly appeared and interfered with the operation, maybe we could have gotten some clues from those animals, but those things came so fast and there were so many of them that we had no choice but to run.”

As they talked, Chachai and Tangyuan both showed expressions of pity. It seemed that they had not considered at all if they really dissected those animals, would they see any contaminants that would kill people instantly? thing. Well, maybe it doesn't matter if they are killed on the spot if they really see it?

Considering the behavior of these guys, Gao Hai felt that it would be better for him to be more cautious when taking action.

Speaking of which, are the problems of animals inside their bodies? If there is some problem inside their bodies... is it that the blood flower is parasitic? No, the blood flower should still be suppressed by the mountain god. It is impossible for a player like Jianzi, whose perception is too strong, to encounter it. Then... could it be a problem with "water"? After all, the water in this copy seems to have some unknown problem, and when the animals drink water, they obviously don't care about whether it flows or not, and they don't believe in any gods because of it. Well, there may also be problems with the "sky". The villagers know to hide in the house and not look at the sky, but the animals don't know how to deal with it. Maybe the unknown thing in the "sky" has corroded these animals and transformed their internal into something else?

While thinking, the players have already taken action. This time, the players will be divided into two groups, one of which will act in [Lijia Village] and try to conduct a deeper investigation of another space through the well to see if they can find more clues. The other group will leave [Lijia Village] and go to the area where Goto Ichiri found the paper man, try to interact with the paper man to enter Liujia Village under the night, and then look for the fox lady to try to get a way to enter and exit [Water Ghost Lake] normally.

Among them, Gao Hai, Hayasaka Ai, Tang Yuan and Mao Ge are the four people who go to [Liujia Village], and Cha Cai and Xiao Guo are responsible for exploring the well. In order to ensure the safety of the village itself, Li Xiaoxiao and the Taoist priest, as Red Moon-level players, stay in the village and do not participate in this round of operations. They will be replaced in the next round of operations. Zhenfei Qianhua and others will be stationed at various lookout nodes in the village, and quickly send out signals once any abnormal situation is found.

Before the dispatch, Gao Hai accepted the concept erasure of historians. Gao Hai, who experienced this ability for the first time, felt very novel. He clearly remembered the meaning of the word [sky] in his mind, but when he looked up at the sky, he had no idea what he was looking at. He had a magical feeling that his perception and consciousness were cut off, as if something in his brain had become wrong.

With such abilities, it's no wonder that these "historians" dare to run around. However, if Gao Hai wants to, he can use his powerful mental power to break through and restore the original state of this level of mental alienation, although he won't do that.

He took out the night watchman's clapper from the black watch, looked at it and put it back. This mysterious obsession that Gao Hai got with blood in the last round has never been used by him until now. The reason is very simple. This thing can't be activated at all within the space range of [Lijia Village] and is of no use at all. But now Gao Hai is preparing to go to [Liujia Village], which is the area where the night watchman's activities were first observed. Gao Hai guessed that after arriving there, this clapper that can't activate its ability may become activated, and then he can figure out the function of this thing.

In addition, the player brought back by the police officer has been imprisoned by Brother Mao with the power of the obsession and is slowly extracting his memory. It has been about 20 minutes so far, and the player's screams are almost inaudible. It is estimated that the extraction will be completed after the operation is back and the guy will be killed.

"Then, let's act. We are leaving here. The two people exploring the well should be more careful, and the people staying in the village should also be careful. After all, the [treasure diggers] have not completely lost their combat capabilities. Who knows if they will attack the village."

Gao Hai finally explained the situation to his teammates and his girls, and then took the lead to walk out of the village and act under the cover of night.

Hayasaka followed Gao Hai quietly, and on the other side, the clone created by Goto Ichiri followed silently. Brother Mao and Tangyuan walked a little more separately, and the five of them set off along the muddy dirt road, along the road trampled by the villagers who once lived here.

Under the cover of night, everything around was so dark that you could hardly see your hand in front of you.

Apart from the footsteps and breathing of several people, there was no other sound here. Even though the players had observed active animals more than once during the day, no one heard any sound from these animals after nightfall, let alone the chirping of insects and birds.

The moving paper figures found by Yili's clones need to climb over a low mountain to see. The specific location is more than 30 kilometers away from [Lijia Village] in a straight line, and it is necessary to pass through many rugged areas.

When Gao Hai arrived at the place where the paper figures and the historian players had a conflict, and further explored the direction where the paper figures disappeared, his brows slightly frowned.

"There is such a place here."

With emotion, Gao Hai silently looked ahead, which was almost exactly the same as [Lijia Village], and seemed to be a village built with paper.

Chapter 71: Paper Village in the Dark and What You Get from Listening

Not long ago, when the three historian players just entered the village, many paper figures followed behind and tried to attack the village. The state of these groups of paper figures seemed different from the ones Gao Hai had encountered before. Compared to the strange creatures with strange abilities, they were more like simple monsters, and they would not release the ability to pull people into another space and replace the people around them at any time. Therefore, Gao Hai used the power of the land deed to easily transfer them to another space, and the whole process did not even consume much energy.

Well, it may also be because several players of the Historian used some kind of obsession to separate each other, and their running ability was very good, so they were not approached by the paper man during the whole process, right?

Gao Hai thought about it carefully. When the space transformation occurred in the previous two weeks, whether it was him or Kaguya and others, they were still relatively close to the paper man. Especially himself, who kicked the paper man directly. According to Goto Kazuri's observation, these three historians never let the paper figures get close to them during the whole process. It can be said that they are quite good in life-saving awareness. This may be the reason why they can avoid the paper figures. strength.

Just saying that, what should I do if I am actively looking for the paper man now?

While thinking, Gao Hai could already see the village ahead.

After crossing a low mountain and passing through a large dense forest area covered by virgin forest, along this almost deserted muddy dirt road, Gao Hai, Hayasaka, Tangyuan and Mao Ge finally saw a It is similar to [Lijiacun], but if you look carefully, you will find that it is a village made of paper.

There are many paper figures walking around in the village. They are like real villagers, either doing various farm work, or chatting and joking with each other, looking for various ways to relieve their boredom and amuse themselves. If it weren't for the fact that these villagers and buildings are all made of rough paper, and after observing for a while, you can find that they are just mechanically repeating a certain action, Gao Hai might have doubted what these things are like. Something happened.

"Is this a figurine village?"

Brother Mao, who was standing nearby, was amazed, looking at the village with a somewhat curious expression.

"The scenes that appear in the dungeon do not necessarily represent the real scenes in the past. Memory and distorted spirits may create places that do not exist in the real world. But such a scene is indeed strange. How on earth is it done? of?"

Tangyuan took out a small camera and took a photo of the village not far away, while still muttering to himself in a low voice while doing analysis and thinking.

Hayasaka didn't react at all, he just stood beside Gao Hai and silently warned the surroundings. Although to her, the sight of a village similar in size to [Lijia Village] made entirely of paper, and the paper figures living in it, was quite shocking. Well, at least compared to the underworld scenes in Hayatachi Elementary School and Bydos Research Institute, Hayasaka felt that the paper village in front of him at least looked a little artistic and would not make people panic.

{Be careful. From now on, we should not speak. We will all speak in the spiritual link, so as not to let anything hear the content of our conversation.}

Long before setting off, the four people present had used the power of the obsession to create a temporary spiritual link. And for the sake of safety, the person responsible for establishing the spiritual link this time is the historian Tangyuan. She uses a Red Moon-level obsession mobile phone that she holds to contact Gao Hai through the air to establish the spiritual link, which can ensure that even if there is The power of monsters invades the spiritual link. As long as the intruder's power level does not exceed the Red Moon core level, they can react in advance and disconnect the link.

However, in Gao Hai's view, even such a spiritual link is still inferior to the link given by the black watch. It's a pity that the link cannot be used at will. So far, only Zhenfei, Qianhua and Miko have linked to Gao Hai. Maybe Kita can be counted as one, but this is achieved by bypassing the rule restriction stuck bug. It is impossible for others to do her kind of operation, so it is meaningless.

What should I do to get the rest of the people to link to me?

Gao Hai thought about this problem and couldn't help but glance at Hayasaka who was on guard next to him. Then he temporarily suppressed his thoughts in this regard and focused on the current task.

{Yili, please leave the preliminary investigation}

Gao Hai, who said this, turned his attention to the clone created by Yili's Blessing Guitar who was following the four people.

Facing Gao Hai's instructions, the clone nodded slightly, stood up straight and bowed with a solemn expression, and then strode forward towards the village in front.

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