They whispered in Gao Hai's ears, as if telling him some secrets, but if you listen carefully and identify the content, you will find that these things are just repeating some meaningless noises. It is estimated that they themselves can't understand what they are saying.

{Xiao Ai, are you sure you only saw one coffin? }

Gao Hai frowned slightly under the mental erosion of those pale weird things, and then asked Hayasaka in the temporary mental link while continuing to run forward.

{Well, I only saw a black coffin, which was full of cracks and felt like it could fall apart at any time. What the master saw was different from what I saw. Is there anything else next to the coffin? }

Hayasaka quickly reacted to Gao Hai's meaning.

{Almost, but it's not a big problem. It seems to be just some specious things that can imitate. The real danger should still be the black coffin. As long as you don't run into the coffin head-on, there shouldn't be much of a problem}

Gao Hai's tone in the mental link was very relaxed, and it seemed that he didn't take the other party seriously at all.

But in his heart, he had already been very vigilant and classified the black coffin into the category of extremely dangerous, and the degree of danger was only lower than the three "gods" that had appeared in this copy.

...Don't run away from Mom anymore...

...Be with Mom...forever...

The voice was heard again.

The voice was obviously clearer and closer than every call he had heard before.

It was like the bell of the end of the world, which doubled Gao Hai's pressure.

In front of his sight, he could see the burned village and the mountain bandit village located higher up.

However, Gao Hai did not intend to approach these dangerous and unknown areas. He appeared here because he needed to transfer through the intersection of dirt roads in the dense forest. He planned to try to go to another mountain peak to see if he could trigger another spatial disorder and be teleported to a new area to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

Although it sounds unreliable, at least Gao Hai's original plan was indeed like this.

Now, after seeing those vague figures wearing neat armor and holding spears walking out of different dirt roads one by one, Gao Hai could no longer imagine what the subsequent development would be like.

But seeing the army here means that a more formal war has taken place here?

While thinking, Gao Hai's eyes swept over those soldiers. This time he suddenly noticed that the patterns on these soldiers' armor seemed to have some similarities with the clothes of the [Zhengui Ren]?

Chapter 81: Things encountered in the process of moving forward and the gaze that is no longer blocked

It can't be wrong.

Gao Hai can be sure that he is not wrong.

These soldiers wearing uniform armor, holding spears, and walking in a very regular and well-trained manner do have the same pattern marks on the clothes of the Zhengui Ren.

Such soldiers can never be chaotic soldiers.

Although Gao Hai has never really seen what chaotic soldiers look like, since there is a "chaotic" word in front, it will definitely not show such a well-trained and orderly team. Apart from anything else, this kind of spirit is not what soldiers who fled after losing a battle should have.

Considering these patterns, combined with the following

Chapter 82: Things that cannot be touched and abnormalities that have not been noticed

Within reach.

At this moment, Gao Hai can clearly feel that the existence of the mountain god of Xiaohei Mountain is within reach for him.

All the places he has been to before are not as good as the sense of existence he feels in this space.

The power of all the mountain gods he has seen before is not as strong and pure as what he feels at this moment.

Such a deep, clear, and definite power.

Is it lucky?

Or extremely unfortunate?

In any case, he did arrive at this place.

The majestic and magnificent snow-capped mountains that soar into the clouds and reach more than 6,000 meters, and the lush primeval forests that spread all the way from the snow line of the mountains and cover the sight. This mountain range without any traces of human activities, no villages, no farmland, and no dirt roads trampled by feet is where the existence of [Little Black Mountain God] belongs, and it is the embodiment of this existence's external power.

In other words, the real mountain god actually does not need human belief from the beginning, and has nothing to do with humans?

Until the refugees came to this place and settled here, the mountain god had no relationship with humans? No, even when the settlers appeared, the mountain god still had no connection with humans, no strange and complicated sacrificial rituals, and no ugly performances today. It was not until someone dug something out of the [Ghost Crying Cave] and someone brought out something belonging to the mountain god that all this changed, forcing the mountain god to establish a connection with humans?

No, it is wrong to think so.

Thousands of years ago, the mountain god participated in the suppression of the bloody flowers and eventually became the main carrier of the bloody flowers.

At present, it seems that the greatest significance of sealing the blood flower is probably to liberate human civilization from bondage. Perhaps in the ancient times, the mountain god had already accepted human offerings and protected humans. That's why he took action against the blood flower and paid a huge price for this matter. Well... If we speculate based on this, then the refugees who fled later actually reconnected the connection between the mountain god and humans, and reconnected the originally broken contract.

...Then, they are very likely to pollute and distort this contract, and lead to a series of subsequent bad consequences.

Although it's just a guess, Gao Hai estimates that there shouldn't be much difference between his thoughts and the facts. It's just that knowing these things won't change much. What he has to do now is to try to survive and try to find a way to really crack this copy. The "source" of a mountain god alone can't explain anything. But now that he has come to this place, maybe he can try to contact the mountain god in this form to see if there will be any different results?

Looking at the forest in front of him that still shows lush green colors under the night, Gao Hai gradually had some small ideas in his heart.

[It's better not to do this, teacher~]

But before he really took action, Alice's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, causing his body to stiffen immediately.

Following this, a strong, creepy sense of terror surged in his body. Gao Hai's breathing was a little disordered in an instant. He widened his eyes, and all the muscles in his body twitched at this moment. He tried his best just to control his body from falling.

I can't move forward anymore.

The mountain god in this state can't get closer.

[Although Alice really wants to give the teacher who is very lucky some small rewards, it is not allowed to approach directly like this. If the teacher doesn't want to die in such an unclear way, and doesn't want the life that has struggled so hard to get to the end, it's better to keep a distance. In this way, Alice can continue to give the teacher tips, and the teacher will have the opportunity to continue to get help from Alice~]

The girl's playful reminder sounded in his ears.

Takahashi closed his eyes and opened them again.

The lush primeval forest, the whispering land entangled with blood-colored flowers and vines, flickered under the reflection of his pupils.

Neither Hayasaka nor Kita could see such a scene. The former was because of her low perception, and the latter was because her mental power was completely wrapped by Gao Hai and could not actively explore. Of course, the more important reason may still be that the parasites in Gao Hai's body have never been completely cleared, and they are still coming from the uncontrolled things in his body.

This is just an illusion.

Although the scene is extremely terrifying, Gao Hai knows that it is just his environment.

But if he continues to approach the location of the mountain god, if he really tries desperately, some things that originally existed only in his imagination may become true next.

Regardless of the appearance, this at least shows an internal fact. The seal is gradually failing.

In the perception of that moment just now, Gao Hai realized that the mountain god's seal on the blood flower is now on the verge of losing control and may be unlocked at any time.

To make an analogy, it is probably like an active volcano about to erupt.

Now, I am standing next to the crater of this volcano. As long as I get closer, I can exert a little force that can suppress the balance in advance, so that the disaster that may erupt at any time will come in advance.

Then, the reason why Yotsuya Miko sensed the existence of the blood-colored flower in the second round may not be just because of the girl's super perception, but also because the mountain god's suppression of the blood flower gradually weakened? Even if Miko was lucky enough not to trigger the blood flower and did not sense that thing at that time. From the moment she entered this copy, Miko's overly strong perception has actually been exposed to the blood flower. It can even be said that it was incredibly lucky that she did not trigger the blood flower in the first round?

While thinking, Gao Hai's footsteps have begun to accelerate in the direction away from Xiaohei Mountain.

But soon, he noticed another problem.

The space he entered now is a space without villages and traces of human activities. Therefore, there is no man-made dirt road here. He can only move forward in the woods, so he will inevitably be forced to meet the rule conditions of [deep into the woods].

We must get back to the [road] as soon as possible, otherwise if we continue to move in the forest, we will run into [animals] sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai speeded up further, and the whole person flew out of the forest like the wind, so that Hayasaka, who was lying on his back, had to hold Gao Hai tightly with both hands and legs to prevent him from being thrown out.

We just entered a new area, but we are in such a hurry to leave again?

Hayasaka realized that the space that seemed ordinary just now might be full of dangers and extremely deadly.

However, if there is no way to get rid of the pursuit, no matter where you escape, the result will be the same, right?

The girl frowned as she thought of this.

Although he had only known some information about the bloody flower through Gao Hai's narration, it was only the part of the uncontaminated information that he had known. Looking at Gao Hai's embarrassed escape, Hayasaka could imagine how terrible that thing was.

Is there any way to temporarily limit the pace of that thing?

Even if he couldn't get rid of the pursuit permanently, he had to at least find a way to temporarily delay the action of that thing. After all, it was not a good idea to keep running away.

{Master, can you still feel the thing chasing you now? Is it still chasing you? }

Hayasaka asked in the temporary mental link while thinking.

{Unfortunately, it's still...}

Gao Hai's answer was somewhat helpless, and there was one thing he didn't say. That is, even though he had experienced more than one distortion and transformation of the spatial structure, the sound of the thing chasing him was still becoming clearer and clearer, and the distance between the two sides was still shortening a little bit. It seemed that no matter how Gao Hai ran away, the other party would definitely catch up with him.


Gao Hai's footsteps stumbled slightly for a moment, but he immediately reacted and adjusted his steps quickly to continue moving quickly, and very skillfully bypassed a small animal that appeared in front of him and stood silently in the woods.

It seemed to be a deer.

The reason why it was described as "seemingly" was because the other party only had a vague outline, without a sufficiently specific image, and was completely a three-dimensional black color.

And behind this dark object, Gao Hai noticed more vague silhouettes of animals standing silently in the woods. Each of them seemed to be the physical form of a projected shadow, and they occupied a few gaps in the woods in such a crowded manner, just like the abnormal ecology that Hayasaka observed in the first round, which was so numerous that it was completely abnormal.


Gao Hai's feet stepped on the trunks of the trees. In order to avoid touching those black phantoms, he could hardly land now, and could only move like an acrobatic performance through the trees in the dense forest.

What are these things that look like animal shadows?

Hayasaka noticed that after Gao Hai passed by, the animal phantoms that were originally silent began to move, jumping and squirming as if they had finally gained vitality, and even tended to gather together.

In those shadows, the thing that was walking slowly, as if taking a leisurely stroll, was it a bear? It seemed that the thing could move on all fours, and at the same time stand on two feet like a human.

No, I can't see it clearly.

For the girl with a huge problem in perception, all she could see was this kind of thing that anyone could see, but only to this extent. If she wanted to further understand various information, she had no idea what to do.


Gao Hai was still adjusting his breathing, trying to ensure that every step he took could be stable and avoid stepping on air.

At this time, he couldn't see any traces of the dirt road for a while. Looking around under the dark red moonlight, there was only an endless forest and black ink balls like animals, so he could only continue to move through the trees without touching the ground.

The mental link received another communication at this time.

This time it was not a temporary mental link, but a mental link established by the black watch.

It was a communication from Zhenfei.

{Haijun, how is your situation now? Have you encountered any abnormal situation? }

As soon as the communication was connected, Zhenfei's voice immediately reached Gao Hai's ears.

{There is no abnormal situation for the time being, but there is a pursuer behind that I can't get rid of, which is a bit troublesome. I plan to continue to try to cross the space boundary twice to teleport and see if I can completely separate from that thing. If this doesn't work, I think I may have to try to face it one-on-one}

Gao Hai's mentality at the moment is okay, and he still has time to joke with Zhenfei.

But on the other side of the communication, Zhenfei's voice seems extremely solemn.

{Haijun, think about it carefully, think about it carefully, have you encountered any abnormal situation}

{Our players have been reduced by more than half, and including the Red Moon-level players who stayed behind, none of us noticed the missing and dead. Even the dead who were noticed did not arouse our vigilance}

{I thought carefully for a long time, and I found that it seemed that since the second... or the third time it got dark? Anyway, after the most recent dark, something started to go wrong. Because we are gathered inside the [village], we are protected by the land deed and it is a safe zone, so even if something goes wrong, it will not be particularly fatal. But Haijun, you have been operating outside. If there is really something wrong, the impact on you may be much more serious than ours. So Haijun, think about it carefully again, have you encountered anything wrong?}

The attitude of Zhenfei is very firm.

And Gao Hai naturally does not think that his cautious girlfriend would joke about such things.

So, what have I experienced so far that I have not noticed and what are the obvious abnormalities?

The third round starts with creating a safe zone village...

The dream is captured by blood flowers, triggering the undead blessing to escape...

Gathering players to take action...

Exploring different spaces during the day...

Testing the Paper Man Village at night...

Struggling to escape again under the power of the Fox Lady, Blood Flower and the Mountain God, and triggering the Undead Blessing again...

In my experience along the way, from the third round to now, are there any problems that have been ignored? If so... Wait...

Gao Hai suddenly widened his eyes, and his steps almost became disordered.

The 10-minute Undead Blessing from Hirano Sosuke has a cooling time of 10 days after use.

From the third round to now, a total of about two days have passed.

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