All the skills that Xu Sheng mastered but Gao Hai did not master, or that he could use better than Gao Hai, were all injected into Gao Hai's brain at this moment, and were forcibly transformed into the skills he had already mastered, and he directly possessed the ability and proficiency of Xu Sheng himself, the rescue team leader.


For a moment, Gao Hai, who could not bear such a huge amount of information, sat on the ground.

Not only that, Gao Hai could also feel that his spirit had been strengthened in some way, as if his will itself had been further consolidated.


Gao Hai took out the soaked rescue team badge from his watch.

After the rescue team in Shirakawa Apartment had been liberated, this badge had lost its function as an obsession.

But now that he had received Xu Sheng's blessing, this badge once again restored the effect of an obsession, and it was obvious that the pollution conversion carried by this thing had been reduced a lot. Gao Hai estimated that even if he wore this thing for a whole day, nothing would happen.

Then, in addition to these, Gao Hai also found that there was an extra memory of going to college in his mind. It contains knowledge of various subjects, and it is very comprehensive from freshman to senior year. Judging from the notes, it seems that the person who went to school at that time didn't study seriously.

Uh, Xusheng saw that he didn't go to school after graduating from high school, so he shared his college experience to help him improve his education level?

Thank you so much, Xusheng, it's just that the way you stuffed it in could be more gentle, and it wouldn't make me so dizzy.

After sitting on the ground for a while to adapt, Gao Hai recovered and was able to stand up again.

But this time, before he planned to do anything, the unique harsh noise of the sacrifice game sounded in his ears again.

No, it's endless, right? !

Gao Hai, who wanted to curse a few words, lost the ability to control his body and could only stand stiffly in place, listening to the voice ringing in his mind.

[Player Gao Hai]

[Your next mission will start in 30 days]

[Expected mission level: Dusk level]

[You can choose to trade a dungeon ticket from other players to replace this mission, or participate on time]

The voice sounded quickly and disappeared quickly.

Gao Hai regained his ability to move after a while, and returned to the two-story building cursing.

He took a shower and changed into clothes that just fit him in the room.

Gao Hai, who deliberately put on a hat and a mask, took the key, opened the door, walked onto the street, and hailed a taxi.

"Go to Xiuzhiyuan."

After saying this, Gao Hai sat in his seat, then he became quiet, looked up and looked out the window, thinking about what he should say and do in a while.

Interlude 1-02: The moment of reuniting with the cute little angel

"Main concubine?"

When the exclamation of her friends around her rang out, the girl realized that she was now sitting in the activity room, trying to kill the boring time in front of her.

The four days of struggling to survive in Shirakawa Apartment seemed like an unreal dream.

It was not until she saw the sun again and the familiar campus in front of her that she realized that she had finally returned to reality.

"What, what's going on, Zhenfei, why are your clothes suddenly tattered? What's going on?!"


I'm really back.

I really left that place and came back.

The girl fell back with a weak body, and was then supported by her anxious friends.

The harsh noise coming from her ears and the reminder to participate in the next round of the game one month after the sacrifice game were intertwined with the noisy sounds of the people around. Zhenfei felt even more unreal, and couldn't tell whether she was dreaming or in reality.

What the hell... No! No! The key question is not this at all!

It seems that someone's voice of thanking and saying goodbye to me lightly, and the strange feeling that my body and consciousness are further strengthened.

But Zhenfei has no energy to pay attention to these things now.

She remembered.

At the last moment, she was pushed into the door by Gao Hai, and he and his aunt were taken away by those black arms.

Have they come back?

Did the two of them escape successfully?

Haijun... Haijun... You won't stay in there. You are such a smart person, such a powerful person, you will definitely not stay in there, right!

She stood up suddenly.

The girl ran out of the activity room the next moment.

She didn't care about the shouts of her friends behind her, nor the puzzled eyes of her classmates around her.

Wearing a school uniform that was dirty and scratched by crawling in the ruins, the girl ran forward, but stopped because she didn't know where her destination was for a while. She stood on the campus path in a daze and looked up at the sky.

At the same time, outside the gate of Shuchiin High School, Gao Hai got out of a taxi, muttered "The taxi prices in Japan are too outrageous" while looking at the school gate in front of him, took a deep breath, and walked forward.

Then he was kicked out by the security guards as expected.

"He also acted as if he would call the police if I didn't leave. Am I that suspicious? The local security guards are so rude."

Wearing a hat and a mask, Gao Hai wanted to come up and break the card if he disagreed, but he shook his head and left helplessly, and then looked at the outer wall of Shuchiyuan.

It's not very high, just over two meters and close to three meters in height.

The real concubine doesn't know what she is doing now, but at this time, she should be in school.

Gao Hai left the school gate without saying a word and walked around the outer wall of the school. Relying on his relatively skilled detective skills, he quickly found a corner area with no pedestrians and no surveillance.

Take two steps back, run, and jump.

The next moment, Gao Hai held his hat with one hand and jumped up to a height of more than three meters. He turned around in mid-air and landed easily inside Shuchiin's school.

It’s been a long time since we did this kind of detective infiltration activity.

Gao Hai couldn't help but recall the part-time job he had before he started writing novels. But what happened at that time was actually nothing worth remembering. In contrast, the key point now is to quickly find the true concubine and confirm her current condition.

Thinking like this, Gao Hai hid his figure against the shrubs and trees in the school and carefully observed the buildings and various school facilities outside.

After a while, Gao Hai slipped into the men's changing room of Xiuzhiyuan Swimming Pool from the window on the second floor, used his now greatly enhanced strength to open the swimming class teacher's cabinet and put on the other person's coat and sunglasses, and then He took off his hat and mask and walked out, pretending to be a Shuchiin teacher and marching through the school.

I remember that Zhenfei seems to be a sophomore in high school. Will she be in the class now? But I never asked her which class she was in, and I never remembered such details when I read comics.

Gao Hai felt a little troubled.

Students passed by from time to time and greeted him politely. There were also some students who murmured in confusion, wondering why there was such a strange teacher suddenly in the school, and he seemed a little too young no matter how he looked at it.

Gao Hai, who didn't care about this, just continued walking in the school. Then, he was blocked by a pink-haired girl holding a basketball-sized dice.

"Next round, advance 4!"

The girl with pink hair tied with a bow threw the big dice on the ground, and then shouted excitedly. The other two girls following her held a rule sheet and read out, "This round Qianhua gets 5,000 money." "In this case, the other one picked up the dice and said very aggressively, "It's my turn next" and started throwing the dice again.

Did he meet the legendary Cancer of the Earth Chika Fujiwara so soon?

This girl with a proud figure and extremely happy personality has attracted a large number of fans in both comics and animation. And how can I put it, in the weird later stage of the comic where the fried noodle man x photographer, she is probably a character who can make people stretch.

Do you want to try asking her?

"This classmate..."

So Gao Hai coughed lightly and spoke slowly, imitating the slow voices of those old teachers.

"Ah, it's teacher! Hello teacher, we are doing extracurricular practical activities. Teacher, do you have anything to teach us?"

Fujiwara Chika, who was playing the game just now and looked excited, was slightly startled after seeing Gao Hai, and then quickly glanced around Gao Hai, seeming to be looking for something. She breathed a sigh of relief after finding no one else besides Gao Hai, then waved to Gao Hai energetically and asked with a smile.

Looking at the equally casual behavior of the two people behind her, it seems that these students are not afraid to show their playful side in front of the teacher. Well, it may also be because most of the students in Shuchiin have a profound background. Teachers can usually only advise, and only the discipline committee members who are also students dare to discipline them, right?

"Did you see Shijo Mabi-san passing by here?"

Gao Hai's expression remained unchanged and he just asked in a very normal tone.

"Classmate Shijo Mabi? Well, he seems to be the one who is related to Kaguya... I'm not sure. Did something happen to teacher-sensei? I'm the famous Detective Fujiwara in the school. I can help if needed. Oh!”

Qianhua was slightly stunned by Gao Hai's question, and then gave a slightly disappointing answer. But then, as if she sensed something from Gao Hai's reaction, the girl's eyes became sparkling, and she took a step forward with the intention of recommending herself.

"No, you can continue to play, but don't affect other people."

However, now Gao Hai has no interest in starting any new gal branch line. He just wants to find the true concubine quickly, so he just waved his hand and walked away.

"Hey, why is this?"

The girl's slightly discouraged voice came from behind.

Gao Hai, who walked briskly, had already walked through the park path below the teaching building and walked to a more secluded road.

It was at this time that he heard the faint voices of students passing by around him.

"What happened to that girl just now?"

"Are the clothes too dirty?"

"By the way, isn't that Shijo, who is second in grade? How could it become like this?"

Gao Hai's footsteps stopped.

He turned his head and looked ahead on the road.

The true concubine lowered her head slightly, sighed softly, and just sat on the chair in silence.

An anxious inquiry came from a friend beside me.

Several teachers and other students were also attracted, trying to figure out what was going on.

It's really embarrassing.

She is obviously the eldest daughter of the Shijo family, but she appears disheveled in public. I guess she will be punished by her father when she returns home, right?

Thinking like this, the true concubine sighed softly again and prepared to stand up and leave.

Anyway, let's go find my aunt now. She was pulled down with Haijun, and if Haijun could return safely, then she could too. Therefore, as long as the safety of the great aunt is determined, there is no need to worry about Haijun.

Really, I could have thought of it from the beginning, but I ended up running out like this.

Obviously I know nothing about him except his name.

Maybe after this, we will never have the chance to meet again...

"Hey, why don't you change into clean clothes? How are you going to maintain the dignity of the eldest lady of the Shijo family when you look like this?"

Then I heard that familiar voice.

The voice of the person that I originally thought I would not hear, or at least not hear so soon.


The girl raised her head in surprise and saw Gao Hai, who had taken off his sunglasses and waved gently to her.

"Haijun, why are you——"

There was no time to say the words in surprise.

Because in the next moment, Gao Hai took a step forward neatly and stretched out his hand to hug the girl. Not caring about the looks and words of the students and teachers around her, she just lifted Zhen Fei up with her feet off the ground.

"As a celebration of our reunion in the real world, a small hug isn't too much, right, true concubine?"

Gao Hai smiled very calmly at the girl.

Under the multiple shocks, the girl, who had been stunned for a long time to realize the current situation, blushed almost immediately, and the blush almost filled her entire face in an instant.

"W-what are you doing you idiot!?"

After the wailing, there were the voices of other teachers rushing forward with questions, the voices of students making uproar, and the voice of Gao Hai who was very skilled in escaping. All kinds of chaotic sounds filled the campus, and it was so lively. .

In the teaching building not far away, in a small empty classroom, Kaguya, who had put on a clean school uniform, looked out the window and looked at Gao Hai flying past on the park path below, with a cold expression on her face. His expression relaxed slightly, giving him a sense of relaxation.

"They all survived."

After muttering to herself, she turned and looked to the side, the maid who was collecting the tattered school uniform with its collar torn off for her.

Judging from the worried expression on the other party's face, I must think carefully about how to explain the problem of this school uniform next. However, for now, for this moment, Kaguya's heart was filled with the joy of surviving the disaster and the joy of the two real concubines, Gao Hai, surviving, and she felt lighter than ever before.

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