Hey, why do I suddenly feel that having these two cute-looking and reliable JKs as teammates seems quite nerdy?

Chapter 7: Two gods bring one waste and I am a waste

Until now, when the three people in the house reluctantly reached an agreement on preliminary cooperation, the corridor outside the house was still quiet.

The uncle named Sun Dajun, the black boy, and the yellow-haired girl who was so frightened that she couldn't walk steadily. Their voices disappeared in the corridor. After Kaguya closed the door, they never rang again.

No one knows what is going on in the corridor outside the door now.

However, people in the house don't need to worry about such things for the time being.

"All in all, the rules of strange talk are, in the final analysis, a survival method summarized in all aspects without directly describing a terrible thing. However, I suspect that the code we have in hand is outdated, at least it is no longer usable. Deal with the current situation.”

Sitting around the coffee table in the room, Gao Hai looked at the two identical A4 printing papers from 204 and 208 placed on the table, and slowly opened his mouth to analyze.

"Let's not talk about the fact that it is safe during the day as mentioned in the rules. After all, we have not determined the situation in the corridor yet. But one thing is already very clear, that is, if this rule is confirmed, people will be inexplicably brought into Shirakawa's apartment. Everyone is over 20 years old, and none of the three of us here are under 20 years old. This alone is inconsistent with the rules, so I guess that an abnormality occurred in this apartment. It has changed so drastically that the rules used by the survivors who originally lived here are no longer accurate and there is no way to help us avoid all dangers.”

"After all, from the time we came to this place to now, although we haven't been to many places, we haven't found any traces of recent life either in the house or in the corridor, right? Those who had the ability to leave this rule behind , it is impossible to do anything other than leave a list. If they are still there, we should be able to find various clues. But the current situation is not like this at all. So, I think we should find a way to verify this. rules to determine which ones have failed and which ones are still working to protect us.”

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. What do you think?"

As he said this, Gao Hai sat obediently on the stool, with a simple expression like a well-behaved student in a primary school classroom.

However, although his attitude seemed to be very low, Gao Hai still had a somewhat conceited side in his heart.

After all, I am also a time-traveler, and I am someone who has experienced hardships in society. My knowledge and thinking are definitely better than those of these people who don’t even know the rules and weird talk. The two-dimensional JKs who go to school are much better.

In this case, I will rely on my wisdom and the help of these two people to try to overcome the difficulties at hand!

"If it's about the traces of those people's lives in the past, I have already found them, but one thing Gao Hai is right about is that those people must have disappeared for a long time."

Concubine Shijo, who was standing on one side of the room, listened carefully to Gao Hai's words and nodded gently to answer. Then she walked to the bed on one side of the room, lay down, reached out and pulled out a small box from under the bed.


This box was obviously quite heavy. It was a little difficult for Shijo Maifei to pick it up, but she still frowned and slowly carried the box to the table, placed it on the table, and then unzipped and opened the box similar to Small suitcase suitcase.

Gao Hai and Shinomiya Kaguya saw various things messily placed in the box at the next moment.

Compressed biscuits, bagged instant noodles, mineral water, toilet paper, alcohol, iodophor, antipyretics...

There are all kinds of things mixed in there, obviously they were specially prepared here to provide supplies for the people living in the house.

"The production dates are all about two years ago, and the most recent ones are two years and three months. The things have either expired or are not far away from expiration. The words on these things are all in Chinese. It looks like we are He was taken to a small town in China. Also, there was this thing in the box.”

As Concubine Shijo spoke, she opened one side of the box and pulled out a piece of white paper.

Just like the rule sheets found in the house before, this piece of paper also had some words written on it.

【To the survivors】

[No matter who you are, when you wake up from this room, you will be one of us]

[As we who are also cursed and unable to escape from this scary apartment, we can only survive better if we cooperate with each other]

[This box contains some food and water, as well as disinfectant alcohol, gauze, and some simple medicines and tools. These things are replaced once a year, so don’t worry about not being able to use them. Just use them if necessary.]

[But if it is nighttime, please try not to make any noise when using these things. If you have read the rule sheet we left in the room, I believe you will understand what I mean. If you haven’t read it yet, please hurry up now. Go and see, this is not a place where you can retire safely. Everyone here is exposed to danger all the time, so if you want to survive, you must know the rules]

[The statistics of the items in the supply box are as follows:]

【1. Chocolate bars x3; 2. Canned compressed biscuits x1 box; 3. Vitamin supplements x1 box; 4. Bags of instant noodles x3 bags; 5. Drinking mineral water x5 bottles x600ml; 6. Lighter x1; 7 . Toilet paper x 1 pack x 180 pieces; 8. Disinfectant alcohol x 1 bottle; 9. Disinfectant iodine x 1 bottle; 10. Medical bandage x 1 roll; 11. Conventional medicine x 1 box; 12. Sanitary napkin x 1 box; 13. Transparent tape x 1 piece; 14. Earplugs

【——Xu Sheng】

Unlike the densely written rule sheet of more than two thousand words, the content on this document is much simpler and more intuitive.

Just seeing these things, Gao Hai felt an indescribable feeling.

Whether it is a copy of the rules of life in each house, or a cabinet specially built in the corridor for safety, plus the daily necessities found in the house for survivors. It is conceivable that the group of survivors who once lived in this place must be doing their best to unite and find ways to improve everyone's survival rate.

But now, they have disappeared, leaving only these traces of existence.

What exactly happened during this process?

It can be clearly seen from the words on this document that the group of survivors in the past were able to put this kind of emergency supplies in every house. So this also means that the people who lived here have already investigated the rules here very clearly, and can basically live normally, and even have a lot of room to help others.

So, what happened to cause these survivors to disappear?

"If this annual change is not random, then the organized survivor group that once existed here has been disintegrated for at least a year."

Kaguya Shinomiya, who had maintained an indifferent expression from beginning to end, spoke slowly, staring at the scattered things in the small box, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Yes, I asked other people in the corridor before, and they didn't seem to notice if there was such a box in the house. I suspect that every room should have such a supply box. If we really have to be here If you stay for a while, it is necessary to collect these supply boxes. Even if it is almost expired food, it can at least fill your stomach. It is not a good thing to face this weird apartment when you are hungry, right. Aunt?"

Saying this, Shijou Maifei sat on the sofa on the side of the room and shook her legs gently.

"The contents of this supply box are enough for us to deal with it for about a day. Although we can save some, it will reduce our physical fitness and make it difficult for us to respond in time when facing danger. In other words, even if we adopt a conservative strategy, we can at most I can only stay in this room for one day, and I have to take action to leave this room at most tomorrow. "

Shinomiya Kaguya frowned. She didn't like it when Shijo Mamei called her "aunt". Although the two of them were indeed the same in terms of seniority, girls of the same age were obviously called "grandmother", which made her feel uncomfortable. Kaguya was very unhappy, so unhappy that she wanted to start a quarrel with the other party here.

No, you can't do that.

As a member of the Shinomiya family, it is okay to argue in private, but now that there are outsiders around, it is better to maintain courtesy.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was in a slightly unhappy mood, breathed out gently, maintaining a calm expression on her face, and continued her analysis:

"Although action must be taken, the intelligence information we have now is too little, so it is not a good idea to act rashly. As Mr. Gao Hai said, the rule sheet in our hands is very likely to It’s outdated. Even if some of the above content does have reference value, other parts of the rules that seemed to protect us may have become life-threatening traps.”

"So now, it is necessary for us to sort out the rule sheet in our hands."

Stretching out her white fingers and gently pressing on a rule sheet placed on the table, Shinomiya Kaguya's tone became more serious.

"Let's start with the very first one, 8 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. This is obviously very problematic at the moment. There is light shining outside the window, and it seems like it should be daytime, but there are people in the corridor. The abnormality cannot be explained by common sense, either the light outside the window itself is misleading and we are actually at night, or the rule itself no longer works, and the apartment is full of dangers during the day. "

Concubine Shijo spoke immediately, obviously already thinking about this issue.

"I'm certain of this that it's daytime and there's nothing wrong with that. So it's only possible that the rule is no longer accurate and doesn't protect us."

Shinomiya Kaguya answered immediately, with a very firm tone.

"biological clock?"

Concubine Shijo was slightly startled when she heard this answer, and then she immediately understood what Kaguya meant.

"Yes, the Shinomiya family has very strict work and rest requirements. As long as it exceeds 11 o'clock, my body will instinctively feel sleepy. The time previously displayed on the wall clock was already around 1 o'clock. If this is 1 o'clock in the morning, There was no way I was going to have no reaction."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded slightly, and there was a hint of arrogance in his words unconsciously.

"It's really a strict and pathetic style, grandma, but have you considered the time difference? If we are taken to another time zone, your biological clock may not necessarily correspond to the time accurately. It's even more exaggerated. If so, what should we do if we are in a different world?"

Concubine Shijou snorted lightly and replied unceremoniously with her hands on her hips.

"I have also considered this, but the houses, furniture, and characters of the place we are in now all have obvious Chinese style. Unless the builder of this place is bored enough and insists on going there Places like Ameili Country are restored to equal proportions, otherwise the time difference will not be too big. You must know that the time in the Shangjing time zone used throughout China is very small. As for the different world, at least this is the case. There is no need to think about it now, because if we think about it this way, we will only be trapped in this room for the rest of our lives. No matter what we do under this kind of thinking, it will be wrong, and our goal is to get out of here rather than get into trouble. "

Shinomiya Kaguya retorted very quickly, while the Shijo Princess on the other side immediately showed a thoughtful expression, and then nodded slightly, agreeing with the other party's statement.

"I think……"

Gao Hai, who had never been able to find a chance to interrupt, could only watch the two girls talking rapidly, raising his hand to say something.

"Okay, then the second rule is that there will be some unusual changes in this apartment after 9 pm..."

But Shinomiya Kaguya has quickly moved on to the next topic. Even though the real concubine has stopped to hear what Gao Hai has to say, she can't help but be carried away by Kaguya's rhythm at this time and can only continue to discuss the next issue. .

"Absolutely accurate clock... This sentence cannot be written randomly, it must have some deep meaning. I will try to change the time of the clock later and see what changes there will be."

"According to this rule, after 9 p.m., we must stay in the house, and it is best to be in the house where we woke up, and we must maintain absolute silence in the house, ignoring the knocking of children... This [children ], maybe it's a reference to some kind of threat in this apartment. Does the other party have any way to monitor the situation in the entire building, so even if it knows something, it can't be discussed at will? "

"The circuit in the house was tried when I woke up, and it was broken. It was broken for a long time, so the third rule of not turning on the lights is completely meaningless. This may also be one of the evidences of the disappearance of the original survivors. , when those survivors were still active, the circuits in the apartment should still be maintained and intact. No, you can't just consider your own house. The lights in the corridor are intact. If the lights there also belong to [must be at 9 p.m. What about the category of [then extinguished]?”

"Is there anything left on the high cabinet? We have to check it later. These rules are very clear. The source of the threat is similar to a young child. He is not tall, so he can escape through the high cabinet. But they have disappeared now , so it’s hard to say whether this hedging method will work, but there should be some traces left on the corresponding cabinets, which may help our further investigation.”

"The location 304 is specifically stated in this way. I'm afraid it's a big problem. On the contrary, the rule maker claims that he lives in 309, which means that the 3rd floor itself is safe. Is there just a problem with 304? No matter what It is absolutely necessary to go to the third floor to investigate. By the way, I asked those people for their room numbers when I was outside. They are all on the same floor and they are residents of the second floor. It seems that no one has claimed to be from there yet. 304 people showed up.”

"According to this rule, entering and exiting this apartment will not be blocked. You just have to enter and exit through the door. But our mission is to escape from Shirakawa Apartment within 7 days. If this thing is really so easy to do, I think there is no reason why we should be given such a task. Perhaps the situation on the first floor is very dangerous and if we are to conduct an investigation, we must be as careful as possible."

"Not to mention anything else, there hasn't been any movement in the corridor until now. This alone is very troublesome. Even if you heard the footsteps leaving, is it really safe outside? Should we open the door and go out to explore for a while? This problem is very troublesome.”

Gao Hai remained motionless.

There was silence between the two young girls as they communicated rapidly.

He tried to speak several times, but never found a chance to interrupt.

Every time he wanted to say something, one of Kaguya and Zhenfei said what he wanted to say, and quickly continued the topic, and soon moved on to the next thing, so fast It was so fast that Gao Hai couldn't keep up and couldn't find anything he could add. After a while, I could only sit there and listen carefully to the analysis of these two people, and completely gave up the idea of ​​participating in the exchange.

There are indeed many differences between people.

At this moment, Gao Hai felt that the three-person team in front of him was like two great gods gathered together with a useless person. Well, of course, he's the loser.

"Anyway, the key point now is whether to open the door to investigate the situation outside. Auntie, you think you should test it, but my opinion is to observe for a while longer, at least wait to see if the other two people who are also hiding in the house are there. You can't do this without taking the next step. By the way, Gao Hai, what do you think?"

When the discussion came to an end and they began to talk about the current actions, Shijou Zhenfei suddenly looked at the quiet Gao Hai aside and began to ask for his opinion.

"I'm responsible for calling 666."

Gao Hai, expressionless, raised his right hand and answered very seriously.


Zhen Fei, who didn't understand this sentence, frowned. Although she could understand Chinese, it was obviously difficult to understand various terms on the Chinese Internet.

"I mean, boss, please guide me. I'm a newbie, Ying Ying Ying."

Gao Hai continued with an expressionless face.

"What kind of inexplicable malicious showmanship is this? I am asking for your opinion very seriously!"

Concubine Zhen, who still didn't understand what Gao Hai was talking about, stamped her foot angrily, and some of her sharp fangs were exposed.

Chapter 8: Concubine Shijo remained motionless

In the end, the action plan decided by the three people was to stay in the house for the time being and wait for the other two parties to see if anyone would take the lead.

The situation outside the house was unclear at the moment, and it was really not a good idea to take the lead at this time, so Shinomiya Kaguya, who had a keen hearing, stayed in the corridor near the door, keeping an eye on what was going on outside. Shijo Maifei searched the house more carefully, looking for any missing clues. Gao Hai was assisting the girl from the side, helping her search and investigate various things in house 208.

"Judging from the clothes, he probably looks like a young man living alone."

Zhen Fei, who searched out some simple men's clothes from the closet in the house, frowned and wiped her hands several times as she spoke.

"And the kind of man who lives alone who makes a terrible living for himself."

Gao Hai stared at the boxers and socks with yellowish stains and mildew that were thrown beside the bed. In the end, he didn't reach out to touch them and just kicked them to the wall.

"It's a pity that no diary or other records were found. It seems that the person who finally stayed here didn't leave anything useful."

After a search with no results, Zhen Fei showed a disappointed expression. She reached out and patted her chest, which was not rising much, and let out a long sigh.

"Generally speaking, no one would write a diary. Anyway, in my hometown, generally only elementary school students would write a diary every day at the request of the teacher. After middle school and high school, no one would write that kind of thing anymore. ”

Gao Hai walked to the kitchen, opened the kitchen door, and continued casually.

"That only proves that you don't understand the diversity of people. Many people have the habit of keeping diaries, especially those who are sensitive and like to think. But are you really a novelist? Generally speaking, you Wouldn’t this kind of group prefer to just write something when they have nothing to do?”

Shijou Maifei, who really didn't want to touch those dirty clothes anymore, said as she stretched out her foot to kick the pile of dirty clothes to the wall, just right next to the pile of boxers and socks, and the two piles of dirty things were mixed together.

"So I often say that I am just a writer of online novels. In the final analysis, my job is to write something that has no depth and can make people relax. How can I have the same problems as those who engage in serious literature. Kitchen Stove There is still gas and water, and it seems to be clean tap water. The place is obviously in a state of disrepair, but the water and electricity are not stopped. What is going on? "

Gao Hai, who tried the faucets on the kitchen stove and sink, felt a little confused. After hearing this, Zhen Fei also walked into the kitchen and looked at the blue flames on the stove with a somewhat surprised expression. Come.

"In this case, at least hot water will be guaranteed."

She looked at the wok placed on the side of the room. This pot was made of stainless steel, so it was not rusty but covered with a layer of dust. As long as it is cleaned, it can be used to boil water and cook noodles.

Originally, the true concubine thought that she would have to live a life of rough hair and drinking blood for the next few days. Now that she saw that the water vapor has not stopped, she really got the best news.

"Although it's a good thing, the only things we can eat now are instant noodles and compressed biscuits. Well, it's better than nothing."

Gao Hai has always been an instant noodle fan. In his opinion, instant noodles are meant to be eaten soaked, and it is really unnecessary to cook them all. Under normal circumstances, he only considers whether to cook instant noodles when he is particularly free. It seems that the reason why he traveled through time is because he bought eggs, ham and other things that can be paired with instant noodles in order to cook instant noodles.

"It is very important to maintain the quality of life at any time, which has a very positive effect on adjusting the mentality. Although the materials are limited, since the water vapor is guaranteed, I will arrange the dinner tonight. Hehe , but don’t think that I am the kind of purdah lady who can’t do anything.”

Concubine Zhen, who did not agree with Gao Hai's idea, shook her head and said, reaching out and patting her chest, which had no fluctuations, showing a somewhat proud expression.

"Is that so? Although I visited Shuchiin, I don't know much about the students there, and I don't know what kind of person you are at all (this is a lie). However, I have heard of Shinomiya and The Shijo family is a very powerful family business. Well, let me open the refrigerator over there. It has not been opened for more than two years. It is probably quite scary inside, and it is not suitable for a girl like you to open it. ”

Takahashi, who had clearly read the original work of Kaguya-sama: Love is War, still lied with his eyes open, and his expression remained unchanged. He passed by Shinki and planned to check the refrigerator at the back of the kitchen.

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