[May you witness the end of everything in real fear]

The moment the sound fell, all senses were submerged in darkness.

Then, the first thing that sounded in Gao Hai's ears was a drop of water, dripping on the ground with a clear echo.


Task 2: Claustrophobia

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Red Nut Gray Cave Tourist Attraction


The cold water drops fell on Gao Hai's nose.

He opened his eyes, but there was darkness in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

There was a smell of sand and rocks.

The air was slightly damp.


The clear sound of dripping water echoed, as if he was in a cave at this moment.

Where is this?

Consciousness seemed to be in a state of confusion.

He got up from the ground and stood up.

Then he saw a faint light in the distance.

The scattered rock walls were illuminated by the light, and at the same time, a large box one meter high and wide under the rock wall was also illuminated.

Gao Hai reached out in the darkness and touched the rock wall beside him.

This is a cave.

It was extremely dark, and it was dark and deep underground.

It was not where he should be.

It was not the cave entrance where he should have appeared normally at the beginning of this copy, or the scenic spot entrance area outside the cave.

So, something went wrong.

So he realized that what he encountered was probably the worst possibility.

He opened his mouth.

Gao Hai wanted to curse.

But a sharp and piercing sound covered his hearing before he could say the curse.


Gao Hai lost control of his body.

It was like the pause button was pressed, and the whole person was completely frozen in place, and could only listen to the piercing noise and the strange sound after the noise without moving.

【Welcome to the Sacrifice Game】

【Player Gao Hai, this is the second game you have participated in, game level: Dusk】

【Your clearance condition is: reach the real ground】

【The time limit for this game is: fifteen days】

【Now I will release the game tips to you, please make sure to use them well】

【Tip 1: Those who want to usurp the throne will eventually suffer the consequences and will not rest in peace】

【Tip 2: The proof of the agreement is still valid today】

【Tip 3: The memory of the lost guides the unextinguishable anger】

【Tip 4: The obvious facts must be hidden in the mouth】

【The tips are over, I wish you can pass this game and get closer to the throne that witnesses the end】

It was not the tips he should have heard.

It was completely different from the game tips provided in the intelligence.

Gao Hai clearly remembered that this copy was supposed to give players four tips.

The original four game tips should be "The wandering phantom repeats the past", "Unnecessary curiosity is the quality that tourists should have", "The actors who will take their curtain calls have not yet taken their positions" and "This obsession is still in the making". Among them, the last game prompt is a common prompt for unfixed copies. But now, each prompt is completely different from the original information. This can only prove one thing, one thing Gao Hai has realized just now, one thing he really doesn't want to happen.

This copy is already in the stage of being [fixed].


It can be considered unlucky to encounter [fixed] in the first novice copy, but the second copy is [fixed] again. This is definitely not normal. Even if he is unlucky, he shouldn't encounter [fixed] copies twice in a row, right?

Or... this is related to me, what's wrong with me?

Gao Hai took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, tried to calm down, then reached out and touched his back, and only breathed a sigh of relief after touching the backpack.

Everything is there.

But, no other voices were heard.

Is it dispersed?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai took a step and moved forward carefully in the dark cave, walking towards the direction of the light.

According to the experience of Shirakawa Apartment and the comments of other players on the forum, even if the dungeon is being [fixed] and there is a possibility of leapfrogging, it is usually not ridiculously difficult at the beginning, and there is still time for players to confirm the surrounding situation and at least find a rule sheet.

Complaining about the current situation is meaningless.

Gao Hai knows very well that the life of a player is to fight for his life, and he is much luckier than others to have the opportunity to go back and start over.

So the most important thing to do now is to confirm the current rules of this place, try every means to survive, and then meet up with Maki Kaguya and the others to find a way to escape from this strange place together.

He did not walk fast.

Because in the completely dark cave, Gao Hai could hardly recognize the surrounding road conditions, and this cave was obviously a natural cave. The road inside was basically not repaired, with potholes and ups and downs, and if you are not careful, you will stumble.

In other words, Gao Hai's physical fitness is now far superior to that of ordinary people, so he can move forward under the illumination of only the weak light in the distance.

As for why he didn't take out the flashlight from his backpack, Gao Hai felt that since the player started in a dark environment, it would be better not to rashly create light to change the current environment before confirming the relevant rules.

After all, he didn't know if something would be following him in this cave.

It didn't take long to get close to the area where the light was.

Gao Hai found that it seemed to be a searchlight. Logically speaking, it should be a high-power and high-brightness type of light, but perhaps because it had been turned on for too long, the battery was almost out of power, so the light of this light seemed a bit dim at this time. .

The searchlight was placed flat on the box under the rock wall. The box itself was a large waterproof box. It seemed that it was not locked and could be opened easily.

When he walked in front of the searchlight, Gao Hai noticed that there was a piece of printing paper pressed under the searchlight, with a lot of words written on it.

Is this the rule sheet you can get at the start this time?

I hope it won’t be like Shirakawa Apartment’s outdated rules.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai stretched out his hand to grab the edge of the printing paper, and then heard footsteps not far away, and the voice of a girl muttering softly.

"Ugh...what's going on?"

It sounds a little familiar, is it someone you know?

Gao Hai turned his head and saw the other party stepping into the light range and appearing in front of him.

"Hey, is it Takao-kun who locked me in the ramen shop?"

Before Gao Hai spoke, the girl covered her mouth in surprise and said.

Long pink hair.

Black bow.

The school uniform can't hide her beautiful figure and plump curves.

Chika Fujiwara, this cute and fun-loving girl, reunited with Gao Hai again.

In this extremely deadly world with weird rules, meet him again.

"Should I say you are unlucky, or should I say that you were implicated by me?"

Gao Hai, who didn't expect to encounter such a coincidence, couldn't help but shook his head and said. He took out the printing paper under the girl's confused gaze and unfolded it under the light of the searchlight.

"Gao Jun, um, where is this place? I am obviously taking a nap, why do I appear here?"

Chika Fujiwara, who didn't understand what Takahai was talking about, didn't yell as vigorously as Takahai knew in the original work. Although she usually looked a bit dull and silly, it was obvious that Chika was not an idiot, no matter how dark it was. The strange and gloomy cave, or the solemn expression on the reunited man's face, had clearly told her that she was in trouble, and it was very big trouble.

"Don't argue. I'll give it to you after I read the rules. It's best to remember them after reading them. I just want to get out of here alive, so as long as you don't hold me back, I won't mind helping you. The two of you will pass the test together. Now, please be quiet for now.”

Faced with the nervousness of the girl in front of him, Gao Hai just waved his hands and said casually, and then immediately turned his attention to the printing paper.


Under the dim light, the sound of dripping water echoed from the darkness beyond the light.

Gao Hai's eyes had already fallen on the title of the printing paper.

[Red Nut Gray Cave Explorer Category 1 Rules]

A type of code? What do you mean, is the rule list this time classified?

Gao Hai, who gradually had a more ominous premonition in his heart, speeded up and read carefully.

[Welcome to the Red Nut Ash Cave. This is a well-known local cave attraction. There are various unique attractions inside. You must be ready to face various challenges when you come to explore here. The following are the adventure rules summarized in the park. For the personal safety of all explorers, please be sure to abide by them, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences]

[1. Please wear complete explorer equipment, including protective caving clothing, protective gloves, safety helmet, headlamp, knee pads, elbow pads and protective shoes. The protective shoes can be mountaineering shoes or high-top rain boots. Please remember that you are an explorer and you should carry comprehensive and safe expedition equipment. This is a basic requirement for being a qualified explorer]

[2. The large slide is a slope with a length of about 160 meters and a drop of about 70 meters between the starting point and the end point. The park has a safety rope connecting the upper and lower parts here. You can grab the rope to climb, but when the rope shakes obviously If you feel like being grabbed by someone else, please let go of the rope as soon as possible, and wait until the rope stops shaking before grabbing it]

[3. The pulley area of ​​the big cliff has been closed and is no longer available to tourists. If you find any staff in the pulley area, please ignore them and go up and down the cliff through the vertical safety rope. If the staff interferes with your movements, no matter what questions they ask you, just answer them that you are an explorer and do not answer anything else]

[4. Occasionally, firefighters and search and rescue personnel will appear in the adventure area. There are often false alarms here to attract them. Do not contact them. If you cannot avoid them, please tell them that you are not an explorer, but a tourist]

[5. Confirm that you are an explorer, you are an explorer]

[6. The blood vessel is the narrowest exploration area in this scenic area, with a total length of 230 meters. When exploring this area, please make sure you are crawling in a natural cave with no artificial traces. If not, please find a side road or retreat as soon as possible, and do not call for help. 】

[7. You are a solo explorer in a narrow area where you cannot turn around. You have no companions. If you do, you are not with them at this time.]

[8. Sounds such as crying, talking, and friction heard in the cave are normal natural phenomena and do not need to be ignored. However, if it is the sound of many people arguing and quarreling, please avoid it as soon as possible]

【9. There are no forks in blood vessels】

[10. You are an explorer who came to explore the Red Nut Gray Cave. You have no other identity. Do not explain to them an identity you do not have, and do not ask others about your identity other than as an explorer]

[11. It is a one-way road from the blood vessels to the turning point to the Stone Pillar Square to the large space. There is no second fork in the road. If you see more than one road, please return to the original road]

[12. The safety rope placed on the artery connecting the heart to the large space has been damaged. Do not hold it while moving forward, especially when you are lost]

[13. To ensure the safety of explorers, many supply boxes are set up in the Red Nut Gray Cave exploration area, which contain food and basic exploration equipment. They can be replaced and replenished at any time. Please make sure you are an explorer]

[14. When crawling in a narrow area, you should pass through it as soon as possible to avoid affecting other explorers. Talking and communicating when moving in such areas is a waste of energy and should be avoided as much as possible. Do not answer the words of the people behind you, and do not comment on the adventurers in front. person to ask questions】

[15. You should reach the heart. As an explorer, you should reach the deepest part of the Red Nut Ash Cave. After reaching the heart, please return to the surface as soon as possible. The air circulation in the underground area is poor, so too many explorers should not stay in a short time]

[16. It is inevitable for explorers to get injured while exploring. Don’t be surprised by the injured explorers you see. No matter how unbelievable the injuries are, stay calm and don’t ask about other people’s abnormalities. Do not communicate with these explorers. If you have communicated, please end the topic as soon as possible, and do not discuss personal issues related to the other party]

[17. Some performance artists like to appear in the cave wearing strange clothes, such as soldier costumes, yellow uniforms, rescue worker costumes, white coats, blood-stained skirts, etc. These are mental patients who have mistakenly entered the park. Please do not interact with them. If they come into contact, please flee as soon as possible. Remember that you are just an explorer and there is no need to get entangled with these people]

[18. The firefighters and rescue team members in the area above the entrance of the big slide are trustworthy. As long as they insist on their identity, please believe that they will follow them out of the cave. People who are vague and unable to explain their identities are not trustworthy. , do not communicate with them]

[19. The adventure attractions in the Red Nut Gray Cave are a single passage with no forks. Therefore, after completing one tour, you have seen all the attractions. There is no need to come back again. As an explorer, you have no interest in repeating what you have already seen. attractions, so once you’re done visiting you won’t want to come back again]

[The above are the basic rules that explorers of Red Nut Ash Cave need to follow. I believe that under the guidance of these rules, you can have an unforgettable cave exploration trip. After all, you are an explorer, and that’s what an explorer needs]

It was completely different from the rule list of Baichuan Apartment that Gao Hai had read before. This time's rule list seemed to be closer to the articles in the strange rules he had seen on the Internet.

There are no annotations, no obvious traces left by previous survivors.

Underneath the lines of seemingly normal text, what is described is a sense of weirdness that is impossible to ignore.

"It's your turn."

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