Qianhua was very confused. Although she had already accepted in her heart that she was in some kind of [horror game under the influence of supernatural forces], she still subconsciously used it after seeing such a situation that was so contrary to common sense. Think with your own common sense.

"Space disorder is a very common phenomenon in kaitan. Time, space, spirit...all common sense can be changed in the rules of kaitan. What we have to do is to leave this place before it is changed to the point of no return."

Gao Hai no longer felt anything about this strange and unreasonable situation. He just explained the situation to Qianhua while looking around and observing the place.

He didn't see the body standing in the shadowed corner staring at him.

Those who don't come up to me with a smile will use mental pollution to make themselves think that the other person is a beautiful loli ghost doll.

There were no sudden footsteps or anything else out of place.

At least for now, everything looks fine.

"You have good observation skills. Look around for me while I check this place."

After a brief hesitation, Gao Hai made arrangements for the girl.

"Okay, mission accepted."

The girl nodded in reply with a serious face, then opened her eyes wide and scanned the surroundings frantically, as if she had turned into a human monitor.

In the large area, Qianhua could notice that the voices of Gao Hai and the other party were suddenly missing. It may be because she was in the cave and could not hear the other party's voice clearly from a distance, so she was not affected by the strange power. of pollution. But even so, Gao Hai was very satisfied with his observation, reaction and action ability to quickly realize that [this situation may be problematic] and quickly come over to remind him, so he made the arrangements at this moment.

Speaking of which, I had just participated in the second dungeon, but my mentality was completely different.

Recalling his three-week experience in Shirakawa Apartment, and looking at his current state, Gao Hai couldn't help feeling the growth and changes in his heart, and then he was a little worried about the situation of Zhen Fei and Kaguya, and then he For once, force yourself to calm down and focus on the exploration at hand.

The collapsed sentry box carried an unpleasant stench.

Gao Hai stepped into the guard box, stretched out his hand to fan in front of his nose, and then tried to open the drawer of the desk, but he tore half of the drawer off.

It was just a pile of rotten, shapeless garbage, and there was no way to identify it.

Then he walked to the bed, stretched out his hand, and lifted the dirty sheets.

There was a human-shaped stain left on the bed, which looked like dried sweat stains or something else mixed in.

Hidden under the quilt was a security guard's black uniform, which looked dirty.

Gao Hai originally didn't intend to pay attention to this uniform, but thinking about the connection between the [explorer's] dress and the rules of identity, he pulled the thing out, patted it, folded it and put it in his backpack.

No new rule sheets or readable files were found.

This is a matter of course. It is impossible to leave paper in a place that has been abandoned for an unknown period of time and is in a humid environment.

However, when he was about to leave, Gao Hai took another look in the room, and then noticed something that seemed to exist in the corner of the room under the collapsed color steel plate.


Lift up the rusty, tattered boards.

Gao Hai stretched out his hand, dragged the thing out, and then grabbed it and stood it up.

It's a map.

The framed one with a sign like [Red Nut Gray Cave Tourist Map] was originally supposed to be a map hanging on the wall.

Gao Hai didn't look at the map immediately.

He clearly remembered that the information he got from the man named Xiao Heshu mentioned that the area after the [Big Slide] attraction was a high-risk area that must not be explored or even known. All players who have mistakenly entered these areas can no longer enter the Red Nut Gray Cave dungeon, because the information and knowledge they possess will bind them to those hidden areas, putting them in the most dangerous place at the beginning. The place.

This map looks very old.

Maybe this is a complete map, a map that can directly see the entire interior area of ​​the Red Nut Ash Cave.

Once he reads the above content, this thing may cause him a lot of trouble.

Put the map down and tuck it back into the place where you took it out in the first place.

Gao Hai stood up, turned his head, and looked at Qianhua, who was still investigating carefully not far away, and a silent man in a black firefighting suit with yellow stripes who passed by her and walked slowly with his head lowered. figure.


Gao Hai didn't make any movement, as if he couldn't see the thing at all, and walked to Qianhua's side in a completely normal state.

"Hey, Mr. Gao, have you found any useful clues?"

The girl blinked and saw that he had completed the exploration so quickly, so she asked curiously.

She didn't see anything coming.

As for Gao Hai, he didn't feel any kindness or malice from the silent firefighter, and had no way to confirm whether the other party was human or non-human.

Is it because the blessing has no effect because it is just a phantom that does not exist?

"It's time to move on, to find a way out... to find a way to the heart."

With that said, Gao Hai chose to go in the opposite direction to the firefighter and stepped into another cave.

According to the long rule list with 19 rules, which seemed to deliberately make it difficult for people to remember the content, he and Qianhua, who were active as [explorers], must successfully explore the deepest part of the red nut gray cave. [Heart], and then return to the ground normally.

But now this complex cave is obviously not the weird topography that the Red Nut Gray Cave should have. How to find the way out is a very troublesome thing.

Gao Hai passed through several caves and walked for about ten minutes, but he still didn't see any path that looked like he could leave this area.

On the contrary, more and more disturbing traces began to spread.

Such as dark red blood stains on the rock wall, or splattered blood spots, or blood marks as if scratched by sharp claws, as well as deep or shallow bloody handprints.

Another example is the fragments of clothes torn off by stalagmites and rock walls, most of which are stained with blood and scattered in every corner of the cave.

It seemed that as they continued to go deeper, these caves began to show something wrong little by little.

"Gaojun...this place..."

Even the most nervous person will become nervous when faced with such a situation.

Qianhua, who had been following Gao Hai, shrank back in fear and subconsciously got closer.

You can smell the fragrance of the other person's shampoo, and it's obviously a different style from Kaguya's.

It's a pity that I really don't have the energy to appreciate it now, because Gao Hai has begun to see some dark red twisted handwriting, like the last words left by the people trapped here.

【I want to leave, I want to go out】

【Don't leave me here】

【What have we done? 】

【None of this should have happened】

【Even if you can no longer hear, I love you】

The solidified blood showed a dark color.

Many of the handwritings are distorted and misspelled frequently, as if to illustrate the despair and pain of those who wrote at the last moment.

Qianhua, who was obviously able to read these words, became even more silent, while Gao Hai's brows furrowed even more.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to be going deep into a place he shouldn't be.

But no matter which direction he walked, these blood stains, these pieces of clothes, these twisted messages continued to increase, and they never seemed to decrease.

And when he turned back and walked towards the place he had been, Gao Hai found that the road ahead seemed a little different from the way he had been at the beginning.

Is the terrain of the entire Chaotic Cave actually constantly changing?

With this kind of thinking, Gao Hai walked through another section of the cave and then came to a place he had never been to before.

Although I have never been there before, this place is actually a cave, just a cave tunnel that is almost the same as other caves.

The only difference is a light yellow safety rope.

A safety rope of unknown length, extending parallel to the ground through the fulcrum of a nail, and extending to an unknown place.

In the darkness, Gao Hai looked at both sides of the safety rope, but he could only see that the rope extended infinitely towards both sides of the cave, and he could not see the edges at a glance.

Chapter 5: You are traveling alone through this narrow area

safety rope.

This is a must-have for adventurers who explore dangerous places such as mountains and caves.

However, in this weird and ever-changing cave, what this safety rope means requires some careful thinking.

"There are three safety ropes mentioned in the rules, one on the big slide, one on the big cliff, and one that passes through the three areas of large space - artery - heart. The last safety rope has been damaged and cannot be used. To hold on, especially when you’re lost.”

Gao Hai did not touch the safety ropes nailed to the wall, but squatted down and observed carefully.

"So which area are we in now? The big slide is a long, long slope. It doesn't look like it here, and the big cliff doesn't even look like it. So, should we be in the artery?"

Qianhua, who squatted down with Gao Hai, said curiously.

"But the safety rope didn't look like it was damaged."

Gao Hai shook his head. Although it was just a cursory observation, he did not feel that the fixed rope was in a "damaged" state.

"No, the rope is indeed damaged."

But Qianhua shook her head at this moment and raised objections to Gao Hai's idea.

"Is it damaged?"

Gao Hai couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, not quite understanding the reason for Qianhua's judgment.

"Gao Jun, look carefully. This safety rope has become somewhat unthreaded. The originally braided thread has been disconnected in many places, and the color of the rope has obviously changed, some are darker and some are lighter. There are these changes. The safety ropes are all substandard and damaged and cannot be used anymore.”

"In the final analysis, the safety rope is the life guarantee of the expedition personnel. Every expedition member must check the safety rope before activities. From stretching, swinging to static electricity inspection, all aspects must be done, including abnormalities on the surface of the rope. There can be no discoloration.”

"And this safety rope, well, I just took a look. The hook it was supposed to have has been removed, and it's also knotted. Coupled with these damages, according to the standards of [safety rope], this safety rope is The rope is definitely an unqualified damaged product and will be thrown into the trash by the expedition personnel. I have elders who know people who play extreme sports, so I know these things very well, and this is definitely true. "

Chika Fujiwara was very serious about popularizing science to Gao Hai at this moment.

Although in the process of her explanation, Gao Hai had actually recalled the knowledge about safety ropes that Xu Sheng taught him, and then realized this.

I subconsciously thought according to ordinary people's views on ropes. Maybe just getting the blessing of knowledge is not enough. I also have to read relevant knowledge books and consolidate the skills Xu Sheng taught me at any time.

"In that case, let's walk along this rope and choose a direction until it reaches the end in one breath."

Gao Hai, who warned himself in his heart, stood up and then made a decision.

"Hey, but judging from the rule sheet, this rope should be dangerous, right?"

Qianhua didn't expect Gao Hai to make such a decision, so she immediately asked.

"Well, the original text of the twelfth rule is [The safety rope placed on the artery connecting the heart to the large space has been damaged, do not grab it while moving forward, especially when you are lost], that is to say, once we reach out If we grab this rope, bad things will happen, and if we are lost and don't know where we are, it will be even more dangerous to grab the rope. Unless there are fake rules in the rule book, this will happen. A rope is extremely dangerous for us now."

Gao Hai nodded slightly. He looked towards both sides of the cave and the rope, but could not see the end of the rope. Then he turned back to look at Qianhua, with a smile on his lips.

"But does this rule say anything like, 'This safety rope will lead us to the wrong place?' It's true that it's dangerous, but it's also the only fixed [coordinates] we can find in this place. 】, along this rope, we will definitely reach one of the places in the big space or the heart. "

The only question is what they will encounter along the way.

Gao Hai didn't say the next sentence.

He just motioned for Chika Fujiwara to follow him, then casually chose a direction and started moving forward.

"Well, I see, analyzing the visible and invisible information from the text, yes, it's like a game, like a game..."

Probably because she was still a little nervous, Chika Fujiwara muttered quietly for a while before she calmed down and followed Gao Hai obediently.

I have to say that there is quite a big difference between the performance of Chika Fujiwara and the lively girl in Gao Hai's impression. The willfulness and recklessness in the original comic are not reflected in the girl behind him. On the contrary, she can be said to be extremely well-behaved, and has always been very honest except for the initial confusion.

Perhaps this is the versatility and complexity of personality in different situations.

Gao Hai, who was thinking this way, noticed that the road ahead began to become narrow again, so he bent down and took action.

From 1.9 meters to 1.4 meters, this passage only went through a distance of ten meters before such a drastic height change occurred.

Qianhua, who was about 1.5 meters tall, could only bend forward slightly to continue moving forward, but Gao Hai, who was 1.8 meters tall, had to lean forward to move forward normally.


Gao Hai took a deep breath and continued walking forward under the light of the headlight.

The rock walls on both sides are gradually getting closer.

This place is getting smaller and smaller.


Although Gao Hai was already bending down as much as possible, his helmet still hit lightly on the top of the cave.

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