The third one...

Zhenfei counted secretly in her heart.

From the time she walked out of the dormitory on the second floor to the time she arrived at this place, she had found three old players who used the admission ticket to enter this dungeon, and found that the scene changed too much and reacted abnormally, revealing the side that they should not show.

Without exception, no one survived.

There is a certain power, something, watching everyone here.

All players who fail to play their [identity] correctly will be quickly identified and then eliminated in a way that is difficult to understand by common sense.


Zhenfei pushed open the rusty door.

The white light flickered.

In the command room, figures were either standing or sitting, all staring expressionlessly at the front of the command desk, separated by the heavy protective glass, and the three people in light yellow striped clothes who were on standby in the isolation area.

Zhenfei walked through the dilapidated, empty abandoned house and the broken and cracked floor.

She came to the side of the command room, which was as clean as new, and put the documents in her hand on the table, looking at the people around her with a hidden look.

Everyone was motionless like a sculpture.

In the dead silence, only the footsteps of Zhenfei in a white coat sounded in the empty room.

She was the only living person in the room.

[Prepare to start the 16th exploration experiment, codenamed "Cave-16", please C1, C2, C3 three explorers get ready, the isolation door is about to open]

A hoarse voice sounded on the radio, mixed with someone's suppressed screaming.

And through the heavy glass, Zhenfei could already see the layers of protective doors inside the isolation area, leading to the Red Nut Gray Cave, slowly opening, and the lights gradually lighting up.

This place is repeating something that happened in the past.

The players who entered this place seemed to have replaced the identities of some of the "people", or joined in with redundant fake identities.

Before arriving at the command room, Zhenfei saw a total of 5 players, 3 of whom were so bad at acting that they died, and the other two barely played their roles without revealing any major flaws.

The girl wondered whether Gao Hai and Kaguya would also be here, and what roles they would play.

But she didn't expect that the first companion she found would play such an identity to participate in this game.

"Get ready to go and start exploring the cave."

In the isolation room, Kaguya, wearing the yellow striped uniform of the experimenter, whispered, without looking at the two "companions" behind her, and walked forward step by step, stepped into the inspection room in front of the entrance of the Red Nut Gray Cave, and slowly put on the real-time video equipment and various sensing devices one by one.

She didn't dress quickly, and her movements were obviously a little unfamiliar. Next to her, another experimenter dressed quickly, very standardly, and very stiffly, like a corpse that had repeated this process countless times, or... yes, that thing can indeed be directly regarded as a corpse.

There was another tester who was also a player, but judging from his trembling movements, he was probably not fully aware of the current situation.


In front of the inspection room, the last door leading to the Red Nut Gray Cave had slowly opened.

And Kaguya had already taken a deep breath and perked up, turned on the searchlight, and turned to face the dark cave entrance in front.

Chapter 9: Another Code, Another Side of the Action

[Operation Rules for Isolation Zone Explorers:]

[Welcome to join the Cave Research Base. Your dedication and hard work will become the cornerstone of the entire Ameriland’s progress]

[During your participation in the experiment as an isolation zone explorer, you need to abide by the following action rules. Only after completing three exploration tasks without error can your criminal record be erased. For your future consideration, I hope you can make rational judgments and choices]

[The following are the regulations:]

[1. Each item of this action rule is important. If you violate the rules, you will be subject to different types of punishment measures such as 3-7 days of imprisonment, 1-3 days of fasting and water deprivation, 1 additional exploration action, or execution, depending on the severity of the violation]

[2. You must wear the prescribed yellow striped uniform for exploration and must not damage the uniform. Damage to the uniform will be considered a serious violation]

[3. You must carry a full set of exploration equipment, including prescribed uniforms, real-time video equipment, thermal sensing devices, special sensing equipment, environmental analyzers, searchlights, and headphones. Before departure, check the equipment to confirm that there are no faults. If there is any equipment failure during the exploration, it will be considered a serious violation.]

[4. The instructions of the command room are higher than the provisions of this action. When the action regulations conflict with the instructions of the command room, follow the instructions of the command room. Violating the instructions of the command room is an extremely serious violation.]

[5. The exploration team is based on a standard team of 3 people. The expedition team leader needs to confirm the number of team members every 15 minutes to ensure that the number remains at 3. If there is a reduction in the number of people, the exploration activity must be stopped immediately; if there is an increase in the number of people, report to the command room and act according to the instructions of the command room. Do not contact the extra exploration team members privately.]

[6. There is a hallucinogenic gas in the target area you need to investigate and explore. This gas will not be life-threatening if inhaled. It will only cause harmless hallucinations. There is no need to have an overreaction to auditory hallucinations during the exploration process]

[7. When returning to the isolation area from the cave area, you need to undergo an inspection in the isolation area for about 3 hours. Please be sure to follow the instructions of the inspector during the inspection. If there is any violation at this time, the inspection personnel of the isolation area can directly inspect you. Execution]

[8. If your uniform is too severely damaged during exploration, you can find other clothes to replace. There are various types of clothing that can be replaced in the cave, including casual clothes, staff uniforms, firefighting suits, etc. , change the type of clothes according to the instructions of the command room, and do not mix and match clothes that obviously belong to people with different identities]

[9. Damaging research equipment is an extremely serious violation. In particular, you must not damage headphones. Make sure you receive instructions from the command room. Your actions must be carried out under the instructions of the command room]

[10. When your communication equipment is seriously affected and you can no longer receive messages from the command room, please tear this regulation from the side. There is also a page of emergency regulations under the general regulations. You can use its content to guide you to return to the base safely]

[The above are the basic rules you need to abide by during exploration. For more action guidelines, follow the instructions in the command room]

[From the moment you choose to sign a tester contract and join this institute, you are a noble person working for the future of mankind. As long as you abide by the code of conduct and complete certain exploration tasks, your criminal record will be completely erased. Please grasp it. This is your only chance now]

It's not a long one, just about a thousand words of code.

It only took Kaguya a short time to read it, and she tried to rub the code. She quickly determined that the code, which seemed to be only one page, was actually hidden in a folder. There should be another document.

Some wonder what the other document could be.

But now, she can't do anything without permission, because Kaguya has already heard the cold voice from the earphones, and heard the hoarse and unpleasant voice of someone who seemed to be blocked in her throat, giving her the order to enter the cave. .

Now we must act according to the instructions.

Kaguya took a step forward and took the lead towards the dark tunnel behind the isolation door.

The monitor at the entrance slowly rotated as Kaguya moved, and the flashing red dots were like eyes watching her and the two team members following her.

The team member who was trembling a little at first has calmed down a bit now. Although he is still cowering a little, at least he is not shaking anymore. As for the non-human team member Kaguya, she didn't pay attention to it. She could vaguely feel that if she paid too much attention to the other party, something bad might happen.

Classmate Zhen Fei should be in the command room now.

The situation over there may be much more dangerous. After all, she is the only player in the entire command room, and the other dozen or so...are not human beings.

No, not necessarily, after all, the eyes of the entire command room are now focused on him. These things should be the result of the obsession of a certain group of people, constantly repeating the afterimages of a certain moment in the past, just like the couple in Shirakawa's apartment. So as long as your actions are not too outrageous, you should be able to focus the attention of those in the command room on yourself and control the situation in a relatively stable state.

Although this is just a hope.

While thinking, the girl had passed through the entrance and saw a downward staircase behind the entrance, as well as red characters carved on one side of the rock wall, forming a sign saying "Welcome to the Red Nut Gray Cave Scenic Tourist Area".

This is the entrance to the Red Nut Ash Cave.

It was the starting area of ​​the dungeon where the group of people were supposed to arrive according to the intelligence.

However, according to the original information, the group should arrive at a serious scenic spot, not the current research base.

Kaguya knew that this meant that this dungeon was being fixed. After the three of them selected this dungeon and entered it, they suddenly began to enter the fixing stage.

Unlike Zhen Fei, the first place Kaguya woke up was in the [Medical Examination Room] of the base.

Her identity seems to be that of an experimenter who "volunteered" to join a secret research. Judging from the conversations of people around her, she seems to be playing the role of a death row prisoner. As long as she can safely complete three exploration operations here, her crime will be solved. The record will be wiped off, and then you can return to society and live a normal life.

It sounds really ridiculous. Kaguya can immediately come to the conclusion without even thinking. Absolutely none of these explorers will survive. Even if there are people who successfully complete three exploration operations, the result will be the same. There is no way to escape death. Considering the identity he was playing now, Kaguya had no doubt that if he followed the command honestly, he would not be able to survive in the end. Therefore, she would have to find a way to break the earphones later and put herself into a [disconnected] state, so that she could possibly survive.

It's just that this is just a way to protect yourself. Concubine Zhen... How should we help her get out of trouble? Her "identity" seems to be that of a researcher. Although it is relatively safer than her own identity, it will be more difficult to escape from the current environment and pass the game. Moreover, the research base that was not mentioned at all in the intelligence was full of strange human-like beings. In other words, something broke out in the base, causing the death and transformation of everyone?

[C1, report your situation]

While she was thinking, Kaguya had already walked some distance down the stairs winding down in the cave, and the cold voice of the command room personnel sounded in her earphones.

[I am about to pass through the entrance stair area and officially arrive at the cave. My team... now has a total of 3 members and has not changed]

Shinomiya Kaguya recalled the standard reply sentences she heard in the personnel preparation room before, and carefully answered the orders in the command room.

[Received, please move on]

The next instruction from the command room then sounded. Kaguya didn't feel any unusual changes. It seemed that the current situation was not bad.


The stairs under my feet have reached the end.

And a huge cave that had obviously been artificially transformed, with the ground filled in, roads built, lights and benches installed, was also displayed in front of Kaguya.

A chill spread.

She knew that she had entered the red nut gray hole.

She saw what the cave looked like at this moment.

"these are……"

Chapter 10: In the transitional time when nothing seems to happen

"These are...clothes?"

Qianhua stared at the pieces of clothing scattered in the cave before her, and subconsciously spoke in a low voice.

In the swaying light of their headlights, a slightly damp, approximately quadrilateral small cave was displayed in front of them.

There is nothing weird here, there are no enthusiastic corpses, there are just a lot of dirty clothes randomly thrown on the ground, and I don't know how long they have been here.

The process of reaching the [Heart] was easier than expected.

Compared with the tens of millions of spaces before, although this one-way road leading to the heart is still narrow, you can still pass it smoothly as long as you lie down.

Gao Hai has made rough measurements of this cave called [Artery]. The estimated result is that the smallest area of ​​​​the cave is about 40 centimeters in width and height. For the tall Gao Hai, although this height and width are It's troublesome, but it's still possible to pass. As for Qianhua, her body shape is still much smaller after all. Although the development of certain parts is indeed spectacular, she will not be stuck in this cave no matter what.

There were no strange phenomena during the whole process, no things talking behind my back, and no bodies lying above my head. During the whole process, because he was at the rear, Gao Hai could see Qianhua crawling slowly in front of him.

How should I put it, this girl seems not only to have great growth in the front, but also pretty good in the back.

Of course, this was just a small detail that Gao Hai noticed inadvertently. How could a serious person like him pay attention to such meaningless things during the arduous march through the crawling tunnel? nonexistent.

This last time, there was no spatial dislocation. Chika Fujiwara, who walked in front of Gao Hai from the beginning to the end, was always the same person. His blessing recognized her as a human being from beginning to end, and judged Gao Hai to have good intentions. It can be said that unless the weirdness in this copy is scary enough to block his blessing, his judgment will definitely not be wrong.

Is it because the mechanism was used to temporarily avoid the four corpses, so these abnormal phenomena disappeared temporarily?

Gao Hai failed to come up with the correct answer.

All in all, the two finally arrived at the location of the [Heart] smoothly, confirmed that there was no second entrance here, and found the signboard in this area. What is different from the signboards in large spaces is that the signboard here only has the name [Heart] on it, without any introductory text.

"Why are there so many people's clothes here..."

Fujiwara Chika carefully observed the clothes, and while muttering softly, she took a step back, with no intention of getting closer.

"Don't worry, as [explorers] we have completed our goal and reached the [Heart]. Let's take a short rest, and then we will go back immediately."

Gao Hai on the side said casually and stood there to rest for a while, without the slightest intention of getting close to those clothes.

Looking around, Gao Hai felt that this so-called heart was actually just an ordinary-looking cave with no features. The same variety of stalagmites and stalactites, the same jagged stone pillars, there is absolutely no connection between this place and the name "Heart".

Qianhua was very keen to discover some fossil traces on the stone wall, and even recognized that these should be the fossils of some prehistoric fish. She was a little excited about this and wanted to take a photo as a souvenir or something. Gao Hai still admires the girl's optimism, but considering that this is not a normal place, if after taking the photo, he finds a bunch of people staring at the two of them in the photo, finally He still stopped Qianhua's behavior.

"With so many fish fossils, what did this place look like before?"

"Who knows? No matter what it looked like before, it's not a good place now. Well, it's almost time to go."

Gao Hai and Qian Hua didn't stay in this cave for long, and quickly chose to leave.

The messy clothes thrown on the ground gave Gao Hai a bad feeling, especially after careful observation, he found that these clothes were all some casual T-shirts, shirts, shorts, jeans and other clothes. He felt more and more that there were people standing everywhere in this cave, staring at him silently.

Can't stay for long.

The sense of crisis in his heart urged Gao Hai to take quick action.

"Ah...are we going to leave again? It feels so hard..."

Qian Hua let out a low wail. Crawling in a narrow cave is a very physically demanding behavior. Even with protective clothing and a helmet, Qian Hua was still rubbed by the rock wall several times. Now there are several bloodstains on the side of her face.

But even though she was complaining, the girl did not hesitate at all. She immediately entered the tunnel with a broken safety rope and began to crawl deeper.

"As long as we haven't completely left this place, we can't let go. There's nothing we can do about it."

Gao Hai, who was following behind, said casually and squatted down to get into the cave.

Tsk, I feel that the sweat on my body is sticking to my clothes. It feels really uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai pulled the clothes, but it didn't move. I don't know if it was because of the stickiness brought by the sweat. Gao Hai felt that this originally slim-fitting clothes seemed to be very tight to his body, so tight that he could hardly take it off.

How could this clothes become so tight?

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