Or, is it the Red Nut Gray Hole where the anomaly has not really erupted yet?

Gao Hai couldn't come to a conclusion immediately.

However, he had seen the lights on at the entrance of the scenic area on the other side, and saw another security guard guarding there. So he asked the rescuer to approach the sentry box on the ground to confirm the specific situation on that side.

Then, Gao Hai felt malice.

The strong malice from somewhere came from the blessing.

Was it on his side, or on the side where the summoned rescuer was now?

No, it seemed to be neither.

The strong malice seemed to come from within a deep barrier, or from a distant distance.

The other party did not seem to exist anywhere.

It seemed that it actually existed everywhere.

Gao Hai shuddered.

He felt that he was locked by something.

The thing first saw the rescue team members of the Red Nut Gray Hole Scenic Area standing under the night sky.

Then it directly locked himself as the user through the summoning object of the obsession.

He was being watched.

This feeling instantly enveloped all of Gao Hai's senses.

He immediately took off the badge.

He hadn't even seen what it was yet.

But a strong premonition of death had already told Gao Hai that when he really saw that thing, he would have no chance of survival.

The summoned rescuer had disappeared, and Gao Hai had broken off the line of sight with the other party.

"Ah... where is it this time? Gao Jun, ah, we finally meet again."

Qianhua's cry sounded behind him.

The girl in the ill-fitting rescue suit fell into the mud and water, struggling to get up. Just after complaining, she saw Gao Hai not far away, and then showed a surprised expression.

After struggling in this strange cave until now, the girl has developed some trust and dependence on Gao Hai, and she can relax when she sees him.

But Gao Hai couldn't pay attention to what Qianhua was saying.

Because the strong sense of gaze had completely enveloped him at this moment.

"Found it..."

Gao Hai murmured in a low voice.

He found the exit.

The red nut gray cave where the security uniform is located, the ground of that cave, that is definitely the clearance point of this dungeon.

As long as you reach that place, the player will definitely be able to leave the dungeon and complete the clearance.

The reason why Gao Hai was unable to pass the level just now was because the one who [arrived] there was a strange existence summoned by the obsession, so it cannot be counted as his own clearance.

However, even if he arrived at that place himself, he could not pass the dungeon.

Because at the exit, in all places where you can leave the red nut gray cave, there is something watching.

And that thing has already watched himself who wants to escape.


The water under his feet spread unknowingly over his calves.

Gao Hai raised his head.

He saw the "people" who almost filled the entire cave.

All the floating clothes disappeared.

Instead, there were those pale figures wearing clothes, those things that had long been dead, but now appeared again, watching him.

In the direction of the big slide not far away, there were bloated rescue team members and firefighters who slowly climbed out from the collapsed gap in the wall.

There were suppressed wailing and crying sounds coming from the direction of the gentle slope, as if something was struggling there, and it was approaching this thing step by step in the struggle.

All eyes were focused on Gao Hai alone.

Strong malice completely enveloped Gao Hai at this moment.

"This is really unreasonable..."

Facing this instantly worsening situation, Gao Hai could only sigh and show a helpless expression.

Chapter 17: Friendly assistance from players and the next identity


The sound of the water flowing in the cave has changed from the original torrent to a violent flood.

A large amount of rain mixed with mud and sand, mixed with railings, signs and various garbage, as well as branches, pillows, stockings and other inexplicable things, all mixed together and rolled up in the cave.

In such a violent current, ordinary people have no way to stand firm and will be easily swept into the turbulent water.

Wang Gui was almost knocked to the ground as soon as the water rose, and then Gao Hai, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, reached out and pulled him. Fujiwara Chika, who was also unable to stand firm, reacted very quickly and immediately grabbed Gao Hai's shoulders, almost hanging on him.

Gao Hai himself stood steadily in the water, with no sign of being washed away.

The physical strengthening brought by blessings and blessings gave him a physical fitness beyond the limit of human beings. Although these turbulent waters were powerful, they could not shake Gao Hai himself.

Why is the world where the security guard is located the right exit?

This question emerged in Gao Hai's heart and could not be suppressed for a long time.

The goal of the mission is to reach the [real ground]. Gao Hai has thought about what this "reality" represents many times, and the final conclusion is that there are many false grounds here, and only one ground is real and can escape from here. And that "real ground", according to Gao Hai's idea, should exist in the world at the end of the timeline.

Starting from this line of thinking, shouldn't the world where the security guard is located be the exit?

The large slide is normally blocked.

Although there are various weird things in the security code, it can be seen from the code that security guards in the period in which the code is written can completely enter and leave the Red Nut Gray Cave safely. This is a period when there has not been a real disaster that caused the power of Kaidan to explode. .

Why is the ground at that point in time considered "real"?

Could it be that the condition of "real ground" actually comes from a certain person's specific perspective?

Gao Hai couldn't get answers to these questions immediately.

And now is not the time to think about these issues.

Because those tourists, those things standing up from the water, have all surrounded them one by one.

Something crawling out of the hole behind him, wearing a bloated rescue suit, was already approaching.

Gao Hai has been locked by a strange existence that has not appeared until now.

The malice of that thing is extremely strong. Even if it seems to be blocked by some kind of distance and cannot really exert its own power on Gao Hai, the intensity of the malice brought by the blessing alone has surpassed Baichuan in Gao Hai's opinion. Li Zhaodi’s beastly parents in the apartment.

It seems that because of that thing's gaze, his own existence has also been marked, making it easier to be locked by various weird things that exist in the cave.

However, it is far from the time to give up in despair.


The black umbrella opened suddenly, covering Gao Hai and partially covering Wang Gui and Qianhua's bodies.

The obsessive black umbrella sponsored by [Female Face Gang] has a very simple function. As long as the umbrella is held up, it can block the breath of the person under the umbrella.

Neither humans nor monsters can easily detect the person holding the umbrella. Unless there is physical contact, it is basically impossible to detect them. Of course, this thing cannot resist the effect of the blessing, because the umbrella holder's own emotions will not be concealed, so Gao Hai only discovered this hidden person that he could not have discovered when he encountered the players of the [Female Face Gang].

At this moment, those things that were originally approaching Gao Hai stopped one by one, and there was no way to accurately locate the existence of Gao Hai himself.

"Go, get out of here."

With that said, Gao Hai stepped forward and struggled forward in the turbulent water.

"Gao Jun, where should we go next? Can we get out from here?"

Qianhua, who was hanging on Gao Hai's back, struggled to resist the wash of the water and asked him.

"No, the place where the rescue team uniforms are located is a closed loop. After we walk out of the cave, it will only trigger a restart. We will play the role of rescuers again and reenact the process of entering the cave to carry out rescue operations. We cannot leave."

Gao Hai shook his head, gave a negative answer to Qianhua's question, and handed her the rule sheet for the rescue team.

The girl took the rule sheet and struggled to steady her body in the rapids to read the contents.

In order to maintain balance, she had to press closer to Gao Hai, so that the soft things almost completely overwhelmed the touch behind Gao Hai.

It's a pity that Gao Hai really doesn't have the energy to enjoy this thing now. Although the [tourists] can't find him after opening the umbrella, the presence of Qianhua and Wang Gui will still attract their attention at this moment. As Gao Hai led the two of them forward, the things around them gradually gathered. It's just that there seems to be some special nature of the rescue team uniforms. These tourists who have turned completely weird will not really come up to contact them, but just follow them step by step.

"The rules of the rescue team... are related to the rules of the explorers, but why is there water everywhere here? Obviously we didn't have this water when we were down there before. In this case, the timeline doesn't match up, right?"

Qianhua had quickly read the rules of the rescue team, and leaned close to Gao Hai's ear and asked.

"Who knows, there are so many messy clues that I can't draw a conclusion right now. Maybe there were two rescue teams entering the cave to carry out rescue operations? We only arrived at one of them. Anyway, now The only thing that is certain is that there is no way to pass the level as a rescue team.”

Gao Hai continued to move forward as he spoke, and looked behind him. Only then did he notice that the bloated rescue team members had been approaching him. Unlike the wandering tourists, these things climbing up from under the big slide seemed to be immune to the concealment function of the black umbrella to a certain extent. , locking the position of Gao Hai himself. Of course, it is also possible that they want to attack Wang Gui and Qianhua who are following him.

Now the three of them have arrived at the Stone Forest Road area, and the water in the cave has risen to their thighs, making movement more and more difficult.

The speed of the rescue team members at the rear did not slow down at all, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer bit by bit.

"We have to change clothes, clothes other than rescue team and explorer clothes, but not tourist clothes."

Gao Hai looked around while talking. Although the rules emphasized that they should not pay attention to things in the water when the water rises, it seems that it is very difficult for them to return to the ground safely. Gao Hai has to start considering changing their identities here.

Although the tourists' clothes have disappeared and they have become pale figures standing in the water, Gao Hai still saw some clothes floating on the water as he walked along.

Now he can still try to change... staff clothes, tourist clothes... No, he is not sure what the staff clothes are like. Until now, Gao Hai has not seen the person who plays the role of [staff]. As for tourists, it looks even more dangerous. From the existing rules, it can be seen that the identity of [tourists] is very targeted and extremely dangerous...

"Try changing to yellow striped clothes. After I put on the security uniform, I vaguely saw several people wearing yellow striped clothes. One of them looks a bit like Kaguya. The yellow striped clothes may play a role. Maybe we can reunite with Kaguya."

Qianhua spoke at this time and told Gao Hai the information that she did not write down in detail because she did not dare to confirm the truth.

The rescue team behind was getting closer and closer.

Gao Hai made up his mind, stretched out his hand to grab Wang Gui's shoulder, took a deep breath, bent his knees and bent over, exerted force suddenly, and threw Wang Gui several meters away, making him fall in front of the spacious cave of Shilin Road.

"Run out, these things are not targeting you now, return to the ground and restart, so you will be safe."

Gao Hai shouted at Wang Gui, and then fished out a yellow and white striped clothes from the water.

Is it this one?

In a trance, Gao Hai saw that the clothes seemed to have changed, as if it was just an ordinary yellow T-shirt and yellow trousers.

Ah, that's right.

At this point in time, those yellow and white striped clothes should not exist.

But when Gao Hai looked over carefully, he found that this clothes was indeed a yellow and white striped uniform.

Clothes that should not exist at this point in time, but still appeared.

There was no time to think about the specific reasons.

Gao Hai threw the clothes to Qianhua behind him, then grabbed the girl and lifted her up, helping her climb to a higher platform in Shilin Road.

When he turned around to look for the second yellow and white striped uniform, a rescuer had already approached Gao Hai.


This was Gao Hai's first intuitive feeling about these things.

The heavy uniform on its body was completely stretched up, and something like pus could be vaguely seen seeping out from the gap of the rescue uniform.

The head exposed outside the uniform also showed a swollen appearance, and the eyeballs were squeezed and almost fell out of the eye sockets. The terrible face made Gao Hai think of the giant view, and then he realized that these rescuers might all have died in the water.

A bloated big hand had already stretched out to Gao Hai at this moment.

But with a sharp "click" sound, the whole arm of this thing was cut off by Gao Hai.

The dripping blood fell from the scissors.

The strange thing with one hand cut off stretched out another hand, which was then cut off by Gao Hai, then the head, and finally the legs.

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