The guy who was clearly dead, became like a living person under the power of the strange story, able to talk and think. This reminded both Maki and Kaguya of Kyosei, a special existence in Shirakawa Apartment. But the difference is that Kyosei knows his true identity and retains his self-awareness, and can even provide help to the survivors of Shirakawa Apartment. And those strange existences here seem to have forgotten what happened to them under the influence of some power, repeating the moments before their death in a nearly [performance] form.

From this point of view, maybe they are more like the parents of 304?

While thinking, the two had already walked up the stairs and walked towards the second floor of the research area.

It is said to be the second floor, but from the height of the floor, it is actually the third floor. There seems to be some kind of connecting passage between the analysis workshop and the research area on the first floor, so it occupies the area between the first and second floors, inadvertently increasing the height of the building.

When the two girls went up the stairs to the second floor, a tall man dressed in researcher's clothes, but his clothes looked much more refined, was standing in the corridor, as if waiting for the two to arrive.

"Is the new analysis report out?"

The man's voice was very cold.

"It's out, please take a look, Professor Fornen."

And Zhenfei calmly handed the report forward, and in the same calm tone, called out the name on the other party's badge.

Chapter 22: The girls' entanglement and overlapping nightmares

I can't feel the emotions that humans should have from those eyes.

The strong cold feeling after approaching the other party further explained the other party's identity.

A dead person, but reappeared due to the power of the ghost story, maintaining a strange state of life and death.

The emotion of fear is growing involuntarily, trying to break through the cold appearance of the two people pretending on the surface.

Even though Shinki and Kaguya knew they had to stay calm when facing these things, their bodies would still instinctively shrink when approaching these inhuman evil things, and they could not suppress the fear of approaching death.

However, after all, they had experienced the training of Shirakawa Apartment. Now, both Shinki and Kaguya could easily maintain a calm attitude and did not reveal any flaws throughout the whole process.

"Today's analysis work ends here. You can take a break for a while and come to the research area to assist in the work tomorrow."

Professor Foln said this and slowly turned around and walked directly into his office.

At the moment when the door closed and opened, Shinki, who was closer, quietly observed the office and saw the cabinets full of various files.

According to the previously known information, this Professor Foln seemed to be the boss who had the final say in the research institute. Perhaps some very useful information can be found in this room.

However, how to sneak in is probably a question worth thinking about.

When thinking about this, Shinki suddenly realized something. She looked down and found that the doll that was originally hanging on her waist and hidden under her coat had disappeared. Obviously, in such a short time, Gao Hai manipulated the doll without hesitation and slipped into Professor Fornen's office.

You are quite good at seizing opportunities, you guy.

Zhenfei curled her lips, turned around and slowly left the second floor with Kaguya.

Although she wanted to go to the monitoring room to see what the other party was doing, she and Kaguya could no longer go to the monitoring area in the command preparation room without a mission, so she could only put aside this idea for the time being.

However, when she can enter the monitoring area next time, she must replay it to see what this guy is doing.

That fat woman with a bow... Ugh, the two of them were so shameless to take a bath together, and they also peeked at Haijun several times, and now the two of them have to stay in a narrow cell together for twelve hours...

Zhenfei's footsteps suddenly stopped, subconsciously turned around, and wanted to stomp her feet hard, but she was afraid that something would attract her and did not dare to do so.

Very uncomfortable, very angry, very annoyed.

Why did that idiot encounter such a thing? He was originally a jerk, and he had to deal with such a person, such a person...

Lowering her head and looking at her chest that was heaving pitifully, Zhenfei couldn't help but clench her fists again.

He had said before that he liked her, and he had thrown her down, wanting to do this and that to her, but after meeting that fat woman, he was so energetic. Sure enough, this is the nature of men, this perverted Haijun!

As her anger rose, Zhenfei couldn't help but think of the ancient parasite Gao Hai saw in the surveillance, and then her face couldn't help but turn red again.

That size, it's really not right.

If I didn't kick him that day, but let it go...

No, no, why should I think about this kind of thing? The key issue now should be how to solve the current situation. The information she and Kaguya have obtained so far seems very one-sided, and Haijun obviously came from another place. He should have more information, so we have to find a way to exchange information with each other.

However, even if we want to exchange information, now is not the time. We have to wait until the next exploration team sets out.

So before that, we should find a way to collect more information, at least to increase our understanding of this research base.

Finally calming down, Zhenfei breathed a sigh of relief and forced herself to shift her attention to the business.

Although the various thoughts in my heart were entangled, the adjustment process actually only took a few seconds. While Concubine Zhen was adjusting her emotions here, Kaguya on the other side always maintained a calm expression, and couldn't help but think about...well, think about the scene in the shower room that she saw before.

A boy can actually have such an exaggerated form. I feel like I have gained a lot of knowledge.

Well, it's really not calm enough to have mood swings because of something like this. Don't care too much, don't care too much, you have to concentrate on the task at hand and focus on conquering the current copy.

Although the expression on her face remained unchanged, Kaguya, who was unable to delete the image data of the super-large ancient parasite from her mind, was actually a little overwhelmed.

"Any ideas on next steps?"

Kaguya, who seemed to be fine, turned to look at the real concubine and asked.

"During the non-mission period, our scope of activities is only the dormitory area on the second floor and the entertainment area on the third floor. You can't go to the research area on the first floor, and you have to go back to the dormitory area at bedtime, so I suggest that we go to the entertainment area on the third floor. Investigate and see if you can find any clues there."

The true concubine looked at Kaguya with a calm expression and answered slowly.

The two turned around and walked towards the third floor together.

And behind them, at some point, the office door that should have been closed quietly opened a crack, revealing Fornen's slightly older face with a receding hairline and stubble. Appearing behind the door, he stared at the two people leaving with an expressionless expression.

Under the desk in the office, a bloody rag doll lay silently underneath, hiding quietly and motionless.

As for Gao Hai's personal situation when the two girls went to inquire about the news, well, his situation may not be easy to tell.

I don’t know since when, sleeping on my side changed to sleeping on my back.

Gao Hai stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, trying hard to cycle in his mind "Young man, let's become a myth", but for some reason the cycle turned into "Come on, be happy, you have a lot of time anyway", It even turned into a song like "Fish and Water Go to Wushan Together".

As for why this happened, it was very simple, because a very cute pink-haired girl was lying on top of him.


Even because it might have been a nightmare, she wrapped herself around him and hugged him tightly.

Gao Hai remained motionless.

The fragrance of the shampoo in the girl's hair, the warm body temperature of the body, the smooth touch of the skin, and of course the indescribable softness, all stimulated Gao Hai's nerves at this moment, making it impossible for him to fall asleep.

Is this a kind of enjoyment or a kind of torture?

This question made Gao Hai fall into deep thought.

The lyrics in my mind have reached the majestic opening, which is the so-called social death sound level that cannot be played in public under any circumstances.

But even so, Gao Hai didn't do anything. He tolerated all kinds of thoughts in his heart and maintained a calm mind.

As for the reason, it is very simple, because there is a body lying on the ground next to Gao Hai.

A body wearing yellow and white striped clothes looked like a completely crushed body that had been completely crushed by a steamroller.

Before Gao Hai's thoughts could completely go in the wrong direction, Gao Hai suddenly appeared beside him, completely suppressing all his little thoughts.

He smelled blood in the direction of the crack in the door of the room.

Crunch - crunch -

There was a sound of something being dragged on the ground.

Vaguely, the desperate sound of someone screaming and wailing could be heard in the distance.

Gunfire roared.

Then quickly disappeared silently.

Crunch - crunch -

The sound of dragging sounded again, and this time the sound seemed to be a little closer. Gao Hai vaguely heard that it was probably the sound of some kind of metal object being dragged on the ground.

What's out there?

The temperature around seems to be gradually dropping.

Qianhua, who was sleeping on her body, was still breathing evenly, seemingly unaware of the approaching danger.

Crunch - crunch -

The sound of something being dragged was getting closer.

Gao Hai stretched out his left hand, cracks appeared on the tattered watch, and a black umbrella emerged from it, and then Gao Hai was about to open it.

Crunch - crunch -

The harsh grinding sound was getting closer.

Gao Hai stopped opening his umbrella.

He noticed a small red shoe sticking out of the umbrella, and the pale feet wearing the shoe.

This obsessive object that can hide its user is almost out of control.

How could this happen? Why did it go out of control just after it was taken out? Shouldn't it start to spiral out of control after you start using it?

Gao Hai, who didn't understand what was going on, quickly put away his obsession, and then decided to try if other obsessions could help him deal with the situation in front of him.

Then he saw a black shadow suddenly float from the side of the bed, and felt something rising from beside him, staring at him motionlessly.


All movement stops at this moment.

Gao Hai closed his eyes, lying motionless on the bed as if he had really fallen asleep.

Qianhua, who didn't know what she was dreaming about, hugged her tighter, leaving Gao Hai breathless and even feeling some pain.

But he still lay in bed silently, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep without saying a word.

Until the gaze beside him disappeared.

Until the chill in this small room gradually dissipated.

Gao Hai, who felt at ease, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why didn't my blessing work?

Whether it was the corpse that suddenly appeared or the thing that was staring at me just now, I only felt their existence after my eyes found them. But the blessing did not react at all, did not feel kindness or malice, did not recognize whether it was a human or a non-human. Nothing, nothing.

Even... Qianhua, who was sleeping in his arms and hugged him more and more tightly, as if she wanted to crush his chest, he could not feel it.

Gao Hai opened his eyes, slowly raised his head, and looked at his chest.

He met a line of sight.

Pale, bloody, and fragmented sight.

And the extremely strong hatred and resentment conveyed from that sight.

[I... want you... all...]

The next moment, Gao Hai opened his eyes and sat up in a clean corridor.

Whose dream was I just now?

He stood up slowly.

Am I awake from my dream now?

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at one side of the corridor.

Two slightly blurry figures appeared in the corridor at this time, walking and talking about something.

Chapter 23: Fragments from the past and the occasion of three people

Gao Hai took a careful step and approached the two blurry figures little by little.

The sunlight passed through the window, illuminating the two figures, making the tall and short figures of the two people stand out.

Gao Hai heard the voices coming from the other side, from the vague and fragmented sounds to gradually becoming clear, and gradually being able to hear the content.

It was the voice of an old man, and the voice of a young man, interweaving and sounding together.

The old man was saying:

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