{How did you sleep? }

{Hey, Haijun? Where are you? Why can I hear your voice but not see you? }

He made a sound to the girl that only they could hear, and then heard her panicked response.

Gao Hai took a step forward and headed towards the direction of the light in the cave.

The girl with long pink hair also appeared soon, and met Gao Hai with the same panic as in the first round.


In the darkness, water drops fell from the stalactites and splashed on the ground, making a crisp sound!

Chapter 30: New rounds, new abilities, new information

In the chaotic and twisted cave structure, Gao Hai was moving forward with his head down.

Fujiwara Chika followed him carefully, looking around from time to time.

He explained the basic situation to Chika, drove away the guy with a hole in the back of his head, and waited for him to put on the explorer's clothes, and then the two began to act. This standard process did not have any accidents, and it ended very normally.

{Shijo Maki: That is to say, if my aunt and I stay in this research base for the 15th day, we will be killed even if we do nothing? And you can't come here yourself, otherwise this will happen early}

{Takahashi: That's right, from this point of view, the intelligence of the research base in this copy can only be investigated and explored by you and Miss Shinomiya}

{Shijo Maki: And you also said that Fujiwara Chika, who is from the same school as my aunt, is now by your side. Are you two acting together now? }

{Takahashi: Well, I didn't expect her to become a new player, and she happened to be very close to where I started. She is a very smart guy and can help me more or less. You should also pay attention to other players whose starting location is in the research base, and try to be careful, understand? }

{Shijo Maki: Of course I will be careful, um... Fujiwara Chika, I don't know this person very well...}

As they move forward, Takahashi will communicate with Maki from time to time, mainly sharing some intelligence from the first round. Of course, there is a choice of information sharing. Gao Hai would not tell Zhen Fei about bathing and sleeping together.

Speaking of which, this feeling is really strange. It is like setting up a voice chat group. Gao Hai and Zhen Fei can send and receive messages anytime and anywhere. After the message is transmitted, they can choose to listen immediately or wait a while before listening. However, the message that has been heard once cannot be played again.

It is a very convenient and useful ability.

This watch seems to give me more power as I die more times.

Maybe I can make a wish to know the solution to the core obsession or pass the level directly after my next death? Uh... It seems unlikely, or even if the watch really gives me this power, I am afraid the price is something I can't afford.

After all, whether it is to increase the number of people who return to the game or to establish a spiritual connection, although the watch gives me this power, it must consume my number of return times to use this power. In other words, the realization of wishes is not unconditional, and there must be corresponding efforts after all. And now I have only 8 return times left. And in this copy, there is currently no way to replenish this number of rollbacks.

However, by looting the obsession through blood, the realization of this wish does not require the consumption of rollbacks.

If I can grasp the degree of wishing and grasp the measure, maybe I can get a wish that is not too costly?

These thoughts quickly passed through Gao Hai's heart, but did not affect his actions.

At this time, Zhenfei no longer continued to talk to Gao Hai. She had seen Kaguya and the other two explorers step into the entrance of the Red Nut Gray Cave and were exploring inside, so she could not pay attention to continue chatting with Gao Hai at the moment.

Gao Hai did not continue to interfere with Zhenfei, but focused on the present.

Finding the safety rope is the most important thing at the moment.

After the trial and error of the first round, what Gao Hai has to do now is to find the safety rope as quickly as possible, complete the task of [reaching the heart], and then return to explore the large space area and the area ahead that was not explored in the previous round.

Gao Hai can feel a vague feeling, as if he is being watched by something. He knew that because he had come into contact with the core obsession and had memories related to it, he would be discovered and watched by it when he was in the Red Nut Gray Cave. However, compared with the core obsession of the first copy, this thing had little impact on him. At most, he would vaguely feel that someone was watching him at any time and anywhere.

However, this was because he was not in the research base. If he was in the research base, this seemingly insignificant gaze would quickly develop into a major threat that could wipe out everyone. Moreover, although this thing would not do anything to him now, when he planned to leave this copy, things would definitely not be as easy as they are now.

Moreover, can he really be considered relaxed now?

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the printed paper in his hand.

[Rules for the Second Category of Red Nut Gray Cave Explorers]

This is the title on the printed paper.

When Fujiwara Chika looked at this rule sheet, she still saw [Class I Rules], which was the original set of rules. But in Gao Hai's eyes, the words on this piece of paper had become completely different from before, and turned into a brand new set of rules.

[You are an explorer, please remember that you are an explorer, this is an identity you must never forget (there are traces of repeated erasures on the word explorer, as if it has undergone difficult choices and deletions)]

[You can see this rule, which means that you know something you shouldn't know. Leaving this cave will become extremely difficult for you now, but it is not impossible. It is not time to despair yet. This rule will guide you to escape from here, escape, just like every sober trapped person wants to do, escape from here]

[1. Maintain your identity symbol as an "explorer" and check your clothes every 20 minutes , if your expedition suit starts to become sticky and difficult to take off normally, you need to find other explorer clothes as soon as possible to replace them, and don't wear the original expedition suit again]

[2. The "heart" is a place that every explorer must go to. Make sure you have been there once and make sure that you are an explorer who has reached the deepest part of the Red Nut Gray Cave and is ready to leave the cave. This is a necessary process for leaving, and don't forget not to grab the damaged safety rope]

[3. You don't know the word composed of the five letters H, U, M, A, and N. You don't know what it means, and you won't say the word. You are just an explorer. You only need to remember the identity represented by the clothes you wear and remember your own name. If you can't remember your name, please refer to Article 1 to find other explorers' clothes to change.]

[4. When changing explorer clothes can no longer help you remember your name or reduce the stickiness of clothes, find other clothes to change. The clothes of the rescue team members are the best first choice. Try not to change the clothes of the staff and security uniforms. If you have to, please find other replacement clothes as quickly as possible after changing. Do not change the yellow and white striped clothes, black protective clothing and white coats. These three styles of clothes do not exist in the Red Nut Gray Cave.]

[There is no blood-stained white skirt here (the whole line of handwriting is extremely messy, and there is a difference from the context, as if it was added later)]

[5. The road from the Stone Pillar Square to the blood vessels may have changed dramatically in your eyes, and you may see many incredible scenes. Pass as soon as possible, do not change the clothes in these areas, and avoid all suspicious people who appear here. No matter how normal everything looks, don't forget where you are now]

[6. Find blood vessels, find narrow caves that can only be climbed forward without signs of artificial modification. Only by passing through the blood vessels can you leave. Only by passing through the blood vessels, climbing up the big cliff, and returning to the entrance of the big slide can the explorer have hope of leaving. In any case, stay rational and make sure that you still have a clear self when you reach the end. This is the only way for "explorers" to survive]

[7. Don't wear tourists' clothes]

[8. Tourists don't know what terrible things have happened here. They just keep laughing and playing. Don't pay attention to them unless you want to join their party]

[9. Can you see this one? Have you seen it? Stay away from those pulleys, they will fall down. (Added by messy handwriting at the back) Just like the time you failed before, it's the same]

[10. The dangerous situations that the rules require you to avoid still need to be avoided now. They will not disappear, but will become more dangerous than before. They don't think. No matter how much they look like it, don't bother them.]

[11. But we deserve this.]

[12. ■■■■■... (unrecognizable text, as if deliberately blackened by a gel pen)]

[13. Don't try to save anyone. Save yourself first. Save yourself first... (The text that follows becomes increasingly messy and unreadable.)]

[If you can't find the entrance to the blood vessels, go to my office. I'm behind the red door. They've always kept that door for me. I'll leave a key inside. The red door is where I am. Please come find me. I'll take you out of here safely. You can call me Welbo. I'm here to help you.]

Compared to the first set of rules, this one seems even stranger. Many of the clauses seem to have been revised repeatedly, and the handwriting is very messy, as if the writer is sleepwalking. It's much more difficult to recognize its content.

But why did I see this changed set of rules and see something completely different from the first round?

Is it because he is being watched?

While thinking, Gao Hai has found the small cave where the safety rope is.

But this time is different from the previous time, there are other people here, and they are people he has seen before.

"Two more players have joined us, it seems that our luck is not bad this time."

Looking at the four people who are already in the passage, Gao Hai frowned.

Chapter 31: The way to achieve the Normal end has been unlocked

In front of the sight are the three old players who seem to be in harmony with each other in the first round, and the newcomer who is mean.

I remember that the cold woman was called Shelby, the neon man who talked a lot was called Kawano, and the newcomer who talked nonsense was an outdoor anchor named Dennis. There is another person who has never revealed his identity, but Gao Hai is not interested in knowing the other person's name. After all, these guys didn't bring him any good things last week.

Gao Hai's eyes quickly swept over the four people, looking at the directions in which they were heading. It was obvious that they were going towards the large space. This was no different from the previous week.

It's just that the location where we met these guys this time was completely different from last time. Was this considered as accidentally blocking their way?

"Hello, you two, I am an explorer, Kawano is a player, how about you?"

The neon man named Kawano showed joy after seeing Takahai and Fujiwara Chika. Especially when he saw Chika, his attention was obviously concentrated for a moment. It seemed that he cared about this young man in his prime. girl.

"Please give way."

Gao Hai, who didn't intend to have too much contact with these people, just frowned and said, and stood in front of Fujiwara Chika.

He will not forget the slight malice he felt from this man in the last game. However, at this time, there are three old players on the other side, and the cave is not big. If a conflict really breaks out, they may not be able to get a good result, so Gao Hai still Decided to err on the side of caution and get rid of this group of people as soon as possible.

"Why are you so cold? It's not a good thing to act alone in a place like this. The combined strength of the two of you can't be compared to the combined strength of the six of us, right?"

Kawano stood in front of Gao Hai, just like last week. This man seemed not to know what politeness was, and expressed his strong hope that Gao Hai would join the team. Although the smile on his face seemed very sincere, there was something undeniable in his voice.

It seems that he feels something again, something is trying to affect his spirit, but there is no way to find the source, and because this power is so slight, Gao Hai is being [watched] by the power of core obsession. I can barely feel this power... Wait, speaking of it, although this team looks very different, neither Shelby nor the silent man looks like they are willing to work together as a team here, but they are But I still stand beside this person, could it be...

He turned his head and looked at Chika Fujiwara, who was cautiously trying to poke her head out and was still confused about the situation.

She seemed to have some faint signs of being persuaded by Kawano, but at the moment she was still following Gao Hai obediently, waiting for Gao Hai to make a decision.

Could it be some kind of special obsession that can help this guy build a loose team?

"I'm not interested in your cuddles, so stay out of the way. I won't always be polite."

After Gao Hai thought for a short time, he didn't show any strange expression and still answered as coldly as at the beginning.

Then, regardless of what the other party wanted to answer, he motioned for Chika Fujiwara to follow him, and the two of them prepared to leave together.

"Well, there's really no need to be so cold, right? I'm thinking about everyone..."

Kawano's brows wrinkled slightly.

It has no effect, this kind of thing should not be done.

This man indeed holds an obsession, and it is a very rare mental-inducing obsession.

As long as you make an invitation, you can quietly guide the thinking direction of the person you are talking to to a certain extent, thereby ensuring that the other person makes a choice that is beneficial to you, or at least will not be malicious towards him.

The effect of this obsession is not too strong, and it cannot really influence other people's thoughts, but when used covertly, it can still help Kawano gain some benefits.

It's like this loose team organized by Kawano at this time. In fact, except for the curious Dennis, the other two people are not people who like teamwork. They were only induced by his persuasion and pleading, so they stayed. Just come down.

But the man in front of him didn't look affected at all.

Could it be that the other party holds an obsession that can offset mental induction? Or is this guy so mentally strong that he can even withstand the power of extraordinary items like obsessive objects?

He wanted to try again to see if he could persuade the other party to stay.

"You are so fucking shameless, right?"

But Gao Hai was no longer too lazy to waste time with him, and stepped forward directly. A pair of blood-colored scissors appeared in his left hand from unknown time, and his right hand was already placed on the gun bag at his waist, ready to draw it out at any time. Gun preparation for shooting.

Damn vulgar people!

"Ahaha, don't say that, don't say that, please, please walk slowly."

Realizing that the other party was indeed unable to communicate, Kawano's expression was gloomy for a moment, but then it immediately turned into a smile, and he honestly made way for Gao Hai.

Shelby and the other man remained silent, wary of Gao Hai and Qianhua, but had no intention of taking any action to help Kawano. And if there was a conflict alone, Kawano was really not sure whether this strange man would bring out any obsession that he couldn't deal with.

Especially when the other party clearly showed disgust, considering the characteristics of his obsession, Kawano had to start thinking: "This man is actually a perverted murderer, a twisted and terrifying madman, just because of the induction effect of the obsession." I won’t take action with myself immediately] It’s possible.

"Why are you so aggressive? Isn't it good for everyone to work together?"

Although Kawano gave way, Dennis frowned and stepped forward to block Gao Hai's way with some confusion.

Before he finished his next sentence, "We are all human beings, why do we have to hurt each other?", Gao Hai had already covered Dennis' mouth with his hand, and then pressed the man against the wall with one hand, causing his back to hit the wall with a "bang" and a painful expression on his face.

"It will cost a lot to say the wrong thing here. Please, consider what you should say before you speak next time."

Gao Hai said this and left directly with Qianhua, not caring about the movements of the four people behind.

After hearing Gao Hai's words, Kawano realized something and looked at Dennis and was about to say something.

However, before that, Dennis, who felt that he was hit for no reason, was very unhappy and spoke first.

"What are you doing? We are all human, why can't we just talk properly?"

Are all the so-called group-destroying engines so persistent?

Gao Hai, who wanted to complain, grabbed Qianhua's hand and sped up his escape.

At this time, Kawano also understood Gao Hai's meaning, and immediately took out his obsession after scolding Dennis as "bastard".

The next moment, Gao Hai felt that the direction of the sight had shifted.

The gaze that was staring at him, located in the world where the research base was located, quickly shifted its attention after Dennis said "We are all human".

Then, a series of malicious thoughts began to spread in this cave.

The shrill cries, the low moans of pain, and the messy footsteps, like the sounds of many people trapped here struggling, sounded together in the cave behind Gao Hai and Qianhua.

This time, Gao Hai and Fujiwara Qianhua, who had left in time, were not affected by the new player who was seeking death. As for the final outcome of the four people, Gao Hai was not interested in knowing.

However, will revealing my identity as a [human] directly attract the attention of the core obsession?

Considering this point, if I capture a few players and try to trick them into saying [I am human] at a specific time, can I divert the attention of that thing and successfully reach the [real ground] and complete the game?

Gao Hai was suddenly stunned.

During the period from death to resurrection in the previous round, he was still thinking that there was no way to complete this dungeon at all, which was simply an unreasonable dead end.

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