"Fujiwara-san, has she also become a player..."

Regarding the fact that Chika Fujiwara, who had been her only friend since childhood, became a player, Shinomiya Kaguya felt somewhat complicated. On the one hand, the other party has joined the terrifying and weird death game [Sacrifice Game]. Kaguya does not want this always carefree girl to encounter such a bad thing; but on the other hand, for the deep copy For Kaguya in the game, she now has a familiar person as her companion, and she can't suppress the happiness in her heart, even though she knows that being happy about this kind of thing is actually a bit despicable.

"I remember that Auntie, you have a very good relationship with this Fujiwara-san. Is it okay for her to stay next to Umi-kun?"

The true concubine's focus is different from that of Kaguya. She is more concerned about the fact that a strange woman is following Gao Hai. Although she knows that Gao Hai was quite serious during the mission, when she thinks of that guy's acerbity Due to her embryonic nature, she couldn't help but start to worry about whether there would be some welfare drama or something like that.

Forget it, there's no point worrying about this kind of problem.

It’s better to do your own thing first.

Now Haijun has become stronger and grown, and is much stronger than the last copy. However, even so, he cannot avoid the fate of death again. Therefore, I must do my best to reduce his pressure and do what I can do well.

After all, that guy said that the reason why I could establish this kind of telepathic communication with him is because he and I absolutely trust each other...

To be honest, when she just heard this reason from Gao Hai, Zhen Fei's first reaction was to deny it. Because of their absolute trust in each other, it sounded like they were confessing and becoming a couple, which was hard for her to accept.

However, the girl had to admit that this feeling was really good.

This feeling of connectedness that only belongs between him and me, this heart-beating feeling that I have never experienced before, is really great.

So you have to work hard.

You must work hard, do your best, and help the other party solve their problems. After all, he is working hard somewhere, struggling to survive, and he is also concerned about the situation on my side.

Zhen Fei secretly encouraged herself in her heart.

Beside her, the frowning Kaguya looked slightly abnormal.

What she cares about is the unique connection that Zhen Fei mentioned just now and she established with Gao Hai.

You can establish a spiritual link with each other and say what you want to tell each other without being heard by anyone. This ability is really important in the dangerous and terrifying place of [Sacrifice Game]. Kaguya can be sure that this ability can play an important role in various situations. It can be said that the ten obsessions combined cannot make up for it. Compared with other players, it has an advantage in dimensionality reduction and strike level.

But the only ones who established this link were Gao Hai and Shijo Zhenfei.

According to Zhen Fei, to complete the establishment of this kind of link, two people need to trust each other. Huh, even though she said so, from her coy attitude, Kaguya had no doubt that in order to establish this kind of spiritual connection, the level that needed to be reached was definitely not as simple as "trusting each other". Did it. I'm afraid, it takes a deeper understanding of each other, and even a good feeling that can be called "mutual love", in order to achieve the establishment of this kind of link, right?

After deducing this point, Kaguya couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Kaguya had to admit that she had never been so envious of Concubine Shijo who was from the same rich plutocratic family as herself, but who was different from him and looked more like a healthy and happy girl. This kind of behavior of entrusting one's heart to someone like a fool, even a man who has only known each other for a month, is impossible for Shinomiya Kaguya to do under any circumstances. Even if she knew that doing so would bring benefits to herself and increase her probability of survival, it would still be difficult for her to do such a thing. After all, for Shinomiya Kaguya, "trusting others" is an extremely difficult thing, let alone this level of "trust".

However, he couldn't help but think of his maid, the person he trusted most, Hayasaka Ai, and what she had said to him before, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Miss Kaguya, maybe it would be nice to fall in love."

Although it was just a joke at the time, but now that I think about it suddenly, it makes the girl even more uneasy.

As expected, I still can't do this kind of thing.

Even if Gao Jun is really the other half that satisfies me, it is impossible for me to get that close to him in such a short period of time. What's more, for me, that guy really has too many unqualified places. At best, he can only be treated as a comrade-in-arms, but there is no feasibility of getting a closer relationship.

It's better to put aside this childish idea.

Concubine Zhenfei and Kaguya, with different thoughts and ideas, stepped into the analysis workroom together, carefully completed the work that they must complete as [researchers], and waited for the time to explore freely.

And the same man to whom the two girls' complicated emotions were directed, the man who was making both Zhen Fei and Kaguya feel uneasy at the same time, was reaching out his hand and making a serious gesture of pinching something.

I really want to do it again, that soft and warm touch I felt just now.

Gao Hai sighed in his heart about the softness he had felt from the doll before, and then quickly gathered his mind and focused on the things in front of him.

This training area that inexplicably appeared in the underground cave, at this time, only he and Fujiwara Chika were there, and those strange things had temporarily left, so it can be said that this place has temporarily become a safe zone.

But this kind of safety must be temporary. If you don’t find a way to leave here and go to the big slide quickly, it will be difficult to get rid of those things when they come back later.

"There are also special rock climbing training equipment. This is the first time I have seen such a high and big one."

The pink-haired girl standing aside said with emotion while staring at an artificial cliff by the wall.

"Don't worry about this kind of thing for now, try to find some useful clues here first."

Gao Hai said casually, stretched out his hand and patted Chika's head, and then stepped forward.

Chika, who was caught off guard by the head pat, laughed "Hehehe", then followed Gao Hai and said seriously "Private Fujiwara, wait for the commander's orders", and then deliberately walked a few steps. It must be said that this quirky girl diluted Gao Hai's nervousness very well, making him laugh, and then both of them entered a serious state and began to speed up the exploration of this place.

So first, a small room located in the corner of the training area, which was mostly blocked by a climbing facility and looked inconspicuous, attracted the attention of Gao Hai and Chika at this time.

Gao Hai sensed a not-so-obvious strange breath from the door of that room.

Chapter 36: The truth that began to surface gradually


Accompanied by a sharp sound, a very simple wooden door was slowly pushed open.

A bloody doll concealed its own figure, then quietly slipped in, looked around the house, and then quietly shrank back outside the house. Then, Gao Hai poked his head into the room. Xiao Qian carefully observed it again, then opened the door and walked in.

This is a small warehouse.

You can see some neatly arranged training props, such as rope ladders, hooks, water gun nozzles and other things.

On one wall of the warehouse, there is a whole row of firefighters' clothes and rescue personnel's clothes, and the two clothes are only slightly different in color and style.

The reason for the existence of two different clothing styles seems to be that the Ameri country in this world has established two different organizations for firefighters and rescue teams. The former mainly operates in urban areas, and the latter mainly operates in various complex outdoor environments such as mountains and lakes. There is also a saying that the insurance and vacation systems of the two organizations are different, but there are also people who say that although there seem to be differences in the treatment of insurance and other issues on the surface, in fact, workers in these two positions are often owed wages, and there is actually no difference.

Gao Hai has seen a lot of news in this regard. Before entering the Red Nut Gray Cave, Gao Hai had paid attention to some news from Ameri country. However, he knew that it was impossible to find information related to the dungeon in the real world, so he just browsed some news there when he was bored. As a result, he saw some negative news about the American Fire Department. He knew that many firefighters and rescue team members who were injured and retired during the mission could not get the insurance compensation they deserved.

However, despite this, the equipment and facilities of this fire station still look very good. Maybe there is some special reason in it?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai stepped into the warehouse carefully and signaled Qianhua to guard the door and pay attention to the situation outside.

He could sense the strange breath through the power of blessing.

In this warehouse.

Somewhere in this warehouse.

But for some reason, the strange breath seemed a little strange. Gao Hai vaguely felt that the existence of that thing itself seemed very illusory, like firewood that was about to burn out and could no longer burn.


Is this feeling some kind of reverberation?

Gao Hai went around to the depths of the warehouse. The light was dim and there was nothing placed. It looked very hidden in a corner area.

He sensed something obscure here, something left over from the past, from those obsessions that turned into weirdness.

Slowly, his footsteps began to move, little by little, Gao Hai leaned against the wall in the corner, stretched out his hand, put his fingers to his ears, as if he was communicating with someone, and made a phone call gesture.

[It's very difficult for me to continue like this, can't you think of a way to completely block that place? ]

The man in a suit leaned against the wall and said to the phone with an unhappy face.

[It would be great if it could be like that, you know very well, we have thought of various ways to block the big slide, but the wall is still collapsing. There have been people trapped inexplicably, originally just security guards, but now more and more tourists are trapped in it]

A man's voice sounded on the phone, full of fatigue, and it sounded like he was in a very bad mental state.

[I have lost several people under my command, Mr. Pei Di, I can’t keep suppressing this matter forever. The continuous disappearances have attracted more and more attention. Tourists from other places are unaware of the situation, but local people basically will not go to the cave. I believe you understand what I mean. This matter really cannot be suppressed forever. This is the disappearance of more than fifty people, and it involves tourists from all over the world and local firefighters and rescue teams. I am afraid that what will happen next will only happen. getting worse】

The man on the phone sighed tiredly, his tone becoming increasingly helpless.

[...So, what can you do? I pay you so much money every year, isn't it just to let you suppress things? Are the families of those missing rescue teams making trouble again? Didn’t you say you had taken care of them before? 】

The voice on the phone sounded a little confused.

[This batch is indeed done, what about the next batch? Everyone is not a fool. What do you think will happen if this continues? The current situation is already very bad. If it continues like this, I think I have no choice but to quit.]

The man on the phone sighed again, and there was a bit of hesitation in his next words.

【Do you want to quit? 】

The voice on the phone seemed to be stimulated, and its pitch suddenly rose.

[The money you paid me is no longer worth my trip into this muddy water. I advise you to give up as soon as possible]

The man's voice became firm, and it was obvious that he did not say such words out of the blue.

[…You know I can’t shut down the red nut gray hole]

This time, the voice on the phone obviously hesitated.

[Because it is a nationally renowned emerging scenic spot? Because it can now bring you countless wealth every day? 】

The man on the phone, who didn't expect that the other party would use such words, was stunned for a moment, and then continued.

[…Because it became popular during the mayor’s tenure and was then selected as a national scenic spot, this scenic spot cannot be closed before our mayor leaves office. It must be sustained and run as one of the shining stories of the tenure. This matter is not up to you and me to decide, do you understand? 】


[So, let’s not talk about quitting. None of us can quit now. The problem with the Red Nut Gray Hole cannot be known to anyone, it has to stay "normal" and those of us who know there is a problem have to stay in our places, you know what I mean? 】

【……damn it】

In the last few words, the man sighed deeply and his tone became tired.

The voice on the phone also fell silent, and I could hear a deep sense of exhaustion in the last few words the person said.

Gao Hai slowly put down the hand covering one ear.

The reverberations of the scene just now have dissipated.

The content recorded by this reverberation has now been imprinted in Gao Hai's mind.

"The reason why the Red Nut Ash Cave was not closed after the abnormal event, but continued to operate, was it because of pressure from above?"

"The caller should be the leader of the fire station, and the person he contacted is Pei Di?"

"As early as when the big slide was initially blocked, tourists began to disappear gradually. Security guards and rescue team firefighters also had missing people at that time."

Gao Hai, who was completely awake, realized what kind of intelligence was contained in the voices he just heard.

Gotta get out of here.

Gao Hai has realized that as he continues to move forward, he may be able to see more reverberations.

Those people who were closely related to the changes and development of the Red Nut Gray Cave were also pulled into this hell after this place was completely transformed into a paradise for ghost stories. Although they have become the same obsessions wandering here, based on the remaining memory fragments of these people, he will definitely be able to decipher the truth step by step.

There is a disgusting smell wafting into the nose.

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the cold wall with rows of clothes hanging on it and firefighters with dull expressions hanging on them.

All those people had their heads lowered, hanging motionless like this, like commodities whose fate had been decided in advance and traded. They were just placed here, waiting for customers to continue to use them when they needed them. To access.

Their bodies gradually swelled.

Water droplets dripped from these people's bodies.

Gao Hai looked at these people, and in a daze, he understood the situation.

Those people who were trapped in the cave were actually still alive and never completely dead.

No matter what happened to these trapped people in the place behind the big slide that had turned into a strange place, they were not completely dead, and there was still a possibility of leaving alive.

Until a heavy rain flooded the cave.

Everyone was floating in the water.

All were drowned in it by the accumulated water.

The breathing gradually stopped.

Instead there was the sound of rushing water.

And after the water flow gradually disappeared, the sound of dripping water remained.

Tick ​​tock—tick tock—

The sound of dripping water seemed to come from far away, yet seemed to be right next to me.

And hidden inside, there was a faint sound that sounded like someone was sobbing in a low voice.

Gao Hai didn't react at all.

He just maintained his calm appearance, walked expressionlessly, avoided the area where the things hanging on the wall were, and walked out of the house quickly.


The sound of water drops continued to echo behind him.

Gao Hai himself had walked to the door of the house, to the side of the warehouse door guarded by Fujiwara Chika.

But the girl was not there.

Outside the door was not the training area he passed by at the beginning.

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