Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3312: The devil in human skin

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Today's beggars are of great help. Zhang Shanqi is a typical representative.

When Zhang Shanque was young, he was self-employed. Slowly, he found that he didn't make money, so he began to corporatize his own business and contacted other beggars. Now their eight-bag veterans have followed him into the bungalows and imported cars.

It can even be said that it was entirely because Zhang Shanque's methods were so powerful that they were able to win the brutal competition.

Although it is just a beggar, beggars are also competitive, and people who are not competitive cannot mix in any circle! Don't think that when you want to eat, you don't need to be motivated.

Zhang Shanyu's self-improvement in the industry of beggars is definitely one of the best! Few people can match him!

Otherwise, he can become the boss of the locals! Even though many people in the local area knew that Zhang Shanque was in control of the beggar industry, as a beggar helped the boss, it did n’t affect his profitability. That ’s because the local tourism industry is well developed, so many people flow. Less important.

They are asking for money now, unlike the beggars in the past, and some people are really begging for food.

It can only be said that this profession in the contemporary era is very different from the past. The former beggars were for a meal, in order to live their lives.

And now they are using this method to make money, get rich and make a fortune, marry Bai Fumei, and climb to the top of their lives!

Zhang Shanyu was aiming at the loopholes of the law, and his organization hid in places where moral supervision could not be completely supervised. After doing this kind of beggar behavior that ordinary people think of as a shame and getting rich, he also found a man who was more than 20 years younger than him. Legs as daughter-in-law.

Every day, the people of Zhang Shanqian are walking around the commercial streets, railway stations and long-distance bus stations in the sea of ​​people. Their dress is exactly the same as that of a real beggar.

People with disabilities who seem to be left unattended and sleeping on the streets have also been controlled by Zhang Shanqi, using them to make money for themselves.

He simply could not be punished by law, at most people condemned him morally, and had no effect on Zhang Shanyu.

Some people feel that when a person lays down his self-esteem and reaches out to all strangers to get the things necessary for basic survival, his life is undoubtedly in the hands of others. However, times are changing, and beggars are no exception.

In the modern life where the true and false are difficult to distinguish, beggars have also become the target industry that some people are aiming at.

Zhang Shanque is in the local beggar circle, that is the champion!

What really made Zhang Shanque "famous" rose because of him-making cruelty!

Now Zhang Shanque is already a well-known evil force. He let his men beat and maimed normal people, and then forced him to beg. The **** soaring of his notoriety skyrocketed, and no one in the area dared to provoke him.

Even some disciplinary children who are not disciplined by their parents will say, "If you are disobedient, I will send you to Zhang Shanqi, and let Zhang Shanqi saw your legs to the street to have dinner!"

This is really not a joke, but a terrible reality.

Some people have roughly surveyed that Zhang Shanque's men have more than 3,000 people who specialize in begging to make a living, but there are thousands in their prosperous city center!

These people are under the jurisdiction of Zhang Shanyu, and there are rules every day. People in urban areas and railway stations must pay a minimum of 300 yuan a day. For places with a small number of people, they must pay a minimum of 200 yuan a day!

Of course, this is the lowest! Not capped!

If anyone doesn't need so much money, Zhang Shanque will let his men make this person even worse! Because the more miserable you can get more money!

Some people even died directly because of Zhang Shanyu ’s beating, and these people, once they died, could not be found, and they did n’t know where Zhang Shanqi buried them. It is the missing population, so no one will notice it at all.

Many of Zhang Shanque ’s men were originally normal people. They were either stunned by medication, awakened and amputated, or children who were deceived and trafficked were cruelly used when they were only two or three years old. To break their hands and feet ... in order to make them look more pitiful.

Now, the beggar gang controlled by Zhang Shanyu can be said to have formed a meticulous division of labor and a grouped and specialized industrial chain.

Some people specialize in plundering the population, some specialize in wounding and maiming, some send the beggar to the streets and beg every morning, and some people collect money from the beggars.

In many cases, Zhang Shanqian used some means to make the beggars look more pitiful. How many poor people have cut his hands, feet and body, even his face with a knife, and even burned with sulfuric acid!

How many cruel men are beaten because they often ask for less money, and even get nailed, cut their tongues, and forced to eat feces.

For the sake of his own self, this evil man, Zhang Shanque, ruined ordinary people with inexplicable means, treated them as cash cows, and built his wealth on the misery of the beggars!

He has always challenged the human bottom line and the conscience of society. And this scum of inhumanity has always been well avoided, without being punished by law.

For such people, it is really not excessive to impose capital punishment on them!

For more than ten years, Zhang Shanque has not been punished, and has spread to the surroundings, showing an expanding trend, but has never been investigated and dealt with, and no cruelty has been rescued. ?

When you think about it, people feel terrified. For these inhumane ugliness, the "relevant departments" have not come out to solve the problem. I really don't know if the leaders of the "relevant departments" have also gotten a slice of blood from them! ! !

You know, maiming children and organizing them to beg for ugly activities for their own profit. This behavior has broken through the bottom line of human civilization!

The first time Zhang Shanque did this kind of thing was to pick up an abandoned baby by the side of the road ... abandoned baby, those abandoned by unscrupulous parents! I am afraid they ca n’t think of any sins that the children they abandoned have suffered! They can't even atone for their sins!

Zhang Shanqi broke the legs of the one-year-old abandoned baby for his own benefit! Use bricks! At that time, the child crying made Zhang Shanque tremble in his heart. After the leg of the abandoned baby was broken, it would ooze and become infected, and he would not be treated after the infection. Slowly, the abandoned baby's legs rotted away The worse the worse, the worse the pus, the better, the more miserable it will help Zhang Shanqi make more money.

He just wanted the abandoned baby's legs to be bad! If the wound is scarred and healed, Zhang Shanque will also knock him with something, bleeding and pus!

How can I make more money without bleeding or pus?

It was because of the child that Zhang Shanque embarked on an evil road of no return! It's because of the abandoned baby!

At that time, Zhang Shanque had no such evil industry chain. However, this tragic abandoned baby earned him millions in just two years! That's right! It's millions!

But this abandoned baby had only lived for two years. He was tortured like this. In order to prevent the child from crying and disturbing him to rest at night, he also gave the child some medicine similar to sleeping pills to keep the child quiet.

In this way, a child was tortured to death in just two years.

When he lost this cash cow, he thought of why he didn't go back to make more cash cows? If there were more cash cows, wouldn't he be richer? This evil thought was born because of that poor abandoned baby ...

What kind of crime is behind those poor cruel men on the street? It can't be solved by throwing a few dollars at good intentions. They need someone to supervise and rescue someone! Someone needs to find out the hands behind the scenes! And severely punish!

At this moment, Zhang Shanyu is rushing to the hotel to meet Dongying people, because he has a new "business", Dongying is a country with a very lack of organs, and Zhang Shanyu feels that there are many people who are about to die. What can be used ...

Zhang Shanyu is such a devil with a long face!

The lobby manager would be so anxious to want Xia Qiuyu to leave them, really for their safety. He was really afraid that such a person like Zhang Shanqi would do cruel things in the hotel unscrupulously. But there is no way to close it.

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