Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3607: Disadvantaged

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Da Fei was pushed directly to a position where he couldn't get down. Liu Benliu forced him to a desperate situation.

"I might as well tell you that at the price you are talking about, I can't accept it." Liu Benliu smiled slightly, and it felt so comfortable to have everything in his own hands.

"You are just playing with me." Dafei glared: "15% is impossible!"

"Sixteen?" Liu Benliu continued to use a playful tone. If it were not because the security of such high-end places was strict, he would have turned the table.

Liu Benliu could see the displeasure on Dafei's face: "You know how disgusting people are like this, and why do you waste your tongue in front of me. How annoyed you are at this moment, I have had it before Helpless. "

"Mr. Liu, what do you want me to do? Admit your mistakes? Or blame me for not caring too much?" Dafei said: "If you think something is inappropriate, please ask me directly. I was expelled from school at that time, so I had no culture. I was in a mixed society when I was out of school. I did things that went straight. I saw whoever was upset, and the boss looked at who was upset. I know so many twists and turns. "

Liu Benliu was stunned for a while, so he still didn't know how to talk round and round? This is obviously threatening Liu Benliu, and he will be chopped off without giving a happy word.

"Brother Dafei's education is indeed too low." Liu Benliu shook his head: "You know, if you go to China, it will be difficult to mix up. Now everything in China requires education, and follow the developer of the local wealth owner. When you are a thug brother, you also need a college diploma. "

Dafei didn't understand what Liu Benliu wanted to say and stared at him without a word.

"There is a saying how to say, in fact, the hooligan is not terrible, I am afraid that the hooligan has a culture." Liu Benliu laughed: "This shows that the culture is more powerful than the rogue."

Liu Benliu is a master of high material at Shenjiang University. Of course, he is qualified to feel that he is better than Dafei.

"Yes, Mr. Liu is right." Dafei nodded. "Mr. Liu said everything. As long as Mr. Liu agrees to sign this word for me, I will finalize the 20% contract. Shanghouli went to the mainland to find President Liu to study. "

"Don't." Liu Benliu shook his head: "Don't wear me a high hat, I know I can't wear it. I dare not sign this 20%."

"I'm sincere!" Dafei looked agitated emotionally.

If Dafei did not admit that Mr. Guan gave 20%, and he raised it to 30% in order to bargain, Liu Benliu might really feel that he was sincere.

But Liu Benliu can't feel any sincerity now.

"This kind of sincerity is not something you say there is." Liu Benliu said: "You have to take it out and show it."

"How to behave?" Dafei froze.

Liu Benliu said in a serious way: "Do you know, Dafei brother, I said 15% is the highest estimate I gave our boss. Just now he has told me very sure that the 15% commission is His psychological price point. "

Dafei shook his head vigorously: "This is too low! This will definitely not work, it just can't be justified!"

"Yeah, you want 20%, we give 15%, which is too low. This is definitely unreasonable, but you can't justify it if you don't drop it at all." Liu Benliu said.

Da Fei is on the set: "Then Liu, you give a solution."

"Since there is a difference of 5% in price, let's take a step back and forth." Liu Benliu said: "17.5% is the most suitable price, but in terms of age, you have to call me brother, I also Without losing your seniority, you will get 0.5 points more, 18%, I can explain it, and you can explain it too. I also admit it at a loss. "

After finishing the speech, Liu Benliu reminded Da Fei: "Because I know that Da Fei brother has just taken over so many important things, if I do n’t give face, it ’s true that our cooperation will probably make Mr. Guan right. Brother has some very bad opinions. "

Liu Benliu knew what Dafei was afraid of and what he was worried about.

So every point of Liu Benliu said that Zhong Fei's thoughts, Da Fei is not afraid of reason.

"Brother Dafei, if you think about it carefully, I haven't been full yet. I'll have something to eat." Liu Benliu continued to eat morning tea.

Both Xu Yun and Qin Wan'er also understood beside them. This is that the commission was not discussed. The stacking price of the Australian District is obviously indicating that the business in this line is not easy to do now, and it is not easy for these people to eat together.

Otherwise, no one will play this game.

Everyone knows what the risk of setting prices on the ground is that they dare to do this, and it also shows that they have no fear, because the stacking yards in the entire Australian area are raising prices on the ground, not just their family.

This situation is actually a good situation.

At least explain how the management of relevant departments in the Australian region has played a certain role.

However, this effect is far from being able to solve and get rid of the present situation, but Xu Yun believes that one day sooner or later, even those inland who have dirty money, would rather spend 50% or even 50% In sixty, no one can launder money for them.

Da Fei remained silent for a long time, but eventually lost.

"I'll call and ask Mr. Guan." Da Fei said that he got up and walked to the side of the window. The phone was quickly connected, and Da Fei asked carefully.

Mr. Guan's slightly majestic voice also remembered from the phone at the same time: "How, after so long, have things been settled?"

"Mr. Guan ... this price ... the other party thinks it's a bit too high." After Da Fei finished speaking, he waited with a trace of panic for Mr. Guan's reply.

Finally, Mr. Guan replied: "Then you are quite useless."

When Da Fei heard this, his heart was cold for a moment, and Mr. Guan said such a thing. He really wouldn't be confused in the future.

"Mr. Guan, the situation is like this ..." Dafei wants to explain his current situation. He wants to tell Mr. Guan that the other party is willing to spend more money and ask Uncle Hao to contact the other stackers.

But before this was said, Mr. Guan interrupted Dafei ’s words: “I do n’t need to listen to your explanation. You know what I value most, is the result. Do you understand?”

"Sorry, Mr. Shuo." Dafei had to bow his head.

"I didn't get the result I wanted." Mr. Guan's voice was a little cold: "What did you say when I left the matter to you? I remember you patting your chest and telling me, no problem. Now you have to tell Me, the situation is different. "

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