Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3610: casino

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Everyone who has been to the Australian District knows that the malls and shops selling food can basically pay with UnionPay cards, but the small shops that eat food only accept Australian dollars in cash, while the casinos use Hong Kong dollars.

If ordinary tourists play, less than 5,000 are directly played with cash.

Therefore, guests such as Liu Benliu need a huge amount of Hong Kong dollars, which is why he has to find Diemazai to help with the money laundering of Chuanshan.

They can't get such a large sum of money without the help of stacked yards. It is said that the chairman ’s money on the mainland cannot be directly exchanged for Hong Kong dollars to play.

Liu Benliu got off the bus before going to the casino halfway, because the young and beautiful female backpacker got off, of course, in addition to this, several people also got off.

Xu Yun is a little puzzled, Liu Benliu should not be so immature, it is impossible for a woman to delay a major event.

Forcibly, Xu Yun also had to get out of the car and follow him secretly.

What Xu Yun didn't expect was that Liu Benliu's goal was really this single girl. This girl went to a tofu flower shop, and Liu Benliu also followed.

In Xu Yun's heart, he immediately ran through 10,000 grass and mud horses. This **** thing was really easy enough, and he didn't take the current thing seriously.

There are many people in the tofu flower shop, it seems to be a small shop in the port area. Xu Yun did not hesitate to follow up like an ordinary guest, and ordered a copy in the corner.

Soon, a bowl of white tofu brains was put on the table. There was no other embellishment besides condensed milk, and the taste was monotonous.

But there was a teapot filled with **** syrup on the table. Xu Yun put a little **** syrup and tried it again, but the bean curd became tender and smooth. The spread of sweetness, the taste is very layered.

No wonder there are still so many people in such a humble shop.

In fact, Qufu, the former residence of Kong Shengren, also sells a small snack called caramel, which is almost the same as this taste bud.

After eating tofu flowers, the girl actually got up and started to help. At this time, a few guys who followed her and wondered if they were "profitable" were stunned.

"Brother, there's nothing to do. I'll go first." The girl simply packed up some messy things and said to the boss of Douhuadian, who nodded.

Although I don't know if other people want to understand, Xu Yun has already figured out that this girl is the "childcare" of Douhuadian.

Carrying a package as a single person, let those who saw her wonder if there is a chance to come to a "Yan Yu" tourist staring at her, and then she took the free bus to bring people to her store.

This is really a clever method ...

Once the popularity of the store is driven, many people will naturally think that this is a famous snack.

Although Xu Yun doesn't know whether other famous snacks have gained fame by this method, if someone writes a travel note several years later and recommends melons to travel to Macao to eat this bean curd, Xu Yun can be sure This shop is made by means.

Liu Benliu also seemed very disappointed. People who were disappointed like him all left Douhuadian. After the second fortune-telling car came, Liu Benliu went up.

Xu Yun didn't follow the car, he saw Qin Waner under the car and they were in the car.

Qin Wan'er apparently showed a shocked expression when Liu Benliu got in the car, but Liu Benliu was not in a mood to observe the situation in the car because of the sense of loss just now.

At this time, Xu Yun had sent the situation to Qin Wan'er's mobile phone, and told Qin Wan'er to stare at him, and then he arrived.

It didn't take long for the fortune car to stop at the entrance of the super casino in the Australian District.

Liu Benliu got off the bus and was ready to enter the field. Qin Wan'er gave Uncle Tai and Man Yu a look, motioning them to stare. She stayed at the door and waited for Xu Yun.

Because the Australian government stipulates that people under the age of 21 are prohibited from entering the casino, Man Yu said that this lucky face with a baby face was directly taken care of. Fortunately, she brought her own documents, what passport, what Hong Kong and Macau pass Everything is available, after all, it is necessary to use these certificates to get a membership card in a casino.

Like casinos in Las Vegas, the casinos in Australia provide free performances to attract guests. There is at the door, and Qin Waner waits for Xu Yun while watching the show at the door.

Although the performance lake outside the casino is smaller than the water dance in Las Vegas, the effect is the same as the most beautiful, like a girl with a voluptuous figure accompanied by a waltz.

When Man Yu entered the hotel, he was shocked by the momentum inside.

As soon as she entered the hotel, she saw the alternation of the Fugui dragon and the auspicious tree in the center of the hall. The ceiling was made of a carved zodiac-shaped top with a screen inside. The ground was an arc-shaped ball. And auspicious tree should be hidden inside.

"Or not so luxurious." Man Yu exclaimed, this place is really a golden hole, she did not dare to think how many people will die in this place every year.

Uncle Tai whispered: "Look closely, now is not the time for us to appreciate."

"Knowing Uncle Tai." Man Yu nodded, then stared closely at Liu Benliu.

Xu Yun also rushed to the casino, and when Qin Waner was waiting for him, he asked, "What about them?"

"Liu Benliu has already entered, I let them stare." Qin Wan'er said: "Let's go quickly, maybe he has already started to move."

"No, if Liu Benliu has to do something, he will definitely be invited to the VIP room first." Xu Yun said: "It is estimated that he is just playing around casually. Once, just for work and not taking advantage of his own time. Not stupid. "

Qin Waner froze for a moment: "How are you so sure."

"There are no tricks to play in the ordinary room, but anyone who loses or wins millions will still not change their face and heart, and almost all will be invited into the VIP room." Xu Yun smiled slightly: "This is common sense."

"Don't you ever gamble?" Qin Waner suspiciously said: "I don't have much money to gamble money."

"I bet." Xu Yun said.

"Will you bet money?" Qin Wan'er didn't talk.

"This thing is nothing more than luck, the bet is the odds." Xu Yun said: "I always say that long betting must lose, but I am not a long bet person. Occasionally, I might win a lot."

"You really have a big heart." Qin Wan'er shook his head helplessly: "So, people who have never gambled on my money are still likely to win."

"Yes, that's exactly what happened." Xu Yun said: "People who come to Macau for the first time to gamble money often win back. The more people come, the more they lose. The probability problem is that simple. . "

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