Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3613: Non-gambler mentality

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Obviously, the VIP room is indeed not accessible to the rest of the world, and the relationship between the casino VIP room and the casino owner is also similar to the relationship between contractors and renters, but not the same.

At the same time, the owners of the VIP gambling rooms are not waiting for leisure, and each has their own future. Casting a casino can be said to be harsh. A small gambling hall needs to bet about 200 million yuan of bank notes. The layout of the hall is usually three baccarat, one blackjack, plus a gambling size, and the small hall only has three baccarat.

It can be seen at this point that the inland local tyrants seem to be particularly fond of baccarat.

Since the parent company of the VIP casino in the VIP room has a large number of hotels, transportation, food and beverage, and even aviation in the Australian area, the company will allocate it to the corresponding hotel VIPs in each VIP room for free according to the sales volume of the chips in each VIP room. Room, air ticket, and dining and entertainment service quotas, so that the halls can better attract guests.

Of course, the parent company of the Super Casino will also help the VIP rooms in the Minato City to establish VIP reception desks with good sales performance.

There is also a very luxurious casino opening in the Australian area, which also provides value-added services for VIPs. They are opened in the upper 50 luxury VIP rooms will not be open for business. These rooms are only open to VIPs who come to the casino.

It is said that if the VIP room digests more than 700 million US dollars in chips every month, it can get three levels of profits.

Xu Yun and Qin Waner came to a table of baccarat and started playing cards. The dealer seemed to have a cold. Qin Waner happened to see him throwing his snotty paper out of the counter.

Qin Wan'er frowned, and there was no wastepaper basket here.

"Actually, this is to avoid suspicion." Xu Yun can see Qin Waner's displeasure: "There are TV monitoring probes everywhere in this casino, and there are almost one hundred and eight hundred without a thousand. All corners of the casino are photographed from all angles, 24 hours a day, every second. "

Qin Wan'er was surprised: "Can't you go to the bathroom in the casino?"

"Of course there is no bathroom." Xu Yun smiled helplessly: "These devices are only used to supervise casino employees, but not for customers."

Qin Waner saw that the dealer at a gaming table behind him was about to leave the gaming table, and very skillfully opened his hands to the camera and fluttered his clothes to show that he did not take anything.

"He did this deliberately?" Qin Wan'er turned back and asked Xu Yun.

Xu Yun nodded: "Yeah, I did this deliberately. Because if the casino found that the staff cheated, it would be expelled without any doubt and never be merciless."

"Are we going to wait for the stack of babies now?" Qin Wan'er said.

"Yes." Xu Yun smiled: "They will take the initiative to find the door. Of course, they usually make a living, and there will be no black intermediaries to look for the door from the beginning."

Ordinary stacked yards are actually people who specialize in serving around gamblers, serving tea and water, helping to change chips and handing food.

The stacker's job is to find a source of gamblers, encourage gamblers to gamble in the casino, let the casino increase gaming revenue, and get commissions from it.

This kind of system already existed when the Australian Tourism and Entertainment Co., Ltd. was established, but it was not universal. By the mid-1980s, Macau casinos had extensively set up gambling halls. In order to find more sources of gamblers, the important role of intermediaries was highlighted.

Therefore, this system became popular. It can be said that the contribution of Die Ma Zi to the local finance is great.

As long as the competent stacker has a glance at the gambling cards he plays, he knows whether he is a big gambler or a small gambler.

Guests who play slot machines in the lobby absolutely do not have big gamblers. Most of them come to the casino for the first time, or small players. Only when they win or lose are large amounts and they are not discolored. Play Baccarat comfortably.

Qin Wan'er was not interested in watching Xu Yun playing cards, but looked at Uncle Tai and Manyu not far away. They had been staring at Liu Benliu and they seemed to have changed some chips, but they were all small in denomination.

In this super-large casino, Qin Waner hardly sees foreigners with high noses and yellow hair. The vast majority are Asians, and these Asians are mainly mainlanders.

With the global economic downturn, there are fewer and fewer rich owners with yellow hair and blue eyes.

In fact, it is not just the picture of the casinos in Australia. Even in Las Vegas, the casinos are mainly Asian, especially in the VIP room, which are occupied by people with yellow skin and black hair. Overlord status.

At a glance, which country's people are richer?

No, to be precise, it is clear which part of the country got rich first.

Xu Yun ’s thoughts are all placed on the playing cards. What blackjack, bet size, all kinds of messes are involved. Through careful observation and listening, and judgments on people ’s hearts, Xu Yun obviously Lose less and win more.

Even a few professional dealers noticed Xu Yun, a lucky ridden man.

Because few people play 100,000 chips in the ordinary hall, Xu Yun throws a few casually.

These serious and unspoken dealers are all serious characters in the casino from beginning to end. Dealing cards and changing chips are all things of these dealers.

Why do they say that they are all masters in the casino, to put it bluntly, they are the ones who help the casino sit down and face these crazy gamblers and win money for the casino owner, so the casino owner will definitely not invite Fools come to be dealers.

Of course, these people are all good people with no previous history and bad records.

At this moment, the dealers in front of Xu Yun are more skillful in licensing, they are all professionally trained, because the gambling game requires them to master the rhythm, the better the rhythm, the profit of the casino will also increase.

Think about it, if the dealer's actions are muddy, not only will the gamblers be boring, the entire casino will also appear lazy, and will have no energy at all.

So these professional bookmakers are quite good. Although they are professional gambling players, they never participate in gambling on their own.

Xu Yun looked at the time, and he knew the reason why he would lose a long time.

Many years ago, Xu Yun met an uncle who had been a dealer for 21 years in the Australian District. The uncle talked to him about how to control himself when he played gambling in the Australian District.

The most important trick is not to enter the casino for more than half an hour. If you win five, you quickly change the money and leave, and the starting bet should be as small as possible, so that it is easy to turn the book.

A good mentality is a basic quality. No matter whether you win or lose, you must leave within half an hour. You will lose if you gamble for a long time.

Of course, many gamblers who play in the Australian casinos know this "know-how", but really few people can follow this knack.

Most gamblers have a bad mentality.

Why Xu Yun can win is precisely because he is not a gambler and he does not have a gambler's mentality. In this case, people will be more sober.

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