Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3619: VIP Room

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"You are also ready to pick someone up, help him with the chips and take him directly to the VIP room." Gao Gaoyang said to Dafei Road: "Yes, remember to convey my meaning to him."

Dafei nodded. Mr. Guan meant that the price of this cooperation was not a long-term price, so he wanted Dafei to remind Liu Benliu to let him talk to the "master" after he went back so that the other party could understand them. Situation.

Of course, closing Gao Yang does not teach Da Fei one by one how to say, if Da Fei can't solve this matter a little more beautifully, he may not reuse him in the future.

Opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared. If one person misses the opportunity again and again, it can only mean that this person is unusable.

"Mr. Guan, please rest assured, I will explain the situation to him." Dafei nodded cautiously. He is under great pressure now, and he knows that once he loses Mr. Guan ’s reuse, he will become useless.

It can be said that Dafei is very worried.

Moreover, he also heard a few younger brothers just say that when he first came, Mr. Guan received a big man from the mainland. It is said that the boy who was Arnold had run into **** in the ordinary hall.

For them, it is simply to find the baby, I believe that this time Arnold can get a high status in front of Mr. Guan.

Originally, the boy of Arnold was more cautious than others and had his own ideas. If Dafei was given a chance in front of Mr. Guan because of his mistakes, that would be the biggest thing for him Frustration.

Now everyone is desperately competing for the position of Mr. Guan's first Ma Zi. Everyone hopes that he can become the one who can replace Datian.

Only when Datian can't be discharged from the hospital to help Mr. Guan, and everything that Mr. Guan wants to solve is perfectly solved, can Mr. Guan forget Datian, and can he really take it seriously.

If not, things will never be handled well, and it will only make Mr. Guan miss the sky more and more.

If things go that way, they will lose everything they have now when they leave the hospital one day.

Dafei gritted his teeth, and he knew he needed to take a good look at himself.

When Da Fei found Liu Benliu, Liu Benliu was on the rise of playing. He didn't expect such good luck today. He actually won money continuously. For a time, he was overflowing with laughter.

"Mr. Liu, seeing your mood, you should have won a lot of money?" Dafei smiled and walked to Liu Benliu: "I don't know if you are enjoying yourself. If you are enjoying yourself, then we will ..."

Liu Benliu looked back at Dafei. He knew that it must be that the money on the side of the president was already in place, so he would prepare the chips for him.

The money they want to launder this time is 1.5 billion. This is not a small amount. Remove the employment fees required by the underground bank and Mr. Guan in the mainland. Well, this box of chips is worth 1.2 billion.

"I am really happy to play." Liu Benliu pointed at the 3 million wins he had won: "Help me to exchange this money into my own account, and take the commission yourself."

Seeing Liu Benliu being so generous, Dafei also smiled: "Since Mr. Liu is lucky, he will strike while the iron is hot and play more games."

"Even if this is your case, I might not be so lucky with you." Liu Benliu said in a contemptuous tone that Da Fei seemed to be a broom star.

Dafei endured no attack and still smiled, "Then let's go to the VIP room now."

Liu Benliu looked at the time, and the people on the other side should have almost arrived.

"The person you want to wait for has actually gone to the VIP room." Dafei smiled: "Because the president's funds have not been in place, the other party is looking for fun."

The so-called "others" are actually their own people who are the president and Liu Benliu, and their own people abroad.

After meeting, all they have to do is bet on each other. Of course, this kind of mutual gambling is a willingness to lose, and fools can understand their simple means of money transfer.

Liu Benliu came here to lose all the money to the other party.

The other party directly transferred the money to their own account in the casino. After this intermediate turnover, the route of the black money was completely interrupted, preventing subsequent investigation by the inspection authority.

Although the means are more complicated, safety is the most important thing in the eyes of these people.

Liu Benliu heard about it before he came. The people who came this time were the president ’s eldest son and daughter-in-law. Originally Liu Benliu proposed that his son also come to help them, but the president refused.

Liu Benliu helped his son handle investment immigration in order to stabilize his position next to the president, just to allow his son to go to the US Empire and also cling to the president ’s elder son.

In this way, the two of them can become heirs of the heirloom, which means they will always have a bite to eat until the president dies in China, or is "beaten", or He escaped before the wind screamed.

Heirloom is a big tree for Liu Benliu. Before this big tree falls, it is impossible for the 狲 粲 to be scattered. They will enjoy the feeling of climbing on this big tree, which is safe and comfortable. .

"Let's go." Liu Benliu glanced at the carton of chips in Dafei's hands. For him, more than ten billion yuan, he could lose a few chips.

He only needs his cards to be bad enough, and then bets wildly, and he will definitely lose to the opponent. If the cards are good enough and there is a possibility of winning, he will not play and just fold.


The VIP room in the casino is not for ordinary people to come in casually, but once you come in, you will get advanced services that you can't imagine.

Absolutely everything.

After Xu Yun and Qin Waner were led to the VIP hall by Arnold, Qin Waner was really a bit uncomfortable. The service here has reached an amazing and crazy point, even if there is a little dust on your upper , There may be someone attached to help you wipe clean.

Qin Wan'er is not a person who adapts to such meticulous service, so whenever a service worker does something she didn't need to serve before, she needs to endure the unfitness and learn to accept it like Xu Yun.

This place is when you reach out, someone will put a dozen hand-made cigars in front of you, let you pick them casually, and then help you light them. If necessary, someone will even help you hold cigars every second It will be delivered to you in thirty seconds.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, but for Qin Waner, there is really such a feeling, that kind of service feeling that someone will open the door for you even if you go to the bathroom ...

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