Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3631: Tense breath

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Qin Wan'er almost fainted beside him!

If this is lost, then there is no money at all, should we go to that Mr. Guan to borrow money? Or how to solve it?

Xu Yun is not a fool, he can see the cards, if he does not have the certainty of winning, he will not do such a crazy move.

Now the legend is 10 of Spades, Q of Spades, J of Spades, A of Spades, even if he has a K, it is just a straight. If it is not a K, it is not as good as the straight.

Xu Yun, but this is Spades 4, Spades 8, Spades 9, Spades 6, Spades A. Although they are scattered, they are a flush!

The flush in Stud is bigger than the straight, so no matter what card the legend is, it is lost.

But the legend saw Xu Yun suddenly studed, and he immediately had doubts about Xu Yun. He suspected that Xu Yun was a loose hand, at most a small pair, so he played a psychological battle with himself.

After all, if he is a flush, he must not be so arrogant, wouldn't such arrogance scare people away? In that case, if the legend is not studded, would his flush be abolished?

So after struggling for a while, the legendary psychology concluded that Xu Yun was cheating him! It's the psychological tactics to play with him!

After considering and planning in this regard, Legend is not afraid anymore. Instead, he feels that Xu Yun is just right in his arms.

Because Xu Yun only has 200 million chips, only 200 million chips are placed on the legendary table. The two hundred million chips are stupid! What's the big deal!

The legend suddenly had a voice, and he looked at Xu Yun as if he had eaten it, and said to Xu Yun: "Brother Xu, I really like playing studs with people like you. Now! "

"I can see that Chuan is a happy person, so it's stupid." Xu Yun laughed: "Just throw a card and run, as far as your present card is concerned, you really can't see it and win me. Maybe. "

"So, the brother's bet so happy is to give me a warning?" Legend smiled and shook his head: "No, no, I don't need anyone to give me a warning. You are a happy person, and me too Happy people, you stud, I also stud! "

Legend unceremoniously pushed out the chips, and even the 20 million who had won Xu Yun before was thrown away.

This table is worth 400 million!

"Brother, then you can lose miserably." Xu Yun said.

The legend laughed: "Don't you fooling me, do you think you can scare me like this, if you change to someone else, you may really be scared by you, but unfortunately the opponent you met this time is me, You are too tender, brother. "

With that said, the legend shows the bottom card!

"See? Straight, big straight!" Legend said: "If you really show me a flush, I recognize it! All the chips on the counter are yours!"

Xu Yun smiled bitterly: "Brother, you are too polite. I know that my brother and I did not bring much money to play today. I have to give it to me so much. I don't know what to say to thank you. "

"Don't be polite to me." Legend still doesn't believe Xu Yun will be a straight.

Xu Yun opened his hole card, Spades A!

The legendary face collapsed instantly! The iron blue looks very unwilling to look straight.

"Brother, do you know why I dare to stud, because I know that unless you have this card in my hand, you can win me." Xu Yun haha ​​smiled: "Unfortunately, Spade A only One card, since this card has already fallen into my hands, then you can only be willing to gamble to lose. "

The face of the legend is full of embarrassment!

In this round, he lost 200 million! Definitely the worst loss of his gambling career! He never really thought he would lose so much money at once.

In fact, all of this is due to the influence of Xu Yun. If it were not for Xu Yun's frequent increase of the bet to a disturbing price, he would not be so generous.

This time the legend is really lost and convinced, he really did not think he would be so miserable!

Xu Yun shook the card in his hand: "Brother, really embarrassed."

What a painful understanding! The legend shouted, it turned out that Xu Yun was a person who could not hide his thoughts at all, and he felt stupid if he wanted to win!

Such a simple person is really not suitable for playing stud.

The legend suddenly had confidence in his heart. Although he lost 200 million, he was confident that he would win the money in the next situation!

Arnold watched Xu Yun win so many chips that he couldn't help but sweat. He has been stacking the yards for so many years. Xu Yun is definitely one of the best luck guests he has ever seen.

Just over an hour after coming to the casino, Xu Yun has won 400 million!

Now all of Xu Yun's chips are won by himself, and he doesn't have any money, which is really amazing!

Thinking of this, Arnold is more thoughtful about Xu Yun's service. He hopes that Xu Yun can give himself a "tip" reward when he leaves. After all, he is so lucky, the ghost knows how much he can win!

Qin Wan'er just passed out almost scared! But unexpectedly, Xu Yun actually won! All the lost money was won back at once, and it was more than 200 million yuan.

Horror ... Gambling is really terrifying. Qin Wan'er shook her head constantly, with incredible emotion. She had never thought that gambling was such a horrible thing in her life.

And Qin Wan'er believes that he won't think of a gamble that wins or loses hundreds of millions in a blink of an eye.

In fact, Xu Yun did not panic. Just before the last card was handed, he was a must-have face, but he still gritted his teeth to follow. If the last card was not a spade, Xu Yun must lose a few more. Ten million.

Xu Yun will also be distressed, even if it is not his own money, it can't be held so badly.

If he really loses like this, Xu Yun will also worry about how long he can play with these two billions. After all, he needs to stick to it for a while. Only by playing for a while, can he chat with the legend for a while.

A little more chatting will give you more opportunities to understand your opponent.

Since this horrible stud, the relaxed air in the room has slowly solidified, and the exchanged back is a kind of invigorating solidified atmosphere, even the aroma does not have much effect.

However, this kind of tension and freezing breath gave people a special stimulation, and everyone looked forward to the next battle! That's right, everyone, even Qin Wan'er is looking forward to Xu Yun's ability to win all his money in the next process!

Gambler mentality!

However, people with a gambler mentality will never be aware of their own mentality. Gamblers have only win or lose in their eyes, and only have the idea of ​​"turning their books" in their minds.

"Come!" The legend gritted his teeth: "Continue!"

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