Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3635: Double, double, double again!

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"As you wish." Xu Yun nodded: "I lay down my life to accompany the gentleman, and accompany me to the end."

"Dare you play with me to stimulate a little." Legend said, Xu Yun has been to the bathroom now, his good luck must have been contaminated by turbid gas, and now his luck should be transferred to him!

It's time to run! The legend told himself again and again that Feng Shui took turns, and now it is 100% turned to him!

"Of course no problem." Xu Yun nodded: "The least fear of me is stimulation."

With 800 million chips, Xu Yun is very confident, and now the two sides are no longer divided, and the psychological advantages are entirely in Xu Yun's body.

"Every round of studs! No need to bid anymore! All sent down!" Legend said and threw 200 million chips on the table: "We will play a little bit of excitement, there is no sense of excitement when we discard cards . "

Legend is actually not stupid at all. Just now his woman warned him that he can't play Xu Yun's psychological warfare. Legend thinks about it carefully.

Because he still doesn't know how he can see through Xu Yun's mind.

As long as Xu Yun agreed, they would be pure luck! As long as it is pure luck, everyone will win and lose.

It should be his turn to win now, so the legend made this kind of request, which sounded so unreasonable and rogue.

If it were not Xu Yun who had already wanted to open it, he had already put down the mentality that should be put down, and it would be impossible to kill him to promise such a stupid request.

If only losing light can make the legend feel comfortable, then he will lose light. If losing light can make the legend happy, invite him to have a meal, and then chat with him in detail about his identity background, Xu Yun is willing to lose light, he not give a **** about.

"Okay." Xu Yun nodded. "Then stud directly."

After all, Xu Yun also made Arnold bet 200 million chips.

The legend was instantly excited and took the table to let the dealer deal cards!

The dealer did not hesitate, according to their requirements, all five cards were dealt directly, one dark and four bright!

Xu Yun's cards are Spades Q, Hearts 8, Squares 5, and Hearts Q.

The legendary cards are square piece A, red hearts 6, plum 10, and spades 10.

One is a double Q, and the other is a double 10. Xu Yun, the card on the bright side, won again, and all the chips have been studded. The legendary complexion is getting more and more ugly. If he loses, he may want to overturn Gambling table now!

Qin Wan'er also widened his eyes, did he win again? Xu Yun is really at the point where he can't lose even if he wants to lose ... this is too embarrassing.

However, Xu Yun unlocked the hole card and it was a plum 5! Two pairs at once, right Q, right 5!

Huh ... The legendary heart flopped in an instant. He only had 10 in the hole and won by winning three!

At the moment of the legendary show of cards, his heart was instantly cold, it was A, **** A ... not 10, his three were gone ... and lost again!

Just when the legendary brain was blank, the dealer pushed him all the chips and announced that he had won!

At this time, the legend woke up in a trance, and he still had a square A! He has forgotten! He is also two pairs! He is right A and right 10! Xu Yun pressed to death! Hahaha!

After the inner world suddenly reversed, the legend can no longer suppress the joy of his own heart.

Xu Yun, who lost 200 million yuan, did not change much.

However, just after winning a legend, he could not control his arrogance, pointing to 400 million chips: "Dare you dare to continue, play once again!"

"400 million?" Xu Yun was stunned at the time, this guy was really crazy, even if he wanted to win back, he didn't need to play so big, how scary, don't want to lose Off?

Xu Yun felt the legend was unreasonable at this moment.

Legend now loses 400 million. If Xu Yun competes this time and then loses to him, then he will win all the previous losses.

As soon as Xu Yun gritted his teeth, he kept telling himself that he never thought of winning his money. If he lost it, he would lose it. If he lost it, he would never do anything ...

If there is no strong psychological resistance, Xu Yun will probably tremble.

Four hundred million chips! When Arnold started betting at Xu Yun's direction, his hands were trembling. He swore that any stacker had never seen a hand with eight million total bets on betting stud!

"Let's deal!" A legendary expression appeared on the legendary face. He glared his eyes and prayed to the gods in the sky.

He prayed that he could win everything he lost this time! As long as he wins back, he does not need to have any psychological burden!

"As long as I can win this round, any restaurant brothers in Hong Kong and Macau can choose whatever you want, and I invite you to dinner." The legend looked at Xu Yun proudly, as if he already knew that he would win, and he felt that his prayer had been received Respond.

The bottom card was dealt, and the two were still the same as before, and did not go to see it.

Anyway, it's just stud, can't you see the difference?

The legendary first Ming card is Spade J and Xu Yun's first Ming card is Spade 4.

The legendary second Ming card is Heart of Hearts Jade, and Xu Yun's second Ming card is Square 4.

At this time, both of them could not help but froze for a moment, followed closely, the dealer dealt a third card, the legendary is the plum J, and Xu Yun is the **** 4!

The first three cards of the two people are actually the same! The legendary three-piece J, and Xu Yun's three-piece 4!

Once again, the legendary face couldn't help but show a winning smile. He knew he was finally going to pay back all his money this time!

The dealer dealt the last card, the legend is Spade 6, and Xu Yun is the square piece J.

How about that? Three J will always be bigger than three 4!

"Ha ha ha ha." The legend could not help laughing out of his voice: "Brother, this is called Feng Shui rotation, we are all the same, there are wins and losses."

"Brother, don't you think this card is strange?" Xu Yun shook his head: "I think there is something wrong with this card."

"What do you mean?" The legend froze for a moment, thought, could not afford to lose? Just blame the card just after losing?

"Look, you are three J and a 6, and I am three 4 and a J." Xu Yun said: "I have a J in your hand, so there is no J in your hole card. A pair of six, it is a gourd to break through the sky. "

What's wrong with the legendary heart gourd, three J's gourds are enough to win you!

"Actually, at this time, you should pray that your hole card is 4." Xu Yun smiled slightly: "Because you only have the possibility of gourd, and I still have the hope of a bomb, you don't have 4 on the card ... unless you are 4. ... if not ... "

The legend sneered, so he wouldn't mind this kind of psychological repression: "This should say to you for me, unless you are 4, otherwise you can't win me with any card."

Xu Yun exhaled easily: "Then let me show the cards, only I need to take out the bottom card."

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