Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3641: Go luxury

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Under Xu Yun's leadership, they went directly to one of the largest shopping malls in the casinos in Macau. Xu Yun said that the place has the most things, the most complete, and the most worthwhile to see and feel.

As for Liu Benliu, Xu Yun said that there is no need to stare at him at all, because now Liu Benliu needs to comfort Mr. Carlos who has lost all his money. I am afraid they will soon notify the domestic "backer" to exchange the arrears of the casino. let's go.

Xu Yun brought three people to this shopping mall with more than 300 international famous stores, which provide popular fashion, super luxury jewelry, special personalized limited edition accessories, and some joint sale of sports goods, There are also catering services. If you are hungry, Xu Yun will naturally be bold and invite everyone to eat a beautiful meal.

While enjoying shopping in this place, you can also stroll the small stone roads on both sides of the canal, enjoy the unique street performances on the square, and even take a gondola boat to go boating on the river. Under the beautiful singing of the boatman, feel the old romance of Venice in Australia Style.

With Xu Yun ’s encouragement and Qin Wan’er ’s “restrictions”, Manyu only selected three things. In fact, she is not a girl who cares about luxury goods on weekdays. Everyone happy together.

Manyu's own personality is like this. If she buys a lottery, she will like to let her friends "slaughter" her. There is a joy that can only be brought about by sharing. She has never been the kind of picking. Search, no matter what things are like people who enjoy themselves.

So she would not be polite to Xu Yun.

It's not polite to say that, in fact, Manyu really didn't buy anything too expensive. She won't buy it because of how expensive a luxury item is. She chooses what she likes, and it is still useful.

A satellite sports watch that is very good for her, a mountaineering enthusiast, has a designer's design of more than 60,000 pieces. When Xu Yun bought it for her, she did not blink.

As for the remaining two things, it is not worth the money. One is a sneaker jointly launched by a sports brand and a fashion brand. It costs more than 10,000 pieces. The other is a shoulder that looks very practical but not very fashionable. Small backpack, more than seven thousand.

This didn't meet Xu Yun's budget at all. Even Qin Wan'er felt that he hadn't surpassed 100,000 yuan. He couldn't help but secretly bought a baseball cap for Manyu. Although this hat was not worth 4,000 yuan at all, Qin Waner knew, Manyu particularly likes this cool stuff.

Of course, it ’s a great pleasure to receive Manyu. I just want to hug Qin Waner and kiss. She did n’t miss this hat, but compared the backpack and sneakers. I think it ’s still less practical and less cost-effective. He gave up, but Qin Waner gave it to her.

Compared to Manyu, Uncle Tai is even less willing to buy things. He took a long time to pick the cheapest one in the plum watch shop, which is close to 8,000.

Under the constant urging of Qin Wan'er, he bought a necklace for his wife, and also carefully selected the cheapest one.

It is too difficult to find a necklace of no more than 5,000 pieces in these shops.

Xu Yun saw the embarrassment of Uncle Tai, and he made the decision arbitrarily. He replaced the five thousand necklace he chose, and replaced it with a necklace of more than 50,000. Anyway, he did not pay attention after it was packed.

No matter how Qin Wan'er forced Uncle Tai to continue his election, Uncle Tai shook his head vigorously.

Qin Wan'er judged according to the age and height of Uncle Tai's children, and bought a good-looking dress for the child, which was close to 10,000 casually. The uncle Tai was very distressed.

He is really embarrassed to spend other people's money.

As for Xu Yun, he really has nothing to buy, but he chose Qin Waner's watch for 300,000 yuan!

"Qin Bureau, this is indeed worthy of your temperament." Man Yu likes it very much, this is the diamond female form of the Omega UFO series, very beautiful.

"If I take this watch to work or a meeting, I will be dead if someone takes a picture of me." Qin Wan'er said silently: "I am a national public official. Such an expensive watch can't be matched."

Manyu grinned: "Is the watch I chose too expensive?"

"Your watch is a little more expensive, but it's too bad ..." Qin Wan'er shook his head: "No one believes that your watch is worth 60,000 ..."

"Hey! That's a satellite watch!" Man Yu said silently: "That is, you don't understand the goods, hum, if I take it to climb the mountain with my donkey, they will be envious of them when they see it!"

Qin Wan'er shrugged his shoulders: "Just like it, but I'm definitely not going to want such a boastful thing."

Xu Yun thought about the nature of Qin Wan'er's work, which is indeed the case. Qin Wan'er is not like Ruan Qingshuang and Zuo Meiyan. Qin Wan'er belongs to the rumored cow of the people.

As a ruling cow of the masses, they should not enjoy these things anyway. Even if these things were not bought with dirty money, even if these things were sent by Xu Yun in this case, Qin Wan'er would never want them.

After all, most of the people in China have not worn their watches. As a leading cadre and an excellent party member of the country, how can they enjoy these things first?

Qin Wan'er's ideological consciousness is absolutely different from the common leadership of those people. Qin Wan'er's ideological consciousness is extremely high and outrageous.

Of course, in the end, Qin Waner also bought a pair of high-heeled shoes, which is more cost-effective. Although she will not wear it on weekdays, if she attends the wedding of a friend or colleague, it will also improve her temperament.

Xu Yun couldn't help crying: "It was originally planned that everyone would spend half a million yuan, but you all have so much left. Director Qin, especially you, has the most left."

Qin Wan'er smiled: "If you really gave me half a million yuan, well, I only spent 4,000 yuan, and you will help me do charity for the rest, we all know that Tianyu Group has Tianyu Hope Project, this money should be regarded as my love. "

Xu Yun nodded: "That's good."

"Then I didn't spend so much ..." Man Yan said anxiously: "But I spent a little too much? I can't push my watch ... I don't need shoes anymore ..."

"Buy it and buy it." Qin Wan'er said: "Do donate all the rest of you, anyway, you only spent 80,000 yuan."

"Qin Ju, how do I think we are doing this, our skin is so thick, and we have nothing to say, but we still have to say that we are charity." Man Yu blushed and said: "Oh, I hate it, people's salary next month Donate! "

"Mr. Xu is worthy of Mr. Xu, this consciousness is much higher than ours." Taikang thumbs up to Xu Yun: "We should all learn from you."

Qin Wan'er also smiled slightly: "Big bosses who make money easily all over the country should learn from him, earning so much and not spending much money, money and money are originally meant to bring no death and no death. Good news, but also a rich man. "

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