Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3649: Finalize the employment relationship

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The legendary woman still looks at them with a disdainful look. Even if the people of 18K come today, she will not feel that there is anything "honorable". This is a kind of money for 18K. Behavior, if she is the big brother of 18K, she will not hesitate to take over this single business.

After about half an hour, the 18K people came.

An Liu rang the doorbell, Liu Benliu immediately went forward to open the door, and the legend was sitting on the sofa, posing a decent high posture, he wanted to let these guys know his identity and status, he did not plan to play with each other What do you do on your own, or ask the other party to do something?

"General Liu! We're here." An Liu saw a confident smile on Liu Benliu's face.

At the moment, there were seven or eight people standing behind Anliu, headed by a man with untrimmed hair and stubble on his face. The man is about 40 years old and has a huge cheek. For messy.

"Please come in, please come in soon." Liu Benliu greeted immediately, he did not expect the legendary behavior of hospitality.

An Liu immediately said to the unruly man: "Brother Qiushan, please."

Qiushan suddenly felt that his nostrils were itchy. He carelessly grabbed and strode into the hotel room.

And his slightly disgusting behavior was all in the eyes of the legend. Qiushan and Anliu and all the younger brothers were brought in by Liu Benliu. The legend originally did n’t want to get up to say hello, but because of the momentum of so many people in the other party, it was still slow. Stand up slowly.

"Anli, let's introduce each other." Liu Benliu said: "This is Mr. Carlos, this is the person who hopes to ask you for help this time."

There was no smile on the legendary face, nodded reluctantly.

An Liu also introduced it immediately: "Mr. Carlos, Mr. Liu, this is our 18K general manager in Australia. Brother Qiushan, there is nothing he ca n’t do in the entire Australia, I believe I said so , You will understand. "

"Understood, of course." Liu Benliu nodded: "Brother Qiushan, please sit down!"

"Are you a mainlander or a foreigner? Is there no need to shake hands in the rules?" Brother Qiushan suddenly extended his right hand, facing the legend.

The face of the legend was instantly ugly, but he remembered it clearly. This guy used his hand to dig booger when he entered the door.

Akiyama was a little hesitant to see the legend and immediately understood the meaning of the legend: "Mr. Carlos seems to have a cleansing habit, and dislikes that I just dug my nostrils, well, then I wipe it."

After talking, Qiu Shan actually rubbed his hands a few times in his messy hair. His hair did not know how many days it had not been washed, and it looked oily.

Qiu Shan ’s hand on her hair is not as good as it was just now, but there may be residual snot on the finger, and now the entire hand is greasy, all of which is naphtha and hair oil. Under the illumination of the hotel chandelier, it makes people look I couldn't help feeling sick.

"Brother Qiushan, don't mind, we don't have any other meaning." Liu Benliu had no choice but to shake hands with Qiushan.

The legend is sitting on the sofa without covering his frustration.

Although Qiushan seemed very dissatisfied with this Carlos, he did n’t care if he wanted to make money from others. Anyway, he was very carefree.

At this time, Qiushan was sitting on the sofa opposite, his feet unassumingly placed on the coffee table in front of him, a pair of Martin boots without laces, the leather was very good, but it also looked a bit older.

"Tell me." Qiu Shan said while shaking his feet: "I don't need to introduce anything to us. Since you can find us, it means that you understand the rules."

Legend is not polite at this time, he thought he was the boss who paid, so why should he be so polite to Qiushan.

"People don't need you to find them. They are still in the casino. I arrange for people to stare." Legend said: "This guy gave me a set and let me lose to him 1.9 billion! I want you to help me collect it. Come back with this money. "

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh T intervals offering can there there is have been more than a billion, what kind of set-ups can make you so fascinated?" Qiushan looked at the legend with some puzzles: "To be honest, you are such a business, accept you Thirty percent is a bit low, which is different from debt collection. "

Akiyama's careless attitude makes the legend very uncomfortable.

The legendary complexion instantly became difficult to look at: "How is it different! Thirty percent is your 18K price!"

"You know, if I find this guy and ask him to return the money, if he doesn't give it back to me, he will give it to me how to give you such a stupid fish, I will definitely push without hesitation Your single business. "Qiushan said unkindly:" Once I learn how to set up, just find two stupid fish like you, and you can make more money. "

"Slap--!" Legend heard Qiushan so unkindly, then patted the table.

Qiu Shan also glared and looked at the legend. If this guy dared to pat the table with him, then he really wanted to let him know that no one in Australia had the daring attitude towards him.

Anli immediately saw the round and said: "Brother Qiushan, I think Mr. Carlos must also be anxious. We have something to say, and we have something to discuss. Don't be unhappy."

"Have you heard it? This is because my brother has spoken." Qiushan said: "Today I gave my brother a face. I won't say much about it. Let's sign a serious contract. , 31% of children are indispensable. "

"Good!" Liu Benliu nodded hurriedly.

He did not dare to let the legend speak, for fear that what the legend was saying would stimulate others' words.

"As long as you have this sentence." Legend no longer said any unpleasant words: "Now I will let you take you to find someone."

"This is a casino. We will never do anything at the casino." Akiyama shook his head: "You can do it if you want, but you must have enough patience and you have to wait, waiting for you to deal with our goal Get out of the casino. "

Legend nodded: "I know."

"If this person loses all the money you have won in the casino, you can't blame us." Qiu Shan said: "After the event, 30%, I don't care whether he has money or not. You, as long as he promises me to give you this money, you must give me what should be given to me. "

The legend froze.

Liu Benliu was also a little dazed, what does that mean? This means that they have to give money anyway? This seems a bit unfair?

"If that guy isn't a stupid fish, it might not be possible to lose 1.9 billion yuan so quickly." Qiushan added: "So you don't have to worry too much."

This time Akiyama once again called the legend in disguise a silly fish, but this time the legend held back and there was no response.

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