Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3662: For the time being

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After Lin Suyin intervened in this matter, Xu Yun was 100% sure that he was in a good mood now. On the way back to the hotel, he dialed Lin Suyin's phone again.

The phone had just been dialed, and the person on the opposite side picked it up. Apparently Lin Suyin had been waiting for Xu Yun's news.

Xu Yun smiled slightly. Fortunately, he still had a little conscience. He knew that he would call her immediately to report a safe life. If he didn't have the heart and the lungs, he wouldn't call someone else to say something, they might just wait like this.

"This time trouble you, thanks to you, otherwise I'm really in trouble." Xu Yun smiled slightly.

Lin Suyin heard Xu Yun said that the problem was solved, and the whole talent was relieved: "You are all right, do you still need any help?"

"No, just give you a phone call just now." Xu Yun continued: "You don't know, this autumn mountain responsible for the 18K in the Australian District, his face changed color after receiving their boss call. I did n’t believe I could contact you at the beginning. "

Lin Suyin smiled slightly: "Sanlian will have a good relationship with the 18K before. That's because my father used to have a very close relationship with the 18K big brothers. If there are 18K people in Hong Kong and Macau want If you are in trouble, you will find me directly. "

"It's enough for one time, and no one will dare to provoke me next time." Xu Yun said: "I'm afraid you are worried, I will tell you, and now everything is resolved."

"It's good to solve it." Lin Suyin nodded: "I still thought, if it can't be solved, I'll buy a ticket and fly over."

"It's not that serious." Xu Yun smiled: "If it's really like that, then things can really get a lot of trouble."

"How long will you stay in Hong Kong and Macao?" Lin Suyin said, since Xu Yun has come to Hong Kong and Macau, so close, Lin Suyin also wants to visit Xu Yun.

Xu Yun shook his head: "I don't know the specifics. This time I mainly came to help the police deal with a small thing. I'm not sure if I'm in a hurry."

This is indeed the case now. The legend has been overcast by Xu Yun. Liu Benliu is estimated to have to stay in the Australian hospital for at least ten days and a half months. Qin Wan'er has no meaning to stay here.

It ’s a waste of time to stay here, it ’s better to go back and investigate what the background of this legend is all about.

"Um ... then you pay attention to the body and pay attention to rest." Lin Suyin was a little disappointed, but she tried to make her voice impossible to hear: "Well, I'm relieved if you are fine, I should go to bed, good night. ! "

"Good night!" Xu Yun hung up the phone and smiled.

Xu Yun is not that kind of idiot with low EQ. How could he not hear Lin Suyin want to come here to find him, but he thinks it is not a wise choice to let her come at this time.

If Lin Suyin does not come, Qin Wan'er may be able to stay in Hong Kong and Macao for a day or two. If Lin Suyin comes to him, Xu Yun estimates that Qin Wan'er will definitely be embarrassed or because of other reasons, and immediately fled the place.

Moreover, there are two colleagues beside Qin Wan'er. Xu Yun didn't want to embarrass her, so she rejected Lin Suyin's idea of ​​coming to Hong Kong and Macao in a polite way.

At this time, it was completely safe and sound, and Xu Yun was also going back to the hotel to find Qin Wan'er.

However, Zuo Meiyan's phone call came at this time, and Xu Yun quickly answered the phone.

"Who did you call?" Zuo Meiyan reminded Xu Yun that she was on the phone when she called, and she asked jokingly: "Which girl would you call?"

"Yeah." Xu Yun didn't need to lie.

Zuo Meiyan smiled: "I tell you the bad news, if you have an appointment with another girl tomorrow, then think of a way to postpone it, because we will be in the Australian area tomorrow morning before noon, you How is the matter over there, do you have time to pick me up? "

"Yes! Of course there is!" Xu Yun said without hesitation, which was too coincident. He just finished Qin Waner's affairs today: "We have nothing to do now, just waiting to greet you."

Zuo Meiyan nodded with satisfaction: "It's about the same. It's pretty good. Very good. It won my heart."

"Then I'm here waiting for the ride." Xu Yun said: "Is there any smog tomorrow? Can the plane fly?"

"Sure, very sure." Zuo Meiyan nodded: "So we decided to leave immediately, before the next wave of haze again, we have to escape as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow I will wait for you at the airport ahead of time!" After Xu Yun and Zuo Meiyan agreed on this matter, they felt more happy.

He can't wait to go back and tell Qin Waner about it, let Qin Waner know that Ruan Qingshuang will come over tomorrow, so it seems more like a trip to Qin Waner.

When Xu Yun returned to the hotel, he thought Qin Waner had already rested, but none of the three of them had slept.

Everyone is worried about Xu Yun. If Xu Yun wouldn't come, it is estimated that the three of them could not sleep all night.

Taikang has been repeating a question all the time. He said that Xu Yun is not a policeman. This kind of thing should not let Xu Yun take the risk. This kind of thing should be done by their policemen.

Qin Wan'er didn't want to replace Xu Yun to do this, but she knew very well that no one could replace Xu Yun. Everything Xu Yun did was impossible for them, so they would find it difficult and Danger.

Man Yu's impression of Xu Yun is absolutely great. He keeps talking about blessing Xu Yun.

Xu Yun came back suddenly, so that all three couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, the three of them just started to continually ask after asking a sigh of relief, asking Xu Yun what happened and the like.

Xu Yun answered their questions one by one, and heard that the three people were shocked. Qin Waner had heard of some of the organizations such as the Hong Kong and Macau 18K and the Taiwan Sanlian Association.

To their surprise, Xu Yun could actually be involved with these people. One phone call can invite the family members of the Sanlian Club to solve the threats they will face in the 18K in Hong Kong and Macao. .

This is almost like listening to a story. The attitude of Man Yu towards Xu Yun has risen to the point of worship!

"Male god! You will be my male **** in the future." Man Yu said: "Even if Qin Ju is jealous, I can't take care of that much, male god, you are too good!"

"Be reserved, otherwise he will be too proud." Qin Wan'er tried to make himself cover his excitement with calmness.

Kangtai gave a thumbs up and said to Xu Yun that he was awesome. This really made him admire too much and admire his five bodies to the ground! There is really no one in the young man who makes him feel better than Xu Yun!

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