Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3677: Ultimatum

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"Wait another day! You give me another half day! Believe me, please be sure ... Believe me ..." Legend desperately explained: "Six hundred million is not a small number, two or three days is indeed too much Nervous ... "

"The time of two or three days is too tight?" Qiushan frowned. "That's true. If you don't tell me, I can't really remember it. The time is too short."

Legend once again breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, this time is too short for such a large sum of money."

"Well, then I should urge your family more." Qiushan said: "If not, I'm afraid I won't get the money until after the Spring Festival?"

The legend was shocked.

Qiushan gave the two younger brothers a look next to him. The two men stepped forward and held Qiushan directly. The third person stepped forward and dragged the legendary hand out on the table.

Before the legend came back, the younger brother took out a dagger and gave it to Qiu Shan. The dazzling silver dagger reflected the dazzling cold light, and there was a blank in the legendary brain!

When Qiu Shan gently put the cold dagger on the back of his hand, he instantly shivered and returned to his mind: "No! Don't! Time has not yet arrived, you can't help keeping your promises!"

Qiu Shan smiled slightly, slammed the dagger beside the legend's palm, and looked at the legend with a smile: "I don't keep my word? Ha ha ... Very good, very good. This is the first time someone has said this to me."

"The agreed time is not up! If you do this, you will not keep your credit!" The legend roared.

"Okay! Then I will abide by our agreement. I will be an honest and trustworthy person." Qiushan said seriously: "At twelve tonight, I will give you enough time to wait until twelve tonight, three days, I will not advance one minute and one second, but I will not give you more than one minute and one second. I ca n’t get the money at twelve, do n’t even think about putting it back in your life, I ’ll chop it down. Take it to feed the dog. "

The legend endured threats and fears, and could not help shaking.

He didn't have confidence. He really didn't have any confidence at all. He didn't believe that his father could send the money to Qiushan in time.

Once this confidence is lost, the only thing left in the legendary heart is fear.

"You know, it's not terrible when you chop your hands, just like that." Qiushan smiled: "If I don't tell you, suddenly a knife goes down, the moment your hand and wrist separate, you may not know Well, when you feel the pain, your hands are separated. "

The legend swallowed.

Akiyama said too seriously, so Legend has no doubt that he really chopped off other people's hands.

"What is more terrible than chopping hands is not knowing when they will be chopped." Qiushan continued: "If I lift the knife up and down, down and up again, that feeling will make you feel tormented because you I do n’t know if I will actually cut it. ”

This is indeed what he wanted. The legend panicked. He didn't want to suffer the torment.

"There is another thing that is the most terrible, that is knowing the time." Qiushan said, motioning the younger brother to put a watch in front of the legend: "How many hours? You know very well, the time is going by minute and second You are unable to stop it, you can only wait for it to run out all the time, and then take your hands away. "

"No ... no ... no ..." The legend shook his head hard: "You call me, I want to call the family, I beg you ... let me call the family!"

"No." Akiyama shook his head: "You have no chance to call, but you can give me a mailbox. I will arrange for someone to take a few photos of you and send them over."

After talking, Qiu Shan kicked the legend to his feet, and motioned for his men to take a picture of his present embarrassment.

Legend has no shame now, he quickly wrote down a mailbox, he needs them to send his status as soon as possible!

Let his father know how miserable he is!


Chuanshan, who was far away from Shenjiang at this moment, did not believe his daughter-in-law at all. He felt that his disgruntled son wanted to confuse him with a bitter plan and let him help him to pay back the casino money as soon as possible.

So after the legendary woman came to Shenjiang, she only saw one of her father-in-law's mountains and never saw him again.

Originally, she thought that she only had to wait for two days. Chuanshan would naturally want to understand that waiting for Chuanshan's qi to disappear, everything was good to communicate.

But she never thought that she had received a few photos of the legend in her mailbox. She never thought that the legend would have such a day. This pathetic and miserable look could never be disguised!

The legendary fearful eyes have lost hope!

Then she saw the following line of text again. Tonight is the deadline.

Women have no choice but to go to Chuanshan! Now that the matter has reached a situation where it has to be resolved, if Chuanshan really says a word, and really ignores this son, then she will not continue to stay in Shenjiang and waste time.

She will return to the US empire for the first time and transfer everything she can take away. She can never continue to live with this son who was abandoned by Chuanshan. The things that the legend owes, she will never hope to be involved. Yourself!

She must give herself the last chance. Today, no matter what, she has to pass on the mountain to her, whether the problem is solved or not!

Chuanshan didn't think that things really got this step. Angry, he almost wanted to smash his office, but Chuanshan, who finally calmed down, still let the secretary set him the fastest flight to Hong Kong and Macau!

No matter how annoyed he is about this matter, this matter will be what he has to solve. If he can't solve it, then no one in the world can solve this matter.

How much helpless Chuanshan only knows in his own heart, other people simply do not know this helplessness.

Chuanshan still has no way to throw his son directly in Hong Kong and Macau regardless of his life or death! He is going to Hong Kong and Macao to solve the problem. He has to find a way to contact people with a higher position in the 18K. If he cannot solve the problem, he will find a way to find a more powerful person to solve the problem.

In short, the problem must be solved!

No matter how wasteful the legend is, how useless, how bad he is, how uneasy he is, how much trouble he has given him from small to big, he has to endure, who let such a **** be born by himself Did he educate himself?

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Chuanshan has instilled too many thoughts that should not be instilled in his son. The legend is that because of those thoughts, it will become what it is today.

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