Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3680: Move out

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"Wait a minute!" Qiushan stopped the first time: "I think you still don't understand what I mean."

"It should be that you don't understand what I mean." Chuanshan sneered: "Since this is the case, I still call Weicheng Wen personally and let him talk to you."

"It doesn't seem convenient to chat. If you can, please ask Boss Oo to come and sit down with me." Qiushan also tried to make himself look calm, which is also a careful machine.

If the other party ca n’t even come to the end, then it means that the relationship with the end is not very good, so Qiushan does n’t care much.

Ou Chengwen's face must be given to Qiushan, but whether or not Weicheng faced the old guy, Qiushan would not know.

"I know exactly what you think in your heart." Chuanshan sneered and looked at Qiushan: "But I tell you, if I invite Weicheng Wen here, things between us may not be so easy to solve."

"You are too confident." Qiushan said: "I don't owe you anything. Even if the boss is willing to give you this face, how can you treat me?"

"You were originally doing things for my son, helping him to catch people and collecting money, but he turned to the other person on the way and gave my son a trap." Chuanshan said: "Do you think I can let this kind of thing go? I I do n’t want to worry about you now, because I know you do n’t have the ability to solve this matter, but if you still insist on embarrassing me now, do n’t blame me for not saving face. ”

To be honest, Qiu Shan is really a little surprised at the moment.

After all, this matter involves a full-blown essay. If the other party really wants to embarrass him, Qiushan will certainly feel a little sad.

But Xu Yun ’s relationship is not simple, nor is the relationship between Miss San Lin Hui and Miss Lin.

After thinking about it, Qiushan instantly fell into a dilemma.

At this time, Chuanshan unknowingly dialed Weicheng Wen's phone call. He believed that with such a small role as Qiushan, it was absolutely impossible to make a mistake in front of Weicheng Cheng!

When Ou Chengwen answered the phone, Qiushan realized that the initiative of the matter had been placed in the other party's hands. Since the old guy wanted to control him to death, he would give him a fishnet!

"Mr. Tail, it's me." Chuanshan said with a smile: "I have something I need you to help me with."

"The chairman is welcome, if you have anything, please tell the chairman directly, if I can help you do something, that's my honor, ha ha ha." Ou Chengwen said with a smile, for these deep-rooted strong relations of the mainland , Weicheng Cheng will definitely grasp the close relationship.

It can be said that the main thing that Weicheng Cheng is responsible for in the 18K is to maintain good contact with the mainland. The main reason is that these people in the mainland have certain power and certain strength.

As the president of such a large chamber of commerce, Chuanshan is naturally a well-connected object of Weicheng Cheng.

So if Chuanshan has something to do with the end of the essay, the end of the essay will certainly not refuse, and only if everyone helps each other can the relationship go further.

Originally, these relationships are for you to help me, I will help you, everyone helps each other together, even if there is nothing, we need to find some things to communicate with each other, continuous practice and constant trouble with each other, to make the two sides The relationship is closer.

Not only will Ou Chengwen tire of Chuanshan asking him for help, he will also like this kind of thing very much.

"My son encountered some troubles in the Australian District and was suppressed by the 18K people." Chuanshan smiled slightly: "I don't know what this person is in front of you at 18K, I hope you can help Let me communicate. "

"Has something happened in the Australian District?" Ou Chengwen said: "You ask him if it is Qiu Shan! If it is Qiu Shan, let him answer the phone!"

Wei Chengwen ordered directly.

"Mr. Tail asked you to answer the phone." Chuanshan looked at Qiushan Road: "If you are Qiushan, if you are not, then please tell Qiushan to come and meet me."

"He is! He is Akiyama!" The legend exclaimed and struggled. When he saw that his father had contacted a reliable person, the legendary energy was instantly sufficient: "Dad! He is the boss of Aoshan!"

"I didn't ask you." Chuanshan glared at his son, very upset. He was depressed now when he heard his son's voice.

If things were n’t going to this point, Chuanshan would never want to find a written statement to help with his affairs. These are all human factors, and the feeling of owing humanity is much more unpleasant than owing money.

This is a pure human debt. Chuanshan knows very well how many things and troubles to help Ou Chengwen solve on the mainland in order to pay off this human debt.

If the amount of 600 million is not huge, Chuanshan would rather spend the money than find it.

"I'm sorry." Qiushan didn't answer the phone: "The phone was dialed by you. I don't know if the other end of your phone is the boss. If it is really the boss, you can ask him to come to Australia to interview me. I definitely gave the boss's face, but it's definitely not something you can give on the phone. "

Qiu Shan's voice was enough for Weicheng to hear.

When Qiushan spoke, he silently reached into his pocket and quietly shut down his mobile phone.

He knew that Wei Chengwen would call him directly after hearing this, and he could n’t stop answering the call. Once he answered the phone, he would give this face the order he gave him.

He turned off his phone so he could temporarily avoid it.

"Mr. Tail, you have heard what he said." Chuanshan retracted the phone and said: "I'm afraid I can't get his trust."

"You tell him! Lao Tzu called him personally!" Weicheng Cheng hung up Chuanshan's phone when he finished speaking.

Chuanshan handed the phone to the secretary beside him, and then looked at Chuanshan Road: "Mr. Tail said he would call you personally."

"Okay, I'm waiting for his call." Qiushan nodded. His phone was turned off at this moment, and no phone could be called. Weicheng Cheng if he came over to his opponent at this time, then he made another plan. If you give up if you ca n’t make a call, Qiushan will be even less likely to put the other person in the eye.

Sure enough, Weicheng Cheng couldn't make a number of consecutive calls and was annoyed!

He must be able to understand Qiushan's little tricks and tricks.

Five minutes later, Qiushan's phone didn't ring. Even people like Chuanshan were frowning. Doesn't it take so long to make a call?

"I haven't received a call all the time. It seems that the boss you said is not the same as the boss I know?" Qiu Shan smiled provocatively.

Just when Chuanshan was slightly suspicious, Weicheng Wen's call came back.

"President, the kid in Qiushan shut down, you tell me, I will come to Australia to find him now! Let him wait for Laozi!" Weicheng was very angry when he said this.

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