Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3688: 600 million attribution

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Qiushan did not leave in a hurry in the teahouse, and ordered people to prepare Wei Chengwen, tea, water and smoke to serve.

It is a pity that Ou Chengwen doesn't even have the mood to drink tea at this moment, he can't wait to kill Qiushan with a knife! At this time, the **** was so embarrassed to sit down and have tea with his brother?

"This is really embarrassing, I am here to say sorry to the boss." Qiushan Duan tea offered: "The boss also explained it personally, this is really not to blame me, boss Bo, what makes you feel Grieved, I hope not to worry about me. "

"Relax. I won't care about you." Weicheng Cheng said lightly: "But Qiushan, you may not know what kind of person Weicheng Cheng is."

Qiushan nodded: "I may not understand it, but I have also heard that Boss Tail is a person with a good memory, and I also know the truth of gentlemen's revenge for ten years, so I want to explain this matter clearly. It ’s really not what I meant, I hope the boss can understand more. ”

"..." End Chengwen stared at Qiushan's eyes, without a word, with a slight smile.

Qiu Shan motioned to Meicheng to drink tea, but Meicheng took the tea cup but did not drink it.

Weicheng Cheng still looked at Qiushan without saying a word. Qiushan once again indicated with his gaze that as long as Weicheng Cheng drank this cup of tea, they would still be good friends.

It's a pity that nothing can be achieved.

The corner of Wei Chengwen ’s smiling mouth suddenly cracked, and then he looked at Qiushan with a weird smile and slowly poured a whole cup of tea on the ground in front of Qiushan: "I also hope that our friendship will last forever."

"Isn't this the meaning of friendship forever?" Qiushan said.

"Autumn Mountain, the simplest reason you should know, maybe one day I may become a real superior, and you can only be a master in the Australian region." Ou Chengwen threatened: "You can rest assured that if one day I Become a real master, I will definitely let you change your position. "

"Boss Tail wants to promote me?" Qiushan didn't believe it when he said this, but what else could he say? Can only face with a smile.

Liang Zi between him and Weicheng Cheng is finally settled. Qiushan has no way to change the status quo. He has no choice.

"Yes, of course." Meicheng Wen said: "I will remember everything that happened today, and I will remember every sentence you said today clearly."

"If you say this, as long as you have the chance to make Wei Boss truly a superior, I will support and help you 100%." ​​Qiushan's remarks are also ironic, unless Weicheng Cheng is a fool!

"Hahahaha! Good, good, very good!" Weicheng Wei stared: "All I want is you!"

In the last sentence, Ou Chengwen said that he wanted to swallow Qiu Shan alive, and Qiu Shan made a hand-off gesture with a smile: "Since this is the case, I will stay with the tail boss soon. Can succeed in high rank in the near future. "

"You can rest assured that in my lifetime, I will definitely have the opportunity to climb to the highest position of 18K." Ou Chengwen said nothing at all when he said this.

And Qiushan is very thankful that his phone quietly opened the recording,

The age of Wei Chengwen is a few years older than that of the boss. So, once his words came into the ears of the boss, Qiushan believes that Wei Chengwen will not have much time in the future at 18K?

Although Qiushan doesn't know much about Wei Chengwen, Qiushan understands the boss. Why can the boss become the boss? This question is too simple. It is because there is enough cruelty, it is because there are enough means and strength, it is because of the face of any Possible crises will be resolved in advance.

Ou Chengwen said this, it was no different from death.

When Qiushan Chengwen left the teahouse, he finally sent the recording from the mobile phone to the boss.

To deal with Wei Chengwen, Qiushan doesn't need to do anything at all, it is enough to convey Wei Chengwen's ambitions to the boss. All he has to do is listen to the news, and listen to that in a future day, Wei Chengwen will die on something , Car accident? Vendetta?

In short, there is no need to be surprised by anything happening in the port area, especially those who are all along the way.

Qiushan looked at his brother beside him. He also knew that before Wei Chengwen had an accident, he needed a few trusted people to follow him. He needed to do everything carefully.

He didn't want to be the one who suddenly evaporated.

Qiushan's phone rang suddenly. He thought it was the boss who called him, but the person who called was Xu Yun.

"Brother Qiushan, I have received the money. This matter is really trouble you." Xu Yun said with a smile: "You can rest assured that I will speak for you in front of Miss Lin, I believe you are 18K Her boss will also hear these praises from you in Miss Lin's mouth. "

"Hehe ... that's really thank you." Qiushan smiled, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. He was afraid that he would be blessed to enjoy.

In order to do this thing, Qiushan really took too much risk. In this matter, Qiushan is not only to face Sanlian Association and Miss Lin, but also in fear of Xu Yun.

He had seen Xu Yun's skills in person, so Qiushan wouldn't doubt it at all. Even if there are so many brothers around him now, Xu Yun wants to kill him, it's still a breeze, as easy as a backhand ...

"I believe we will definitely be friends in the future." Xu Yun said at least seven points in his words were polite: "As for this money, I will temporarily represent those children from poor mountainous areas in China mainland who need this money. Thank you. . "

Qiu Shan froze for a while, children in poor mountain areas?

"I have a principle to do things." Xu Yun said: "In a large aspect, this money has the credit of Brother Qiushan, so in the next two years, at least ten will appear in the remote mountainous areas of the mainland. The elementary school is named Qiushan Hope School, which is my gratitude to you. "

Qiushan was touched by the inexplicable heart.

Because Qiushan is just an 18K knot, but with Xu Yun doing this, he actually has a feeling of being a philanthropist.

"Maybe this thank you has no practical meaning, but ..."

"No, this is the most meaningful gratitude I have received in my life." Qiushan interrupted Xu Yun and said to Xu Yun: "Thank you, thank you for making me feel respected. "

Xu Yun didn't expect Qiushan to say this, but in this he felt that Qiushan was a temperamental man.

"If Brother Qiushan comes to the mainland in the future, remember to contact me, and I will definitely entertain him well." Xu Yun gave Qiushan a promise. This is not something he said casually. Xu Yun was the one who did what he said.

"That's for sure." Qiushan nodded: "There must be this opportunity ... I also hope to have the opportunity to see the Hope School named after me in the name of Qiushan."

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