Chu Chisi left the hospital alone.

Several hydrangea flowers in her arms were left in the ward. The petals were dragged in a mess, and a few pieces were hung on her collar.

The neck twitched and hurt, and every breath felt like a spark. Chu Chisi tightened his jacket and slowly returned to the car.

The madman's strength is really strong, his actions have no logic and reason, and he almost strangled her to death in the ward.

Fortunately, I had anticipated it earlier and hid a gun in the bouquet, which gave me the leverage and confidence to talk to the other party.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Chu Chisi stroked the wound on her neck. She speculated about other people's actions in her mind, and after calculating the time, she turned on the GPS to set the destination.

In the last cycle (the fourth cycle), Xiao Chu not only modified the cutting node of memory, but also destroyed many protection mechanisms, exposing many hidden values ​​to the sun.

This is too reckless, too far.

Chu Chisi frowned and adjusted the air conditioner in the car slightly. She is naturally afraid of the cold, and her skin is always a little cold, and she needs someone to cover her to warm up.

She sorted out the memories in her mind and roughly deduced the specific timeline.

[The real world before the disappearance]

1: Tang Li was on a business trip for a month after receiving the assignment. Chu Chisi and two little assistants continued to improve Jingfan in the laboratory of the Beimeng Academy of Sciences.

2: The mirror fan is almost complete. According to the confidentiality agreement, the three people are ready to transfer to Xingzheng with two mirror fans for better protection.

3: A total of six planes took off from the Beimeng Academy of Sciences. Because the mirrors were too delicate and fragile, Chu Chisi brought two mirrors, and two assistants separated from the data, and the remaining three planes served as cover with escort.

4: When the plane lost contact, Chu Chisi immediately followed the signed "crisis handling procedure", started the self-destruction procedure, bound his consciousness to Jingfan, and activated the protection mechanism to prevent the failure of the self-destruction procedure.

5: The last item of crisis management is suicide, but due to the bumps caused by the forced landing, the pills slipped from his hand, and Chu Chisi was also stopped by the intruder.

[Chu Chisi was locked into the mirrored world]

6: SAARC only knows that Mirror Fan can delay time, but does not know that Chu Chisi is privately researching a technology that can split consciousness into two parts and put them into mirror Fan respectively.

7: In order to prevent SAARC from gaining mirror fandom, Chu Chisi set the [memory cutting node] in the first three months of the publication of the paper at the age of 17, and then "killed" the 17-year-old himself before each reset. Half of the secrets are buried forever.

8: This is repeated 30,000 times.

9: ... Tang Li appeared.

There was a dull pain in his head, Chu Chisi closed his eyes, pressed his forehead with his knuckles, and sighed very lightly.

Tang Li, her Tang Li.

Desperate to find her.

The car quickly left the No. 9 area. Chu Chisi was cautious by nature. She deliberately avoided the more obvious roads and tried to drive along the side and small roads.

In the last cycle, Tang Li and Xiao Chu broke into the locked [Area No. 8]. The two successfully modified the cutting node, blew up the No. 8 area, and restarted the cycle again.

Therefore, Chu Chisi's current memory is as follows:

①: All the memories in reality, including the invention of mirror fan, falling in love with Tang Li and getting married, adjusting the data of the plane crash, etc.

②: In the first and second cycles, the memory of being tortured by SAARC is used to remind and warn him of his ultimate goal.

③: In the last cycle (that is, what Tang Li said, the fourth cycle she experienced), everything that [Xiao Chu Consciousness Body] has experienced, and all the information that Xiao Chu has collected.

The memories of the remaining 30,000 cycles, including the memories of the [Chu Chi Si Consciousness Body] in the previous cycle, are all on the body that was reset to the mental ward in Area 9, which is the other self.

What did Tang Li experience in the first three cycles?

Chu Chisi knew nothing about it. .

The car soon arrived at [No. 7: Research Institute Ruins]. Chu Chisi was used to it in the laboratory house on weekdays, and it was the first time that he had driven such a long car for such a long time.

Back pain, painful.

The ruins of the research institute are located on a remote hilltop, and from the [No. 7 area] in the corner of the map, the drive is farther than other areas.

The traffic here is not convenient, unlike the Mirare-In company located in [No. 5: City Center], it is very convenient to go to any area.

However, just because the traffic is inconvenient and remote, this is actually a good place to temporarily hide your whereabouts and hide yourself.

Chu Chisi opened the car door, carrying the heavy black backpack, the toes of his shoes stepped on the ground, and there was a little "creak" under his feet.

In front of you is a familiar desert.

The burned building collapsed into the scorched earth, and the chemical reagents soaked the soil. The entire site was barren. Only outside the collapsed wall, a few decadent shrubs and bushes could be seen faintly.


Chu Chisi had a hard time walking. She struggled to remove the building debris that was blocking the way, and came to the only small room that was still intact and still had several filing cabinets.

The filing cabinet fell down at the same time, forming a small triangle, which could hide a thin child.

Chu Chisi was studying the melted filing cabinet, took a small iron bar and inserted it into the gap, trying to pry open the filing cabinet.

It's a pity that she didn't work very hard, and it was fruitless to fiddle with it for a long time.

Chu Chisi's attention was all on the cabinet, and she didn't even hear footsteps behind her. Someone walked through the ruins and stopped behind her:

"... Chi Si?"

The voice was too familiar, and it suddenly entered his mind. The small iron bar fell from his hand and fell to the ground, making a soft "banging" sound.

Chu Chisi staggered a few steps in fright and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the man was quick and quick, and grabbed her.

The gray sky, the charred soil, only the color of her long hair burned brightly, and she blatantly slammed into her line of sight.

"I'm sorry to see you being so serious."

Tang Li laughed so badly, her eyebrows curled up: "I was worried about disturbing you, so I had to sneak over."

She is wearing black clothes and black pants that are easy to move, and outlines her figure thin, her legs are straight and slender, and her steps are steady.

Chu Chisi threw off her hand and stepped back several steps. She leaned on the broken ruins and quickly took out something from her backpack.

A silver light flashed, facing Tang Li's forehead.

"Don't move," Chu Chisi's voice trembled a little, and he held the metal a little bit, not so skilled, "You don't come here first."

Tang Li raised her hands obediently.

"Chi Si, you can slowly confirm my identity," Tang Li said calmly. "Without the surveillance cameras without blind spots this time, I can finally speak casually."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The metal was still facing between his eyebrows, Chu Chi thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "I... Where was our first time? Who took the initiative?"

This time, the surprised person was replaced by Tang Li.

Tang Li opened her eyes wide, her pupils looked watery, her light-colored eyelashes reflected the sunlight, like fine sands flowing from her fingertips.

She paused for a while, and then spit out a sentence: "This question... Are you really thinking late? No one will replace my kissing wife, right?"

Chu Chisi's ears were red, her voice was a little fierce, and she threatened her with metal: "Do you know?"

"Lab, you took the initiative."

Tang Li coughed, feeling a little lack of confidence: "Chi Si... I'm really Tang Li, I'll replace it with a fake. Do you have any other questions?"

Chu Chisi asked again, "What about the second time?"

Tang Li: "..."

"It's still a laboratory, right after the last time," Tang Li felt even more guilty, her voice weak, "Chi Si, I'm sorry, I..."

The metal was put away and the insurance was closed.

With an expressionless face, Chu Chisi said, "It's the lounge next to the laboratory. The two rooms are separated. You also messed up all my organized documents."

"It's almost the same," Tang Li took a small step towards Chu Chisi's side, with a smile on his lips, "Why would you try me with these two questions?"

Tang Li's smile grew stronger, she lowered her head and pressed the tip of Chu Chisi's ear, and kissed recklessly: "It's not quite like you."

"It's not because you scared me..."

Chu Chisi muttered in a low voice, and pushed her without any anger: "My train of thought was cut off in an instant, and I only thought of this question."

Tang Li pressed so close that he almost took her in his arms, the long brown-gold hair spread out on his shoulders, like a golden lamp vine that was wrapped around you, adorned with small lamps one after another.

The tip of the hair slid over the back of the hand, thin and soft, and you could smell the light fragrance of silk pear flowers, not strong or fragrant, but it quietly occupied most of the chest.

Chu Chisi found that she couldn't push her away and gave up silently.

"I'm also... quite surprised," Tang Li's voice was soft, kissing her from the pinna to the cheek, making the corners of her eyes red, "It's rare to hear you take the initiative to mention it, I'm so happy."

Chu Chisi's ears turned even redder: "I don't."

Tang Li pecked her cheek a little bit, the warm breath spread out, and like a small bird, she clung to the reddish lips.

She called softly: "Chi Si, Chi Si."

Chu Chisi's lips are very soft, they will softly fit him, sweet like marshmallows, every time they kiss, some water vapor will spread out, and some fine guttural sounds will flow out.

"Okay," Seeing that he was out of control, Chu Chisi hurriedly ducked and began to change the subject, "Don't mess with me, itchy."

Tang Li was wronged, and whispered in front of her: "The legal kiss wife who got the marriage certificate, what's wrong with my kiss?"

Having said that, Tang Li still let go of Chu Chisi according to her words, stepped back a little, and smiled at her: "Chi Si."

The heat and fragrance from her body dissipated, and the wind blowing from the sky poured in, filling the gap between the two.

Chu Chisi tugged at the collar, a little cold.

"Well," Chu Chisi's cheeks were a little red, and her long eyelashes were soaked with water vapor, which drooped a little, "Why are you... in area 7?"

Tang Li said, "Why not?"

"The location of No. 7 is remote," Chu Chisi analyzed. "If you didn't find me on No. 2, shouldn't you go to No. 5 to grab control, or go to No. 6 to buy supplies?"

Chu Chi thought for a while, looking completely puzzled: "Why do you want to come to Area 7? This is the worst path and the worst choice you should make."

Tang Li shrugged and said, "Chi Si, you've got my purpose wrong. I'm not interested in control and supplies at all."

Chu Chisi: "...?"

Tang Li leaned over again, this time without a sticky kiss, but wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her whole body in her arms.

A tight, warm hug.

Chu Chisi leaned against her collarbone, lowered her head slightly, put her fingertips on her shoulders, and called out softly, "Tang Li."

Gentle breath fell on the collar, blowing a little long hair that fell down, she could hear the heartbeat of the person in her arms, one after another, steady and reassuring.

Tang Li hugged her a little tighter.

Chu Chisi was lying in his arms, his long eyelashes flutteringly raised, his eyes were sparkling, his voice surged up a little bit, and he shouted again: "Tang Li."

Tang Li curled her eyelashes, and the corners of her eyes were full of smiles:

"...Chi Si, I'm here to find you."

Where the skin touches, a startling warmth spreads, and the familiar aroma lingers on the tip of the nose. The person who has been thinking about it for a long time and has missed it for a long time is leaning on the shoulder socket.

It's all so beautiful, so beautiful that it can make people feel uneasy, afraid that all the warmth is just a momentary dream, just a crystal clear bubble.

You can't touch it, it will fall apart when you touch it.

"After waking up from Area 4, my only goal, my only thought, is to find you immediately."

Tang Li lowered his eyelashes and muttered to himself, "What control are you talking about, I have never thought about equipment from beginning to end, and it does not exist in my options."

"Chi Si, I just want to find you."

The long black hair was gathered between the arms, and it was folded a little with the movement, softly like a pile of fine snow, and it could be scattered all over the place as soon as you let go.

"So, I rushed to the second area as soon as I woke up, but unfortunately, the whole villa was half empty when I arrived, and I didn't find you."

The man in his arms moved, as if he wanted to lower his head, but was stopped by the knuckles on his lower jaw, and was forced to raise his head.

Tang Li let go of one hand, and turned to caress Chu Chisi's cheek. The slender hand brushed the soft flesh, stirring up a delicate itch.

Her breathing became a little faster, and her heartbeat was controlled in her palm. That smile drifted away slowly and slowly, like drinking tea, and at the end only a little bit of bitter stains remained.

Tang Li looked at her pupils and said in a soft voice:

"It's you, you infer that I'm most unlikely to come to area 7, but I came to area 7 by myself - what does this mean?"

The person who was half in his arms froze visibly.

"Chi Si, why are you avoiding me?" It wasn't a questioning tone, a thin layer of light floated in the light-colored eyes, full of grievances and loneliness.

She asked, "Chi Si, why?"

Chu Chisi didn't know how to answer, because the answer to this question was sharp and hurtful, and the last thing she wanted to see was Tang Li's sad look.

That's why she tries to avoid her.


The fingertips were warm and soft, Tang Li caressed her lightly, stroked her along the line of her jaw little by little, and touched Chu Chisi's earlobe.

That bit of soft meat stuck to the fingertips, showing a little bit of coolness, but after a few touches, it warmed up slightly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." Tang Li smiled, and her knuckles turned to touch the pinna of her ear. Her skin was always warm and hot, and she wanted to convey the scalding temperature to the bottom of her heart.

Chu Chisi opened his mouth, but was speechless.

The voice was submerged between her lips, Tang Li bowed her head and kissed it, Teeth biting the tip of her tongue lightly, swallowing her breath little by little.

[If you don't want to say it, you can use a kiss instead]

Tang Li said this a long time ago. When she said this, her long eyelashes were still curled up, and the small curvature was like a small fish hook, which was specially designed to hook her heart.

Chu Chisi closed his eyes slightly and let out his breath.

Between the half-closed long eyelashes, some hazy light faintly penetrated, and the scattered brown-blond hair brushed across his cheeks and fell into his arms, a little itchy.

Her heart beat a little faster, she was like this, and so was she, the undulating arc fit the palm of the hand, fierce, but also very obedient.

The person in his arms was a little lost in the kiss.

Tang Li had let go for a long time, but Chu Chisi's eyes were still full of water, so she looked at her wetly.

Seeing that Tang Li's heart was so itchy, it was so soft that it seemed to melt, and it all melted in her arms.

"Anyway, I've found you."

Tang Li's voice was a little hoarse. She tilted her head slightly and tried to cover her flushed cheeks with her hands: "Don't even try to get rid of me."

Chu Chisi slowly returned to his senses and said, "So, how did you find No. 7 from No. 2? Can't I go to No. 5, or go to area No. 1?"

Tang Li thought about it and said, "Intuition about my wife."

Chu Chisi: "...Intuition?"

Tang Li nodded and even added: "Because an Alpha who can't find a wife can't find a wife."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi looked at her in the same way as a primary school math teacher looked at a student who was tutoring every day, but got zero marks in every exam.

Very complicated and very headache.

"The culprit" was still smiling smugly there.

Chu Chisi sighed: "But from a logical point of view, since I have already taken away No. 2's equipment, it would be more beneficial to go to the adjacent No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5."

Tang Li was even more aggrieved, and complained, "Have you hidden for a while? It's so obvious that you want to get rid of me, my wife doesn't want me anymore, woo woo woo."

Chu Chisi: "..."

As her wife who has been married for so many years, one of Tang Li's best things is to use strange replies to completely distort her own logic and thinking. .

With Tang Li around, many things became much more convenient in an instant. She bent over to pick up the small iron bar, and pried open the cabinet door.

"So, Chi Si, what are you doing here?"

Tang Li turned the iron bar in his hand, his movements were skillful and natural, and then he threw it aside: "Your own words, No. 7 is remote and the transportation is inconvenient."

Chu Chisi rummaged through the filing cabinet, and shoved a copy into Tang Li's arms, with a small voice: "So busy? Here it is for you."

It seemed to be an experimental report on remote control.. Lei. Tang Li flipped through it at any time, and immediately understood what Chu Chisi meant.

"At the age of 17, I am not familiar with the background code. When I destroy the core code, I also destroy some protection mechanisms."

Chu Chisi moved out all the documents and rubbed his forehead in annoyance: "I knew that the protection mechanism of clouded_forest is somewhat ineffective."

The "fog" in the forest dissipated a little.

In the blank documents in the previous cycles, some words were faintly revealed at this moment. Although it was still a little vague, it was barely recognizable for a sentence or two.

"Fortunately, the more important documents only exist in areas 7 and 8," Chu Chisi explained, "I came here to destroy these documents."

Tang Li said "Oh" and said slowly, "Isn't it really that you didn't come to No. 7 to avoid me?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

In fact, most of it is because of Tang Li.

Tang Li helped move the documents out, poured the prepared gasoline, and the lighter clicked. A few minutes later, the raging flames ignited, engulfing the stacked documents in an instant.

Although the fire was fierce, Chu Chisi pulled out some chemical reagents from the trunk and poured it on, which weakened the smoke a lot and quickly dissipated in the air.

"Are there any other breached protection mechanisms other than Cloud Forest, which protects classified documents?"

Tang Li thought for a moment and asked, "For example, the 'banana peel' mechanism that prevents consciousness from crossing the border of the map?"

Chu Chisi shook his head: "I'm not sure yet, I need to confirm it myself."

Her profile face was reflected in the fire, her outline was blurred by the light, and a piece of paper dust floated over and stuck between her hair.

Tang Li said softly, "Chi Si, don't move."

Chu Chisi held her chin and stared at her: "?"

The firelight lit up those dark eyes, and those indifferent light spots flickered and flickered, like the beautiful star lights on the Christmas tree full of them, and it seemed that they would never go out.

If it really doesn't go out, that's fine.

Tang Li reached out and caressed her forehead, her fingertips slid lightly and slowly, combed through the scattered long black hair, and picked off the piece of ashes.

The ashes were still warm, burning her fingertips.

"By the way, where is your car parked?" Chu Chisi frowned and asked softly, "I didn't see it when I arrived."

Tang Li said, "I hid."

Tang Li said "hidden", but it was really hidden and hidden, and most people really couldn't find it.

She dragged Chu Chisi and walked in the woods for a long time, turning around, and finally, under the shadow of a tree, she found a car covered with fallen leaves by Tang Li and blended into the shadow.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chi thought about his very conspicuous and eye-catching black car parked at the gate of the ruins, and felt a little guilty for some reason.

"Since we all have a car, which one is better to drive?" Tang Li was already thinking about Chu Chi, and his voice was light, "I can do it."

Chu Chisi said, "Open mine."

Tang Li readily responded, she flicked away the leaves, and beckoned to Chu Chisi: "Chi Si, come and help move things."

As soon as Chu Chisi came over and took a look, she was stunned by the car full of things: "Tang Li, what did you buy?"

There isn't much "useful" in the whole car.

There was a pink dumpling doll in the front seat, and there was actually a bunch of pink roses stained with dewdrops next to it, and even a little gold dust was sprinkled very emotionally.

Not to mention the back seat, which was occupied by several plastic bags. Chu Chisi opened it and found that there were snacks, soft drinks, chocolates and the like, and even a couple of small yellow and white toothbrushes.

Chu Chisi: "..."

What about the rope? gun. What about the branch? bomb. medicine? Whether it's cold. soldier. device, still hot. soldier. There are no tools at all. It's not like what it should be like to hunt down or be hunted down. It's more like the equipment of a young couple when they go on a trip.

Tang Li said, "Isn't the couple's toothbrush cute? I like that little flower. You look in the bag, and there is a pair of couple's mugs."

Chu Chisi: "..."

With Tang Li's terrifying power of action, not to mention going to No. 5 to grab control, as long as she is given a few days, it is estimated that all 9 areas can be seized, and the mirrors can be unified.

Chu Chi Si was silent for ten seconds before asking silently, "When you came from No. 2, you passed No. 5?"

Tang Li said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Chu Chisi was helpless: "You passed through the No. 5 area, instead of going to Mirare-In, you went to the game city and supermarket to buy a bunch of useless things?"

Tang Li quickly retorted: "How can it be said that it is useless, it is all necessities that can be eaten and used."

Chu Chisi pressed his forehead and had a headache.

She patted the head of the pink dumplings, and glanced at her eyes coldly and icy: "This, can you eat?"

Tang Li said, "You like it."

Chu Chisi sighed, and turned to fiddle with the pink rose petals. The dew stained his fingertips and filled with a thin water light: "What about this?"

Tang Li said, "I like it."

Chu Chisi: "..."

All in all, at Tang Li's insistence, Chu Chisi reluctantly nodded in agreement, with a pretty face, watching Tang Li stuff her car with "useless" things.

"The back seat is full, what should I do with this thing?"

Chu Chisi looked at the big pink dumplings that Tang Li was holding in his arms, and felt a little more pain in his forehead: "There's nowhere to put them."

Tang Li was tall and slender, and she was dressed in clear black clothes. Her eyelashes were light in color and her skin was white. When she smiled, her brows were curved, and she looked like a doll.

Tang Li said, "You hold it."

Chu Chisi pursed her lips, she rubbed the pink dumplings, the soft fluff brushed the palm of her hand, and the hand felt surprisingly good, and she was a little reluctant to throw it away.

"…All right."

Chu Chisi's voice was full of hesitation, but she still took the doll from her arms, the fluff was a little messed up by Tang Li, and it seemed that there was still some breath from her body.

Warm, unpredictable temperature.

Chu Chisi hugged the dolls tightly, and approached Tang Li almost invisible, shortening the distance between the two.

Tang Li was doing some finishing work. She flipped through the things that Chu Chisi had put in the trunk of the car, and skillfully touched a handful of metal.

"Chi Si, Chi Si?" Tang Li called her softly, cunning like a little fox, with a bit of hidden selfishness, "Would you like me to teach you how to hold a gun?"

Chu Chisi put down the doll and came over.

Tang Li's movements are very skilled. She weighed the metal in her hand, first loaded the clip, loaded it with a "click", and then opened the safety.

"This model is on the heavier side," Tang Li said. "I personally prefer the lighter one, which is easy to target and easy to hide."

"But I like heavy ones." Chu Chisi whispered, "It's easier to aim with a little weight, isn't it?"

Tang Li didn't deny it: "It depends on personal preference and feel, what suits you is the best."

Just as Chu Chi Si nodded, Tang Li added: "However, when you only have one option, you have to choose even if it's not suitable for you, right?"

"For example, when choosing Alpha as a wife," she said.

Chu Chisi: "..."

These words were frank and straightforward, as if she was not the one who drove all the other suitors away.

The familiar Tang Li, the familiar shameless.

Before entering the cycle, Chu Chisi had not received any professional training. Even when he went to the Beimeng armed forces to find Tang Li, he was busy repairing their instruments and forgot about other things.

The metal was put into her hand, and Tang Li had just held it for a long time, and there was still a little residual warmth, which melted into Chu Chisi's palm one by one, making her a little absent-minded.

Are you really... willing to leave her behind?

The thought suddenly came up, and Chu Chisi was startled. She bit her lip and swallowed the **** smell into her throat, pressing it down to the bottom of her heart.

No, absolutely no hesitation.

Tang Li is lazy on weekdays, but is still very serious at critical moments. She taught me carefully, every step, every detail was explained in great detail.

"Keep your hands steady and don't be afraid."

Putting his palm on his wrist, he supported Chu Chisi's movements, Tang Li leaned on her side and helped her adjust her movements little by little.

Tang Li's breathing was so close, and the too serious tone made people a little unaccustomed to it. The sound vibrated and poured into his ears, soft and soft, unbelievably intimate.

When she leaned over, the familiar scent of pear also approached, oozing out from the thin white neck, scattered around her shoulders and neck, full of falling snow-white petals.

Chu Chisi's breathing was a little short.

In the corner of the light, Tang Li's face was close at hand, her light-colored eyelashes narrowed slightly, her knuckles were on her hands, and she clasped her fingertips, pressing inward lightly.


The metal galloped out, penetrated a falling leaf, and nailed it straight into the tree trunk not far away. It was extremely accurate and fierce.

Chu Chisi's heart was pounding.

The air was filled with a little bit of undistributed gunpowder smoke, the sound penetrated the eardrum, and it was still buzzing in the ears.

The tiger's mouth was a little painful and numb from the shock of the recoil. She couldn't help but take a step back, just fell into a warm embrace and bumped into Tang Li's shoulder.

Tang Li lowered her head and rubbed her nose with the tip of her nose. She was sticky like a puppy, and smiled happily: "So good, my wife throws her into her arms."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The normal look just now is long gone.

"It's almost like this," Tang Li retracted her hand and smiled softly at her, "Chi Si, you're so smart, you'll definitely be here soon."

In fact, Chu Chisi was still immersed in the atmosphere just now, and her breathing was a bit unrecovered. Her heartbeat was still very fast, almost as fierce as it was about to jump out of her chest.

After a long while, Tang Li heard a very light, almost inaudible response: "...Well."

Chu Chisi lowered his head to study the metal, his long hair scattered on his shoulders, half covering his reddish auricles.

Tang Li watched from the side, squinting at a few familiar red fruits in the bushes, and picked one.

Chu Chisi just looked over and blinked.

Tang Li casually wiped the fruit between his sleeves and threw it into his mouth to chew. His voice was a little vague: "Chi Si, you continue."

The fruit is very bitter, which is good for refreshing.

Chu Chisi tilted his head, his eyes fell on the bushes next to him, and then turned back to Tang Li, a little more curious.

She asked, "Is this fruit delicious?"

Tang Li just picked another red fruit and was wiping it on the corner of her clothes. After hearing Chu Chisi's question, her expression changed slightly.

Her skin is very white, but the fruit is bright red, like pearls melted with blood. She turned a few times between her slender knuckles, and a drop of juice was pressed out.

"Chi Si, don't you remember?"

Tang Li looked directly at her, there was a trembling in her voice, her fingertips pressed the fruit, letting the juice wet her knuckles.

"I have eaten this fruit before, and you have asked the same question, and even tasted it yourself."

Tang Li is sharp enough and smart enough to be very good at catching other people's loopholes and flaws, but when she is thinking about Chu Chi, she will never be defensive.

Chu Chisi couldn't say a word.

The juice wrapped around her hand, slowly dripping down, dripping down, dripping on the ground, with a light "snap", bursting at the top of her heart, splattering the broken water.

"Chi Si, don't you have this part of the memory?"

The author says:

Tang Li: Only the weak would cry and beg their wives not to leave. We strong people all knelt on the ground and hugged our wife's thighs to prevent her from taking a step.

Chu Chisi: ...? ? ?

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