Wife is Not Divorced

Chapter 80: (two)

Li, Tang Li, that person bullied me, and she wanted to kill me. "

Tang Li was already stupid: "...Ah?"

The little madman's nose was red, and his eyes were full of water. He leaned in his arms and rubbed her waist: "Tang Li, I'm so scared."

She looked extremely aggrieved and terribly sad, as if she was the one who fell to the ground just now and was almost strangled to death: "Tang Li, Tang Li."

To be honest, even though he knew that the tears were fake, as long as Chu Chisi felt wronged, Tang Li couldn't help but feel distressed, and his voice became much lighter: "This...I..."

With a bang, the metal fell to the ground.

Chu Chisi stood not far away in a trance, she was wearing only a thin white sweater, she looked very well-behaved, her knuckles clenched her cuffs so tightly that they were almost crumpled.

Compared to the little lunatic who would take the initiative to hug her and act coquettishly, Chu Chisi wanted to be quiet for a long time. She didn't say a word, she just looked at Tang Li like this.

After all, she is still the sensible, calm, and overall-minded Chu Chisi. For the ultimate goal, she hides all her emotions and sincerity in her heart.

Don't dare, can't say it.

A few winds blew past his ears, lifting up a few strands of long black hair, which surged like ink droplets that fell into the water, and then disappeared in a flash and shattered in the breeze.


Chu Chi thought about calling Tang Li's name, but after shouting for a long time, his voice stuck in his throat: "I..."

Her face was pale, and her body was swaying. Those clear and clean eyes looked at Tang Li, and water marks spread up from her eyelids, and they were slightly red.

Tang Li: "..."

Seeing Tang Li's heart is about to break.

After a while, Tang Li silently pushed the little madman away, silently walked between the two, silently picked up the metal that fell to the ground over there, and silently weighed it in the palm of his hand.

Metal is heavy and heavy.

Chu Chisi and the little madman didn't speak, even with Xi Bianxi next to them, the eyes of the three fell on Tang Li, not knowing what she wanted to do.

Tang Li took a long sigh and explained, "Chi Si, you only opened the insurance before and forgot to load it, so there are no bullets in it."

Chu Chisi was stunned: "Really?"

I saw Tang Li's movements were skilled, pulling the sleeve in his hand, and after listening to the "click", the bullet was loaded smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, she pressed the metal to her temples.

Tang Li was half-kneeling on the ground, she looked calm, and pushed the metal deeply inward, her voice was as if dead: "Forget it, let me die."

Chu Chisi & Little Madman: "??????"

Xi Bianxuan, who watched the show for a long time, didn't dare to make a sound, and was stunned while eating popcorn and watching the play:

Being besieged by his wife who was divided in half, Tang Li was really unable to resist, was he going to lay flat on the line? !

The author says:

【small theater】

Anonymous User L: Urgent help! Two kissing and lovely wives collided and wanted to kill each other. They didn't die. The battle was fierce. What should I do? !

Anonymous User A: Let's smash it.

Anonymous User B: Give it up.

Anonymous User C: Self-shark.

Anonymous User L:  …

【Broken thoughts】

I can’t beat us, but I can’t grab it. The whole body is soft, but the mouth is the hardest. The cheese, who has passed out in the vinegar vat, left a comment and poured some nutrient solution (wipe your tears) (wipe your tears) ( tears fall)

PSSSSSSS:pleasecheckthecommentsectionbeloworweiboforthedeletedparts! ! ! ! ! I'm really scared. After changing it all night, people are going crazy, there's no way to do it (crying) (crying) (tears are raining)

【Citations and Notes】

①: From "The Great Gatsby" - "Sowebeaton, boatsagainstthecurrent, bornebackceaselesslyintothepast."

Translation of Deng Ruoxu's version: We struggled to move forward, the small boat went upstream, and was constantly pushed back to the past by the tide. ?

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