Wife is Not Divorced

Chapter 83: (1)

Of course, before leaving home, Tang Li still needs to be fully prepared.

First, secretly use the debug menu;

Second, it cannot be discovered by little lunatics;

Third, go home before the little madman;

Fourth, in case the first three items fail unfortunately, how should she admit her mistake so that her wife will not be so angry?

Tang Li thought about it for ten minutes, and finally decided not to struggle so much, anyway, there will always be a solution in the end.

there is always a solution to a problem,

When the wife comes, just lie down and lie down.

There were a lot of NPCs patrolling and monitoring inside and outside the villa, but as long as Tang Li didn't show the desire to go out or run away, the NPCs would not interfere with her behavior.

Tang Li looked at the locked "bedroom" and "study" on the second floor, and wanted to pick the lock, but unfortunately both rooms were replaced with electronic locks, which seemed to require password and iris verification to open.

Of course, brute force cracking is also possible, but Tang Li is afraid of triggering the alarm, and his wife (little madman) will be even more angry.

Tang Li wandered around for a few times. On the coffee table in the living room, she found a very conspicuous thing placed "openly":

[Debug Menu (DebugMenu)]

It is a very common A4 printing paper, which can be seen everywhere in the office, and some are often kept at home, whether it is used for printing or writing notes, it is very convenient.

Just because it was too common, Tang Li didn't care at all at first, until after accidentally touching it with his hand, the familiar mechanical prompt sounded:

"Ding dong, AccessCode (access code) has been detected, and the right to use the debug menu for 5 minutes has been activated for you. If you want to use it for a long time, please keep in touch with the code."

This is not the voice of the system (Ni Xitong), but the automatically generated mechanical voice in the world program. This is the voice that reminded Tang Li of the daily task before.

Strange, why is the access code so generously placed on the table, even in such an obvious position?

For fear that Tang Li would not see the same.

Tang Li tried to open the menu, and found that it was full of "resources" that could be used in Mirare-In, such as various NPCs, and a lot of cash available.

How can I say this feeling...

It was like a road paved with candy suddenly appeared in the snow-covered forest.

As long as you pick it up and eat it all the way, you can meet a little black witch smiling in the candy house, ready to tie someone up and eat it. ①

But Tang Li had to eat this bait hanging from the trap: she needed to use the debugging menu to help Chu Chisi "activate" the charity dinner.

Tang Li only hesitated for a while.

Anyway, she has to commit the "serious crime" of "escape". Compared to before, using the debug menu sneakily can be regarded as a drizzle.

"Ding Dong, the operation command has been issued, please pay attention to check your account balance in the tattoo mirror. Please choose: "Continue" or "Return"? "

Tang Li said, "Go back."

When the page was closed, Tang Li put the "access code" back on the desktop, feeling a little guilty for no reason, always feeling that he was stealing his wife's money to support another wife.

Although the two wives are the same person.

Tang Li stayed in the villa for another half an hour. She observed it carefully and quickly figured out the behavior of several maid NPCs.

When one of the maids went to the warehouse to get something, Tang Li emerged from the shadow and knocked the other party out.

NPCs are NPCs after all, and they do not have the so-called "thinking ability", but rely on the "command statements" in the code to make judgments, and they can easily pass their judgments.

Tang Li knows how to take advantage of this. .

After a while, Tang Li, who was wearing a white flower headdress and a famous brand, satisfied the judgment of the [maid], and slipped out of the villa under the eyes of the NPC.

She tore off the maid's name tag, threw it into the trash can, and immediately called Xi Bian: "Xiao Xi, where are you now?"

"Major General, have you received the fried chicken takeaway?"

Xi Bian was in a noisy place and sounded a little vague, "We're worrying about it, we don't know how to activate the dinner party—"

Halfway through speaking, he was interrupted.

"Are you tipping Tang Li again?" Chu Chisi's voice came through the phone, "Didn't you say everything, don't contact her?"

Tang Li shouted loudly: "I asked about my wife's situation. It's all my own family. At most, the end of the bed asks for news at the head of the bed. How can it be called a tip-off at such a short distance!"

Chu Chisi: "..."

Since entering Jingfan, the major general's crooked reasoning ability has really improved day by day, Xi Bianyan thought so, and secretly sent the address.

Tang Li quickly arrived here.

Coming at the same time as her, there was another outrageous account with a full 20 zeros, which was not logical at all, and should not exist in the tattoo mirror.

Seeing Chu Chi Si frowning: "What are you doing with cheating instructions to add so much account balance?"

Tang Li didn't care: "The more the better."

She didn't care so much, she threw the account and tasks to Xi Bianxi mercilessly, took her wife to rest next to her, and didn't forget to shout, "Xiao Xi, come on!"

Xibian: "..."

Ah, another day I really want to quit my job.

The hard-working Xi Bianqi went to the auction house to "activate" the charity dinner, while Tang Li and Chu Chisi sat leisurely on the bench.

The shade is lush, and the cool breeze is gentle.

Not to mention how comfortable it is.

Tang Li was leaning on the backrest, the little white flower tied between her long hair had not been removed, and her brown-gold ponytail looked inexplicably petite and cute.

Chu Chisi looked at the little flower swaying in the wind, and knew what was going on after a guess, and bent her eyelashes unconsciously.

She smiled faintly and said helplessly, "You know how to fool the NPC's judgment."

"Hidden judgment is second," Tang Li justified in a plausible argument, touching the little flower, "The key is to look good."

The fingertips touched the petals lightly, and then slid in, rubbing against the small fluff in the center of the flower, and rubbing it lightly.

This action is normal, it is indeed normal; but it is strange, it does have a little seductive feeling.

Tang Li is full of bad water. Nine times out of ten, it was intentional. You can tell by looking at the slightly raised, smiling light-colored eyes.

She knew that Chu Chisi was looking at her, so she deliberately asked the other party: "Chi Si, do you think it looks good?"

Chu Chisi shook his head and nodded again.

Tang Li: "What does this mean?"

Chu Chisi hesitated for a moment, but actually brought out Tang Li's usual fixed phrase: "Guess?"

Tang Li leaned a little closer, the light-colored eyelashes contained a shimmer, as if they were about to sweep onto Chu Chisi's cheek.

"I guess," Tang Li smiled brightly, "You don't think flowers are pretty, but I'm pretty?"

She knew her wife too well, hit the bullseye with one sentence, and dug up everything she didn't say.

Chu Chisi's cheeks were a little hot, but Tang Li kept sticking to her, her ponytail dangling, rubbing her earlobe vaguely.

The wife's expression was calm, her voice was flat, but the tip of her ear was slowly reddening a little and a little more.

Tang Li didn't rub it, just poked her auricle with her fingertips. The small cartilage was bent under the fingertips, glowing with a thin red color, looking a bit pitiful.

Chu Chisi tilted his head: "Don't do it."

Tang Li then slowly withdrew her hand and sat back to her original position slowly, and she began to lay traps again to lure the opponent into taking the bait.

Sure enough, Chu Chisi glanced at her, and leaned down a little, the distance was only reduced by a few centimeters, but Xue Xue and Xiang Xiang were entangled.

The snow melted a little.

The air became a little damp.

"This little flower is really pretty," Chu Chisi touched the little white flower, his tone slightly long, "It can provide emotional value."

Tang Li just smiled: "Really?"

Chu Chisi hooked the hair rope with her knuckles and pulled it down tentatively, but she didn't expect that the long hair was too soft, and it all fell out in one fell swoop.

The fine shadow is sprinkled on the face, and the aroma of pear flowers is mixed with the smell of shampoo, which smells delicate and clean, which makes people feel at ease.

Chu Chisi was stunned for a moment, and Tang Li quickly caught the flaw. Her long hair fell, and her kisses fell.

Tang Li rubbed the corners of Chu Chisi's lips, and kissed her like a dragonfly, leaving a soft and warm touch.

Chu Chisi: "..."

This guy is a little too bad.

Tang Li stole a little sweetness, rubbed his lips with his fingertips, and smiled brightly: "Chi Si, what do you think I'm doing?"

Chu Chisi glared at her: "What do you think?"

No matter how she thought about it, Chu Chi was at a loss. She was poked in the ear first. She wanted to take off her hair rope as revenge, but Tang Li secretly kissed her.

No matter what, she can't beat her. .

The two "contested" for a moment, but there was no winner. Instead, they waited for the little assistant who came back to activate the charity dinner.

Xi Bianbian brought good news. Because Tang Li's account is too outrageous, all the trigger conditions for the dinner party have been fulfilled perfectly. It will start at 5 pm and last until 11 pm.

However, there is one remaining thing.

Chu Chi thought about it and discussed with the two: "In addition to triggering NPC No. 4, there is an 87% probability that this dinner will attract another person."

She actually said these words to Xi Bianxi, but Tang Li intercepted them: "Ni Xitong will come, right?"

The person who takes pleasure in the pain of others, and likes to watch the fun and cause trouble the most.

There is no need to doubt that the extremely deceitful and outrageous "daily tasks" and "limited time tasks" of Tang Li before must all come from Ni Xitong's handwriting.

The more annoying Tang Li was, the happier she was.

The worse Tang Li was, the happier she was.

Ni Xitong now has fifteen boxes of explosions. fry. Thing is the second extremely dangerous and unstable factor in the tattoo mirror, besides the little madman.

Xi Bianyan was a little puzzled: "It's just a charity dinner, why is there such a high probability of attracting Ni Xitong?"

The answer is actually quite simple:

Tang Li answered this question for Chu Chisi: "The charity dinner is beautifully decorated, not only will there be a lot of artworks on display, but also a large number of NPCs will be gathered."

For Ni Xitong—

What kind of thing is worth destroying?

Beautiful, whole, unique, loved: she gets 'pleasure' only when she smashes what others 'cherish'.

Tang Li smiled, with a dark look in her eyes: "This dinner is a rare opportunity for Ni Xitong, and she will not let it go."

It's just that if you break someone else's things, you will have to compensate after all. Ni Xitong doesn't seem to understand this simple truth.

Chu Chisi thought the same way.

A few people briefly discussed their strategies, and soon it was evening, and the banquet kicked off in the most luxurious hotel in the No. 4 area.

Because Tang Li "accidentally" obtained too much money with cheating instructions, this charity dinner was unprecedentedly grand and attracted much attention, reaching an extremely exaggerated level.

In the splendid hall, many NPCs soon gathered. All of them were gorgeously dressed, with exquisite makeup, talking and laughing with wine glasses.

There were two people standing in the corner of the dinner party.

Chu Chisi held a slender glass with some grape-colored liquid in it, and his eyes swept across countless NPCs.

A tall waiter with a plate came over, glanced at the wine glass in her hand, and sneered: "Chi Si, do you want to drink?"

"It's not wine, it's grape juice." Chu Chisi shook the glass, quite honest, "I can't drink."

The waiter **** her long hair and tied it into a neat little bun. Without the stray cover, the outline of her eyebrows and eyes became more distinct.

In the second cycle, Tang Li wore a red evening dress at the charity dinner, and Chu Chisi wore a waiter uniform; in this cycle, Tang Li was the one pretending to be a waiter.

Chu Chisi still didn't wear a skirt, she just wore a necklace to increase her apparent "value" and easily fooled the NPC's judgment.

Tang Li smiled and said, "You really can't drink, Chi Si, you can get drunk by eating a piece of alcoholic chocolate, and dragged me to talk about the fee... what curve."

Chu Chisi corrected her: "It's the Fermat spiral."

Tang Li said, "It's almost the same."

Tang Li was wearing a neat uniform with buttons tied to the very top, narrow shoulders, thin waist, and beautiful curves, like a black whistle, playing a clear and clear tone.

Chu Chisi couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Tang Li let his wife look at it casually, and held the large plate firmly: "I have figured out the structure, and sure enough, I found the explosive next to the load-bearing column."

"Where's Ni Xitong?" Chu Chisi asked.

Tang Li shook her head: "I haven't found it yet. I removed the wire and I'll report to you first."

The two conditions are met, and the NPC Miss Qiu in Area 4 is successfully triggered. However, since there is no "Scum A Tang Li" in this cycle, the "dog blood quotes" in her string will not have the opportunity to speak. .

"Bian Wei went to get the authorization of No. 4, and should be back soon. As for Ni Xitong..."

Chu Chi thought for a moment.

She remembered the first time the two met, when Ni Xitong took the initiative to find them in a lecture at North University of Science and Technology.

Chu Chisi was sitting in the farthest corner at that time, listening to the lecture and writing notes, when someone suddenly came over.

Short curly light brown hair and tit-like eyes.

Ni Xitong's voice was also brisk, like a bird jumping on a branch, calling out her name directly: "Chu Chisi, hello."

They had the same discipline, were of similar age, and even the research topics were similar, and it was logical to start collaborating and co-authoring the original paper.

Later, Ni Xitong was arrested for arson, and Chu Chisi was called to the police station for questioning. Because he was too socially intimidated and panicked, he was almost imprisoned as an accomplice.

It was only a trivial matter that the paper could not be published. Chu Chisi later read the report and heard that a single mother was killed by the fire, and her daughter was missing.

Therefore, why did Ni Xitong deliberately approach herself, and what purpose did she have in mind?

Even Chu Chisi himself was a little puzzled, not knowing what he had on him that could attract Ni Xitong.


This can be used.

Chu Chisi raised her head and drank all the liquid in the glass. She closed her eyes and exhaled, and then poured herself a few more glasses.

The "waiter" beside him had long since disappeared.

Chu Chi Si lightly covered her forehead and supported the wall like she was dizzy. Her steps were a little unsteady, and she staggered out of the hall and came to the courtyard at the back.

There was no one in the courtyard, there was little evening wind, and a bright moon hung in the sky, flickering faintly.

Chu Chisi seemed to be drunk and walked in a daze all the way. She found a bench and sat down, her cheeks were flushed, and she just stared at the moon like that.

Suddenly, a stone hit the treetop with precision, causing several nightingales to fly away in shock, and the leaves rustled.

Chu Chisi seemed to be unable to hear.

Several stones were thrown out one after another, but Chu Chisi remained unresponsive, dragging her white jaw, staring at the moon in a daze.

In the dark, someone approached quietly.

The figure stood behind Chu Chisi, the metal "clicked" into the chamber, and the silver tube was looming in the darkness, so it was aimed at the back of Chu Chisi's head.

Chu Chisi sat unconsciously, hugging her knees, and a few unconscious whispers leaked from her lips: "Hmm..."

Even the air was wet with the smell of alcohol, sticky as if raindrops were about to fall, enticing and leading the metal forward to capture the "prey" in front of him.

The index finger pressed on the trigger, trembling slightly with excitement, just as it was about to be pulled—

The wrist was snapped.

Someone stood beside her at some point, and smiled at her in the dark, her light-colored eyes shone a little, like shards of broken glass.

Tang Li held the wrist bone and folded it fiercely.

The bone-piercing pain exploded between the wrist bones and went straight to the heart of the forehead. Ni Xitong took a deep breath in pain: "You, you—"

She was trembling with the pain, and her fingers trembled so much that she could no longer hold the metal, so she could only let it slide down and hit the ground with a bang.

Tang Li slashed her hands behind her back, tightened her short hair with her fingers, and smashed Ni Xitong violently to the ground with a thud.

All movements were suppressed as much as possible, and he couldn't move his body up and down. His long hair hung down like a golden curtain, blocking the already weak light in the courtyard.

Tang Li's voice was cold, and she asked bluntly, "Where is Chi Si's actual location?"

Ni Xitong was panting in pain, struggling to break free: "When did you meet with Chu Chisi, I-I don't know!"

Tang Li looked indifferent, suppressed Ni Xitong's movements, grabbed one of her fingers, and then exerted a little force.

The subtle sound of "click" sounded at the same time as Ni Xitong's scream: "It hurts!"

Tang Li asked again, "Speak up or not?"

Ni Xitong pressed against the ground, scratched the rough sand and stone on her forehead, and spots of blood had oozing out. She was about to say something when a familiar voice suddenly came from her ear.

Chu Chisi turned around at some point, she was lying on the back of the chair, her eyes were clear and bright, there was no sign of being drunk just now.

She looked at Ni Xitong, her voice calm: "Didn't you say Yin is very cautious? They shouldn't know the exact location."

Tang Li sneered: "That's really cheap for her."

Looking at the two of them talking calmly, silver was also mentioned in the words, obviously they had discussed a plan long before meeting Ni Xitong.

"Damn! Chu Chisi, you're not drunk at all!" Ni Xitong knew that he was being tricked, "You guys just set up a plan to lure me out!"

Chu Chisi nodded: "Well, yes."

Ni Xitong: "..."

"I was deceived by you," Ni Xitong was desperate, "I was thinking about tying you up, so I can do my best—"

Before she could finish her sentence, there was another clack, but Tang Li moved faster and blocked her screams behind her throat with a towel.

Tang Li's movements were very skilled, and the pain she caused was very clear, but it didn't make Ni Xitong faint.

"Even if you don't know the exact coordinates, you should know the general location, right?"

Tang Li said every word, her voice suddenly cold: "What specific buildings are there nearby? What geographical environment is it in?"

Ni Xitong was trembling all over, his throat was hoarse, and he jumped out almost word by word: "Xue - Snow Mountain! Somewhere in the Snow Mountain!"

Chu Chi thought thoughtfully: "So it is."

"No wonder they are still able to activate the mirror fan and build a mirror in the mirror even when they have only cracked a small part of the permissions."

Tang Li pressed Ni Xitong and turned to look at her.

Chu Chisi explained seriously: "The geographical location of the snow mountain is special, and the temperature is low, which satisfies the conditions for pulling out the particles of consciousness."

She glanced at Ni Xitong and sighed: "So they don't need to crack the core permissions, nor do they need the 'temperature control' that comes with Jingfan itself."

[Jing Fan and Chu Chisi are both on the snow mountain]

This is a piece of information that sounds useful, but is relatively useless.

Tang Li frowned, a little anxious.

Even though they have reduced the search range by two-thirds, the remaining one-third on the map is still astonishingly large, including several snow-capped mountains, and I don't know where to start.

Tang Li wanted to force out a few more pieces of information.

She imprisoned Ni Xitong's arm and was about to continue the torture when a huge explosion suddenly came not far away. Explosion sound:


With huge fire and smoke, it exploded. The sound of the explosion suddenly tore apart the peace in the courtyard, startling both of them.

Chu Chisi's heart jumped, and she stood up instantly: "Is it from the banquet hall?"

She panicked suddenly, and hurried over to pull Tang Li's arm: "Bian Yan, Bian Yan is still inside!"

Tang Li moved quickly, and tied Ni Xitong tightly with three strikes and five divisions. After confirming that the other party had no way to escape, he hurried back to the banquet hall with Chu Chisi.

However, she had some doubts along the way.

Tang Li can be 100% sure that she has found all the explosions hidden by Ni Xitong. Explosives, and cut off the wire, it stands to reason that there is absolutely no chance of an explosion. fry.


What exactly went wrong? .

Ni Xitong's leg bones were crushed, and she was tied to a chair. She sighed in the courtyard where NPCs would never come, and she was unlovable.

It's really a misstep, a misstep.

She has been hiding on the second floor of the banquet hall, preparing to gather more people and invite them later. burst. fry. Medicine has turned this place into a purgatory on earth.

But what I didn't expect was that Chu Chisi actually appeared here, and he seemed to be drunk and walked out crookedly, which immediately aroused Ni Xitong's interest.

It was none other than Chu Chisi.

Ni Xitong would not miss this opportunity.

She followed the path cautiously, clearly confirming that there was no one else in the courtyard, and no one else followed Chu Chisi, and even threw a few stones before she dared to show up.

God knows where Chu Chisi's golden retriever wife came from? The action is treacherous, silent, and scarier than a ghost!

I was still too excited, too excited, thinking that I could catch Chu Chisi's flaw and tie her up and trap her.

Ni Xitong was almost numb from the pain, but not to the point of coma or death. She was sighing in her heart, and there was a rustling sound beside her.

Someone stepped on the branches and came towards him.

There was a bright moon behind her, and under the majestic light, every strand of hair was traced very clearly, but her face was hidden in the darkness, making it difficult to see.

The man stopped in front of Ni Xitong, looked her up and down for a while, and said, "Why are you here?"

The voice was so familiar that Ni Xitong was a little irritable: "Chu Chisi?? Didn't you tie me here?"

‘Chu Chisi’: “…”

She squatted down, squinted her eyes, tilted her head to observe Ni Xitong, the supple ink hair fell from her shoulders, and there was a rustling sound.

A few evening winds blew across her cheeks, pulling up a few strands of long black hair, and under the bright moonlight, Ni Xitong could finally see her face clearly.

It was indeed Chu Chisi.

But... something is different.

'Chu Chisi' stretched out his hand and put his fingertips on Ni Xitong's throat. It was clearly a very light and soft movement, but it made her feel horrified.

Fingertips down, inch by inch across her throat, hissing like a poisonous snake, strangling her neck with icy scales.

"Did Tang Li tie you up?"

'Chu Chisi' held his jaw, his dark eyes lit up a little, and his smile was sweet: "She's really amazing."

"Ah? Weren't you with Tang Li just now?" Ni Xitong became more and more puzzled. "What's going on?"

‘Chu Chisi’ just smiled: “Guess what?”

"I've already been caught by you anyway," Ni Xitong shrugged indifferently. "Killing me is useless, you'll still be trapped here."

'Chu Chisi' tilted his head: "Huh?"

The moonlight covered her with a layer of silver tulle, surging like waves, immersing her almost transparent, only those eyes were extremely dark and deep.

The long eyelashes are slightly raised, and there is a hint of smile.

She was like a delicate porcelain doll, like a little man in a crystal ball—such a beautiful thing should be smashed to the ground and torn apart.

Ni Xitong looked at her, and the "greed" in her bones began to haunt again, clamoring for destruction and tearing, and crawling all over her body like worms.

"What about Dr. Chu's daughter, what about being loved and respected by countless people, what about successfully creating a mirror image, and what about marrying a loved one?"

"In the end, you still lost everything."

Ni Xitong sneered with pity in his eyes: "No matter how happy you are, no matter how happy you are, you are not trapped in two 'scrap iron' now, you can't survive, you can't die."

Watching Chu Chisi being tortured by countless cycles, watching her guilt, anger, negativity, madness, self-destruction, and finally falling into endless numbness and deep despair—

her pain, her struggle,

It is Ni Xitong's best "antidote".

Ni Xitong looked at her face, and somehow remembered a long time ago: that sultry and irritating meeting for freshmen at North University of Science and Technology.

That was the first time the two really met.

Chu Chi shrank under the shade of the tree, holding a backpack, far away from the crowd, and was weighing a leaf, carefully examining the sunlight.

The light shone through the cascading branches and leaves and fell on her slightly exposed shoulders and neck, reflecting the softness of the skin, making people think of cheese that would melt in the mouth.

Ni Xitong thinks,

The man looked like a cat.

In the neighbor's house, there is a snow-white puppet cat that has been carefully raised and will lie lazily by the window and bask in the sun.

Seven-year-old Ni Xitong stood at the entrance of the stairs, with a wound on his arm cut open by a beer bottle. The thin and narrow fragment was held in his hand, reflecting a pair of empty eyes.

So she slit the cat's throat.

The shards were sharp, stained with human and feline blood, stripped of soft fur, muscle and bone, and buried in the backyard.

The neighbor's sister seemed to cry for a long time.

But who cares about those things, like no one cares about the thin sobbing coming from the next room.

Anyway, someone will sweep away the beer shards scattered in the promenade, and tomorrow will be clean and tidy again.

Ni Xitong's words were thorny, and each sentence could penetrate deeply into Chu Chisi's heart, piercing the camouflage that was finally constructed, and cutting her all over.

It's a pity that 'she' is not Chu Chisi.

The little madman listened with great interest, and after a while, he asked leisurely, "You mean Dr. Chu, is that Chu Lian?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know her."

There is a small dimple on her cheek, full of sweet moonlight: "What kind of existence is that person, I'm really curious."

The doubts in Ni Xitong's heart grew, and the person in front of him looked exactly the same as Chu Chisi, and the voice and intonation were not much different.

It always gave her a weird feeling.

The little madman turned a foldable knife, the blade shone with a fine cold light, "click" in his hand, "click" sounded, and each stroke beat with the heartbeat.

The blade drew a beautiful and full arc, and was taken back by the little madman, and then it touched the reddish lips.

The sharp edge of the blade pressed against the lips and pressed down slightly, and a thin bloodstain was drawn in an instant.

A bead of blood overflowed from the wound, and the **** smell lingered. The little madman licked the bead of blood and said in a glutinous voice, "Those memories you said..."

"It's all taken by the other me."

Before Ni Xitong could react, the folding knife made a small "click" sound, and then suddenly plunged into her heart.

Ni Xitong's pupils widened slightly: "!"

The little madman held the handle of the knife, and his smile grew stronger: "I'm so sorry, you seem to have recognized the wrong person."

The deeper and deeper the blade was pierced, the blood gushed out of her throat, Ni Xitong coughed intermittently, she was speechless, her eyes filled with disbelief.

The little madman frowned and smiled softly: "Remember? We met in Mirare-In before."

"Both of your companions died under my hands, so they can escape from it. You are indeed very powerful."

The little madman drew back the knife and brought out a string of fine blood beads. Without hesitation, she plunged the knife into Ni Xitong's chest again.

"Since Tang Li saved your life, she must think that you are still useful," she said softly, "In the end, I killed you."

The tip of the knife was pulled out and pierced deeply again.

The blood drops splashed on her face, and the dark red color against the skin, like the branches and leaves of blood-stained peach blossoms, has a strange beauty.

"You said... will Tang Li be angry?"

The little madman stabbed a dozen times in a row, until the flesh on his chest was blurred, and the broken clothes were stirred in the blood, and then he retracted the knife in loss.

The blood bead is still warm.

However, she longed for something warmer, such as someone with a fragrance that would hold her in her arms.

The little madman stood up, the tip of the knife was still dripping with blood, and she whispered softly in the hazy moonlight like in a dream:

"Tang Li, where are you?"

At this moment, her Tang Li was racing back to Villa No. 2, and there was a small yellow box next to her with the words "Fried Chicken" written on it.

She has to do a full set of dramas. She "run away from home" "for fried chicken", and it is impossible to say that she doesn't bring a fried chicken takeaway when she goes home.

"No, there will be traffic jams in the mirror tattoo?"

Tang Li looked at the long list of vehicles, and his heart collapsed: "I knew I would bring out the debugging menu."

The explosion of the charity dinner. The bombing caused panic, all the NPCs fled, Tang Li and Chu Chisi found the shivering Xibian again in the chaos.

burst. The location of the bombing was very remote and did not hurt the innocent. Tang Li thought that he had missed something, but when he returned to the courtyard, Ni Xitong's body was cold.

Tang Li: "..."

It's over, I have a bad feeling.

As soon as several people came together, they decided to act separately. Chu Chisi and Xi Bianxi immediately rushed to the No. 9 area (Route 4-5-9) to destroy the self-purification system, while Tang Li immediately returned to No. 2 (Route 4-2) ) in the villa.

Who knows, besides Tang Li, there are actually a bunch of NPCs who want to rush home, causing the whole road to be blocked tightly and the water is blocked.

Tang Li changed the means of transportation halfway through, hurriedly hurried, but it took some time to get back to the villa.

Looking at it from a distance, it was dark inside the villa. Tang Li guessed that the little madman should not have come back yet, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that he could still save a little.

She pushed open the door furtively.

The room was very dark, and the NPC didn't know where to go, and it was a little scary quiet. Tang Li put the fried chicken aside and crept in.

The strange thing is that Tang Li had just walked two or three steps in the dark, but her vision was still hazy, but she could vaguely smell a hint of red wine.

The rich and strong aroma of wine produced countless vines from the ground, wrapping around her ankles, dragging her footsteps, trying to drag her into the abyss.

Chu Chisi never drinks alcohol.

How can there be a smell of wine in the villa?

Tang Li was puzzled when there was a soft click, all the lights in the living room were turned on, and the room was suddenly bright and dazzling.

The expensive red wine shattered, the liquid slowly flowed out, and the transparent glass fragments were stuck in the plush carpet, reflecting Tang Li's astonished face.

The monitors with more than a dozen screens had not had time to retract. They were all in different areas of the home, and several screens had been smashed to the ground, covered with cobweb-like cracks.

There was only one thought in Tang Li's mind:

It's over. It's over.

It seems that the first three items of the plan, whether it is "stealing the debugging menu", "not being discovered by the wife", or "going home earlier than the wife" all failed.

Tang Li, who was running around because of his speed, was completely overturned, and the gods couldn't save him.

With the door "bang" closed, the escape route was completely blocked. Tang Li looked up and saw a familiar figure standing in the mess.

The little madman stepped on the shards of glass all over the floor and looked at Tang Li like this, looking into the depths of her eyes.

Her shirt was mottled with blood, and she was holding a short knife in her hand. Her long eyelashes were soaked with blood, and a drop of blood was swaying, ready to fall.

The little madman raised his long eyelashes, and the blood dripped into his eyes, spreading a clear red.

Her voice was hoarse, and she asked softly, "Tang Li, why did you leave me?"

What happened to the blood on Chi Si's body? Yes

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