Wife is Not Divorced

Chapter 84: (1)

A system prompt sounded "ding dong" suddenly, and the familiar mechanical sound rang out, and announced without the slightest emotion:

"Ding Dong, there is an update to [Disgusting] in [Strategy Character No. 2], do you want to check it now?"

Tang Li was so guilty that he didn't dare to open it.

She could actually guess what was unlocked, and after struggling for a few seconds, she hesitantly said in her mind, "Check it out."


1: Tang Li doesn't like me

2: Tang Li doesn't kiss me

3: Tang Li doesn't hug me

4: Tang Li abandoned me [New]

Sure enough, it was close to what she had guessed. Looking at the little lunatic holding his fingers in front of him, Tang Li felt more guilty and felt guilty.

"Chi Si, listen to me..."

The words swirled around in his mouth a few times. Tang Li just wanted to explain that he was just going to "buy fried chicken to eat", but the little madman suddenly wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her lips.

It's not really a kiss.

The little madman bit her and gnawed at her, Tang Li's lips hurt slightly, blood dripped out, and was swallowed recklessly.

The thin **** smell spread, mixed with a hint of fine snow, and even the air was covered with the smell of rust.

Her heart was riddled with holes and rusted, and it shattered a little with every beat, and the wound was so dry that it couldn't bleed.

The little madman was fierce and ruthless, biting her hard, and Tang Li let her bite and let her vent those emotions that she couldn't put down.

She put her hand on the top of the little madman's head and rubbed it lightly, one after another, with extremely gentle movements.

The hand stroked the hair, as if to comfort and give, but it was far from enough for the little lunatic.

She's a demon trapped in the fourth century, she's greedy and hungry, she wants more, more—

As a result, Tang Li was pushed down on the cashmere carpet, his head smashed between the fluff, and there was still a muffled "dong" sound.

Tang Li frowned and bit her lips.

Not far away is the smashed red wine, and the glass fragments all over the floor are shaking with cold light, reflecting countless fragmented memories.

Chi Si, her Chi Si.

Broken and reassembled, full of cracks.

The little madman grabbed Tang Li's collar, deepening the already messy kiss, with blood on the tip of his tongue, and his teeth on the soft flesh.

The breath leaked from the tight lips, like a string of tiny bubbles gushing out of the deep sea.

"Don-Don Li, Tang Li,"

The little madman called her vaguely, his voice all hoarse: "Why did you leave me, why?"

The lips were finally separated, giving the two a chance to breathe, but her sense of oppression was extremely strong, and the heavy emotion almost engulfed people.

The little madman was on top of her, her knuckles still grabbing Tang Li's collar, her face was pale, and her eyes were dark: "Where have you been?"

"... Chi Si."

Tang Li called her warmly, a nickname, two light words, the two voices were stacked together, and the warmth was about to melt.

She put her hand on the little madman's face and stroked it slowly, her palm touching her cheek, which was very soft.

"Chi Si, I bought fried chicken for takeaway."

Tang Li pretended to be relaxed and said, "I was struggling to buy the plum flavor or the original flavor, and finally I bought the original flavor. Which one do you like?"

The little madman just remained silent.

She looked at her.

The long hair hangs down like a splash of ink, and the little madman's eyes are reddish, his eyelashes are drooping, as if he is about to shed blood and tears.

She was like a sick and weak animal that fell into a trap, covered in wounds and blood.

But when it was bitten, it was more mad and ruthless than anyone else. There were flesh and broken bones between the fangs, and no one dared to approach.

The tight collar restrained his breathing, his heart throbbing from the depression. Tang Li raised her head and tried her best to make her smile look more natural: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat it."

Why did things turn out like this? She frantically searched for three months outside the tattoo mirror, and Chi Si was trapped here thousands of times longer than her.

Late thinking, my late thinking.

She smiles like a deer, doesn't like going out, doesn't know how to cook, she arranges the shower gel neatly, and likes people who tie my braids.

"Chi Si, I didn't leave you," Tang Li said softly, "Didn't I come back?"

The little madman looked at her, those eyes were extremely dark, so clear that it made one's heart tremble: "Are you really not going to leave?"

Tang Li said, "I won't leave."

The little madman lowered her head, she rested her head on Tang Li's neck and buried it in her shoulders, and the voice came out in a muffled voice: "Really?"

Tang Li repeated: "Really."

The long hair spread out over his shoulders, and the strands of hair slipped into the collar, making Tang Li a little itchy. The man on his body was trembling, trembling more and more.

The little madman said again, "Are you sure?"

Tang Li nodded: "I promise."

The cool breath hit the side of the face, and the broken hair swayed lightly. Tang Li could hear her heartbeat and was hidden in that rotten body.

The little madman was buried in his shoulders, his voice was barely audible, and he murmured again: "Tang Li, you promised me."

Tang Li said softly, "Yeah."

The memory of 30,000 cycles, the surging emotions like a tide, were all compressed and condensed into a small, fragile person.

The little madman raised her head again, she kissed Tang Li's corner of the eye, her soft lips pressed against her eyelids, dipped in a little water vapor, and slowly rubbed against her.

Tang Li obediently closed her eyes.

The light passed through the eyelids, a little hazy, and the tip of the tongue slowly licked the skin, like a kitten, licking her long eyelashes wet.

The little madman's kissing technique was very unfamiliar and a little awkward, kissing from the eyelids to the tip of the nose, and then biting her lips again and again.

The hand holding the collar was loosened, and she no longer tightened her neck. Tang Li's breathing became a little smoother. She still closed her eyes and thought to herself:

[Chi Si should be relieved, right? 】

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden pain in the neck. It wasn't the feeling of gnawing at the scallops, it was more like a sharp, slender metal pierced into the body.

Tang Li opened her eyes and faced the little madman's face. Her voice swirled around in her throat a few times, but she was so dry that she couldn't utter a word.

The little madman smiled lightly, with those black eyes like grapes, he couldn't see anything except himself.

The needle was slowly advanced, the liquid was injected into the blood, and Tang Li felt dizzy. The body seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that it was about to fall to the ground.

The little madman kissed her half-closed eyes, his voice gradually blurred, behind the misty white mist: "Tang Li, I'm sorry."

"...I don't believe you anymore.".

Tang Li lost consciousness and fell into a drowsy sleep for an unknown time. When he woke up, he had the illusion that he had just entered the tattoo mirror and his memory was confused.

Who am I, where am I, and what's for dinner tonight?

"Cough, cough." Tang Li frowned and coughed a few times, subconsciously trying to prop up with his hands, but there was a slight metal crashing sound in his ears.

Sounds a little familiar.

Tang Li glanced down and found that both hands were tied in front of her, and the shackles lined the porcelain-white skin, imprisoning her movements.

She tried to struggle for a while, and found that the shackles were tightly locked, and they did not loosen, but a little red mark was rubbed off the skin.

The belt around the neck was replaced with black metal, as black as ink, and was attached to a long chain of bright silver, which was tied to the railing at the head of the bed.

A finely crafted bite stop is worn on the face, and the black leather buckle is divided into two, one around the ears and behind the head, and the other pressed against the back of the neck.

As long as Tang Li moved a little, he could hear a fine metal crashing sound, like a wind chime swaying in the wind, ding ding Lingling.

Remind her that you are locked.

It was the first time that Tang Li had been locked up so tightly, which was a bit novel. She estimated the length of the lower chain and found it was just enough to allow her to move freely around the room.

The structure of the room was familiar and unfamiliar. At first glance, it looked like the guest room on the first floor where Tang Li lived, but after careful observation, it felt a little different.

It's laid out...very clean.

It is the consistent style of Chu Chisi, there are no extra decorations and furniture, light gray walls and white porcelain floors covered with carpets.

The bed was in the middle of the room, and the window not far away was nailed down. Judging from the lush tree shadows, it should be a room on the second floor.

Is it Chu Chisi's room?

Or another room on the second floor?

Tang Li looked around and found that there was a small sofa in the room, and a small bedside table with a lamp beside the bed.

But unfortunately, the two drawers of the bedside table were locked, not the electronic lock, but the traditional combination lock.

This is because Tang Li can easily pick it open, but since he can't move his wrist, picking the lock has become a difficult task.

She was studying the structure of the shackles when someone knocked on the door of the room lightly, and before Tang Li could respond, she pushed it open without authorization.

The little madman walked in on tiptoe without making a sound like a cat. She sat down on the edge of the bed, about two people's distance away from Tang Li.

She was only wearing a slightly oversized white shirt, with long cuffs covering the back of her hands, the hem of her clothes swaying lightly with her steps, and a pair of long legs that were half-covered underneath.

Fair and slender, a little... dazzling.

The back of the neck was hot, and the suppressed alpha pheromones began to surge again. Tang Li subconsciously looked away, but the little madman came back.

Her fingers hooked on the bar of the bite stopper, and she pulled Tang Li back, clasping the leather and rubbing her long brown-blond hair, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Tang Li, are you awake?"

The little madman asked knowingly, with both hands on the leather strap of the bite stopper, she lowered her head and kissed the wire that covered her nose and mouth.

The reddish lips were pressed against the wire, the soft flesh was sunken, and it was slenderly squeezed in, soft, soft, clearly not touching, but it made people itch.

The room was so big, Tang Li leaned back against the bed rail, and couldn't dodge even if she wanted to, so she could only look directly at her: "Chi Si, what do you think?"

"If I haven't woken up, can I talk to you so naturally?" Tang Li teased her, "Or do you think this is just a dream?"

The little madman didn't answer her, but instead asked, "I locked you up and trapped you here, are you mad at me?"

Tang Li shook her head: "How is that possible."

"Then maybe, I'm really still in a dream," the little madman murmured, "a Tang Li will never hate me, nor leave my sweet dream."

She crawled over to Tang Li, her collar was a little loose, her collarbone was looming, and that small piece of soft skin was dazzlingly white, dazzling in front of her.


Tang Li breathed slightly, her body stiffened, all her attention was on suppressing the alpha pheromone, and she was trapped by the little madman.

The little madman looked at her, and the clear eyes in the past became a little dark at this moment, like a lamp lit in the fog.

She whispered, "So, am I dreaming now?"

"Why don't you let me go?" Tang Li shook the shackles and clanged, "I'll pinch your cheek lightly, and you'll know that you're not dreaming."

The little madman "puchi" smiled, eyebrows curved, leaned over and kissed her forehead: "I won't let you go."

Tang Li shrugged: "Okay."

The little madman sat on her waist, looking for a comfortable position, moving around and twisting around. The black hair fell softly from the shoulders, and the ends of the locks were swaying.

The shirt seemed to be too long, but not long enough. The soft part was close to the waist, and it was a little wet.

She had... really only one shirt on her.

The heartbeat suddenly accelerated, Tang Li seemed to hear the fireworks burst with a "pop", and the tiny sparks burst into the side of the ear, burning rustling.

The little madman pursed her lips and smiled, a small dimple formed on her cheek, she raised her hand, and her teeth bit the cuff of her shirt.

"Tang Li, these are your clothes."

She bit the cuff that was too long, and the tip of her red tongue licked the tip of the cuff, and the white fabric was soaked in a small piece and turned dark.

The little madman opened his mouth, and his long sleeves fell down, revealing a small section of his delicate wrist, with the reddish fingertips tucked together against Tang Li's waist.

"I washed it carefully," the little madman tilted his head and smiled, rubbing the tip of his nose lightly against his collar, "but there is still a little aroma, the smell of pear blossoms."

Tang Li was short of breath, her voice was a little dazed, and she couldn't hold back the pheromone: "Yes... Is it?"

The little madman nodded: "Well, it's only a little bit, and it's almost impossible to smell it."

She straightened up a little, then lay on Tang Li's body, like a puppet cat with white fluff, with its fluffy tail raised, lazily basking in the sun.

There was a rustling sound as the fabric rubbed.

The little madman leaned so close, rested his head on her shoulder and neck, put his fingers on the collar, and fiddled with the transparent button.

"I like the scent on your body," the voice was lingering and murmured, "If you get so close, can you get a little more dye?"

The fingertips pressed against the button, tapped the transparent plastic, then hooked it in, kneading the thin cross cotton thread, and could vaguely hear some subtle sounds.

She obviously didn't touch herself.

But it's more deadly than touching.

The room was so quiet that you could hear the intertwined breathing of the two of them. They just looked at each other, and the air was so thick that it seemed like it was about to rain.

The little madman peeled off a button, but there was only one, and his fingertips slipped in and pressed into the gap between the collar and the neck.

Tang Li's voice was slightly hoarse: "Chi, Chi Si?"

The little madman blinked, his eyes like black grapes were full of water, and his long eyelashes were soaked wet: "What's wrong?"

Her fingertips were dexterous, but the metal ring was clasped very close together, and she casually explored the way between the gaps, scratching Tang Li's throat.

The fragrance of the fine snow gushed out one after another. It was Omega's pheromone. It was neither intense nor hurried, and it was just so hazy around the tip of the nose.

Tang Li couldn't take it anymore, she forcibly moved her body, raised her hands, and separated the two with black shackles: "Chi Si, wait a minute."

The little madman was pushed away by her, the corners of his eyes instantly turned red, his long eyelashes drooped down, and he looked at her tearfully: "Why push me away? Don't you like me?"

With just such a glance, Tang Li's heart was unbelievably soft.

She bit her lip and quickly explained: "Chi Si, what are you thinking about, how could I not like you?"

Both hands were locked, and the movements that he could make were very limited. Tang Li was thinking about something, but the little madman suddenly moved his position.


"Well," the little madman bit his lip tightly, and his eyes were covered with a mist of water, "Okay...it's so icy."

She doesn't actually have the strength, and she can kill people only because of her instantaneous explosive power and the skills accumulated in countless cycles. If she wants to fight for a long time, she will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Omega pheromones filled the entire room, and the smell was like a winter forest. The fine snow covered the branches and leaves lightly, and you could smell the refreshing fragrance of grass and trees.

The little madman didn't move, just sat there with his head lowered, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead, sticking the ink hair into bundles, attached to his cheeks.

Sticky, soggy.

She raised her hand to lift a strand of her long hair, slid her fingers slowly across her cheeks, and pulled the black hair behind her ears. The tips of his ears were so red and watery.

Tang Li's voice trembled: "Chi... Chi Si."

The little madman hooked on her bite stopper, and the thin white knuckles wrapped around the metal, pulled Tang Li's face forward, and said seductively, "Do you want me to take it off for you?"

Tang Li was dazed, just nodded.

She stroked the metal bar, very slowly, moving the position little by little, pressing the metal wire with her fingertips, pressing out two soft white tender flesh.

Fingertips touch the leather, blindingly white.

She stopped beside Tang Li's ear, scratched the black leather belt on purpose, the rustling sound poured into the eardrum, and scratched her heart as if it were magnified several times.

Tang Li's voice was hoarse, and she said helplessly, "Chi Si, don't torture me."

The little madman just laughed, with wide-eyed eyes and shallow dimples. She put her hand on the back of Tang Li's neck and picked out the broken hair there.

The originally soft white neck was a little red, and when the fingertips passed the skin, it was easy to find the small bulge buried under the skin.

Tang Li's breathing suddenly stopped, she bit her lips, her throat was dry and dumb, and there seemed to be fire burning in her chest.

The alpha pheromone couldn't be suppressed for a long time, and it protruded outwards like tentacles, wrapped around the fingertips of the little madman, and absorbed the breath of her body.

The little madman caressed the back of her neck, the alpha pheromone twisted her, and snaked along her knuckles.

A tiny sense of electric current rushed into the fingertips, and their pheromones were so compatible that just a simple touch could cause a circle of ripples.

"Click", the buckle was released.

The bite stopper hit the ground, and the little madman put his arms on her shoulders, sat back, and lowered his head to kiss Tang Li's lips.

The pheromones are entangled, always making people feel a little stuffy, a little thirsty, and the fine kiss fell on the neck, and then bit the first button.

She raised her head, Tang Li was looking at her.

The long hair was golden, and the sunlight that slipped in from the window was also golden. Tang Li had her eyelashes down, looking extraordinarily well-behaved and obedient.

Between the slightly open collar, you can see a trace of her tight and beautiful collarbone, and even the cyan veins are particularly clear in the warm sunshine.

Without the metal barrier of the bite stopper, the distance between the two has narrowed a little.

Tang Li leaned down, pressed her ear, and softly led her: "Chi Si, sit down."

Of course, the little madman knew what this meant. Even if it was locked by the shackles, the hands could still move freely, but the limitations were large and it was not easy to exert force.

The voice poured into the auricle, bewitching... as if it was beguiling, rubbing the cartilage on the tip of her ear lightly: "Chi Si?"


The golden curtain-like long hair hangs down on the body, and the sunlight is hazy, which makes the skin have a texture almost like an oil painting.

Regardless of whether the memory is divided or not, no matter which memory segment Chu Chisi is, her aesthetic cells are less than or equal to zero, and she never knows how to appreciate the so-called works of art and paintings.

No matter how much stuff the golden retriever wife stuffed into the house and whispered in her ear every day, she still couldn't change Chu Chisi's thoughts.

Chu Chisi stubbornly believes that the so-called decorations have no meaning, and there is no difference in function between an empty wall and a wall full of picture frames.

However, she always felt that Tang Li was like a painting.

Like those ancient oil paintings, there are continuous mountains and rain, and there is a beautiful woman standing by the river with an umbrella.

And what about yourself? It is more like the rich and ripe fruit in the oil painting, it may be an apple, or it may be a bit of a peach.

smashed from the edge of the basket,

Then she was caught in her hand.


The breeze blew through the treetops outside the window, rolling up the branches and leaves, and the rain and dew accumulated last night had not yet dried, and fell down like a sudden.

Drops of water fell, one drop, two drops, and a drizzle of stars fell, smearing away large and small wet marks.

The breeze was long and grinding, always blowing the tip of the leaves, swaying, swaying, and only squeezing out a few drops of accumulated dew.

The little madman twisted his body, and one of them didn't sit still, so he slammed himself into the soft bedding, his chest was breathing up and down, and he could even see waves on his shirt.

She was about to reach for the combination lock on the bedside table, but her hand was just halfway there when someone grabbed it.

The shadow hood fell, and the light fragrance of pear blossoms permeated the shaggy hair, which easily trapped the little madman.

The hands that held her were thin and slender, firm and strong, there were some faint red marks on the wrists, and the moist rain and dew dripping from the tips of the leaves were attached.

He hooked his fingertips and rubbed the little madman's wrist. It was clearly a very light movement, but his breathing stopped for several seconds.

The little madman's eyes widened, his eyes were watery, and his voice was hoarse: "When did you break free?!"

Tang Li curled her eyelashes, smiled like a fluffy puppy, lowered her head and rubbed the tip of her ear, and said, "Guess what?"

The little madman's ears turned red.

The ethereal shadow finally has a real body, and no matter how long the night is, there will be a light, a firefly, wrapped in gray black and muddy dust.

So stay, stay.

Stay by my side, be mine, watch me alone, listen to me, never leave.

The faint, fleeting spot of light was locked by her, forever trapped in this small world that slowly collapsed and headed for destruction. .

On the other hand, Chu Chisi and Xi Bianxi had already arrived at area 9. They escaped the judgment of the NPC and entered the inner area smoothly.

The authority of the Master Control is very high, plus all the protection mechanisms have been lowered, Chu Chisi easily obtained the modifier.

Chu Chisi opened the control interface, and after seeing the internal code, his eyebrows suddenly frowned: "This is troublesome."

Xi Bianxuan fought diligently next to him, and when he heard the words, he came over to help: "What's the matter?"

"The damage caused by the 17-year-old conscious body is much greater than I thought," Chu Chisi frowned and sighed, "It's all messed up."

In addition to the cloud forest mechanism, the banana peel mechanism that guards the border has also been destroyed a lot, but after reading the traces of modification inside, it does not seem to be unintentional...

More like vandalism?

When the tattoo mirror is turned on, it will confuse the memory. Although most of them can be connected in series with [Anchor], there may still be one or two vague places.

For Chu Chisi, she couldn't remember the thoughts and mood of the 17-year-old conscious body when the code was broken in a loop last time.

The 17-year-old herself is not familiar with Jingfan. She should know little about most of the codes, but why did she deliberately destroy the banana peel mechanism?

While destroying the self-purification system, Chu Chisi pondered the intention of the young man, but after thinking for a long time, he could not come up with a reason, and finally he had to give up.

The two stayed in the No. 9 area for a long time, spending a whole day and night in the tattoo mirror, and finally destroyed the self-purification system.

...this is the end.

From now on, all caches will no longer be automatically cleared, and all error reports will be ignored, just gradually and gradually piled up, slowly pushing Jingfan to the limit that caused it to collapse.

Chu Chisi and Xi Bian Ai walked out of the hospital together. It was already dark outside, and the evening wind swept across his face, bringing a hint of coolness.

The night sky was still beautiful, spread out as if washed by water, and the stars were dotted, as if they were about to fall on her.

"Sister Chi Si, roughly... how long will it take?" Xi Bianyan asked in a low voice, "How long will it take for Jingfan to completely collapse?"

Chu Chisi looked up at the starry sky, her dark eyes lit up a little, her voice was soft and ethereal, and it sounded very gentle: "It's coming soon."

"The design of the mirror is very precise, and if nothing is done, it can run for at least 32 days."

Chu Chisi smiled, his eyebrows narrowed slightly:

"Of course, if people create various kinds of errors, such as using explosions to increase the amount of computation, stacking a large number of objects and causing physical collisions, it will speed up the destruction of the mirror fan."

Chu Chisi walked down the steps slowly, while Xi Bian followed her step by step, and walked silently for a while.

They went back to the car, and Ni Xitong's previous fifteen boxes were fried. The medicine was not used up, and there were five or six boxes left. After she was killed, Chu Chisi found her back.

However, there is a very serious problem.

Chu Chisi stared at the box in the trunk, was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Bian Yan, do you know how to install explosives?"

Xi Bian shook his head with a dazed expression: "Sister Chi Si, I definitely won't."

Chu Chisi stared at the explosive-drug box for a while and seemed to be thinking about something. She turned her head and suddenly patted Xi Bian's shoulder.

She said solemnly: "Bian Wei, the two of us together have three doctorates. We can definitely do it."

Xibian: "But your wife doesn't have a doctor, yet she can blow up two buildings in half an hour."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Which pot can't be opened to mention which pot, Chu Chisi choked for a while, and it took a long time to speak: "I'm going to die, why do you keep mentioning her?"

Xi Bianyan thought to himself: I didn't mention it on purpose, it was the Major General who gave a deadly order before the cycle. If you want to repeat her name in Chu Chisi's ear, she must be annoyed to death.

Chu Chisi sighed and rubbed his forehead: "But you're right, there are specialties in the profession, we won't just won't."

Xi Bian came to the spirit: "Then we are going back to No. 2 now and meet the Major General first?"

Chu Chisi said, "No, I have a better idea."

After a while, the two weaklings with less than 5 combat power gathered together, the computer screen in front of them lit up, and Chu Chisi tapped the keyboard and clicked on a video.

"Since the cloud forest is invalid," Chu Chisi explained, "the video courses of the Beimeng armed forces are all unlocked, so let's just watch the video."

Xibian: "..."

Chu Chisi's movements are quite proficient. Obviously, it is not the first time that he has hacked into the interior of the armed forces.

However, she was suddenly stunned.

It's really terrible, all the relevant courses were actually recorded by Tang Li (forced), and as the play button was pressed, a familiar figure also appeared on the screen.

Tang Li was wearing a major general's suit, her long hair was loosely tied back, she held several books, and she threw the books on the table with no expression on her face.

She hadn't even prepared her lines, so she glanced at the teleprompter outside the camera, and read out the "lines" according to the script.

"Hello everyone," Tang Li said feebly, "The following is the first lesson of the recording. I will guide you hand-in-hand to identify, assemble, and disassemble explosive-explosives..."

The voice was lazy and lacking in energy.

Chu Chisi looked at the screen, but it was just a few simple words without feeling, but her eyes became hot when she heard it, and she covered her cheeks to block her own expression.

It was a living, real Tang Li.

The computer screen is not big, the lights are on in the dark night, familiar people, familiar voices, familiar expressions and small movements...

All of a sudden, all the memories that had been submerged were brutally pulled out from the depths of his mind.

Chu Chisi listened, her eyes turning red.

Xi Bianxuan noticed her expression, and felt astringent in her heart. She reached out and patted Chu Chisi's back, and said softly, "Sister Chi Si, don't be too sad."

Chu Chisi lowered his head and wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingertips without showing any trace.

Tang Li looked absent-minded, saying that it was a lecture, it was better to read dryly according to a book, reluctantly and unwilling to be extremely boring.

Just two minutes into the conversation, her phone actually vibrated, Tang Li glanced at the screen, and immediately ran out of the video screen with the phone.

Two people who are taking notes seriously: "..."

At least ten minutes later, Tang Li hurried back, took a photo of the book, and shouted to the photographer, "Please ask for leave, I'll go to the Academy of Sciences!"

The photographer said, "Aren't you recording?"

"Come back and talk about it." Tang Li moved quickly, put away his things and left without looking back. As the video ended, the two fell into a brief silence.

Chu Chisi lowered his eyelashes and said nothing.

"This looks like your phone number?" Xi Bianyan glanced at her secretly, "Pipa tried to bake sweet potatoes with a laser, but it almost set the laboratory on fire."

Chu Chisi clenched his fingertips: "Yes."

That time, Pai Pai had a whim, and suddenly found a few sweet potatoes, deceived Chu Chisi with a bunch of sweet words, and the result was that two people stood in front of the machine and tried to bake the sweet potatoes with a laser.

Of course, Chu Chisi's operation was fine, but the problem was that Pai Pai beside her was in a hurry, and accidentally set the temperature too high, causing the two little sweet potatoes to catch fire.

It was obviously just a trivial matter, and Chu Chisi just reported the situation as usual, but she didn't expect that more than an hour later, she would be able to see Tang Li at the Academy of Sciences.

"How can this be such a trivial matter," Tang Li was rarely serious, "What if there is a fire, an explosion, an explosion, and you are trapped and injured?"

Tang Li scolded Paipi in the face, helped clean up the messy laboratory, and ate lunch with Chu Chisi before hurried back.

If only the two buildings could be closer together.

Chu Chi thought selfishly, so she designed the No. 8 area and secretly put the two of them together, pretending that they were very close and could visit often.

It was clearly a long time ago, but it suddenly became vivid and brilliant. The bright memory crashed into my mind, and it was the only color in the dead silence.

"Sister Chi Si-"

Xi Bian's voice rang out loudly, and exploded in his ears clearly: "Are you really willing to give her up?"

Chu Chisi didn't answer immediately, she stared at the completely dark screen and was silent for a long time.

The boundless silence continued, until the air was almost frozen into ice, and the coldness was drilled into the depths of the bones.

She finally said, "Let's go."

"It's not the way to stay here forever," Chu Chisi said softly, "Let's go to find Tang Li on the 2nd."

Just as the Zhanwu Scum duo looked at the trunk of the car and worried, the two combat ceilings were having a friendly "conversation".

Because Tang Li broke free and did a lot of bad things, she felt guilty and wronged, so she obediently stretched out her hand and let her wife change a pair of stronger hand shackles.

Actually it's still pretty good.

Tang Li thought.

It was getting late, and it looked gray outside. Tang Li couldn't bear to see the little madman who was being bullied.

She proposed to let herself help, but was stared back by the little madman, so she had to sit in the chair idle and scrutinize his wife.

Tang Li was lying on the back of the chair, with a slender silver chain between her hands, and the long brown-gold hair spread out on her back, looking fluffy.

The little madman came over and rubbed her long hair over her long hair. The soft hair was rubbed against the palm of her hand, and it felt very good.

Tang Li let her rub it, and she looked very good.

"Tang Li, Tang Li." The little madman bent down slightly and shouted softly, "What do you want for dinner?"

Tang Li said, "Did you do it?"

The little madman was stunned, hesitating a little: "If you like it, I can too..."

"No no no no," Tang Li replied instantly, she blinked and said, "I want to eat fried chicken."

The little madman is puzzled: "Fried chicken?"

Tang Li nodded, her eyelashes were dense and curled, and when she raised her eyes, she always smiled like a crooked smile.

She teased and said, "I just want to eat the original fried chicken. Did you throw away the lunch box you packed last night?"

The little madman was standing in the middle of the room. She had already changed into a dress, with a neat neckline and a graceful fit, with a narrow waist.

"Well, I threw it away."

The little madman squatted down in front of Tang Li, his knuckles supported his jaw, and there was a very shallow dimple on his cheek: "Because it's useless."

Tang Li immediately retorted, plausibly: "Fried chicken is delicious, it's not useless."

The little madman sighed and said, "Then I ask the housekeeper to do it?"

Tang Li shook his head like a rattle, and shook the long chain in his hand: "No, the home-made ones don't have that flavor."

With that said, Tang Li secretly glanced at the little madman, saw her expression as usual, and said hesitantly: "How about I take you out to eat?"

This is a tentative step on the edge.

Tang Li actually didn't know what to do, but if the little madman was willing to go out with her, he might have a chance to escape.

Sure enough, the little madman smiled.

She put her hand on Tang Li's cheek and rubbed it softly: "Tang Li, why do you want to leave here?"

"I have everything ready, enough food, water, clothing, and even all kinds of entertainment."

The little madman smiled sweetly, and slowly dismantled the current situation for Tang Li: "Tang Li, you never need to leave here."

Tang Li was stunned and said, "But..."

"No but." The little madman smiled lightly, "You only need me, and I only need you, so that's enough."

The little madman looked at Tang Li quietly, his eyes were calm and calm, his tone could not even be heard ups and downs, as always, indifferent and cold.

But the calmer it is, the more crazy it is.

She was calmly, rationally going crazy. She knew exactly what she wanted

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