The sky was getting darker, and the whole world sank into silent silence. Only the lights in the villa were still bright, reflecting the two sleepless people.

The pair of shackles were locked at Tang Li's ankles, and they were glistening with red light.

The little madman's fingertips rested on his chin and slowly slid down, and the slightly cool fingertips went over his neck, causing his flesh to contract unconsciously.

Tang Li swallowed her throat, feeling a little stuffy in her chest.

The fingertips slid, slid, and then hooked the silver chain that was pulling, locked it in her palm, and shook it.

The little madman yanked, and the silver chain suddenly tightened.

Tang Li was forced to lean forward. She raised her head, like a pious pet, with metal strangling her neck and a light red mark printed on it.

The two sat and stood, and the little madman lowered his body slightly, clenched the chain tightly with one hand, and stroked Tang Li's cheek with the other hand.

"Tang Li, I know where you went yesterday."

The little madman tilted his head, wrapped the silver chain around in circles, and wrapped it in his palm slowly: "Besides that fried chicken takeaway, you also went to other places."

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered the red dot on the shackles of his ankles. It seemed that the instrument inside could locate him and even record his route.

The metal squeaked, small and weak.

"The explosion at the end of the charity dinner was made by me. I originally wanted to make it bigger, but since the other one is not around, there is no need for that."

The little madman's voice was light, and he casually fiddled with the silver chain: "Resources are limited and cannot be wasted."

That is to say, if Chu Chisi stayed in the banquet, the last explosion-explosion was prepared for her, and the collapsed position would be shifted from the unoccupied corner to the very center of the entire banquet.

The little madman was not joking. From beginning to end, she never concealed her intention to kill another self, even in front of Tang Li.

"By the way, that person was also killed by me."

The little madman laughed suddenly, with a small dimple on his cheek: "I saw that she was tied there, muttering some strange things, so I killed her."

The person she said should be Ni Xitong.

NPC will not go to the courtyard, let alone kill. Tang Li roughly guessed what happened at a glance, and the little madman further confirmed her guess.

The little madman's voice is brisk, and there is a kind of cruelty in his speech that is almost like the operation of a machine. Because it is "redundant", it is "deleted", and the intention is pure and creepy.

Of course, Tang Li couldn't be afraid of his wife.

She even understood the other party's current state very well, and said with relief: "It's okay, just kill it."

Little madman: "?"

"I would have killed her too," Tang Li said lightly, and even sighed, "It's a bit of a loss to let her die so easily."

Little madman: "???"

She thought Tang Li would be angry, but in the lightest tone of voice, the other party suddenly said something that seemed very important.

The little madman was stunned for a while, a little puzzled: "You tied that person, isn't it because she is still useful to you?"

Tang Li said, "Yes."

"I killed someone who was useful to you," the little madman was a little tangled, "won't you be angry and blame me?"

Tang Li was inexplicable and said, "For her? Why should I be angry with my wife because of a stranger?? And blame you??? How is it possible."

Little madman: "…"

Tang Li raised her arms, held her chin and smiled at her, her brown-blond hair was rustling down, and it rose and fell with her breathing, like calm and surging ripples.

She said: "I kept that person because I wanted to force out a little more clues about your actual location, so that I could find you as soon as possible."

Tang Li said frankly: "But she doesn't know much about herself, and she will die if she dies. After I go back, I still have a lot of accounts to settle slowly."

She didn't hide it at all, and made her intentions clear, but the little madman listened, but his face slowly turned pale.

"Why...why do you want to go back?"

The little madman clenched the silver chain tightly, and stroked Tang Li's face with his spare hand, his voice was so soft: "Isn't it bad to stay here?"

Tang Li was taken aback: "Here?"

"Well, stay here," the little madman's face was pale, and even his smile seemed to lose its color, "We have so much time, we will be very happy."

Tang Li frowned, and in the eyes of the little madman, she still shook her head: "Chi Si, this is not reality."

"This is just a virtual world, no matter how beautiful or dreamy it is, it is not real."

She said word by word, "Chi Si, I will find your position in reality and bring you back."

A long, incomparably long silence.

The luxuriant cloud-like canopy, between the cascading branches and leaves, how could there be no forked branches? One for two, two for four, four for eight, growing exponentially.

Their starting points are different, their goals are different, and their ending points are also different.

【How about we make a deal? 】

The 'Chu Chi Si' held the hydrangea and opened the door of reset point 9. She smiled and looked at herself. In those seemingly calm black eyes, it was actually no different from herself.

They are all alone. Behind the gene sequence that has been artificially modified countless times, there is a silent and unknown madness.

[You want Tang Li, and I want her to live]

"The person Tang Li likes is Chu Chisi before entering the cycle, the Chu Chisi who knew her and spent countless good times."

The flowers are scattered on the ground, crushed into mud.

What Tang Li wanted was the original ship of Theseus, not a lunatic who had been replaced with countless parts and had already been riddled with holes.

【The person she likes is not you】

"If I can really be rescued, I will try my best to separate this part of the memory and return the original Chu Chisi to her."

"These 30,000 memories will be left in the mirror, and together with all the data, will be trapped here forever, waiting to be recalled - or formatted."

Chu Chisi said lightly.

No one wants to be tortured by 30,000 cycles to the point of madness, Chu Chisi, she won't like you like this.

【So, you are an unnecessary burden】

"If you want to keep Tang Li, then this cycle is your only chance."

Chu Chisi stroked her cheek, and in those identical dark eyes, her messy black hair and pale face were reflected.

"Keep her, trap her, don't let Tang Li leave Area 2, don't let her stop me from destroying the self-purification system."

At the beginning of the cycle, at the reset point in area 9, Chu Chisi faced himself.

Word by word, she was sentenced to death.

Her voice disappeared, but her voice was still lingering in her mind. They were indeed the same person, knowing each other's deepest weakness, and then stabbed them down.

[Tang Li said, go back to the real world]

[But for me, this is the reality]

The room light in the villa lit quietly, it was just light, without any temperature, it jumped down from the top of her head and landed on her shoulder.

The little madman looked at her, and after the last glimmer of hope disappeared, there was only a near-death-like peace left in his heart.

She murmured, "Really?"

Sure enough, the other one was right. All Tang Li cared about was Chu Chisi in the real world. She didn't want to stay in the tattoo mirror, and she didn't want to be with herself.

The hand holding the silver chain was released, and the metal ring jingle fell to the ground, like a stream condensed by moonlight, flowing meanderingly, connecting the two of them.

Her Tang pear, her stream.

Before Tang Li could react, the little madman held up his cheek and kissed him.

A long kiss. Under the drooping long eyelashes, those eyes looked wet and lonely, making people tremble, pulling Tang Li closer unconsciously.

【Tang Li, don't go back】

【Tang Li, stay here with me】

They stopped talking, just kissed silently until the end of the law of increasing entropy, until the world gradually became deserted and silent.

The lights on the ceiling flickered suddenly, and there seemed to be some poor contact. "Buzz", "Buzz" jumped twice, and flickered on and off.


After the slight noise, the lights suddenly tripped, one, two, and then all of them suddenly went out, sinking the entire villa into the darkness where you can't see your fingers.

"What's the matter, is this a power outage?" Tang Li was the first to react, pinching the little madman's palm in the dark, "Chi Si?"

The little madman followed her hand, took Tang Li's arm, and leaned over: "Tang Li, don't go."

Tang Li said, "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

The little madman's body is so soft, as soft as cotton candy, and most of them are entangled in Tang Li, holding her tightly in their arms, refusing to let go no matter how coquettish they are.

Her voice came from the darkness and fell beside Tang Li's ears, with a hint of coldness: "It shouldn't be an ordinary power outage."

Although the mirror is a world that is automatically generated based on realistic logic, considering the amount of computation, no unexpected events such as "fire" and "power failure" are loaded.

So, it can only be artificial.

The little madman's eyes sank, and he gripped Tang Li's clothes even tighter, his knuckles turning white with force.

In this cycle, there are only 7 independent consciousness bodies in the tattoo mirror. The silver-haired woman and her two companions are all dead, and Tang Li is beside him.

The easiest way to exclude it: this "power outage" could only be something done by another Chu Chi Si and the remaining conscious body.

"Tang Li, Tang Li, let's go upstairs." After the sight gradually got used to the darkness, the little madman tugged at her sleeve, "Let's go back to the room."

Tang Li responded, "Okay."

The little madman hugged her tightly while groping forward. The two slowly walked up the stairs and came to Chu Chisi's room.

In response to Tang Li's previous guess, the room where she was locked was not the one on the first floor.

It was the room where Tang Li's photos were covered in the previous loop and the interview video was played on a loop - Chu Chisi's room.

The little madman pushed her into the door, then turned on the light switch. After a soft click, the bright light made Tang Li narrow her eyes.

"This room is connected to a backup power supply." The little madman quickly locked Tang Li to the railing while explaining to her.

Tang Li was locked so tightly that she couldn't move her hands, she was helpless: "Chi Si, I can't run."

The little madman shook his head: "Whether you will leave or not, I don't trust you anymore."

The A4 piece of white paper was placed on the table and picked up by the little madman. She turned her back to Tang Li, not knowing what command she gave using the debugging menu.

After a while, two or three NPCs knocked on the door and came in. They stood beside Tang Li like silent rocks.

"Tang Li, let me go out," the little madman leaned down in front of her and kissed Tang Li's forehead, "No one will hinder us soon."

【I will find that person】

[and killed her with his own hands]

"Wait!" Tang Li was stunned, subconsciously wanting to stand up to stop her, but the chain tensed with a "clang" sound.

Both hands were handcuffed behind his back, and the chains connected to the railings were unusually short, not to mention the entire room, Tang Li couldn't go anywhere except the bed.

"Tang Li, you can't leave here."

"You can't leave either."

The little madman chuckled, the dimples on her cheeks were sweet, she took the debugging menu in her hand, and left here without looking back.

"Bang!" The door was tightly closed, the electronic lock was running, and the whole room became an absolutely solid fortress: [Only in, not out].

This is a bit of a hassle.

Tang Li frowned, because she had both hands behind her back, she could only **** blindly, trying to find a way to undo the shackles.

As everyone knows, as soon as she moved, an NPC immediately surrounded her and held Tang Li's wrist.

An artificial voice without any emotion sounded, mechanical and cold: "Tang Li, please don't run away."

Tang Li: "…"

It seems that since the "fried chicken incident", the little madman has not only strengthened every corner of the villa, but also strengthened the "protection" of Tang Li, killing all escape behaviors in the cradle.

"But I'm very uncomfortable being locked up," Tang Li began to tease with the NPC. "If I come back later and see red marks on my wrists, I'll definitely eat you all."

The NPC's face was expressionless, and there was only one answer over and over again: "Tang Li, please don't run away."

Tang Li: "..."

It's really maddening, if this is facing other people, Tang Li can still shake the other party with his lips.

But in the face of NPCs who only follow codes, she really can't do anything.

The metal tightly clasped the wrist, and every tiny movement would rub against the skin, which was stronger than Tang Li imagined.

Chu Chisi deserves to be Chu Chisi, her mind is so meticulous that she knows that Tang Li is powerful, so she superimposed countless layers of protection, making it absolutely impossible for her to break free and escape.

"Are you standing here and won't move?" Tang Li stared at the NPC who was holding her hand, trying to find a breakthrough, "I'm thirsty and want to drink water."

The NPC has no emotion: "Tang Li, please don't run away."

Come on, whether it's eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom, all requests are rejected neatly, and no gaps or flaws can be found.

Even if the Alpha pheromone is released, trying to suppress the NPC's actions will not help. These NPCs are not affected by her at all.

Tang Li really wanted to knock the NPC unconscious, but she was locked too tightly, all movements were restricted, and she could only be trapped here involuntarily.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, the little madman had left for more than half an hour, and Tang Li's great cause of picking locks had not even reached one tenth.

Just when Tang Li was worried, a sound suddenly came from outside the door, vaguely like someone walked up the stairs and came to the door.

No way, the little madman moves so fast?

Tang Li felt uneasy in her heart, and became more and more anxious. She watched as the electronic lock was successfully unlocked with a few beeps, and the door was pushed open, revealing two figures.

"Chi Si, you put me first—"

Halfway through the words, Tang Li met a pair of familiar stunned eyes, so the voice got stuck in his throat and was swallowed.

The person who came was not a madman, but Chu Chisi with a flashlight and a black backpack. She stood blankly at the door, and there was a Xi Bianyan behind her who was poking her head.

Chu Chisi was dressed in black clothes and black trousers, with the neckline buttoned to the top, the black hair was loose and poured down from his shoulders like a dark cloud.

She looked at the collar on Tang Li's neck, the long silver chain, her eyes slowly slid down, and fell on the black metal cuffed between her wrists.

Chu Chisi's face was pale, and he couldn't speak clearly: "Tang Li? What the **** is going on?"

Xi Bianyan stuck his head out behind Chu Chisi, and was also shocked: "Major General, what's going on? Who would dare to treat you like this?!"

That majestic general, who was dressed in countless glory, was torn from the clouds at this moment and fell into a weak prisoner.

Silver chains were wrapped around the pillars, Tang Li was sitting by the window, wearing a dark collar, with shackles around his wrists, locked here like a little wolf dog.

Xi Bianyan felt that his worldview was gradually collapsing bit by bit: "Who did this?"

Tang Li thought to herself: Who else is there other than his wife.

Chu Chisi's face was pale and his voice was trembling: "Tang-Tangli, me, me, I, I didn't think so—"

She looked shaky and almost passed out.

Tang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay! Chi Si, why are you panicking? Both of you are here, help me untie it quickly."

As the master controller (one) of the binding, and the absolute creator of Jingfan, Chu Chisi knows how to use various settings and codes. She successfully passed the judgment of the command statement and drove all the NPCs out.

She squatted down and studied Tang Li's handcuffs, while Xi Bianpai quickly explained their plan: "We destroyed the power system and cut off all the power in the 1245 area."

"The other Chi Si went out half an hour ago, did you bump into her?" Tang Li asked.

Xi Bian shook his head: "No."

"Of course not," Chu Chisi stood up, his voice indifferent and cold, "If we meet, both of us will die under her hands."

She took out the metal, opened the safety device with a "click", loaded the bullet in a neat motion, and aimed it at the shackles in Tang Li's hands.


The bullet hit the core, and the electronic components stopped operating immediately, and thick black smoke poured out of the nose, and was thrown to the ground along with the shackles.

Tang Li exhaled and rubbed his wrist.

She looked at Chu Chisi in front of her, and there was a bit of exploration in her voice: "Chi Si, you seem to be a lot more proficient."

Chu Chisi closed the insurance, put the metal back in the backpack, and said concisely: "I practiced for a long time."

The previous time the Civil Affairs Bureau was too embarrassed. It was like being beaten by another self. After taking out the metal, he forgot to load it, all of which were ineffective operations.

So Chu Chi pondered, and practiced secretly many times during this time, just in case of unpreparedness.

Tang Li's skin was very white, but the shackles were locked tightly. After struggling a while ago, several red marks were already printed on his wrists.

Chu Chisi's eyes were stunned, and he asked in a low voice, "Tang Li, are you injured? Does it hurt?"

Tang Li glanced at it: "It's just a scratch."

Chu Chisi pursed her lips. She squatted down and reached out to touch Tang Li's wound. Her fingertips were trembling, and her stroking motion was lighter than a feather.

The fingertips slowly slid across the red marks, and every inch she slid past, her complexion turned pale, her lips were bloodless, and her whole body was about to collapse.

"Tang Li, I'm sorry..."

Chu Chisi withdrew her hand and pressed her forehead. She closed her eyes in pain: "What have I done?"

Tang Li said, "Okay, okay, what's this for?"

She looked at Chu Chisi faintly: "You didn't do anything, you just wanted to abandon your poor wife and make her a little widow at a young age."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi squatted on the ground and shrunk herself into a hamster. She covered her face and explained in a pale and feeble voice: "I, I, I, I really didn't think about it like that."

Tang Li looked at her pitifully, and suddenly came up with evil intentions, and couldn't help but wanted to tease his wife: "Really?"

Chu Chisi said, "Really."

"But aren't you the same person?" Tang Li was leisurely and contented, "You really never thought about putting a collar on me and tying me by your side?"

As she spoke, she stroked the shackles between her necks, and her thin white fingertips touched the dark collar, one black and one white, with a sharp and strong contrast.

It seems to be seducing her, bewitching her.

Chu Chisi stuck for a long time, and then gave a weak excuse: "I respect you very much."

Tang Li burst out laughing, she stood up, and skillfully carried her wife into her arms.

Chu Chisi lowered his head, hugged it softly, and there was a faint fragrance oozing from his skin.

"Okay, I'll leave these words to go out later." Tang Li turned the topic back on track, "What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Xibian said, "Sister Chi Si misses you."

Tang Li immediately responded: "Really?"

She looked at Chu Chisi, the neck collar had not been removed, the silver chain swayed, making a little ding ding bell, a little like a small bell on a puppy's collar.

Chu Chisi looked stiff, and hurriedly explained: "I don't have it, we won't install explosives, we can only come here to ask you for help."

Tang Li raised his eyebrows: "Really? You are so cruel to me, and you can come and go when you call me?"

Chu Chisi got stuck again: "No."

Tang Li said, "That's why you miss me? Is it because you've been thinking about me that you can't carry out your plan properly?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

A certain golden retriever wife was too sensitive, and she poked out her careful thoughts with a sharp touch, and there was no way to hide.

Seeing Chu Chi Si Si lowered his head in silence, feeling guilty and guilty, Tang Li hugged his wife and gave Xi Bian a "good job" look.

It seems that sending (threatening) Xiao Xi beside Chu Chisi, 365 degrees without dead angle surrounds the sound to mention Tang Li's name, and the plan to shake her crazily is very successful.

Although Chu Chisi's mouth is still hard, but in fact it has long been soft, and it is estimated that he will soon give up the struggle and follow him obediently.

Tang Li was very satisfied with this.

Chu Chi thought clearly about how the NPC made the decision. The three quickly left the villa, the car was on fire, and they walked down from the No. 2 area to the No. 5 city center.

There are many resources fetched in the No. 5 area. There are buildings everywhere. As long as one of them is blown up, it can easily cause a chain reaction similar to Donomies, and quickly increase the amount of calculation.

In the second cycle, Chu Chisi tried to blow up the three buildings of Mirare-In.

It's a pity that the self-cleaning system was still running perfectly at that time, and it only took less than a minute to clear all the caches and cancel some physical collision calculations.

"Do you want to blow up Mirare-In?" Tang Li patted the trunk of the car and asked, "Do you want to break it across the waist, or collapse in place?"

Chu Chisi pointed to a commercial building next to it and said, "Can I hit that building?"

Tang Li nodded: "Of course."

She didn't even ask too much, and set off with a few boxes of explosives, while Chu Chisi and Xi Bianxi stayed by the car.

"Strange, Tang Li actually agreed to help us," Chu Chisi frowned, "Bian Yan, what are she planning with you?"

Xi Bianyu was very guilty: "No."

Her "double spy" is really tired. She has to deal with Sister Chi Si and her grinning golden-haired wife.

With such a terrifying workload, her salary has not increased at all, which is really too much.

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Forget it, anyway, the self-purification system has been stopped, no matter how much delay, Jingfan will eventually complete self-destruction."

After going through countless choices and giving up countless treasures, cherished, and cherished things, she finally reached the end of the branches.

After it is settled, there is no room for turning around.

Tang Li's movements were extremely fast, much stronger than the two weak chickens. He quickly returned with a relaxed expression and a lead in his hand. burst. remote control.

It was a small and flexible button. Tang Li stuffed it into Chu Chisi's hand and asked, "Let's stay away and detonate it again, shall we?"

Chu Chisi held the button, and did not speak. Her eyes fell on the shadows of the trees next to the building, as if waiting for someone.

Soon, the man "responded" to her gaze.

The slender metal cut through the cold wind, quenched the spark and whistled, aiming at the man's heart.

Tang Li keenly noticed the sound, she turned her head quickly, and saw Chu Chisi standing on the only path of the bullet's trajectory.

Her heart skipped a beat, and before she had time to think too much, her body took the lead: "Chi Si, be careful—!"

Tang Li slammed in front of Chu Chisi and pushed her away a little, but he couldn't dodge in time and let the bullet hit his shoulder.

"Puchi" sounded softly, the bullet spun into the flesh and blood, the huge impact made the chest violently shake, most of the shoulders were instantly numb, and a strong pain came immediately.

Tang Li hissed and took a breath of cold air.

She took two steps back, then threw herself to her knees. The blood gushed out, smeared through the clothes on the shoulders, and was particularly dazzling in the faint light.

Chu Chisi cried out, "Tang Li!"

The two voices were stacked together, and someone staggered out of the darkness. She had black hair scattered, her face was extremely pale, and she was still holding the metal tightly between her fingers.

"Tang Li, why are you here?" the little madman murmured, his eyes red with blood, "Why are you with that person?"

[She really followed the clue to find it]

Chu Chisi clenched the button in her hand, and the silver metal was worn around her waist. These were the only two chips she had left, and the rest were not trustworthy.

First use the explosion to increase the computational load, then kill himself and another Chu Chisi, end the cycle before Jing Fan completely collapses, and send Tang Li back.

This is really the end. She can die here in peace and relaxation, in this "cage" that she has spent nearly ten years and countless efforts to build.

[One of the ways to end the loop:]

[Chu Chisi's consciousness died "at the same time"]

The little madman was thin, and her black hair was scattered in the wind. The corners of her eyes were red, and her black grape-like eyes were filled with mist, blurring her vision.

"Tang Li... You lied to me again," the little madman's voice was hoarse, in pain like a trapped beast, "Tang Li, why did you leave me again?"

She straightened her gun, the silver light was facing Chu Chisi, her eyes were already red, and they were all bloodshot: "It's all your fault, get out of my way!"

Seeing that the little madman was about to pull the trigger, Tang Li endured the pain and quickly stood between the two of them: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, speak well and don't fight."

Xi Bianyu has already consciously went offline and did not dare to make a sound.

Tang Li was breathing hard, her chest heaving and undulating. She covered the wound with one hand, but the blood couldn't stop, overflowing from the gaps between her fingers, staining her pale knuckles.

"Chi Si, wait a minute," Tang Li coughed, her words a bit difficult and dry, "You listen to my explanation first."

Tang Li stood in front of Chu Chisi, pressing the wound hard, blood poured out little by little, even if he was injured, he was a little unstable, but he was still protecting the other party.

"Yes... she's right."

The little madman stared at her blankly, and the water came up from his eyelids: "What you like is only Chu Chi Si before entering the cycle."

She no longer held the metal, but lowered her hand and said in a hoarse voice, "I am a burden, an unnecessary part."

Tears rolled down his long eyelashes and swirled in his eyes, but he refused to fall. Those eyes were drowsy, and there was only loneliness that could not see the border.

Tang Li was most afraid of her sadness, she was sad.

When the little madman cried, she panicked, her voice stuck in her throat, and she was a little overwhelmed: "Chi Si, it's all my fault, I..."

Tang Li subconsciously took two steps towards the little madman, but not long after she stepped out, someone grabbed the corner of her clothes and stopped her footsteps.

Chu Chisi bit her lip, her knuckles tugged at the corners of her clothes, and whispered to her, "...Tang Li."

Tang Li suddenly stopped walking.

It's over, both of them are their own wives, how could Tang Li fall into the hellish asura field that the gods can't save.

Tang Li just stopped, when there was a "bang" sound, and the metal fell to the ground, splashing a few strands of dust.

The little madman looked at her, his dark eyes filled with tears, and the clear water droplets fell slowly, drawing a line of water marks on his pale cheeks.

"It's's not fair, it's not fair."

"She has so many beautiful things, but I have nothing, and even you don't want to be with me."

"I only have memories in this world," the little madman said with red eyes and a weak guttural voice, "For me, this is the reality."

Tang Li paused: "Chi Si—"

The little madman interrupted her and cried even more sadly: "I am not her, not the person you love. As long as Jingfan is destroyed, I will also be abandoned."

Will she... disappear?

What does this sentence mean?

Tang Li faintly felt that it should have something to do with the trajectory of Chu Chisi's actions after the reset, after passing through Area 9. Chu Chisi must have said something to her in order to take advantage of the little lunatic.

However, the little madman cried so sadly that each one fell heavily on Tang Li's heart, disrupting her thoughts and reason.

"Chi Si," Tang Li explained in a panic, "no matter what you have experienced, it doesn't matter how many memories you have. I like only you."

The little madman rubbed his cuffs and said timidly, "Really?"

Tang Li said, "Really."

At this moment, Chu Chisi sighed very lightly, and she took a few steps forward slowly, blocking Tang Li and the little madman like this, turning her head to look over.

She looked calm, suppressing all her emotions deeply into the abyss called "reason".

In the past, Tang Li would have been carefully combed, and the neat and smooth ink hair was ruffled by the wind and scattered, covering the light in his eyes.

Chu Chisi looked at her, her long eyelashes drooping slightly: "Tang Li, it's time to end this cycle."

She said to herself, letting the water mist blur her voice and smudge layer by layer: "Thank you for staying with me until the end."

The little madman bit her lip, she pulled up her clothes and rubbed the corners of her eyes fiercely with the cuffs of her cuffs, the fabric rubbed her skin red;

On the other hand, Chu Chisi was much calmer, but there was a little redness in his eyes, which was well hidden, but Tang Li still discovered it.

Looking at the two in front of her, Tang Li didn't know what to do: which one should she coax first, or should she split herself in half first?

This time is different from Xiao Chu. The two wives in front of her are one is a rational Chu Chisi with all the memories, and the other is a desperate Chu Chisi with 30,000 cycles.

Neither of them is easy to fool.

If he coaxes Chu Chisi first, the little madman will definitely cry more and sadder; but if he coaxes the little madman first, Chu Chisi will look at her sadly again, his eyes blushing without saying a word.

This situation is too hopeless!

This **** mirror fan, the **** "crossroads" mechanism (the_crossroads), simulates the wound so real, isn't there a way to cut himself in half?

The little madman cried so much that I felt pity for the pear flowers and rain, Chu Chi Si An quietly blushed, and the two of them were on the side, breaking Tang Li's heart.

The next Xi Bian was watching for a long time, and a sentence came out: "Major General, I misread you, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

She was heartbroken and sternly rebuked: "You can make two sisters Chi Si cry at once, how can you do this?!"

Tang Li: "..."

Anyone is fine, let someone kill me.

The author says:

Q: What should I do because I was too "scumbag" and made my two kissing wives cry at once?

Tang Li: Thank you for your invitation, the people are gone.

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