Snowflakes fell one after another, covering the window sills and the roof, and the glass was condensed with frost lines due to the temperature difference, which looked like blooming flowers from a distance.

Compared with the peaceful snow scene outside the window, inside the window is a completely different scene, noisy and messy.

Because of the sudden order, the base personnel were busy packing up the information, taking everything they could take away, or destroying it immediately if they couldn't take it away.

Chu Chisi was locked in a chair, her wrists were fixed, and the fine needles were buried in the veins, "tick-tock", "tick-tock", maintaining her life.

Yin lowered his head to look at her, and Chu Chisi also looked over. Those eyes were dark and deep, and they resembled her mother to the extreme.

【You can't save Chu Lian. 】

【You can only torture me. 】

A few words of lightness changed Yin's complexion, and the pale pupils condensed slightly, like a crystal covered with dust and a dull color.

However, she quickly regained her previous expression, leaned down in front of Chu Chisi, and picked up the slender infusion tube.

Silver pinched the pipe, then pulled it out in a jiffy.

The infusion needle was attached to the tape, and was torn off the back of her hand suddenly. The thin needle cut through the skin and brought out a string of fine blood beads.

"Hey!" Chu Chi was in pain, biting his lips.

Blood slid down the back of his hand, soaking the cuffs of the restraint suit, and contaminating the metal surrounding the wrist.

"Yeah, I couldn't save her," Yin said slowly, throwing the **** infusion needle aside, "I can't save her either."

"after all…"

"As long as the war is over, Beimeng will no longer need a 'madman' doctor. In order to maintain stability and calm people's hearts - Chu Lian must die."

Yin's smile became colder and colder: "The person who wants her to die is the Beimeng Admiral. How many people can escape?"

The long silver hair slipped from his shoulders, and the cumbersome white uniform, where the Beimeng star should have been embellished, was replaced by a long sword among the thorns.

[That is the symbol of SAARC. 】

[She is a traitor and a victim. 】

In the second cycle, Chu Chisi once asked Tang Li this question: What can humans never control?

The answer she gave was "time," which was incorrect. Because as long as she has a mirror fan, she can "slow down" the passage of time and gain "more" time.

Likewise, as long as there is a right—

People can also manipulate the life and death of others.

For example, the "accident" of the research institute, such as the "neurotoxin" delivered by Chu Chisi.

Chu Chi Si remained silent, thinking about what Yin had just said, and already had some guesses in his heart.

"I didn't expect it?" Yin looked at her with lowered eyebrows, his eyes sympathetic, "The general you admire and trust can actually do such a thing."

Chu Chisi was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

[Silver seems to guess something wrong. 】

[The only person I trust is Tang Li. 】

As long as the complete mirror fan technology has not been obtained, as long as the SAARC continues to exert pressure, Yin will not dare to kill her - Chu Chisi is sure of this.

In this chase game, the victory condition is to survive until the Beimeng rescue team arrives, so try your best to delay the time.

And what she has to do now is to observe the situation and wait for an opportunity to catch any possible flaws for her own use.

She has two chips:

①: Let SAARC obtain Jingfan's "hope". As long as SAARC/Yin thinks that they still have the possibility of acquiring the mirror fan technology, they will not kill her for the time being.

②: This weak and powerless body has been trapped for three months, which can easily make people take it lightly.

Mirror Fan is a world she created, a game with strict logic. The other party can only torture each other with her when there is no other bargaining chip.

But unlike in the mirror, in the real game - she can cheat.

And the key this time...

is the signal.

It was huge and violent enough on the snowy mountain to allow Tang Li to instantly locate and find his signal.

"No matter what you say, these are all things in the past. Admiral is someone who takes the overall situation into consideration. She must have her reasons for doing this."

Chu Chisi bit her lip, she shrank and trembled slightly: "I believe in her character."

Yin looked at Chu Chisi, his eyes swept across the face covered by ink hair, and frowned in displeasure,

The little lunatic just now seemed to be just a "flash in the pan", but in reality, Chu Chisi seemed to be the cautious, rational and thoughtful character.

"Open her locks," Yin said to the Alpha guard beside him, "then take her to the No. 1 carrier and join me."

The metal ring was undone with a "click", and the Alpha guard held her arm and was slammed by Chu Chisi, but did not shake it off.

"Don't touch me, I can go by myself."

Chu Chisi turned sideways and smiled suddenly: "You're so afraid of an Omega who has been **** for more than three months and only relies on nutrient solution to maintain his life?"

Due to being restrained, Chu Chisi couldn't move at all, and the ink hair was piled up on his shoulders in a mess, making his face pale like paper:

"My information is quite complete, but about Tang Li, you seem to have found nothing."

Even though it was slightly hoarse due to coughing, Chu Chisi's voice was still very clear, whether it was Yin or Ni Xitong who was sitting next to him, he could hear it clearly.

"Tang Li can even break into the No. 8 area like Tianluodiwang, and your win rate against her may be lower than 1 divided by my number of cycles.

As she spoke, she arched her eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Think about it, the real threat is not me."

Word by word, hit the bull's-eye.

Sure enough, Yin frowned. She ignored Chu Chisi and told the two guards, "Let's go as planned."

"Lock Chu Chisi in the No. 1 transport vehicle, and send a few more people to watch carefully, so as not to give her any chance to escape."

Two Alpha guards escorted the person away.

Ni Xitong turned the chair and asked lazily, "Sir, are you watching Chu Chisi in person according to the original plan?"

Yin hesitated for a moment and said, "No, we have to change our strategy a little bit, and we can't take the original route."

Although the remarks just now were clearly oriented and probably had a hidden purpose, Yin had to admit that Chu Chisi's logic was very clear.

Her wife is the biggest threat - even if the entire base's Alpha guards add up, they may not be able to last long under Tang Li's hands.

Against Tang Li, Yin has no chance of winning.

"We have a total of three transport vehicles, try to separate the information as much as possible, divide everyone into three teams, and evacuate from different directions."

Yin rubbed his forehead and his voice became heavier: "The threat posed by Tang Li is too great, we must reduce the risk."

Ni Xitong raised his eyebrows: "As you like."

There was a lot of noise all around, Yin paced the base a little irritably, and his eyes fell on the table on the side, where there were two documents.

Chu Chisi's share is very thick and detailed, while her wife's share is only a thin piece of paper. On the large blank space, there are only a few words and a slightly blurred photo.

A woman in a formal suit is standing sideways.

The Beimeng star on her chest reflected a cold light, and her long brown and blond hair was scattered. Her eyes were cold, her back was straight, and she frowned slightly at the camera.

Tang Li bent over to tie her shoelaces, and her long brown-blond hair fell from her shoulders, swaying gently on the side of her face like a golden curtain.

Paipai shook his legs: "Major General, are you still going to wear your hair? I think everyone else has their hair tied."

In disputes, long hair is actually a taboo, it is easy to hinder one's own movements, and it is easy to be caught by the enemy and attack.

More than just a bunch of hair, the entire Beimeng Alpha team is either short-haired or short-haired, and Tang Li is the only one with long hair fluttering, which is particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

"But Chi Si likes long hair."

Tang Li said confidently, "I'm the one who is going to see my wife. It's more beautiful this way."

Pai: "…"

Is this a good-looking question?

Team A sat silently on the side, all the members had the same poker face for thousands of years, and they were used to their not-so-serious captain and her not-so-serious remarks.

It has been a while since they set off. They are located at a height of 10,000 meters. The coordinates of Jingfan are not far away, but they are definitely not very close.

Due to Jingfan's restrictions on "temperature", SAARC could only set up temporary bases around the crash landing site of the plane, that is, on the snow-capped mountains of one of the neutral countries, and there was no way to transfer Jingfan into SAARC territory.

This is fortunate in misfortune.

Tang Li was skillfully dressed in equipment, and her body was stuffed with weapons and various equipment. She sat on the edge with her legs crossed and looked out the window.

Looking out through the cabin glass, under the dazzling sunlight, there are thick dark clouds that are dark and unknown, quietly surging under the eyes, burying the continuous snow-capped mountains.

The wind and rain in the mountains are about to come.

Tang Li narrowed his eyes.

The humming of the propellers masked her pounding heartbeat, as if the blood all over her body was rushing up and down to her brain.

Tang Li's breathing was a little short, and there was a slight inaudible trembling. She squeezed her knuckles, and the light-colored pupils reflected thousands of miles of snow.

"Captain, we have arrived!"

The metal door opened in response, and the turbulent airflow rushed into the cabin, disturbing her long soft hair in an instant, causing her eardrums to hurt.

Pai huddled in her seat, trembling with fright, let alone skydiving, she could faint from the shock just by looking at the height outside the window.

Loud noises came from all directions, and in the dazzling light that was almost dazzling, a figure stood on the verge of teetering.

Tang Li stood against the light, the majestic light source stripped out the outline, strong and angular, like a bullet, a blade that was forged to perfection.

In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared.

Ling Lie's wind blew past her ears, her long hair was scattered in the wind, her body fell, and she fell. Boundless Xueyuan bowed to greet her, waiting for her to come back.

From the height of ten thousand feet to the ground, it seems to be only a momentary thing.

The boots stepped on the ground fiercely, the blond hair rustled down to the side, and the soft snowflakes were compacted by the weight, marking a very deep mark.

Tang Li raised her head and looked around.

The red dot on the instrument was flashing, exactly where the mirror signal was last received.

However, the originally smooth snow surface is now covered with criss-crossing rut marks. Roughly speaking, there should be three different transport vehicles, all going in different directions.

The speed of this model is average, but the advantage is that it is more mobile, and Yin is likely to want to distract her and sacrifice one or two of the teams to stall the time.

Tang Li was thinking about it when a teammate called her not far away: "Major General, we have found the entrance to the temporary base!"

She hurried over there.

After a few shots of "bang bang", the door was kicked open mercilessly by the boots, and the door panel slammed into the wall, causing a burst of dust to shake.

The base has long been empty, and the ground is full of messy shredded paper and broken instruments. It can be seen that they evacuated in a hurry, and there is no way to destroy everything.

It also includes two mirrors.

Tang Li took the metal back to her waist, and she picked up a piece of paper from the ground that she didn't have time to shred, and looked at it casually.

That is "Tang Li"'s investigation report.

Tang Li sneered and said casually, "They have a soft spot for this photo, and even used it in the tattoo mirror."

The report was useless to her and was thrown aside at will. Tang Li continued to search for clues in the base.

She flipped through the documents neatly, and suddenly, a photo mixed in the paper slipped down and landed on the ground.

Tang Li was stunned for a moment.

The person in the photo smiled happily, with curved eyebrows and white gauze that made the skin moist and delicate, and was hugged by Tang Li.

It was their wedding photo, and there were two printed photos in total, the one who kissed was Tang Li's, and the one who hugged was from Chu Chisi.

No wonder in the previous cycle, Chu Chi Sihe said that he lost the photo and could not find it.

Did it fall here?

Tang Li was a little lost for a while, she picked up the photo, rubbed the edge with her fingertips, and suddenly noticed something strange.

Not right, the photo is a little too heavy.

Tang Li tightened her eyebrows. She turned the wedding photo upside down. Sure enough, there was a small bump on the back of the photo.

It was a piece of plastic film with two small pills attached to it, one red and one white. Tang Li had seen it many times and was familiar with its function.

It was the poison that he used when he was captured.

Tang Li instantly froze in place, buzzing in his ears, and bit his lip unconsciously, causing the sweet blood to spread in his throat.

The photos that Chu Chisi had lost, the pills glued to the back of the photos, and the third item of the crisis management procedure-"Suicide immediately."

The memory fragments were suddenly connected, and Tang Li's sanity was smashed like a clock strike. The photo slipped from her hand, and she fell to her knees and clenched her fists.

Since signing a confidentiality agreement with Tang Yiqi, Chu Chisi has attached suicide pills to the back of the wedding photo, which is a guarantee to carry with him and a reminder to himself.

Fortunately, fortunately—

It may be due to the bumps when the plane made an emergency landing, or the SAARC rushed in just in time, and the wedding photo slipped from her hand, which cut off the possibility of suicide.

Tang Li didn't have the slightest doubt that if Chu Chi thought more time, she would swallow the pill without hesitation and die on the day of the accident.

His forehead was tingling, the plateau was pressing on the eardrum, and there was so much noise in his ears that he couldn't hear anything.

"Major General, Major General!"

The teammates not far away were calling her.

Tang Li turned her head, she picked up the photo, and put it into her pocket without showing any signs: "Have you found anything?"

She walked over following the directions, her brows furrowed even tighter, and her voice was filled with anger: "I really don't want to live anymore."

It was a restraint chair, the infusion needle next to it was stained with blood, and there was some blood on the metal that held the wrist, but it was still bright.

The ground is mottled with blood, and there are some traces of stepping on it.

Tang Li leaned down to observe.

Most of the traces were caused by footsteps, and only one of the bloodstains was a bit strange. Three drops of blood fell to the ground and were artificially drawn and connected.

"Three transport vehicles, Chi Si is on No. 1."

Tang Li straightened up and said loudly, "Come on, let's follow the rut of No. 1!"

The transport plane lowered the snowmobile, and after the roar of the engine, it pressed out several deep ruts.

The two teams of AB are divided into four groups, three of which are chasing different ruts, while one group stays in place to recover data and mirrors, and continue to look for useful clues.

The frigid wind blew across their cheeks and made white marks on their skin. They traveled lightly, and their speed was naturally much faster than that of the transporter.

Tang Li narrowed her eyes and vaguely saw the silhouette in the distance. She raised her hand and said coldly, "Snipe at me."

The black metal was aligned with the outline ahead, Tang Li leaned down, her light-colored pupils stared at the scope, and amid the constant bumps—

He pulled the trigger suddenly.

After only hearing a light sound, the transporter not far away suddenly shook, and the entire body collapsed toward the rear right.

In order to avoid the cliff not far away, the transporter suddenly turned right and rubbed the edge of the wall abruptly: "Bah!"

Thick smoke billowed out and went straight to the sky, the air was full of burning sparks, the rear tire was hit by a bullet, and the entire transporter was stuck in the snow.

Their snowmobiles threw off an arc and stopped in front of them, cutting off the transporter's path, preventing the other party from having a chance to restart.

They jumped out of the car quickly, and the three teammates rushed to the front of the car, preparing to control the driver first, while Tang Li came to the rear of the car alone.

She removed the metal, opened the insurance neatly, and aimed at the electronic lock on the door:


Two gunshots broke the door lock, Tang Li almost eagerly slammed the door, but everything in front of her caused her blood to pour back and she froze in place.

The compartment was empty, with only some documents and papers scattered. The people who were supposed to be in the No. 1 compartment were not here for some reason.

what happened?

Am I misreading the secret letter?

Tang Li's heartbeat almost stopped. She stared at the empty carriage in a daze, clasping the door with five fingers, about to break off the metal handles.

"Major General, come here!" The teammate's voice came from the front of the car, "We found Yin!"

Yin was pressed against his arms and head, and he knelt down in the snow in some embarrassment, coughing up a few drops of blood: "Cough, cough!"

Moonlight's long hair was smashed into a ball, clasped in the palm of his hand, and smashed the silver to the ground with a "dong" sound.

The man was fierce and ruthless, with a deadly energy, his forehead hit the fine snow and gravel, and he was cut several times in an instant.

Before Yin could catch her breath, she was suddenly pulled up again. She coughed intermittently and was forced to look directly into those light-colored eyes.

Tang Li tugged at her head with bloodshot eyes, and hoarsely shouted, "Where is Chi Si?!"

The alpha pheromone was released in an instant, like a dumb and biting beast, its fangs snapped around its neck, and the sense of oppression was extremely strong.

Yin shook his head and raised his head, the blood beads slipped down the corners of his lips, but a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Did you say Chu Chi Si?"

Yin smiled and said, "Already dead."

"As long as you see the thick smoke, it proves that a transport vehicle has been stopped by you. They will immediately kill Chu Chisi to ensure that she cannot return to Beimeng."

The thick smoke filled the air, the smoke scattered all around, the throat was hoarse, and the limbs were filled with lead.

Yin guessed that Chu Chisi would most likely leave a secret letter to Tang Li, so he simply switched the routes of No. 1 and No. 3 just before the transporter set off.

It would be best if Chu Chisi could be brought back to SAARC, but if he "saw the smoke", he would "kill her immediately" to avoid future troubles.

"Ha ha ha ha-"

Yin laughed recklessly, his long hair spread out, and his pale pupils reflected the dim sky and the snow-capped mountains hidden in the soot.

"Tang Li, Tang Li, you killed your lover yourself," Yin smiled deeper, "How does it feel?"

The hand holding the long hair suddenly loosened, and the silver smashed to the ground. Tang Li looked down at her from a high position, his eyes were empty, and he pressed his hand on the handle of the knife.

The dagger was pulled out violently, provoking a cold silver light, and then plunged into the man's chest.

Chu Chisi pulled back the dagger, and the tip of the knife brought out a string of warm blood beads. The Alpha guard stepped back several steps and covered his injured shoulder.

The transporter was cut off from the oil line and forced to stop on the edge of a cliff. The sky was overcast with clouds and snowflakes were churning in the air.

Chu Chisi clenched her dagger tightly, her chest still heaving, she was surrounded by three Alphas, stepping on a snowdrift that could collapse at any time, and stepped back step by step.

"No, I can't get close to her at all," the guard shouted to his companion with a frown, covering his wound, "Where's the gun?"

Someone responded to him: "Here! But too many bullets were wasted before, you must save some use, and kill with one hit!"

Chu Chisi retreated to a dead end.

Behind her was the stopped transport vehicle, the door was open, and the materials and documents were scattered all over the place, all of which were related to Jingfan's research.

The companion who came over took out the metal, and the nozzle was aimed at Chu Chisi's forehead, and the man pulled the trigger without hesitation—

"Puchi" with a soft sound, Chu Chisi avoided the metal, and she used that trajectory to let the bullet pierce the gas tank in the carriage.

As the gas "hissed" out of the hole, Chu Chisi took out a small metal square from his arms and waved at several Alphas.

She smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

The lighter drew a parabola, was lit and thrown into the carriage, the flame ignited the gas, and the raging fire engulfed the entire transporter in an instant.

It all happened too quickly, and the several Alpha guards hadn't reacted yet, and they all froze in place.

Chu Chisi seized the opportunity, grabbed a can of chemical gas that had fallen on the ground, unscrewed the airlock, and threw it into the fire violently.


A huge explosion sounded from the top of the mountain, and the fierce fire lit up the dim sky, and even the dark clouds seemed to burn.

Tang Li looked at the fire from afar, and the orange-red color was painted on the side of his face, making his eyes extremely bright.

That's [Signal],

It was Chi Si's signal to her.

Tang Li pulled back the dagger pierced into the back of Yin's hand. The tip of the knife was dyed red and dripped into the white snow.

"I'm sorry," Tang Li smiled, "your plan is very good, but you seem to have underestimated my wife's combat effectiveness."

The tendons of the wrist were all cut off, the pain exploded between the spine, Yin curled up in the snow, not to die, but was tortured by pain to death.

"She's still waiting for me, excuse me now."

Tang Li threw the person to a few teammates, turned around and rushed towards the firelight. The snowflakes splashed on his boots, and he just wished he could be faster, faster.

In the abyss, the gust of wind howled, curling up the long hair in a mess, and also swaying the firelight, the more it burned.

Chu Chisi was knocked aside by the impact of the explosion, several fragments were stabbed in his shoulder, and blood gurgled out, dyeing the restraint suit red.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Chu Chisi reluctantly got up. Seeing that the Alpha guards were about to get up, she gritted her teeth and took all the documents into her arms.

She stumbled and tossed sharply.

The paper is like a soaring white dove, spreading its wings to the sky, but then falling down one after another, falling into the monstrous fire.

The bright red line spread rapidly, and the paper seemed to be bitten by an invisible red beast, and soon turned into pale ashes.

Chu Chisi knelt in the snow and stood up.

Her years of hard work and research, and hundreds of simulation experiments, disappeared into the fire silently, leaving no trace.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" the Alpha guard shouted from behind, "Hurry up and hold her down, don't let her run away!"

The heart and lungs were a little painful from the explosion. Chu Chisi pressed his forehead, estimated his physical state, and decided not to fight with those people.

She was naturally a little afraid of the cold, and the cold air sank into her bone marrow, making her shiver from the cold, one foot deep and one shallow, and she ran staggeringly into the distance.

The throat cavity was terrifyingly dry, and every breath seemed to tear the flesh between his lungs, and some sweet blood stars overflowed from his lips.

The Alpha guards chased after her, and the noise behind her was overshadowed by her rapid breathing.

Faster, faster!

Tang Li was full of this idea, and in just ten minutes, she had already rushed to the spot of the fire.

The transporter was burning, and the snow was full of messy footprints and blood. There was an Alpha guard lying not far away, and the rest were rushing towards the cliff.

The goal of those few people was very clear. One of them was holding a silver metal in his hand, facing the front. Tang Li stopped breathing.

She saw the man from a distance.

Behind him is the abyss, and the snow-capped mountains are like a reclining giant beast, gloomily opening its **** mouth, waiting for the sacrifice that fell into its belly.

Chu Chisi stood on the edge of the cliff, and there was no way to retreat. Seeing that the Alpha guards were pressing step by step, they aimed at him with the silver metal.

"Bang bang bang-!"

Three consecutive shots fired, two bullets pierced through the hearts and lungs of different guards, and they fell to the ground, smashing their bodies into the thick layer of snow.

However, Tang Li was still a step too late.

The first bullet pierced through the air, quenched the spark, pierced into Chu Chisi's shoulder and neck, and pushed her back a few steps.

Chu Chisi looked pale, stepped on the edge of the cliff, and fell back involuntarily.

The silent darkness enveloped her.

Chu Chisi coughed out a mouthful of blood, she wanted to look up at the sun in a trance, but only saw a dark cloud.

Her figure fell rapidly, and even the wind that blew past her ears was like the low whimper of a trapped beast.

The noisy noise in the ears faded, the dry throat could no longer make a sound, and the pain in the shoulder seemed to disappear.

For the first time in her life, she felt that she was so light, like a feather that was slowly falling, floating in this vast world.

so quiet.

So quiet.

The wind seemed to stop.

The blade plunged deep into the cliff, not only sliding downwards, but a harsh scratching sound ripped back the consciousness that was about to drift away.

Chu Chisi opened his eyes.

This time, she didn't see the dark clouds, but saw the man's long hair blown away by the wind. The color always reminded her of light yellow stamens and fluffy dogs.

It reminded her of the dizzying sunlight that penetrated the cascading branches and leaves when she was huddled behind the curtains of the research institute when she was very young.

"Chi Si..."

Tang Li said hoarsely, "You scared me to death."

Fortunately, Tang Li moved fast enough to hold Chu Chisi's waist with one hand and the handle of the knife with the other, preventing the two from falling.

Underneath him was the abyss, and there was absolutely no possibility of surviving if he fell. Tang Li's pulse was beating suddenly, and his wrist was shaking.

"Hold tighter, I'll take you up first."

Tang Li breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the depths of the cliff, and said, "Don't look down."

Who knows, Chu Chisi "puchi" smiled.

The usual estranged and indifferent eyebrows, like frost and snow melting, can't hide the grinning smile, which is smudged layer by layer.

Chu Chisi hugged her neck tightly, her whole body was soft, and there was sporadic coolness in her arms.

She said leisurely: "You take me a few more roller coasters and buy an oversized strawberry marshmallow, so I won't be afraid of heights."

Tang Li: "…"

It's over, my wife still remembers this.

When the two returned to the edge of the cliff, the dark clouds that happened to cover the sky also dissipated, and the sun shone through the clouds and spread among the white snow.

The azure blue sky spread out, and the real, real sunlight fell on her, and her whole body was warm.

It is no longer a virtual world, no longer empty modeling, no longer realized recorded images, where time moves minute by minute and will not be affected by data flow.

The sun is so pretty, she thought.

"Chi Si, can I take a look at your wound?" After getting her consent, Tang Li pulled the fabric off his shoulders slightly.

Tang Li frowned, his knuckles trembling, and he was groping for something on his body: "Hemostatic needle, where is my hemostatic needle..."

Chu Chisi hugged Tang Li, resting her pillow on her shoulder and neck, her long eyelashes brushed softly, rubbing against her skin like velvet, a little itchy.

"It's just a bullet in the shoulder, it's a little wound," Chu Chisi was calm, and his voice was light, "It won't die."

Tang Li was angry: "Chi Si!"

After fumbling for a long time, Tang Li finally found the hemostatic needle. She took a deep breath and carefully pierced the wound on Chu Chisi's shoulder.

Several ring-shaped needle tips sank into the skin and injected the drug into the blood. Tang Li frowned, looking even more painful than Chu Chisi.

Her voice was hoarse: "This is not a minor injury."

Tang Li bit her lip, as if unconvinced, and whispered again: "Chi Si, this is not a minor injury."

Chu Chisi was crooked in her arms, her brows curled, and she replied with a smile, "Okay, I'm so hurt that I can't walk anymore, you have to carry me back."

The clean and clear sunlight fell on her smiling brows, casting a thin layer of light on her, causing her eyes to be full of stars.

Chi Si, her Chi Si.

Every time I looked at her, my heart seemed to be filled with fluffy down, incredibly soft, floating in the clouds.

"I carried you back in Xueshan last time," Chu Chisi said softly, "This time it's your turn to carry me, okay?"

Tang Li was hoarse for a while, something was blocking his throat, and it was bitter and astringent. It took him a long time to find his voice: "...Okay."

There were not only gunshot wounds on Chu Chisi's shoulders, but also the fragments that splashed during the explosion, which were deeply and shallowly stuck between the skin and dyed a large area of ​​red.

The wrist was so thin that it could be easily torn off, the skin was thin and transparent, and the pinholes were already glowing with a faint cyan color, and clear blood vessels and veins could be seen.

She was injured, she was bleeding, she was very thin, her lips were bloodless, she hadn't eaten well for more than three months, and she was tortured uncontrollably.

But she was still smiling to herself.

Tang Li bit her lip, the tip of her nose was extremely sour, bitterness was flowing in her throat, and her heart seemed to have been repeatedly cut by a blunt knife, and it was so dry that there was no bleeding.

She closed her eyes and was about to turn her head away, but a pair of soft hands held her cheeks and pulled herself back again.

"...Don't cry, don't cry."

Chu Chisi coaxed her softly, and the voice was soft, lingering on the top of her heart: "Don't be sad, am I fine?"

[No, it's not good at all. 】

[Chi Si, I'm about to go crazy. 】

Tang Li frowned, her light-colored long eyelashes were bent by the water vapor, and the moist mist spread up from her lower eyelid, covering her vision.

"I didn't cry," she said.

The eyes were covered with a thin layer of red, and the tears not only swirled, but the light-colored pupils were almost transparent, like amber soaked in water.

A transparent waterline slid down his cheeks, dripping silently between the black collars, and was suddenly invisible.

Tang Li clenched his fists, his back undulating slightly, his knuckles turned white with strength, and his voice was hoarse: "...I don't."

The cloth rubbed and made a weak rustling sound, and their breaths were intertwined, like an inseparable net, entwined vines.

Chu Chisi held Tang Li's cheek, approached her a little, and called her name softly: "Tang Li."

Tang Li lowered her eyelashes and looked at her: "Huh?"

The two were very close, so close that she could see the thin fluff on Chu Chisi's face, so close that there was only one kiss between them.

The tip of her nose was filled with a little fragrance from her body, the breath was moist and sweet, like branches and leaves covered with fine snow, which melted a little silently.

Chu Chisi raised his head and kissed the corners of her red eyes, one after another, taking away the moist water vapor.

The thin air slid across the skin, hot and itchy, kissing her heartbeat for a few beats, stopping in her gentle touch.

That kiss was too light and too delicate, like clouds in the sky and snow melting in the sun, making the whole world quiet and beautiful.

Chu Chi thought around her neck and hugged her tightly, talking like a kitten, always scratching her heart: "I miss you too."

She said, "Tang Li, take me home."

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