PS: May the moon die.

143 The ghost tribe’s siege, the ghost emperor’s attack, full firepower


On the Netherworld Star, a huge storm swept across. This time the storm was even more terrifying than the last time.

"Senior, are you hungry? I have a lot of food."

From a crack, Wan Qingqiu's voice sounded.

"No need."

Qi Feibai took out a space-time fruit and ate it.

To be precise, this one is the fruit of time.

The Fruit of Time has matured. If Qi Feibai eats the Fruit of Time, he will be able to turn the Heart of Time and Space into a real Heart of Time and Space faster.

Now, his spiritual breath time has not yet been engraved on it.

On the time and space talent tree, the second time ability is also beginning to be gestated, and the time it will be gestated is uncertain.

It may be necessary to upgrade the space-time talent tree to another level before it can be completely conceived.

Just like Qi Feibai's space-time dimensionality reduction.

Wan Qingqiu ate silently on the side.

After eating for a while, she looked at Qi Feibai and wanted to take a bath with the water she brought.

Although she is quite powerful, due to the different power system, she naturally cannot have the cleaning magic like some magicians, or the cleaning magic like the gods.

Now that Qi Feibai has the magic of cleaning, there is no need to waste time on washing.

The power of extraordinary beings is mostly used for fighting. Everything is focused on improving combat power and destructive power.

In comparison, God's power is more comprehensive.


"Senior, every time the Netherworld Star is born, the storm will be extremely strong. This storm is also one of the biggest obstacles to exploring the Netherworld Star."

In the end, Wan Qingqiu did not go to take a shower, but said to Qi Feibai.

These storms are indeed frequent.

Only a few hours after the previous storm passed, it came again.

In fact, there are always storms on Netherworld Star. After the storm passes through an area, it can often make it calm for some time.

The calm time also depends on the specific area and luck. If it is long, it may be measured in days, and if it is short, it may be just a few hours. Another storm is coming.

Under such a storm, actions will be greatly affected. Even if Qi Feibai can use the goddesses' magic to endure, there is no need to waste magic on such meaningless things.

His plan for this trip is one to two months. Even three months will not have much impact.

Even if it takes three months, at most three years will pass in the world of gods.

It just gives the Gods Continent time to develop. The goddesses can also accumulate strength in the past few years and better understand the laws.

Maybe, after Qi Feibai returns, the goddess of wisdom and his wife will be able to attack the main god.

At that time, Qi Feibai can carry out more drastic operations.


This time the storm did not last long, and just a dozen hours later, Qi Feibai and Wan Qingqiu set off again.

"Senior, be careful, the force field ahead is very chaotic!"

When flying to an area, Wan Qingqiu discovered it through an instrument.

The force field ahead was extremely chaotic. The chaotic force field even distorted the space. It was not easy to figure it out after entering such an area.

Qi Feibai bypassed this area. Again, there was no need to waste strength in such a meaningless place.

In this way, after searching for some time, Wan Qingqiu suddenly took action.

Not far away, a hidden ghost turned into a line of smoke and fled into the distance, but before it could get far, he was killed by her with one blow.

Further away, several ghost clans retreated.

However, these ghosts quickly circled in circles and were killed by Qi Feibai in one fell swoop.

"Senior, this is a spy from the ghost clan. There must be a ghost clan nearby!"

Wan Qingqiu said.

Qi Feibai had already flown towards the direction where the ghost spies had retreated.

These spies noticed something was wrong and must have retreated in the direction of the main force, so just follow the place where they retreated and chase them.

Sure enough, after chasing some distance, they encountered hundreds of ghosts.

"They must have received the message from the spies!"

Wan Qingqiu said again.

As soon as she finished speaking, all the hundreds of ghosts had been killed by Qi Feibai.

These ghosts are souls, and ordinary weapons cannot kill them at all. Like a ghost soldier, they cannot be killed by missiles.

With extraordinary strength, one can naturally kill.

After killing these hundreds of ghosts, Qi Feibai continued to rush forward.

Seeing Qi Feibai rushing over with great momentum, Wan Qingqiu quickly followed suit.

Soon, a large number of ghosts appeared in front of them. These ghosts had dug a large pit into the ground. At the bottom of the pit, a large number of dark stones could be seen.

"Netherworld Stone~!"

Wan Qingqiu recognized that kind of stone. It was the Netherworld Stone that the ghost tribe needed most.

The number of ghosts here is not as large as before, but the number of Nether Stones is much more than that of Origin Stones.

Qi Feibai could roughly guess the reason. The Nether Stone was mainly useful to the ghost race, and it was difficult for other races to use it.

The Source Stone is different. The Source Stone is more precious than the Nether Stone, which is related to the foundation and potential of a race.

Therefore, where there are Origin Stones, the ghost clan will send out more troops to avoid being spied on.

There is no need for the Nether Stone, and other races will not rashly deal with these ghosts because of the Nether Stone.

Qi Feibai rushed out without saying a word.


Not long after, all the ghosts were once again killed by Qi Fei.

"Senior, the Nether Stone has little effect on humans and is difficult for us to use. However, it can also be mined to avoid being obtained by the ghost clan."

Wan Qingqiu said.

Qi Feibai was already taking action, and he loaded a large number of Netherstones into his portable space.

Qi Feibai thought of these Nether Stones, that they might be useful to the Succubus' Soul Kingdom.

Whether it's actually useful... we won't know until we take it back.

There are more Netherstones, which are a specialty of Netherworld Star.

Soon, all the Nether Stones were taken away by Qi Feibai.


Qi Feibai took Wan Qingqiu and set off again, continuing to search for the ghost tribe.

This time it didn't take long before I flew into a nest of Netherworld Insects. It was densely packed with Netherworld Insects everywhere.

"Ahead, in the place where the Nether Worms are densely packed, there is a high possibility of Source Stone and Nether Stone, but these Nether Worms are not easy to deal with."

Wan Qingqiu said.

Netherworms are also insects, just like the Zerg. On the battlefield of all races, the Zerg is the largest in number.

Qi Feibai moved his hand, and a bloody red umbrella flew high into the sky, instantly enlarging and covering the surrounding area.

The whole world felt like it was wrapped in a bloody umbrella.

The evil aura belonging to the demon artifact emanated from the blood umbrella, making Wan Qingqiu feel extremely palpitated.

She could not recognize that it was a demonic artifact. On Earth, extraordinary people did not have so many taboos. As long as it was a weapon that could bring powerful combat effectiveness, many extraordinary people would use it regardless of whether they were good or evil.

After all, the pressure brought by all races is so great, it would be too pedantic to stick to the old rules.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Wan Qingqiu was shocked.

The weapons Qi Feibai took out were all so amazingly powerful. At the same time, she also felt the difference in power of these weapons.

This made her even more curious about Qi Feibai.

At this time, a dazzling red light burst out from the blood umbrella, and Wan Qingqiu closed her eyes subconsciously.

When she opened her eyes, all the Nether Insects here seemed to have disappeared without a trace. The blood umbrella had been put away and turned into a red light, falling on Qi Feibai's hand.

"All gone?"

Wan Qingqiu was startled.

The ghost clan had to send out a large army to deal with these Nether Insects, but Qi Feibai killed them all in one go.

Qi Feibai has already released the Moon God Wheel.

The artifacts given by the goddesses are all scepters, and it is unrealistic to use them to cut stones.

The Moon God Wheel is made of divine material. Although these rocks on Netherworld Star are dense, they cannot withstand the Moon God Wheel.

The Luna Chakra cuts these rocks as easily as cutting tofu.

Qi Feibai's space ability also played a role here. After the Luna Chakra cut the rocks, Qi Feibai used his space ability to transfer the rocks.

A few hours later, he cut a huge pit here, and at the bottom of the pit, a large piece of black-white Origin Stone appeared.

This large piece of Origin Stone is not as big as the previous one, and is equivalent to dozens of Origin Stones.

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