"Earl of Alberta, Marquis Harold has expressed his position. You are His Majesty's Minister of Household Registration. What is your attitude?"

As soon as Marquis Harold made his statement, the officials in the court once again targeted other noble officials one by one.

"I am willing to obey this order, thank the goddess for your grace, and thank your majesty for your grace.". "

The Earl of Alberta, who was named, could only express his position.

Immediately afterwards, other noble officials were forced to express their positions one after another.

After the Tweeting Order was promulgated, the resistance from within the court was easily resolved.

"Goddess, Your Excellency Fei Bai's move was so powerful that he made the noble officials stop making trouble~"

In the Kingdom of God, seeing that the noble officials in the court of Silver Star Kingdom had to express their opinions one by one, the Holy Spirits started discussing again in the Kingdom of God.

After the noble officials within the court expressed their stance, the decree spread throughout the Silver Star Kingdom at an unprecedented speed in a short period of time.

"What? We can also get the title and land? Second brother, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you. This is the king's decree or the oracle sent down by the goddess. The herald is in the castle. I just heard it with my own ears, so I will inform you as soon as possible."

In the territory of a noble, the children of several nobles gathered together.

None of these are the eldest sons.

"Great, I didn't expect that I could inherit the title and land, hahaha!"

"Call the fifth and sixth brothers. Let's go to my father to ask for it. This is what the goddess and the king have decided, and my father has no reason to object!"

"Yes, yes, yes, bring more people to build momentum. Third brother, you go find your mother. Mother loves you the most~"

"I'm going to find grandma. Grandma loves me!"

The heads of these noble children started to work, and everyone became smarter than ever before.

They knew their father too well. His father wanted to keep the family strong and followed the eldest son inheritance system. Everything in the territory would belong to their eldest brother.

Even their father was worried that they would affect the power of their eldest brother, so he was ready to send them somewhere else.

Although the order of extending grace is endorsed by the goddess and promulgated by the king, it extends grace to the world.

But what if the father stubbornly disobeys?

Therefore, these noble children have exhausted their brains and considered all possibilities for the happiness of their second half of life.

Soon, they each took action, preparing to use this wave of grace orders to put pressure on their father and ask for the division of titles and land!


Situations like this happen everywhere in the Silver Star Kingdom.

In the preparation time of more than ten days, Qi Feibai had already asked the king to send a large number of men to lurk in various places.

As soon as the order of favor was issued, the herald sent the order to various castles.

Then some people responsible for publicity will publicize it in some towns.

The order of kindness was described as an order of mercy that had never been seen in the ages.

This is a great grace for the children of the nobility, allowing those children of the nobility who originally had nothing to have titles and land.

Under this kind of publicity, even if those nobles wanted to cover it up, they couldn't.

Everyone knows it.

"Goddess is kind. The eldest son of Viscount Robert's family is the most cruel. If he inherits the title, we will suffer. Now it's okay. After Robert's family property is divided, we can go to the territories of his other sons. superior."

In a small town, some civilians were discussing.

"According to me, they are all descendants. Why can only the eldest son have it and not the other sons?"

"Yes, I am the youngest son in the family. Although my family is very poor, I have everything my brothers have~"

Many civilians don't look at problems as deeply as nobles.

In the eyes of many commoners, it is wrong for a nobleman to only give his territory and title to his eldest son. Some noblemen's eldest sons, because they are heirs, are naturally more domineering and domineering, which is quite unpleasant to begin with.

Now that they saw the extension order, these civilians clapped their hands and cheered.

in addition.

There is a folk saying that the emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love the youngest son.

Common people tend to prefer younger sons, which is contrary to nobles. Therefore, common people are naturally happy to see favor orders.

Although the common people could not influence the decision of the nobles, after the wind direction of the entire kingdom changed, the order of grace was the order of eternal benevolence, and the nobles had no reason to resist.


Under this situation, all the nobles in the entire Silver Star Kingdom became very anxious.

Because their children all came together to ask for titles and territories from them.

Some asked directly, and some resorted to some means. In short, after the promulgation of the grace order in the entire Silver Star Kingdom, a large-scale ukiyo-e was immediately staged in all the noble families.



A week after the Tweet Order was promulgated, many nobles gathered in a castle to discuss solutions.

But after much discussion, they had no good solution at all.

There was no peace at all in their own families this week.

The commotion made them not want to stay at home for a moment, so they came up with a solution together.

"The only way now is to withdraw our troops stationed at Shizi Pass. Let's all act together and withdraw hundreds of thousands of troops. We say that our family's property must be divided, and our troops must also be divided, so we have to withdraw."

At this time, a nobleman came up with a vicious plan.

Lion Pass, the Xiong Pass on the east side of Silver Star Kingdom, was used to block barbarians.

"Yes, as long as we withdraw our troops, the barbarians will definitely attack. Once the Lion Pass is broken, the barbarians will march straight in. Then we will have a bargaining chip!"

Another noble said.

These nobles quickly took action.

With the cooperation of these nobles, a large number of nobles soon withdrew their garrisoned troops from Shizi Pass.

One nobleman did not send many troops, but due to the collective action of these nobles, Shiziguan was able to withdraw hundreds of thousands of troops.

There are only more than 10,000 local garrison troops left.

Once the barbarians attack, Shizi Pass will never be able to defend it.

Once Shishiguan is lost, the barbarians will definitely launch a large-scale attack instead of sporadic attacks like before.

At that time, these nobles will have leverage.

"Report, Your Majesty, the nobles have withdrawn from Lion Pass!"

As soon as the nobles withdrew their troops, news was received in the royal capital.

"What? They're crazy!"

"If the Lion Gate is lost, our kingdom will never have peace!"

Suddenly, the court shook.


"Loretta, Sir Feibai, did you expect that the nobles would do this?"

In the Kingdom of God, a Holy Spirit saw this and his eyes lit up.

"I'm just telling you why Your Excellency Fei Bai sent that army. That's it!"

"These nobles are too vicious. In order to resist the grace order, they even let the barbarians in!"

"Fortunately, Your Excellency Fei Bai has already dealt with it!"

Other Holy Spirits also reacted one after another.

When Qi Feibai asked King Silver Star to send an army to the east, they had not yet figured out why Qi Feibai did this.

After all, the Barbarians will not attack this season.

Now, they know.

Qi Feibai had long expected that these nobles would do this!

If you let them rebel, they won't be able to do it, but they can still do it by using some small tricks.

The Holy Spirits were all impressed by Qi Feibai's intelligence.

If it hadn't been for Qi Feibai, who had King Silver Star issue the favor order, he would probably have fallen into the trap of these nobles.

Once the barbarians occupy Lion Pass and invade on a large scale, King Silver Star will have to negotiate terms with the nobles!

Now, no more!

On the throne, the goddess of wisdom showed a rare smile.

she knows.

The Silver Star Kingdom is stable!



The nobles had just withdrawn their troops, and the 150,000 royal troops marched into Lion Pass in a mighty manner.

"What? How is it possible that the royal army arrived at Lion Pass so quickly!"

After the nobles got the news, they were all dumbfounded.

It would take at least twenty days for the royal army to reach Lion Pass. How could it be so fast!

Their last resistance... was useless!

Nowadays, they are under increasing pressure from the family. The children are almost fighting over the division of family property. Many nobles have no time to gather and can only solve the problems at home first.

"Princess Kelly, this is what you have to do next. The rest is up to you."

In the palace, Qi Feibai handed a book to Princess Kelly.

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