The show continues.

At this time, biology professor Wang Shiqiao was squatting next to a small pond in the yard, looking at the swimming fish in the pond, as if he was thinking about something.

Under the direction of the director, the cameraman directed the live shot at Wang Shiqiao.

There was a lot of discussion in the comment area.

"What is Professor Wang looking at? Did he find another valuable pet?"

"I don't know, it looks like it, Professor Wang hasn't been involved in discussions much, but when the other party made a move, it was Wang Bo."

"I look forward to another wave of King Bomb by Professor Wang, and find a thousand-year-old turtle or a thousand-year-old turtle from this small pond."


The audience talked a lot.

The host and several other ace search officers also walked to the side of the small pond.

The host asked: "Professor Wang, do you have any findings?"

Wang Shiqiao was so focused that he didn't even hear the host's words.

The host could only raise the pitch and said again: "Professor Wang, do you have any findings?"

Hearing the host's words, the other party slowly raised his head and said, "Not for the time being. The water in this pond is not very clear. I need to observe again."

After speaking, Wang Shiqiao ignored everyone and continued to stare at the small pond intently.

It's as if the other party is not recording a program, but doing academic research.

This scene made many people stand in awe.

It made the other ace investigators feel ashamed.

After all, they participate in variety shows, on the one hand for fame, on the other hand for profit.

It is said that Professor Wang participated in this program without asking for a penny of labor fees, and it was purely to do his friends a favor.

From the beginning of the show to the present, Professor Wang has not been fighting or grabbing, has been secretly observing, and finally announced the private money he found.

"Professor Wang is really a highly respected model!"

The host could not help but sigh with emotion.

The others also secretly admired.

Especially Xu Zhangyan, even more ashamed.

In the entire world of appraising treasures, he can be regarded as a deity-like existence.

On all occasions, people will be respected as Xu Zhangyan, or Xu Lao.

He even participated in many appraisal programs, which can be said to have risen to fame.

Of course, he himself enjoys this feeling very much.

But now, compared with Professor Wang, he realized that he was still too superficial.

All these years have lived on dogs.

The crowd did not disturb Professor Wang.

The live camera has also turned elsewhere.

The host looked at several ace search officers and asked with a smile: "I don't know if you have any private money to announce?"

At this time, Ji Qingyan thought for a while, and said: "I found a lot of hands-on work before, and the workmanship is very exquisite, but I don't know if it's worth the money."

The host thought for a while, and said a very classic sentence: "My wife, there shouldn't be anything worthless, right?"

When the voice fell, everyone was taken aback.

But soon, one by one looked at each other, nodded frantically, and said with emotion: "There is really nothing worthless in my wife's house!"

The agate and jade spread on a trail are worth tens of millions!

The whole wine cellar's top wines are worth several small goals!

The value of world-class super mansions and super islands is even more immeasurable!

The donated schools, hospitals, and industries promoted are equally priceless!

As for the Chinese mastiff that Professor Wang just found, the total value is hundreds of billions, which can directly kill the richest man in a country!

May I ask what is worthless in such a family?

Thinking of this, everyone was full of expectations for Ji Qingyan's figure.

After all, this year's hands are also included in the ranks of works of art.

And what can be called a work of art has extremely high natural value.

Soon, Ji Qingyan walked towards a corner of the living room. .

The camera lens naturally kept up.

Ji Qingyan walked to a storage box, and after Murong Wan'er agreed, opened the storage box.

The storage box is full of figures.

However, when everyone saw these figures clearly, they couldn't help but get messy.

Everyone can clearly see that the figures in the storage box are Hello Kitty, Snow White, Frozen, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, and even the Wang Wang team, Super Flying Man, Undersea Small Column, etc...

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