Yu Guoqiang's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Although Yu Guoqiang is not the oldest among the several ace search officers, the other party's experience is undoubtedly the most abundant.

After all, the other party is a professional criminal policeman who has been engaged in criminal investigation all his life and even participated in the detection of major transnational cases.

"Police Yu, do you know this Allah grain and oil?"

The host asked.

Yu Guoqiang nodded and said: "A few years ago, I participated in a UN mission to detect a large-scale human trafficking case. The case at that time was related to Allah Grains and Oils."

Hearing what Yu Guoqiang said, everyone looked puzzled.

Human trafficking cases?

Is it even related to the grain and oil business?

Doesn't this seem a bit of a joke?

Naturally, Yu Guoqiang could see the people’s doubts, so he explained: “It’s like this. On the surface, Allah Grains and Oils seems to be just a company engaged in the grain and oil business, but in fact, behind it is a powerful organization! The organization can even be traced back to World War II. The name of this organization is Allah’s Flower. A few years ago, there were tens of thousands of members all over the world, and many of these tens of thousands of members were desperadoes. They passed Monopolize the world's grain and oil business to make a profit!"

Hearing Yu Guoqiang's explanation, everyone's faces showed clear expressions.

The old iron in the live broadcast room also suddenly realized.

"Emotional Allah Grain and Oil, the harmless name for humans and animals, is just a disguise."

"If it monopolizes the world's food industry, it does mean huge benefits."

"Yes, it seems that many countries in the world don't have enough food, and they all need to be imported."

"Is it impossible to say that the wife's husband relies on the organization of Allah Grains and Oils to accumulate massive wealth?"

"But the problem is that the organization of Allah's Flower is full of wicked penalties. This does not match the personality of the wife and husband. After all, the wife and husband have done a lot of charity, and the hospitals and schools alone don't know how many hospitals and schools have been built."

"That's not necessarily true. How do I feel that this has something to do with the wife and husband? Does the wife and husband say that they have a lot of sins by thunder means, and show the bodhisattva's heart, does it mean that they have helped a lot? people?"

"Fuck! In this case, it seems that it can really explain it!"


At this moment, Murong Wan'er's brows were also frowning tightly.

To a certain extent, she can accept that her husband is ordinary, but it is difficult to accept that the other person is a villain.

Moreover, in her values, people doing a bad thing does not mean that doing a good thing can make up for it.

At this time, Yu Guoqiang said categorically: "The Flower of Allah organization has nothing to do with his wife's husband!"

Hearing that, everyone's spirits were lifted!

Murong Wan'er also brightened her beautiful eyes.

Yu Guoqiang went on to explain: "What I said has nothing to do with my wife and husband. It is because the Allah Flower organization was destroyed a few years ago! Especially the high level of this organization, no one can Survive!"

Everyone was stunned.

The wife's husband has demonstrated the strength shown. Assuming that the other party has a relationship with the Flower of Allah, then the other party should be the controller of the Flower of Allah!

Even if the other party is not the controller, it should be the high level of Allah Flower.

The Flower of Allah was wiped out a few years ago.

None of the high-ranking members of Allah's Flower survived.

Therefore, the wife and husband have nothing to do with Allah's Flower.

Yu Guoqiang continued:

"The flower of Allah is actually controlled by Balkh in the lighthouse country. About the 1970s, Balkh inherited the Flower of Allah from his father and pushed the entire organization to the top!"

"The Flower of Allah is mainly engaged in the business of agricultural and sideline production, focusing on grains and oils, but what they call agricultural and sideline production can be described as full of evil. After the end of World War II, they captured many refugees from all over the world as slaves, forcing them to fail. Production and labor are carried out day and night. If you get sick or get older and lose your labor force, you will be buried directly into fertilizer!"

"Even in the new century, they have not stopped their evil deeds, especially after the outbreak of wars in some areas and the emergence of refugees, many young women have been taken away and become slaves in certain industries, while some older women and men have They will be taken away as slaves to work, and the flower of Allah does the second kind of activity!"


Hearing this, many people's faces changed slightly.

The old iron in the live broadcast room was full of emotions,

"It seems that this world is still different from what we imagined."

"We live in a peaceful country, not in a peaceful world. We didn't have an in-depth understanding of this sentence before. Now, after listening to these things mentioned by Interpol, the experience is very profound!"

"Hearing this, I am relieved, Allah's Flower and his wife and husband are absolutely impossible to have a relationship, because these people are not worthy of being humans at all, they are beasts!"


Hearing this, Murong Wan'er was also relieved.

Whether Lin Fan is a billionaire, a super boss or an invincible king, she can accept it.

If the other party is an inhumane demon, she really can't accept it.

At this time, the host asked another question: "Then Yu Interpol, was it the United Nations that destroyed the Flower of Allah?"

Yu Guoqiang shook his head, with a wry smile on his face, and said: "No, the United Nations has nothing to do with the Flower of Allah. The joint operation I participated in before was because many travellers disappeared for no apparent reason. Police were deployed from various countries to conduct investigations. Although the Flower of Allah was locked, the United Nations did not dare to touch the Flower of Allah, because the Flower of Allah was so powerful that it even penetrated into the lighthouse country, so that it led the investigation. All the senior members of the United Nations on the Flower of Allah, the whole family died tragically at home!"

When talking about this, Yu Guoqiang’s voice was full of resentment and helplessness: "Justice does not always defeat evil. After the tragic death of the leading UN senior, no one is willing to wade into this muddy water and plan to eradicate Allah’s flower. It was stranded. When the joint operations team was disbanded, the police forces of various countries, a group of big men, finally left in tears, because after you saw the evil, you really wanted to eradicate it!!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was all moved.

Murong Wan'er and Ji Qingyan couldn't help even wiping tears.

In the comment area, Lao Tie's comments also soared, cursing the evil of the world.

The host asked again: "Then in the end, who eradicated the Flower of Allah?"

Yu Guoqiang shook his head and said: "It is an extremely powerful and mysterious force, but no one knows where this powerful force comes from. In short, soon after our task force was disbanded, the Flower of Allah became more and more intensified. To destroy it, you must first make it crazy. Just when the flower of Allah is rampant, a powerful force pushes it completely, and the entire organization's high-level and evil-doing generations will die without a place to bury them. The rest were also severely injured, and the trees fell and scattered, and those who were enslaved were rescued and freed."

Ji Qingyan nodded, her heart rushing: "I don't know what power is to get rid of the flower of Allah, is it true that someone is in charge of fairness and justice in this world?"

When the voice fell, Ji Qingyan suddenly widened his eyes and said with great excitement: "The flower of Allah has perished, and the seal of Allah's grain and oil is in his wife's house. Could it be said that it was the flower of Allah that the wife's husband destroyed?!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw a deep horror in each other's eyes.

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