Looking at the wolves and soldiers on the floor and the dying Chinese mastiff, the tears instantly blurred Murong Wan'er's vision.

The pouring rain made the whole scene even more tragic and tragic.

Everyone at the scene, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, were also infected, and their eyes became wet.

But at this moment, everyone felt wrong again.

With the downpour in the sky, the atmosphere in the yard changed again.

This change is very strange, exactly the same as the previous feeling when drinking tea.

Then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

As the "rain" fell on the wolves and the Chinese Mastiff, they actually slowly stood up from the ground.

The rain seems to detoxify and heal wounds.

Such a conjecture emerged in everyone's hearts.

Just then.


The Chinese Mastiff, who stood up, let out an angry roar up to the sky.

This voice runs through the world, full of kingly breath!

Ho Ho Ho! !

All Chinese Mastiffs got up from the ground and let out an excited roar.

The roar is shaking!

This rain not only restored them, but also made them stronger!

The soldiers of the wolves also stood up.

At this moment, their faces showed incredible expressions.

Just now, they had either received a heavy blow or were heavily poisoned, and half of their foot had entered the ghost gate.

But now, they are fully recovered!

Even their bodies are full of power, even stronger than before.

Originally, they were either seriously injured or poisoned, and even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Unexpectedly, due to a blessing in disguise, he became even stronger than before.

These people were extremely at a loss, but those who were not injured knew very well that it was the water column swept in the pond that saved everyone and the Chinese Mastiff!

The wolves and soldiers on the scene burst into joyous voices.

Many people shed tears.

There are surprises, surprises at the resurrection of his comrade-in-arms.

Shocked, shocked by the powerful healing power of this rain.

But it's more worship!

Worship for the boss!

The boss once again exceeded their expectations and created a miracle that subverted their imagination!

Many of them have followed the boss from birth to death, have seen the boss spend a lot of money, and have seen the boss's one-man behave as a master.

One thing, let them follow in the footsteps of the boss to the death.

Many of them have never met the boss.

However, he often listened to his comrades around him and talked about all kinds of bosses.

They often imagine the brilliant light of the boss, and they often imagine one day they can fight side by side with the boss.

But just because they hadn't seen the boss, they didn't have a particularly deep understanding of the strength of the boss in their hearts.

But today, looking at the dragon's shadow in the pond, looking at the dragon that went straight up to the nine heavens, and easily slayed the big snake of Yaqi, and watched the wounded dying comrades, the Chinese mastiff, they fully recovered, they knew the boss deeply and clearly. Is powerful.

I understand more deeply why the comrades in the wolf pack worship the boss so much and are willing to follow the boss to the death.

Everyone in the program group couldn't help rubbing their eyes before they were sure it was not a dream.

Murong Wan'er wiped her tears, those who fought for her, their Chinese mastiff, recovered!

In the live broadcast room, the old irons exploded even more.

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