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Chapter 496 Red Eggs

After confirming that there was no problem with the blue secluded, the cloud dance did not hesitate. He picked up the two little guys and quickly flicked in the direction they just came.

"I said that you two, it is really not a worry."

When the cloud dance was moving fast, I couldn’t help but scream at the two guys in my arms.

Red Ling and the little stinky, it seems that it seems to be doing something wrong.

The two guys suddenly fell down.

The red scented into a small flower on the hair of the cloud dance, whispered; "Master, Hong Ling knows wrong, and will definitely make a sin."

The small smelly smog is a pitiful opening; "I am wrong."

Because it is a contractual relationship, the two are connected with the cloud dance, and the feeling of cloud dance changes.

Seeing that the two little guys were so clever, the cloud dance had no choice but to raise his mouth.

She, perhaps born to be a nanny.

These ones are all hatched by her, and there is really a sense of powerlessness that does not teach the mother.

"Okay, give me directions."

The words of the cloud dance fell, and the two little guys who were still dull and afraid to speak, suddenly became energetic and quickly pointed to the cloud dance.


Go through the woods of the steep road and come to a valley that looks like a small village.

However, at that time, the fire was still burning in the valley.

The flaming flame is far more hot than the usual flame, but the strange thing is that the source of the fire has been in the valley, but not spread to the outer woods.

Otherwise, with this kind of fire, it is necessary to destroy this piece of wood.

"Ma Ma, that's it."

"Yeah, we chased the two bad guys and entered here. There are really a lot of delicious things inside. They may all be burned to death now."

The small branch of Hong Ling, vacated from the hair of the cloud dance, pointed to the direction of the valley where the fire burned.


This food is red, this sentence can really say how many times.

Originally, Yun Wu thought that it was to call those who are the beasts or animals, good things.

However, when the clouds danced to the tip of the eye, and the red ball in the fire was not far away, the pupil could not help but shrink.

Soon, she provoked the water element in her body and quickly shrouded the fire in that direction.

The fire gradually subsided.

The figure of the cloud dance flashed quickly at that time.

Red ball?

No, it should be said to be a red egg!

And it was still an unusually familiar egg, just like the one in the phoenix nest, the phoenix egg that was inadvertently picked up was almost exactly the same.

That won't be... Phoenix Egg?

Looking at the red egg on the ground, the cloud dance stared at it for a while.

Until, the little stink in the arms twisted a bit, fell from her arms, and went to the red egg that was just burning in the fire.

The little brain was slightly stunned, and the big white eyes stared at the red eggs on the ground.

“How did it turn red? It’s just not the color.”

The small smelly squeaking sound just fell, the red diamond stuck to the cloud dance hair, but a jump, suddenly turned into a huge prototype.

"It turns red, it must be cooked, just right, I ate it." As the red diamond said, the big mouth of the fangs opened and he went toward the red egg.

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