Chen Xu was sitting in an earth-colored amphibious all-terrain off-road vehicle.

Compared with ordinary all-terrain ATV, the amphibious version of the model has a lighter body and more wheels. There are three pairs of wheels and six-wheel all-drive, which is the legendary 6 × 6. The tires are very wide and somewhat like a trumpet. Swimming ring.

In this way, even if it enters a swamp or shallow water, it can maintain a certain degree of mobility, so it is called an amphibious off-road vehicle.

He was sitting in the car, looking at the black market for good things.

Because the program team does not allow any items to be carried, it is only allowed to wear a close-fitting top and shorts. Therefore, it is no longer effective to buy items. The only useful ones are free points and skills.

Based on his understanding of "Original Survival Game", Chen Xu came to a conclusion that the abilities most needed for this map task, from high to low, are: field survival knowledge and skills, physical fitness, tool manufacturing and traps, fighting skills .

That's right, it seems that the most powerful fighting skills are actually the most useless here.

Because, for humans, even if you are able to fight, without the weapon bonus, you can almost single-handedly leopard, it is almost the limit, you can not fight, you can not fight.

So, as long as you can hunt animals such as fawns, small wild boars, rabbits, etc., it is enough. If you encounter large beasts, don't think about playing, just run away.

At the same time, the program team also stipulates that people cannot deliberately attack each other, which again limits the play of fighting skills.

Survival skills, Chen Xu already has the top platinum skills: wilderness spikes.

Physical fitness, his various values ​​are already considered very high, especially the resistance-related physique, also has platinum strengthening, plus the two-point physical fitness bonus of the epic vest.

The only tool manufacturing and trap manufacturing, he only has the former, but not the latter.

Yes, trap making has amazing effects on this mission map!

Forty-five days of survival time!

A stable water source and food are required to succeed. A stable water source is relatively easy to find. What about stable food?

Who can guarantee that he will harvest enough wild fruits, edible plants, or hit his prey every day?

Therefore, setting a large number of traps and hunting is the best way.

In this way, the survivor is effortless and can still maintain the probability of obtaining food while you are doing other things!

Moreover, Chen Xu thought a little!

The program team does not allow survivors to attack other people, but allows stealing, looting, and destroying the materials of other survivors!

As soon as this rule comes out, anyone with a high PSR score will do everything possible to grab airdropped material support, and steal resources from other survivors.

In this way, not only can you obtain high-quality survival materials, but also you can save a lot of time in making and searching for materials yourself.

In terms of historical quotes, it is "supporting war with war"!

So, at this time, the role of traps is once again manifested!

For example, when short support is found, if time is up, Chen Xu can set up some harmless traps near the airdrop, but can limit physical activity, seduce other survivors, and once successful, they can be subdued Loot their supplies.

Furthermore, you can set up some traps around your campsite to prevent other survivors from attacking and destroying resources.

In short, trap making is very important in this map mission.

This is also the reason why Chen Xu hasn't strengthened until now, because he has been refreshing the black market these days, praying that the black market can give him a trap-making related skills.

After all, the traps he made in the live broadcast are just the most basic trap categories that come with wilderness skills.

Refresh again!

Chen Xu took a deep breath, spent 2 gold coins, and used the last refresh opportunity of today, and after using up this time, there were only 25 gold coins left in his hand.

Just when he glanced at it, he thought he would "get back empty-handed" again this time.

Suddenly, a white skill came into his eyes:

Trap manufacturing lv1: Price 21 gold coins.

Trap manufacturing lv1: After the host learns, he can master all the primary trap manufacturing, the success rate is as high as 100%, and the intermediate trap production, the success rate is 50%, unable to grasp advanced traps.

Bought it!

Although it is a white skill, but Chen Xu still has three free points in his hands that have been useless, it is left to this critical moment.

Subsequently, he did not hesitate to add three free points to the trap manufacturing.

In this way, the skill level has reached level 4, and even advanced traps are also understood, but the success rate is not very high.

There is still a platinum milestone left. Chen Xu decided to keep it temporarily. With his current physique, as long as the survival plan is correct, he should be able to take this system task.

He has n’t forgotten that after opening the Platinum difficulty, the system once said that as long as the host saves 30 platinum milestones, it can be redeemed to open the **** mode.

To be honest, Chen Xu is really curious about this **** mode. If he really uses the platinum milestone every time, then he wants to save these 30, I am afraid that he will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

After all the enhancements are completed, his property board is updated again:

Host: Chen Xu

Age: 25 years old

Height: 184cm

Weight: 76.89kg

Strength: 18

Physique: 20 (+2 epic outdoor vest)

Outbreak: 16

Reaction: 19

Speed: 21

Endurance: 18

(Note: The average value of various attributes of human adult men is 10 points.)

Condition: good health

Available points: 0

Gold coins: 4

Skills: Special Forces orange skill group (Siberian Tiger: Scout) lv3, sprint eruption lv5, wilderness spikes lv1, outdoor knot lv4, tool manufacturing lv5, dart projection lv3, Arabic lv3, Jedi survival lv1, integrated fighting lv1, trap manufacturing lv1.

Platinum enhancement: body resistance lv2, nerve reflex arc lv1, vision lock lv1, vital capacity ~ ~ call ... "

Chen Xushen took a deep breath, hoping his guess would be right.

At this time, the driver of the off-road vehicle began to take him officially into the depths of the Argentine forest.

At the same time, North American Discovery Channel TV began to officially broadcast "Original Survival Game", including the online online platform, and Panda TV platform.

In an instant, everyone in the world felt that their computer screen flashed, followed by a globe spinning rapidly, then stopped on the South American continent, and finally locked in Argentina, constantly zooming.

It is the promo title produced by Discovery Channel:

After indentation, a huge Andean mountain appears in the picture, glaciers, dense fog, forests, waterfalls, mountains, jaguars roaring, swamps, crocodiles feeding, countless survivors from all over the world, are Take a helicopter, speedboat, ATV and other transportation to the destination of this show:

Deep in the Argentine forest!

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