Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 821: Manual Ait Sister-in-law

Lina just thought for a moment, and then reacted.

She just thinks that when there are many people, cooperation will make the living conditions better, because each person is good at different directions. In the process of cooperation, she can make full use of human resources according to the skills and professions.

But in fact, as Chen Xu said, the essence of everyone's cooperation is not to survive, but to obtain a better ranking and win prizes.

When interests co-exist, everyone may help each other and cooperation can be carried out perfectly. However, when interests conflict, or the interests of a single person are higher than the collective interests, the single person will break away from the collective, or even destroy the collective, and the cooperation will collapse in an instant. .

After all, this is not really survival.

Material rewards are above all else!

However, when she thought that there were survivors nearby, Lina still felt a bit inappropriate: "From the description, we seem to be too close to the Garil team. I'm afraid there will be any accidents. Should I consider moving?"

"Theoretically, there are other survivors in the vicinity, which is really bad for us. But when you first got off the bus, you should hear the driver responsible for dropping guests?"

"The separation distance between each team is only more than two kilometers. We do n’t know the placement plan of the program group, and the planned routes of the survivors of each team are also random. They move abruptly, waste time and do not say physical strength. Maybe they will Meet more teams! "

As Chen Xu talked, he was about to throw the debris on the spear-headed viper that Lena handled into the fire to destroy it, lest the **** smell be too heavy and attract predators.

After all, this time he had no ant nests to burn to cover up.

Although I met an ant's nest before, it was a live argentine fire ant. Without the protection of thick smoke, Chen Xu could not dare to touch this thunder.

At that time, looking for water was the top priority. He had no time or thought to drill wood and fire, just to dig an ant nest.

"I really don't know why the program team arranged the team so densely to encourage us to create resource conflicts? Yes, this will increase the elimination rate, and it is more interesting."

Lina said to herself, when she saw that Chen Xu was about to throw the snakeskin into the fire together, she hurriedly stopped it and said: "Don't throw it, wash it, it can be used as a water bag in use."

"Tomorrow I will make water storage tools."

Chen Xu did not listen to her opinion, "In the short term, we will not search on a large scale. The portable water bag is temporarily not used. After the tools are enriched in the future, we can also obtain it from other creatures."

"But if you keep it now, without the construction of the camp and without any protective measures, relying on the fire alone, I am afraid it is too insecure. This is deep in the Argentine forest. There are too many large beasts ... "

He is saying this.

There was a shaking of trees in the forest.


All of a sudden, their faces changed at the same time.

At this time, this place, dare to move around at night, only the beast living here!


At the same time, a faint breath sound came from the forest.

Although the sound is very low, almost everyone heard it because of the terrible quiet of the woods.

And it is mammals that can breathe!

"God, wouldn't it be ..."

Lina looked at the dark trees and Chen Xu again, with a frightened expression on her face.


Chen Xu made a silent gesture, throwing the snakeskin into the fire, while holding up the tree thorns, squatting up, ready to respond to emergencies at any time!

But after waiting for more than ten seconds, there was still no sign of any creature getting out of the bush.

Just at this time.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two consecutive vibrations came from his and Lena's wrists.

The two of them hurriedly raised their bracelets and glanced at them. The red "59" digits flashed continuously, and finally turned into "57"!

Eliminated two people at once!

"I'm afraid that they have met really large predators."

Seeing that the movement in the bush hadn't heard for a long time, he was relieved and slowly sat down.

Until now, Lina's complexion was still a bit scared.

She finally arrived, why Chen Xu is so cautious, because when you really foresee the big carnivores walking towards you, you will find that you can't do many things, the only thing you can do is to wait weakly.

Or ... wait for death!

"Let's rest first, there is still a lot to do tomorrow!"

Chen Xu added a lot of firewood to the fire, and then prepared to drill into the shack.

On the ground of the shack, Lina was carefully covered with a lot of weeds and dead leaves. Although she still had some skin tied, it was at least much better than sleeping directly on the ground.

Lina glanced, without hypocrisy, or perhaps the Americans were not so closed to social relations and lay directly beside Chen Xu.

From the perspective of survival, this is actually the best way to save the body temperature of two people in the field.

"So far, this should be the biggest benefit of this show to male guests!"

"It's over, the sister-in-law is going to be green!"

"Manual Ait Luyao's sister-in-law!"

"I want to join this show too, sister, I'm cold!"


Seeing the two posted so close, many audiences smirked and made various barrage bullets.

Chen Xu did not think so much.

Not to mention that this is a live broadcast, even if only two of them, just ask, lying in such a deep mountain old forest, underneath are all weeds, there are frequent insects around, and there may be beasts at any time.

Who wants to think about those men and women?

No results overnight.

But in the world outside Argentina, especially Las Vegas, Macau, Thailand and other countries and countries where the gambling industry is legal, it is because "The Original Survival Game ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ almost turned upside down.

Many large casinos have taken a fancy to the prospects of this program, and even made a large screen for watching live broadcasts, or a special VIP viewing room to bet on buyers at any time.

Of course, the betting odds vary according to the time.

Among them, when the game just announced the team list, the betting ratio is the highest, and betting in the game requires a high handling fee. The specific amount depends on the situation and the price varies.

At present, the casino's total bet amount is ranked first with a British white man named Risso and a senior Australian nurse.

Yes, the combination of Chen Xu and Lena is not the first.

Not only is not the first, the two did not even enter the top five.

This is not because the two of them are not strong in comprehensive ability, but they do not know where the big brothers have come from. The combination of Chen Xu and Lena has a serious flaw! 8)

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