Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 826: Green and green

This is the first time that Chen Xu has seen the airdrop material support package for the show group.

The entire package is a square army green tarpaulin bag of only four or fifty centimeters, wrapped with army green umbrella rope, and connected to a small army green parachute.

On the side of the tarpaulin bag, a khaki-colored thing, much like a firecracker, should be a device that emits a red signal smoke.

At this point, the backpack has been opened and the contents should have been taken away.

However, for so many survivors who have nothing, let alone the contents inside, that is, the outer tarpaulin bag, umbrella rope, and even parachute are very valuable resources.

The tarpaulin bag can be used as a backpack, the umbrella rope can be used as a rope, the parachute can be placed on the top of the shed to shelter the rain, and it can also be used to prevent mosquitoes, etc ...

So, among this group of people, a black man wearing a military green vest and a white woman with blond hair were holding each other by the side of an airdrop backpack, arguing:

Blonde woman: "Let go, this is what we discovered first!"

Black man: "Oh, don't be unreasonable, I pick it up first ..."

Chen Xu's appearance interrupted the latter's words at the same time, and at the same time, everyone looked away.

"Chen Xu?"

Coincidentally, one of these five or six people was Kakili, "It's so coincident that I can meet you here!"

She should be with her teammates, the white man with a little baldness next to her.

"It's a coincidence!"

With a corner of his mouth, Chen Xu said with a smile, and walked towards them.

After all, the two are friends. Although they are opposites of interest, there is no need to talk.

"Hello, I'm Edson!"

The man saw Chen Xu come over and said hello.

Chen Xu nodded and asked what happened here.

The two came early, but Kakili was still one step behind, and happened to see a shadow escape into the jungle. It should be the first person to **** the items in the airdrop backpack.

The rest was the blonde woman who was running towards the airdrop backpack, but did not expect to be caught by the black man first.

So the two argued.

"The setting of not being able to attack the survivor is too disgusting, otherwise the woman would never **** the black!"

"A little bit of a good mind? If you only know how to fight, you won't discuss the split first, and then follow each other to find the camping point. Like Ye Xu, wouldn't it be better to find a chance to take care of your home?"

"Survival depends on both the mind and the brain!"

"Xu Ye's fate is so good, there is a beautiful lady who talks wherever she goes!"

"The **** just finished green, and Lina changed it again and it turned green again!"

"Hahaha, look at the expression of that bald man, full of jealousy!"

Just when Chen Xu was exchanging information with Kaiji Li, at this time, his wild behavior suddenly felt as if someone had been staring at himself.

After scanning around, he saw that a white man in his forties, not far away, was frowning, constantly watching his wrist.

Exactly, not the wrist, but the thing he was holding.

Because everyone is wearing vests and shorts, no coats, no backpacks, nothing can be hidden, and can only be held by hand.

Chen Xu is no exception. He stole the bow piece and was holding it with the tree thorn in his right hand, trying to cover it with a tree stick.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered ...

and many more!

He looked at the big white man, in his forties, different from American liberalism. He had a typical British temperament. Did he say ...

While Chen Xu was thinking, the white uncle suddenly walked towards him, and said while walking, "Hello, may I ask your hand ..."


After confirming the information in Chen Xu's head, he did not wait for the white man to finish speaking, suddenly turned around and ran towards the jungle.

So suddenly, even Kakili was startled: "Chen Xu, what's the situation?"

The audience was also there, unknown.

Seeing this, the white man stunned for a moment, and then shouted, "Stop!"

Beside, the others were dumbfounded, with a grimace.

Inside the bush.

Chen Xu kept running fast in the forest.

Until then, the audience finally knew that Xu Ye was discovered by the bow master:

"23333, Ye Xu was found stealing!"

"It's not necessary to run, isn't the show crew not allowed to attack each other?"

"You're stupid, this bow is so precious, that person must hate Grandpa Xu very much, and follow you to find your campsite, sooner or later, you will get revenge!"

"Following? Home is gone!"


Although Chen Xu's terrain is unfamiliar and barefoot, he is at least half the age of a white man.

Physically, the other party cannot be better than him.

Therefore, after five minutes of running, the white man was completely thrown away by Chen Xu.


Under a huge giant cedar trunk, Chen Xu was holding the bark and panting gaspingly. "Fortunately, the response is fast. This white uncle is experienced and hunting, but he cannot find my family."

"So, when I ran, I chose the North. When people are in danger, they will subconsciously choose a safe direction to escape, and the safest direction is the direction of home."

"The probability of this incident is as high as 90% among animals, such as the goats I encountered in Devil City, and 60% among humans, so I chose North and deliberately confused he."

"Because this man is an old hunter, if he didn't gain in the north, he would guess my mind, knowing that I was deliberately choosing the wrong direction to protect the camping site."

"According to crisis psychology, when a person subconsciously protects something, he often chooses the most opposite answer, and the opposite position in the north is south, so he falls into my trap again. In short, at least in the short term, he should We couldn't find our campsite in the east direction ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After listening, the audience looked dull.

Well, this Nima is full of details!

One escape ran out of so many things. Ask people, in that case, who would think so much.

Chen Xu can do it.

With the Platinum Jedi Survival, he can maintain a calm and analytical ability no matter how critical the situation is.

There is no way, from the aspects of traps, hunting bows, and camp layouts, it can be concluded that this white uncle is definitely a master.

If he didn't make a bit of a plan to escape, he would really be followed, but some would suffer!

It ’s not that Chen Xu is really afraid of him, but in the early stages of survival, this important moment of laying the foundation, if someone calculates you at all times, it will definitely delay the development process. In the end, you can only lag behind other people, and may even lose out! 8)

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