Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 837: Fishing expert? (Come on!)

Immediately after, the number "55" was displayed before, and after a while flashing, it became "54".

Another person was eliminated.

Chen Xu didn't think too much, and continued to run towards his home.

After more than an hour.

That is more than two in the afternoon in Argentina.

He finally returned to the camp.

"how about it?"

Seeing that it was Chen Xu, Lina put down the tree stick in her hand, let out a sigh of relief, and followed up with a question.

Maybe it was the shock of the previous bracelet elimination that made her a little worried.

"Good harvest, I grabbed the airdrop!"

Chen Xu explained to her her experience at noon while taking out chocolate candies, oilcloth bags and other items from her pocket.


After seeing the Kaba BK22 survival knife, Lena shined her eyes. She served in the US Army and of course knew the power of the Kaba series of knives.

"How is your hand recovering?"

After putting away the saber, Chen Xu cared.

"It's okay, it's no longer bleeding, and it is estimated that scabs will start tonight."

Lina gave him a look at the aloe next.

At this time, in the distant sky, there was a loud noise suddenly:


Everyone was stunned and thundered?

Chen Xu looked up at the sky and frowned slightly: "It should be raining, Lina, you should move the fire and items to the shack as soon as possible, be sure to prepare more dry branches and wood, and then check the roof To see if there is any damage. "

"it is good!"

Lena nodded immediately. "Are you going out?"

"Go and see by the stream. Neither of us is eating yet. This is the time when the school of fish is active. I will try my luck!"

So Chen Xu took down the parachute, carried a tarpaulin bag, and left the camp.

Needless to say, this rainy day in Argentina is really terrible.

This front foot is still bright and sunny, and the heat is hot.

Two minutes later, when he appeared by the stream, it became overcast.

When you reach the valley, your vision is even wider.

Through the drone lens, the audience saw a gray dark cloud on the east sky moving towards the west side.

As a prelude to the storm, as soon as the low-pressure group arrived, the surrounding temperature began to drop rapidly, and the originally calm trees began to blow a small amount of wind.

Chen Xu held her arms and rubbed them back and forth, as if to make her body warmer.

Then he started to go into the water, watching the fish in the stream.

As the middle and lower reaches of the creek, the water level here only reached the position below his knees, destined to be no big fish.

The stream is very clear, and the audience can see the bottom at a glance.

After dozens of seconds passed, a few small fish really came up from the bottom of the water and flipped up and down on the water surface.

But the point is that these little fish are really too small, it is estimated that each is only three or four centimeters, the same size as the little finger, it is purely a little cub, and it is not enough for people to stuff their teeth.

Chen Xu smiled bitterly, "At this time, don't pick fat and thin, some will eat well!"

Some viewers don't understand, even if they can eat, it is not easy to catch these small fishes?

They are not like those big fish that can use harpoons or hooks. Even if they are caught by hand, it is difficult to catch them. Small fish are much more flexible than big fish.

Calculated in this way, it is laborious and time-consuming, and can not catch a few.

As he said before, it's all about giving far more than gain, and it's "loss trading."

Who knows, Chen Xu cornered his mouth, took out the tarpaulin bag, and laughed: "So, I brought it here intentionally. Since the fault tolerance rate is too low, we can use it. The area is larger than the hand!"

Seeing him pointing at himself, the audience thought it was a tarpaulin bag on him.

Someone suddenly responded, Xuye wanted to use the oilcloth bag as a fishing net bag!

However, some viewers also raised doubts. The tarpaulin bag is waterproof. When it is placed in the water to close the net, not only the resistance is large, but there will also be a water impact, and the fish will all run away from the water. How to catch it?

You know, fishing nets are all perforated, just for good water permeability, fast net closing, no water impact.

Who knows, Chen Xu even laughed and immediately grabbed her underwear and said, "I'm talking about it, not a linoleum bag!"


"This thing can also be used as a fishing net?"

"The front and back of the vest are connected, is it possible to pull up and down horizontally? This is not easy to control?"

"23333, maybe Grandpa Xu wants to stun the little fish with a vest!"

"Yu Xu: Eat my ultimate mystery of salty fish!"

Just as the audience laughed at him with a barrage, Chen Xu took off his vest and hit a knot in the lower body.

Such a simple step blocked everyone's mouth at once.

"It's very simple, as long as the bottom of the vest is a single section, it is equivalent to a closed bag, and because the vest is very breathable, so the resistance in the water is very small, using it as a fishing net bag, no problem at all ! "

Chen Xu smiled, and immediately pulled a shoulder strap of the vest into the stream, and then slowly approached the place where there were many fish.

After approaching a similar distance, he suddenly slammed it tightly and quickly pulled out the vest. The stream immediately flowed out of the numerous vent holes, and then gave the audience a glance.

Huh! There are actually three little fishes!

Subsequently, Chen Xu poured them directly into the tarpaulin bag. The three small fish kept jumping around in the bag, but with their size, they wanted to jump out.

At this time, an audience member asked a question, why not bring the parachute directly. If you ligate it, the parachute is more than a vest. When the time comes to "close the net", will it not be possible to catch more small fish?

Unexpectedly, he directly shook his head and said, "No parachute. In addition to tear resistance of modern parachute umbrellas, we need high-density weaving. Everyone can think about how to hold the air if the parachute is breathable. Provide deceleration and balance? "

"So although the parachute is not 100% waterproof like tarpaulins, the waterproof effect is still very strong. It is not practical to use as a fishing net, but it is still feasible as a rain cover for shacks!"

After explaining, Chen Xu fished in the water several times with his vest.

Although this method is very effective, this is a stream, not "Fishing Master", and it is impossible to flush out endless fish.

After fishing for more than a dozen, the water gradually ran out.

At this time, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a few drops of water fell on him, and immediately followed, the sounds of "popping" and "popping" sounded around.

"It's starting to rain. Let's go back to camp!"

After speaking, Chen Xu twisted the vest, carried a tarpaulin bag ashore, and quickly returned to the original road.

And as he walked to the campsite, he suddenly found that Lina was sitting on the ground in the shack, next to the fire!

PS: I heard a very sad news today. A book friend passed away. During the dying period, one of the regrets he said during the chat was that he didn't finish reading the book, so his best friend came to reward me. An owner, I hope I can write it down, thank my friend ’s owner, to be honest, I began to hear the news and thought it was a joke, but his friend said that this is true, I ca n’t do much, I can only guarantee to update it later Write a better plot, and thank everyone who likes this book. I hope my story can bring you positive energy and joy. The sun is still far away, but the sun will definitely come.

Zheng Xiao, may you continue your happy life in the parallel world!

Hello, this is Chen Xu!

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