Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 849: Teammates go online

Chen Xu took out less than a pound of raw meat, put it on a branch, and grilled it on a fire.

As for the remaining ones, he was going to smoke them into jerky and save them for later.

After all, I was able to hunt a fox this time, and it took three days to slap them completely by heavy rain. There was a lot of luck in it.

And usually, if you want to hunt more than small and medium-sized creatures during the day, I am afraid it is not so easy!

Therefore, raw meat containing a large amount of animal protein is a very scarce resource.

Unfortunately, it's just sunny today.

Chen Xu's filtered brine in a clay pot in the morning hasn't dried yet, so he can't add it directly to the barbecue.

But even so, after more than ten minutes passed.

A strong scent of roasted meat slowly drifted out along the fire, and penetrated into his nose, the aroma was very fragrant.

Even when Lina smelled it, she became more energetic.

After half an hour, the barbecue had all turned into a tantalizing scorching red, and there was a glittering gleam of oil on it.

However, after two people have not eaten serious food for more than three consecutive days, the esophagus is very weak, and if they gobble up, it is easy to break the esophagus.

Therefore, Chen Xu and Lina both chewed slowly.

When they finished eating the barbecue, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still no helicopter sound coming from above the sky.

Is there still no airdrop support materials today?

Still, the point where the supplies were placed was too far away from me, I didn't hear ...

Chen Xu frowned, sitting in the shack, looking at the map in his hand, and began to ponder the next survival plan.

The audience saw that the symbols on the white paper map have changed again:

It was where he met the Bobcats this morning.

With a homemade carbon pen, Chen Xu drew a small circle and put a cross on it, indicating that this is the range of the Bobcat's activities, which is very dangerous!

At the top right of the circle, he also marked a small arrow.

No one thought that this turned out to be the general direction of Bob Sen's camp, and it was listed as the focus of attention.

"Bob Sennengcai was rough and rough, he took out 15 mangoes to trade raw meat with me at one time, and he was willing to pay one as a‘ deposit ’, indicating that where they were camping ...”

"There should be a lot of wild fruit resources, but the lack of wildlife, or even if there is, is protected by the Washington Convention and cannot be hunted."

Beside, Lina was lying in bed to rest.

The supplementation of a large amount of animal protein has made her look a lot better, and it is estimated that it will not be long before the body fully recovers.

She listened to Chen Xu's analysis, stretched her neck and glanced at the map, and almost didn't startle her chin.

The entire piece of white paper marked all resource points and survivors within 4 kilometers north of the campsite.

"Oh my god, Chen, you have a tactical look, and you can almost catch up with the Delta Commanders!"

The Delta Special Forces, known as the First Special Operations Contingent of the United States Army Special Forces, is the most mysterious in the United States, and it is also the largest, most well-equipped, and most abundant force in the world.

Lina served in the United States Army, and naturally knew the power of this force, which was the top trump card for terrorists in the United States.

Chen Xu pursed his lips, "It's just more of a 'sustainable development' ..."

"There is a fundamental difference between forty days of survival and twenty days of survival. The latter can only survive by relying on physical fitness and eating a little food with water."

"But the former doesn't work. There is no stable food source. Weak physical ills will accumulate more and more. In the last ten days, one outbreak will go straight to GG, so the analysis of macro resources is important.

"Based on my calculations, the resources near here are enough for us to support 10 to 15 days ..."

Lina didn't expect Chen Xu to think so far.

The audience also looked at him with admiration.

Most people seek survival by following the three points of "water, food, and shelter", and when and when.

And Chen Xu not only looked for these three points, he would also pay attention to resources in other positions on this basis for alternatives.

"You mean, after 15 days, we have to move?"

Lina asked a silly question.

Moving is for sure.

The reason she asked that was because she was reluctant to go to this camp.

After all, it took too much energy for the two of them, and it took so many days to build such a solid shack, and set up four security traps.

If you move, everything will start from scratch.

"It will be too late to move it by then. In these few days, I will start to feel the upstream of the brook and the location in the southwest. If I find a good resource point, I will start to build a little every day.

Chen Xu looked at the map and pointed his finger at the blank location on the map. This is the only area he hasn't detected yet.

"However, before we do, we have to hold these known resources in our hands!"

The so-called "known resources" are naturally those who survive.

Lena's mouth cornered. "We are very deficient in vitamins to increase our resistance now. When I recover tomorrow, go and see around Bob Sen's camp ..."

"it is good."

Chen Xu was very relieved.

At least, the hard work he has done for his teammates in these days has not been wasted. "Tomorrow I will set up some traps in several beast paths and the point of the creek, and strive for a while for us to move!"

"666, Grandpa's female teammates are online!"

"I have a hunch, then all these survivals around Grandpa Xu will end ..."

"Stealing home?"


As the barrage said, Chen Xu and Lina were indeed preparing to "steal home".

Otherwise, with the remaining less than a kilo of bacon and the unknown hunting results, it is simply impossible for the two to live for 15 days!

In the afternoon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Xu started weaving trumpet traps in the camp, and kept them for future use.

Compared to Beast Trail, he felt that the success rate of fishing was higher.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, he also made a straw hat for himself with waste grass.

With this thing, when walking along the valley, you don't have to be afraid of sunburning your skin.

Before evening.

Chen Xu went out of the camp again to find food, and by the way practiced the shooting accuracy of the English hunting bow.

Nature is fair.

When Africans have the enviable physique of Asians, Asians also have the ingenuity far ahead of other races.

Especially Huaxia people have always been the top in the world in small physical skills such as diving, table tennis, badminton, and archery! 8)

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