Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 851: I seem to have met him

Crocodile with red scales!

This is the first time the audience has met!

Because it is so handsome!

Looking at the barrage of "handsome and handsome" on the screen, Chen Xu answered: "This should not be a crocodile. In theory, crocodiles generally attack and hunt in the water. Dark skin. "

"Of course, it is not ruled out that it has a genetic mutation, if that is the case, it is very rare ..."

For him, the red crocodile is not exciting enough.

What is really exciting is the resources here!

At a glance, Chen Xu saw many traces of biological activities, such as crocodiles, such as pythons.

While they represent danger, they actually prove one thing:

There are many edible creatures here!

"It seems that we found the treasure ..."

Chen Xu narrowed his eyes and told his audience one by one.

Afterwards, he started to walk along the small river, looking for a suitable place on the shore for the construction of Shinjuku.

Because the river here is too turbulent, and there are many swamps on the shore, which is not suitable for human survival.

About half an hour of kung fu, he walked through the jungle.

After a grove of trees, a lake that was not large but not small was found.

The water in the lake is a bit muddy, and it looks just like the water in the tropical rainforest of Borneo.

But it can be seen from the water ripples above that it is living water.

Chen Xu vaguely saw several shadows from the water, indicating that there should be living creatures in the lake.

Living water, food, flat land by the lake.

Almost everything here in the campsite should be perfect!

"Just here!"

Chen Xu's mouth turned a little, obviously a little excited.

Because, if there are no other survivors in the vicinity, the resources displayed in the immediate vicinity are enough for the two to survive for 20 days or even longer!

What is this concept?

7 days, plus 15 days, plus 20 days, almost completed the 45-day survival time required by the program group.

In other words, if the move is successful, the two will have the basic conditions to live to the end!

"Let ’s first look at what resources are nearby, and then study the specific construction method of the campsite!"

While talking, Chen Xu began to surround the lake and look around.

Fortunately, the resources here are much richer than the jungle under the waterfall, such as small trees and vines, almost no effort to find.

"There is still a small piece of bamboo ..."

He looked at the yellow-green bamboo growing in the trees in front of him, and nodded subconsciously, "These are enough for us to build a very strong camp ..."

When Chen Xu talked about the end, suddenly, a long-lost propeller sound came from the sky:

"Da Da Da Da ..."

Needless to say, the airdrop support package for the program group is coming!

So he hurried out of the jungle and came to the bank of the river.

Take a look.

Around the sky on the southern slope, there is a moving green dot, which is the helicopter responsible for the airdrop.

"This distance is a bit far away ..."

Chen Xu hesitated.

Judging from his visual distance at this height, it is at least 10 kilometers away from the point where the helicopter is currently dropped.

10 kilometers, the shuttle from the jungle takes at least 4 hours.

If climbing is added, it will increase to more than 5 hours. In this way, even if the airdrop is 100%, it will have to stay until about 5 pm.

If you return to the camp from the airdrop, it will take another 4 hours, and it will be dark at 9 o'clock in the evening.

Hurrying up at night is obviously not a wise act.

"This airdrop position is too biased, we have to give up ..."

Although Chen Xu also wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, the airdrop in front of him was too expensive.

So, he decided to give up temporarily, "Let's go back to the camp first and see how Lina's harvest is!"

Time has arrived at noon in Argentina.

From the campsite, the time to come here is about an hour and a half, and it should be the same when you go back.

That is to say, apart from the travel cost, Chen Xu has almost eight hours a day to come here to build a new campsite.

There is plenty of time.

But the premise is that he and Lena have enough food!

It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Xu returned to the campsite, but there was no sign of someone inside. "It seems that she has not returned ..."

An obvious sign: no fire in the fire.

He threw some dry tree sticks in it.

As for the earthen jar placed under the sun, after two days of exposure, the water inside was finally evaporated, revealing a thin layer of white crystals.

It's salt!

After a few days of filtering, it is finally edible.

Chen Xu tapped gently with his little finger and sucked it in his mouth.

At the next moment, there was a jump on his face. Obviously, the long-lost, salty taste made his taste buds and spirits excited.

At this time, the bushes were shaking.

Along the way, a foreign blonde woman wearing a gray vest and black shorts was drilled from the inside.

Chen Xu's pupil shrank and subconsciously touched Kaba BK22 in his waist.

But the familiar dress and hair style, and the army green tarpaulin on her back, caused him to immediately stop pulling the knife. "Are you ... Lina?"

The reason why he can say this sentence.

The reason is that the woman in front of her, with her small eyes and high cheekbones, is very different from Lena's original appearance, just like a flat-headed fat fish!


Lina squeaked, "Don't mention, when I was about to return, I encountered a honeycomb, wanted to use smoke, steal some honey, but didn't expect it to be stung by a bee!"

To deal with the bee colony, smoke is a way. As a biological expert, she must know the habits of bees.

But understand it, sometimes, this method is not absolutely effective.

Just like Chen Xu, he was also stung by bees before.

But don't say, the two are swollen and look quite similar!

"23333, isn't this my brother!"

"Consumer deceased anchor, alarm ..."

"This scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I seem to have seen it with Lord Xu!"

"Xu Ye didn't recognize the younger sister, the sword passed, the game is over!"

Perhaps not wanting Chen Xu to laugh at herself, Lina began to open her backpack, preparing to divert everyone's attention, "Although I was stung a few times, my harvest today is amazing ..."

The moment the cloth cover opened, woo!

The first thing that catches my eyes is a large piece of yellow honey crystal that has been smashed from the honeycomb, and below the honey crystal is a dense, yellow-green mango!

This is full of pockets, not to mention more than thirty!

Can be described as a bumper harvest!

"So many mangoes, you ..."

Before Chen Xu finished talking, Lina nodded and said: "Yes, after finding the resource point you gave me, I got all the mangos that can be picked nearby!" 8)

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