Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 856: Wild dog walking

Some viewers were confused.

Since Grandpa Xu attacked and destroyed the camp of the white uncle last time, according to common sense, the average person would choose another location?

In this regard, Chen Xu also agreed.

If his camp was attacked, he will also change location.

But not too far from there!

First of all, a good living resource point is not Chinese cabbage. It is too difficult to find a place with a relatively flat terrain, good concealment, water, and food resources in the depths of the dangerous forest. .

Many survivors often take a day, or even a few days, to find such a place.

The time when the white uncle was attacked by Xuye that day was noon in search of an airdrop.

It is obviously unrealistic to find a new resource point and set up a shelter before dark.

Therefore, the biggest possibility is that they will build a new resource near the resource point.

Another thing that made Chen Xu more certain about this idea was the rockfall trap he encountered last time by the river.

The method of that trap is the same as the giant wood trap near the white uncle's camp.

It is enough to show that the other party's active area is still in the northwest of this mountain forest.

Otherwise, the scope of activities of the two sides may not overlap.

And just when Chen Xu was gone for a long time, all of a sudden, there seemed to be a noisy voice from the trees behind him.

He looked back and the voice stopped immediately.

"It seems that they sent someone to follow me!"

Chen Xu's expression was with some special smile.

Many viewers in the live broadcast were unhappy:

"Sleeping, there is such a dog survivor? Pick something from the back of a person?"

"People's blood books, Guiqiu show group allows survivors to attack each other!"

"The survivors are disgusting. Let Xuye take risks in front, and they take the opportunity to lick the bag!"

"Wild Dog Walk Everyday!"

"Master Xu, hurry up and find a way to get rid of him!"


Compared to the indignation in the barrage, Chen Xu is not very angry. "Relax, my" cheap "is not so easy to occupy!"

After hearing this, many viewers were relieved.

But some people are more worried. After all, the show group does not allow survivors to attack each other.

Really encountering the behavior of humiliating the skin, there is really no good way other than "together."

at the same time.

Behind a tree trunk more than 20 meters away from Chen Xu's location.

Han Mo is hiding behind, following Chen Xu's Dark King.

As the audience in the studio thought, his goal was two points, food, and the England hunting bow on Chen Xu!

Of course, the latter is his main goal.

So he was waiting for the time.

As long as Chen Xu made a mistake and gave him a chance, he would rush up without hesitation, quickly **** the hunting bow, and then find a place where no one would live alone.

That's right, as long as you grab that bow, Hanmo doesn't plan to go back.

Anyway, as long as he has a hunting bow, he no longer has to worry about his food. You should know that the long-range hunting of bow hunting has a much higher success rate than using a wooden gun.

In this way, it is not necessary to follow Il, but it will be a drag.

To put it bluntly, the reason why he chose to cooperate with Yier and listen to his command was to fancy the fishing net on him and bring food.

Ten o'clock in the morning in Argentina.

Chen Xu walked for more than two kilometers, and finally came near the place where he had found the white uncle's camp before.

It can be seen that the original shack is still there, but it has been evacuated, even including the wooden planks that were crushed by his feet.

This further confirms his previous judgment.

Because if the two white uncles really choose to find new resource points, there is no need to take away these broken trees and stubs, which would be too laborious.

So, their camp is not far from here!

The fan search is still the same as the old method.

With the old campsite as the center, Chen Xu began to radiate outwards in circles. The goal focused on the traces of activities. I am the most adorable.

This is still very easy to find.

What's more, human beings are also large mammals, and their weight and body shape are all there. As long as they don't actively cover it, they can leave a few obvious footprints on the grass as long as they move around a few times.

And behind him.

Han Mo watched with aggression on his "circle in place" operation.

But he didn't think too much, as long as the person didn't lose it, he could do whatever he wanted!

Ten minutes later, Chen Xu finally found many human footprints in the southwest of the old camping site, 30 meters away.

So he started to follow this line, looking all the way down.

Behind him, Hanmo continued to follow.

It wasn't until he saw the traces of the camp that he realized that the kid wasn't looking for food, but was looking for the camps of other campers, ready to "sneak"!

Thinking of this, Han Mo hastened his pace, he felt that his "opportunity" might be coming.

Moreover, even if stealing the hunting bow is unsuccessful.

While Chen Xu stole the house, he might be able to take advantage of it!

On the other side, Chen Xu continued to move forward along the footprints ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the more he walked, the slower his pace, after all, he was almost injured by a giant wood trap before, and the experience of "middle in the middle" by the river, But I still remember it!

This white uncle is so good at heavy-duty traps that he has been demolished once before. This time, he will definitely strengthen the trap defense against the superb poison doctor princess.

Therefore, he had to be careful so as not to make another move.


Just as he was about to poke away the trees in front of him, suddenly a vine around the rhizome attracted him.

Because it's too straight down with the vine.

Although some wild grass and dead leaves were scattered around to cover it, such a straight shape is still too unnatural. No doubt, this is the mixing line that triggers the trap mechanism!

"Hey ... this trap is poisonous!"

Looking at the source of the mixing line, Chen Xu saw that there were a fence-like, spike-like trap above the two tree trunks.

As soon as the mixing line is triggered, the spikes on the fence will quickly fall down.

With such a large area, it is estimated that even the dodge position has been calculated.

Even if the person in the trap responded and flew immediately, at least he would be injured in an arm or leg.

"Lying trough, such a big trap, how did it get so high?"

"It's all tree sticks, shouldn't it be heavy?"

"It's too poisonous. Xu Ye ’s trap can be adjusted to an angle. It can only be seriously injured, not fatal. And this trap is very likely to kill someone?"


Chen Xu glanced at the trap, his mouth bent, "It should be the person behind me that made a difference!"

Having said that, in the eyes of the audience, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the trap! Be free to read the latest chapter of "Live in the Wild Challenge Claw Book House" for the first time.

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