Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 871: Dog biting dog

To lure a cougar.

Chen Xu made almost all possible mistakes!

Then, after hearing this voice, George Teti could not help but feel a chill in his spine, from the heel to the scalp, along the whole body.


Definitely a cougar!

In North America, the three most terrible beasts are the brown bear, the North American wolf, and the mountain lion!

As an American, George Teti certainly understands the horror of this creature!

Although it is not as big as a brown bear, it is a more trembling creature than a brown bear!

Because it is a high explosive, highly flexible creature.

Fast running speed and strong jumping ability, can jump from the big tree or cliff of 12 ~ 13 meters, jump up to 6 meters, and jump to 13 meters!

That is.

Prey within 20 meters, it only needs to jump twice to complete the hunt!

On average, the North American Police Department receives more than 200 mountain lion attacks every year, and the proportion of severe injuries exceeds 30%.

Before joining the show, as early as in the show, a mountain lion killing had just occurred in Washington. Two cyclists were attacked, one dead and one seriously injured.

Among them, the dead was fatal with a blow!

In the presence of a gun, George Tethy will not be afraid of the Cougar, but now he only has a dart from the airdrop, which is not enough to fight this top killer.

Although, with his strength, the possibility of death is small, there is a great chance that he will be seriously injured.

In case it is eliminated, it is too much to lose!

I glanced at Chen Xu, who was still running, and the wounds on his arm. George Tethy's eagle eyes were frozen, he gritted his teeth, stopped his foot, and began to retreat slowly:

Chen Xu, you are cruel!

At this moment, he understood the meaning behind Chen Xu's series of actions.

However, the mountain lion, which belongs to the method of "killing one thousand enemies and self-damaging eight hundred," attracted Xu Xu himself, but also risked being attacked.

Moreover, this probability is obviously more than that of George Teti himself, because he has a wound and a **** smell!

Here, Chen Xu walked around the trees.

I took a moment to look back behind him and found that George Tethy had disappeared, "Who ... he seems scared!"

Immediately after the words came out, he stopped and leaned against an arbor trunk. While staring at the surroundings, he opened his backpack, took out the honey, and quickly applied it to the wound.

"Forcing George Teti, we have to find a way to shake off the puma. The **** smell on my arm is too strong. I have to cover it first. It is a good idea to apply honey."

"Wild honey has a thick texture and is a highly permeable substance. It is also the only food in the world that does not spoil. Honey stored in Egyptian tombs is still edible after thousands of years."

"In medicine, honey is often used to preserve organs. Not only can it isolate the air, but it can also be antibacterial and antibacterial, so it's easy to cover the **** smell on my wounds!"

A few words, Chen Xu said very quickly.

The audience only saw Xuye like this in the live broadcast in South Africa.

Alas, at that time, he was facing a group of anti-poaching soldiers.

And now, he is just facing a beast!

"嗷 ——!"

At this time, a harsh, sharp hissing sound came from the jungle.

"In the Northeast!"

Chen Xu immediately determined the position of the cougar, and immediately took out the hunting bow to tie the string. "It can't smell blood, so it scares me with sound. This is their common technique to panic prey."

"Let's run out of its territory as soon as possible, and then find a place with water and wash off the smell from our body."

After saying that, he turned his head and fled south.

Good luck.

About five minutes later, Chen Xu found a small puddle, then jumped in, and sprinkled all the water except for the wound with honey.

I was like this, by quickly and cautiously, he finally escaped the puma hunt!

"It feels like Ye Xu is not messy when he runs away, calm and decisive, so handsome!"

"Fortunately, Grandpa Xu is a positive energy anchor. If this is a crime, it is estimated that few people in the world can catch him?"

看了 "After watching Xu Ye's operation, I decided to buy a jar of honey and try it!"

蜂蜜 "Honey won the MVP of the audience, is it OK?"

旭 Chen Xu breathed a few times and stared at the rear, "I don't know, I can't find the traces of my way all the way, can George Tethy."

一 As soon as this sentence was spoken, the audience immediately thought:


George Tethy used to be a scout, and his observation power is so strong that he must be able to touch his camp all the way along the trail of escape like Ye Xu.

"The cougar is very powerful. George Tetty doesn't know that I have a way to cover up the **** smell, so most of the time I think I will be attacked by the mountain lion and eventually injured."

"According to the consistent strategic thinking of the U.S. military, at this time it should be a blitz, replaced by our saying, 'While he is ill, kill him', most of the time, he will come to attack my camp tonight!"

"This is a good opportunity to eliminate me, he will not let go!"

旭 Chen Xu bent a corner, showing a smile.

At this time, everyone understands why Grandpa Xu told Miss Lina at first that she would move out immediately when people returned.

It turned out that he had long guessed that George Tethy would follow the trail and sneak in the camp!

But ...

Grandpa Xu finally said, "Can you find it? Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Does he want George Tethy to discover it?

Facing the doubts of the barrage, Chen Xu nodded and said: "Yes, I want George Tethy to find the location of the camp, because when I and Lena evacuated, the Yilts will definitely occupy and annex. my position."

"After all, my shack is better built than theirs, so George Tethy's last sneak attack was actually Ill them!"

Lying down, dog biting dog?

This operation is a bit 666!

"Go back to camp first, time is running out!"

I glanced at the sun, and it was almost half of the west. It was estimated that four o'clock had passed, so Chen Xu put away his hunting bow and began to return quickly.

After all, he and Lina had to move overnight.

Imagine that at first, it would take him at least two hours to walk to the Shinjuku camp lightly, not to mention that now he has to carry a lot of supplies, it will definitely be slower.

So time is tight.

Poke open the bushes.

Chen Xu didn't wait to step in, she saw Lena holding Kabbah's survival knife and stood nervously in front of him.

"So nervous, what's wrong?"

"You're finally back!"

After seeing Chen Xu, Lina's hanging heart finally fell down, "Bob Sen is here in the afternoon. Do you have a holiday with him? I heard that he agreed to help Yier deal with us ! "

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