Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 876: Duan Ye, I'm set!

Chen Xu took a closer look and turned out to be a slender black shadow!

"My God, what a long guy, is it an anaconda?"

"I heard that Mori of the Amazon Rainforest swallowed a person, and it was easy!"

"Fuck, if it's caught, it's long enough to eat?"

"It doesn't feel as thick as Mori, it looks a bit thin, like Huang Yan, funny face ~"


Because the swamp lake is a bit yellow and turbid, it is difficult for everyone to see exactly what this guy looks like.

But the next moment, this dark shadow seemed to want to breathe some fresh air, and suddenly poked his head out of the water.

At the moment of his probe, Chen Xu stared sharply:

"My God! Electric eel!"

Electric eel?

Is that the freshwater fish that will be discharged?

The audience froze, and some people were right, because eel is catfish!

It's the first time we've seen such a big catfish.

After all, the catfish on everyone's desks are at most tens of centimeters long and the thickness of two or three fingers.

But in front of this, light can be seen from the shadow, at least close to three meters, the body is wider than the adult man's palm, a rough estimate, it must be 30 to 40 pounds!

Someone suddenly thought of the top big fish that Xu Ye had encountered in South Asia Borneo before, and couldn't help but sigh again:

The wild species Zhenima is exaggerated!

Facing everyone ’s surprise, Chen Xu shook his head and said, "Electric eel is not an eel. Although the two are very similar, electric eel is actually a close relative of a catfish. In general, eels rarely grow to Such a big body is possible. "

"It is well known that electric eels discharge, and are the freshwater fish with the strongest discharge capacity. The instantaneous output voltage can reach up to 800 volts, which is known as 'high and low electricity in water.' The human body can withstand voltages of only 36 volts!"

"So, an electric eel can easily stun people or even directly die. It has also been selected by National Geographic as one of the most frightening freshwater animals on the planet and belongs to extremely dangerous fish!"

The audience heard:

"Look, a fish is so invincible?"

"Your friend: Yang Yongxin, King of Thunder and Lightning, is online!"

"The power consumer is really great!"

"It's too dangerous, Yeah, let's leave quickly!"

Chen Xu licked his lips and refused: "Although the electric eel is a very powerful creature, its meat is also extremely delicious. Once I can catch this electric eel, it will be enough to improve me and Lina for several days. Meal! "

Then he hurriedly shouted, "Lina, come here! There is something!"


In the camp, Lina, who was busy tying up the trap and mixing the line, heard the greeting and immediately drank, and ran to the lake.


Chen Xu pointed it out.

At the look of Lina, she looked very happy at once: "Oh! What a big eel ..."

And halfway through her words, she suddenly changed her face: "Eel?"

Chen Xu nodded: "I'm going to catch it!"

Suddenly, really want to catch?

This is an electric eel that can kill people!

Immediately, many audiences persuaded Xu Xu to "do not die", "trivial development, do not wave" and so on.

However, some people have an idea. You can use a hunting bow or Indian Tomahawk to shoot it remotely, so you don't have to go to the water and get electricity!

In response, Lina shook her head and said, "No, the electric eel's skull is very hard, and it's so muddy underwater. It's difficult for Chen to guarantee a hit. Once he is scared and let it escape, it will be difficult to encounter again!"

"The safest way is to go under the water to catch. The effective electric shock range of the electric eel is three to six meters, and it can last ten to fifteen seconds. But at this distance, we have no effective equipment at all without being injured. , Limit it! "

"I remember that when a student was studying the subject of electric eel discharge cells before, he had read an article that when the primitive tribe of South America hunted electric eel, they would rush the domesticated animals to the river first."

"By scaring it, let it discharge first, and the Horde Hunter will rush up for hunting during the pause period!"

Chen Xu nodded, "I've heard the story you told, but we don't have domesticable animals now, but I have a way to let you go down ..."

Before this sentence was finished, the barrage in the live room immediately exploded:

"Uncle, Lord Xu, you are a little bit dog! Is it possible that you want your sister to fight the damage first for you?"

"How about spraying after listening? Do you think Grandpa Xu is as brainless as you?"

"Is Xuye floating, or am I dazzled? Even the electric eel dare to catch it!"

"The wife played this game for 5 minutes, and actually swallowed a level 40 dragon, successfully turned into a thunderbolt, and the combat power soared 500!"

"Ye Xu: I'm sure of this paragraph! **** can't keep it, I said!"


In the broadcast room, the barrage said everything.

Chen Xu looked at the black line and immediately said, "I'm not letting Lina go down to receive electricity for me, but letting Lina help me drive it over!"

"In the Argentine waters, the electric eel belongs to the top food chain, and general evictions will not cause it to panic."

"My method is very simple. Let Lina drive it to the edge of the swampland, and then I use a shuttle dart to hit it with a shot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and fix it in the mud."

"As long as the last moment, Lena is 6 meters away from the electric eel, she will not have a big problem, and I, because it is closer to the shore, can also jump back to the shore as soon as the electric eel discharges!"

Although this method sounds a bit dangerous.

But it is indeed one of the most secure methods at present!

Lina nodded directly: "Okay, tell me what to do!"

Chen Xu froze, she did not expect that she agreed so quickly.

Although this method is really not dangerous, after all, people have the fear, they will always be afraid that the electric eel will suddenly attack themselves and discharge.

Lena did this, almost as if she had given her life!

"Sister Miss is so brave!"

"This is a good teammate!"

"Being brought down for so long, it's time to do something for Xuye, just catch a fish!"

"Just catch a fish? Oh, I'll give you ten thousand and let you launch the eel for me, do you dare? Keyboard Man!"


When the audience admired Lina's courage, she had taken off her straw shoes and started walking into the swamp lake.

Watching her step into the dim water, teenage fans became nervous.

Not to mention the electric eel, they dare not just let them enter the water.

"Relax, as long as it doesn't move too much, it won't attack you!"

While staring at the shadow of the electric eel, Chen Xu opened her mouth and directed Lina.

Time passed minute by minute.

At this point, Lina had reached the depths of the swamp lake, and following his instructions, she began to approach the electric eel slowly.


Just as she was approaching, the electric eel suddenly twisted her tail and swam towards Lina!

PS: The new book has been released for review, "Reconstruction of Dinosaur Island", I hope everyone supports it!

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